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1 package pay_au_payment_summary_magtape as
2 /* $Header: pyaupsm.pkh 120.6.12010000.2 2008/08/06 06:50:56 ubhat ship $*/
4   level_cnt  number;
6   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
7     -- These are PUBLIC procedures are required by the Archive/Magtape process.
8     -- Their names are stored in PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_MAPPINGS_F so that
9     -- the archive process knows what code to execute for each step of
10     -- the archive.
11   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
13   procedure range_code
14       (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
15        p_sql               out NOCOPY varchar2);
17     procedure assignment_action_code
18       (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
19        p_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
20        p_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
21        p_chunk              in number);
23      procedure initialization_code
24            (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type);
26      procedure archive_code
27            (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_assignment_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
28             p_effective_date        in date);
31   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
32 -- These cursors are used to retrieve data and pass it to formulas.
33   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
35   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
36   -- PUBLIC cursor to select Supplier data.
37   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
38    cursor supplier_details_val IS -- (Bug 3132178) Created to be called for spawned process
39        select  'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
40                 ppac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id,
41 	       'TEST_FLAG=P',
42 	       'Y'
43       from    pay_assignment_actions ppac,
44 	      pay_payroll_actions ppa
45        where  ppa.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
46        and    ppac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_PAYROLL_ACTION',ppa.legislative_parameters)
47        AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG',  ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'
48        AND pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG',ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'   /* Added for bug 5257622 */
49        and    ppac.action_status = 'C'
50        and    ppa.report_type = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE_VAL'
51        and    ppa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
52        and    ppa.report_category = 'REPORT'
53        and rownum=1;
56        --(Bug 3132178) Added TEST_FLAG to the cursor which is set to N i.e. this cursor creates Production EFILE
57    cursor supplier_details is
58        select  'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
59                 apac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id,
60 	       'TEST_FLAG=P',
61 	       'N'
62         from    pay_assignment_actions apac,
63                 pay_assignment_actions ppac,
64                 pay_payroll_actions ppa,
65                 pay_assignment_actions mpac,
66                 pay_action_interlocks ppai,
67                 pay_action_interlocks mpai
68          where  apac.assignment_action_id = ppai.locked_action_id
69          and    mpac.assignment_Action_id = mpai.locking_action_id
70          and    ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_Action_id
71          and    apac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)
72          and    ppac.assignment_action_id = mpai.locked_action_id
73          and    mpac.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
74          and    apac.action_status = 'C'
75          and    ppac.action_status = 'C'  /* Bug No : 3288757 */
76          /*Bug 3400521 - Added the following joins to improve the performance*/
77          and    ppa.action_status = 'C'
78          and    ppa.report_type = 'AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
79          and    ppa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
80          and    ppa.report_category = 'REPORT'
81 	 and    rownum=1;
83   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
84   -- PUBLIC cursor to select Legal Employer data.
85   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
86   cursor employer_details_val is	-- (Bug 3132178) Created to be called for spawned process
87   select * from
88   (
90          ppac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id,
91          'FINANCIAL_YEAR_END=P',
92          substr(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR',ppa.legislative_parameters),6,4),
94          substr(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR',ppa.legislative_parameters),1,4)
95 /*Bug 6630375 - removed ETP_PAYER_TYPE */
96 --       ,'ETP_PAYER_TYPE=P',
97 --       ,decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_LUMP_SUM_C_DEDUCTIONS_ASG_YTD',decode(value ,0,null ,null,null, 'P')) etp_payer_type
98   from
99   pay_assignment_actions ppac,
100   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
101   ff_archive_items ff,
102   ff_user_entities fue
103   where  ppa.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
104     and  ppac.action_status='C'
105     and  ppac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_PAYROLL_ACTION',ppa.legislative_parameters)
106     AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG',  ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'
107     	  AND pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG',ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'   /* Added for bug 5257622 */
108     and  fue.user_Entity_id= ff.user_entity_id
109     and  ff.context1= ppac.assignment_action_id
110     and  ppa.report_type = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE_VAL'
111     and  ppa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
112     and  ppa.report_category = 'REPORT'
113 --    order by etp_payer_type
114    )
115    where rownum=1;
118   cursor employer_details is
119   select * from
120   (
121   select /*+ ORDERED */  'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
122          apac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id,
123          'FINANCIAL_YEAR_END=P',
