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Line 1: Package Body ame_rule_api as

1: Package Body ame_rule_api as
2: /* $Header: amrulapi.pkb 120.4 2005/10/21 06:52:00 tkolla noship $ */
3: --+
4: -- Package Variables
5: --+

Line 6: g_package varchar2(33) := ' ame_rule_api.';

2: /* $Header: amrulapi.pkb 120.4 2005/10/21 06:52:00 tkolla noship $ */
3: --+
4: -- Package Variables
5: --+
6: g_package varchar2(33) := ' ame_rule_api.';
7: --+
8: -- getConditionType Function
9: --+
10: -- This is a private function which returns the condition type

Line 1273: if (instrb(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK,'AME_RULE_API.CREATE_AME_RULE' ||fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 10)) = 0)then

1269: --
1271: -- if (instrb(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK,l_swi_package_name||fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 10)) = 0) and
1272: l_create_ame_rule_call := true;
1273: if (instrb(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK,'AME_RULE_API.CREATE_AME_RULE' ||fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 10)) = 0)then
1274: l_create_ame_rule_call := false;
1275: end if;
1276: if not l_create_ame_rule_call and not l_swi_call then
1277: fetchNewRuleDates(p_rule_id => p_rule_id

Line 3901: end ame_rule_api;

3897: p_end_date := null;
3898: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 90);
3899: raise;
3900: end replace_lm_condition;
3901: end ame_rule_api;