124          substr(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR',ppa.legislative_parameters),6,4),
125          'FINANCIAL_YEAR_START=P',
126          substr(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR',ppa.legislative_parameters),1,4)
127 /*Bug 6630375 - removed ETP_PAYER_TYPE */
128 --       ,'ETP_PAYER_TYPE=P',
129 --       ,decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_LUMP_SUM_C_DEDUCTIONS_ASG_YTD',decode(value ,0,null ,null,null, 'P')) etp_payer_type
130   from
131   pay_assignment_actions mpac, --magtape
132   pay_action_interlocks mpai,
133   pay_assignment_actions ppac, --self printed
134   pay_action_interlocks ppai,
135   pay_assignment_actions apac, --archive
136   pay_payroll_actions ppa,  --self printed
137   ff_archive_items ff,
138   ff_user_entities fue
139   where  mpac.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
140     and  mpac.action_status ='C'
141     and  ppac.action_status='C'
142     and  mpai.locking_action_id = mpac.assignment_Action_id  -- magtapes locking action id
143     and  ppac.assignment_action_id = mpai.locked_action_id  --self printed locked by maghtape
144     and  ppai.locking_Action_id =ppac.assignment_action_id -- self printed has locked archive
145     and  apac.assignment_action_id=ppai.locked_action_id   --archive actionslocked by self printed
146     and  apac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)
147     and  ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_Action_id    --payroll actions for self printed
148     and  ppa.report_type='AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
149     and  apac.assignment_id = ppac.assignment_id
150     and  ppac.assignment_id = mpac.assignment_id
151     and  fue.user_Entity_id= ff.user_entity_id
152     and  ff.context1= apac.assignment_action_id
153 --    order by etp_payer_type
154    )
155 where rownum=1;
156   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
157   -- PUBLIC cursor to select Employee Payment summary data.
158   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
159     /* Bug #6630375 - Added Check for Assignment ID in both ARCHIVE and Magtape assignment actions */
161  cursor payment_summary_data_val is	-- (Bug 3132178) Created to be called for spawned process
162        select  'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
163                  ppac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id
164          from    pay_assignment_actions ppac,
165 		 pay_payroll_actions mpa,
166 		 pay_assignment_actions mpac
167 	  where  mpa.payroll_action_id	= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
168 	  AND    mpac.payroll_action_id = mpa.payroll_action_id /* Added for bug 6630375 */
169 	  AND    mpac.assignment_id = ppac.assignment_id  /* Added for bug 6630375 */
170 	  AND    ppac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_PAYROLL_ACTION',mpa.legislative_parameters)
171       AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG',  ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'
172 	  AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG',ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'   /* Added for bug 5257622 */
173 	  and    ppac.action_status = 'C'
174 	  and    mpa.report_type = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE_VAL'
175 	  and    mpa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
176 	  and    mpa.report_category = 'REPORT'
177 /* Added check for bug 5353402 - Details will be displayed in the Data File only if sum of values of these balances are greater than zero */
178      and    1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
179                      from   ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
180                      where   fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
181                and   fue.user_entity_name in
182                          ('X_ALLOWANCE_1_ASG_YTD','X_ALLOWANCE_2_ASG_YTD','X_ALLOWANCE_3_ASG_YTD',
189                    and   ff.context1= ppac.assignment_action_id
190              )
191 	group by ppac.assignment_action_id;
193  cursor payment_summary_data is  /* 5471093 */
194   select /*+ ORDERED */  'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
195            apac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id
196   from     pay_assignment_actions mpac,
197            pay_action_interlocks mpai,
198            pay_assignment_actions ppac,
199            pay_action_interlocks ppai,
200            pay_assignment_actions apac,
201            pay_payroll_actions ppa
202     where  ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_Action_id
203     and    apac.assignment_action_id = ppai.locked_action_id
204     and    apac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)
205     and    ppai.locking_Action_id = ppac.assignment_action_id  /* 5471093 */
206     and    ppac.assignment_action_id = mpai.locked_action_id
207     and    mpac.assignment_Action_id = mpai.locking_action_id
208     and    mpac.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
209     and    apac.action_status = 'C'
210     and    ppac.action_status = 'C'  /* Bug No : 3288757 */
211     /*Bug 3400521 - Added the following joins to improve the performance*/
212     and    mpac.action_status = 'C'
213     and    ppa.action_status = 'C'
214     and    ppa.report_type = 'AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
215     and    ppa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
216     and    ppa.report_category = 'REPORT'
217     and    apac.assignment_id  = ppac.assignment_id /* 5471093 */
218     and    ppac.assignment_id  = mpac.assignment_id /* 5471093 */
219    /* Added check for bug 5353402 - Details will be displayed in the Data File only if sum of values of these balances are greater than zero */
220      and    1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
221                      from   ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
222                      where   fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
223                and   fue.user_entity_name in
224                          ('X_ALLOWANCE_1_ASG_YTD','X_ALLOWANCE_2_ASG_YTD','X_ALLOWANCE_3_ASG_YTD',
231                    and   ff.context1= apac.assignment_action_id
232              )
233     group by apac.assignment_action_id;
235   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
236   -- PUBLIC cursor to select Employee ETP Payment Summary data.
237   --------------------------------------------------------------------+
238   /* Bug #2113363 - In the User Entity Name, add X_PRE_JUL_83_COMPONENT_ASG_YTD,
240   /* Bug #2581412 - Used ORDERED hint and added few joins to improve performance */
241   /* Bug #4570012 - Added Check for Employee Type in Cursor to ensure only terminated employees are picked */
242   /* Bug #6630375 - Added Check for Assignment ID in both ARCHIVE and Magtape assignment actions */
244   cursor etp_payment_summary_data_val IS    -- (Bug 3132178) Created to be called for spawned process
245         select 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
246                ppac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id
247         from   pay_assignment_actions ppac,
248                pay_payroll_actions mpa,
249                pay_assignment_actions mpac
250         where  mpa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
251         AND    mpac.payroll_action_id = mpa.payroll_action_id /* Added for bug 6630375 */
252         AND    mpac.assignment_id = ppac.assignment_id /* Added for bug 6630375 */
253         AND    ppac.payroll_action_id =   pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_PAYROLL_ACTION',mpa.legislative_parameters)
254         AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG',  ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'
255         AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG',ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'   /* Added for bug 5257622 */
256         and    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_SORT_EMPLOYEE_TYPE',ppac.assignment_action_id) = 'T'
257         and    ppac.action_status = 'C'
258         and    mpa.report_type = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE_VAL'
259         and    mpa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
260         and    mpa.report_category = 'REPORT'
261         and    1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
262                      from   ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
263                      where   fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
264                and   fue.user_entity_name in
265                          ('X_LUMP_SUM_C_DEDUCTIONS_ASG_YTD',
266                           'X_PRE_JUL_83_COMPONENT_ASG_YTD',
267                           'X_POST_JUN_83_UNTAXED_ASG_YTD',
268                           'X_POST_JUN_83_TAXED_ASG_YTD',
269                          'X_INVALIDITY_PAYMENTS_ASG_YTD')
270                    and   ff.context1= ppac.assignment_action_id
271              )
272         group by ppac.assignment_action_id;
274   /* Bug #4570012 - Added Check for Employee Type in Cursor to ensure only terminated employees are picked */
276   cursor etp_payment_summary_data is
277         select /*+ORDERED*/ 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',
278                apac.assignment_action_id ps_report_id
279         from
280                pay_assignment_actions mpac, -- Magtape
281                pay_action_interlocks mpai,
282                pay_assignment_actions ppac,  --Self Printed
283                pay_action_interlocks ppai,
284                pay_assignment_actions apac,  --Archive
285                pay_payroll_actions ppa      --Self Printed
286         where  mpac.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
287         and    mpac.action_status = 'C'
288         and    ppac.action_status = 'C'
289         and    mpac.assignment_Action_id = mpai.locking_action_id
290         and    ppac.assignment_action_id =   mpai.locked_action_id
291         and    ppai.locking_Action_id = ppac.assignment_action_id
292         and    apac.assignment_action_id =   ppai.locked_action_id
293         and    apac.payroll_action_id =   pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)
294         and    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_SORT_EMPLOYEE_TYPE',apac.assignment_action_id) = 'T'
295         and    ppa.payroll_action_id =   ppac.payroll_Action_id
296         and    ppa.report_type = 'AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
297         and    apac.assignment_id  = ppac.assignment_id
298         and    ppac.assignment_id  = mpac.assignment_id
299         and    1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
300                      from   ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
301                      where   fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
302                and   fue.user_entity_name in
303                          ('X_LUMP_SUM_C_DEDUCTIONS_ASG_YTD',
304                           'X_PRE_JUL_83_COMPONENT_ASG_YTD',
305                           'X_POST_JUN_83_UNTAXED_ASG_YTD',
306                           'X_POST_JUN_83_TAXED_ASG_YTD',
307                           'X_INVALIDITY_PAYMENTS_ASG_YTD')
308                    and   ff.context1= apac.assignment_action_id
309              )
310         group by apac.assignment_action_id;
313 end pay_au_payment_summary_magtape;