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1 PACKAGE BODY jai_cmn_rgm_setup_pkg
2 /* $Header: jai_cmn_rgm_setp.plb 120.4 2007/05/17 05:53:03 csahoo ship $ */
3 as
4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Filename:
7 Change History:
9 Date         Bug         Remarks
10 ---------    ----------  -------------------------------------------------------------
11 08-Jun-2005  Version 116.2 jai_cmn_rgn_setup -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
12 		as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.
14 14-Jun-2005   rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.3
15               Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.
16 16-apr-2007  Vkaranam for bug #5989740,File version 120.2
17              Forward Porting the changes done in 115 bug 5907436(Budget Changes).
18              1.added the p_doc_class in the end of the decode statement in the c_default cursor
20 24-Apr-2007  ssawant for bug#5603661. File version 120.3
21                 1. Cursors which are not closed have been closed
22                 2. Added the following clause to the cursor c_get_prefix_current.
23                    -- FOR UPDATE of current_number
25 16/5/2007		 csahoo for bug#5233925, File Version 120.4
26 						 Forward Porting to R12
27 						 made code changes in the cursor c_rgm_dtl to make it work for unregistered RTV
29 */
30 PROCEDURE Gen_Invoice_Number(
31         p_regime_id                     JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
32         p_organization_id               hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
33         p_location_id                   hr_locations.location_id%Type,
34         p_DATE                          DATE,
35         p_doc_class                     jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class%Type   ,
36         p_doc_type_id                   jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class_type_id%Type,
37         p_invoice_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(100)*/
38         p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(2)*/
39         p_process_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(1100) atleast*/
40 IS
41 lv_prefix                       jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.prefix%Type ;
42 ln_current                      jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.current_number%Type ;
43 ln_end                          jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.end_number%Type ;
44 ln_seq_id                       jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_id%Type ;
45 ln_seq_dtl_id                   jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type ;
46 ln_regnum                       JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS.attribute_value%Type ;
48 CURSOR c_rgm_hdr(p_regime_id JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
49                            p_organization_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
50                            p_location_id hr_locations.location_id%Type ,
51                            p_date DATE
52                            )  IS
54         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs rhdr
55         WHERE rhdr.regime_id            = p_regime_id
56         AND   rhdr.party_id             = p_organization_id
57         AND   rhdr.party_site_id        = p_location_id
58         AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,sysdate) ;
60 CURSOR c_rgm_hdr_regnum(p_regime_id   JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
61                   ln_regnum     JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS.attribute_value%Type,
62                   p_date        DATE
63                   )  IS
64         SELECT rgm_document_seq_id
65         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs rhdr
66         WHERE rhdr.regime_id            = p_regime_id
67         AND   rhdr.registration_num     = ln_regnum
68         AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,sysdate) ;
70 CURSOR c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
71                            p_organization_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
72                            p_location_id hr_locations.location_id%Type,
73 			   p_att_type_code  jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_type_Code%TYPE ,   --rchandan for bug#4428980
74 			   p_att_code       jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_Code%TYPE --rchandan for bug#4428980
75                            )  IS
76                 select attribute_value
77                 from   JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
78                 where  regime_id = p_regime_id
79                 and    organization_id = p_organization_id
80                 and    location_id = p_location_id
81                 and    attribute_type_Code =  p_att_type_code
82                 and    attribute_code = p_att_code  ;
85 CURSOR c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs.rgm_document_seq_id%Type,
86                  p_doc_class  jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class%Type,
87                  p_doc_type_id  jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class_Type_id%Type
88                            )  IS
89         SELECT rgm_document_seq_dtl_id
90         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls   rdtl
91         WHERE rdtl.rgm_document_seq_id          = ln_seq_id
92         AND   rdtl.document_class               = p_doc_class
93         AND   rdtl.document_class_type_id       =   decode(p_doc_class, 'R', -8888,	  'UR', -8888, --csahoo bug 5233925
94                                       p_doc_type_id) ;
96 CURSOR c_default(ln_seq_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type)
97 IS
98         SELECT rgm_document_seq_dtl_id
99         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
100         WHERE rgm_document_seq_id = ln_seq_id
101         AND    document_class      = DECODE(p_doc_class,'O','D','UO','UD','UI','UD','I','D','R','D','UR','UD',p_doc_class);
102       /*added the p_doc_class in the end of the aboive decode statement for bug #5989740 */
104 CURSOR c_get_prefix_current(ln_seq_dtl_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type)
105 IS
106         SELECT prefix,current_number,end_number
107         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
108         WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id
109 	FOR UPDATE of current_number ;   /* Added 'FOR UPDATE OF current_number' by ssawant for bug#5603661 */
112         OPEN c_rgm_hdr(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_date) ;
113         FETCH c_rgm_hdr  into ln_seq_id ;
115         IF c_rgm_hdr%FOUND THEN --header exists for regime,location,organization
116 	close c_rgm_hdr ;-- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
117                 OPEN c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id,p_doc_class,p_doc_Type_id );
118                 FETCH c_rgm_dtl  into ln_seq_dtl_id ;
120                 IF c_rgm_dtl%FOUND THEN
121                    CLOSE c_rgm_dtl;
122                    OPEN  c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
123                    FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
124                    CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
126                    IF  (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1)
127                    THEN
128                 /*
129                 || Coding the ln_current > nvl(ln_end, ln_current+1) to make this check explicitly  false in case the ln_end is NULL
130                 || so it becomes  infinitely applicable
131                 */
132                         p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
133                         p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
134                         p_invoice_number := 0;
135                     ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
136                     THEN
137                         ln_current := ln_current  + 1;
138                         IF lv_prefix is null
139                         THEN
140                                 p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
141                         ELSE
142                                 p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
143                         END IF;
145                         UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
146                         SET  current_number = ln_current
147                         WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
149                         p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
150                         p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
152                     END IF;
153                 ELSE /*
154 		     || This is the else to get the line level default in case the given order / invoice type is not setup
155 		     */
156 		        close c_rgm_dtl;-- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
157                         OPEN c_default( ln_seq_id );
158                         FETCH c_default INTO ln_seq_dtl_id ;
159                         if c_default%FOUND
160                         THEN
161                             CLOSE c_default ;
162                             OPEN c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
163                             FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
164                             CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
166                             IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
167                             THEN
168                                 p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
169                                 p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
170                                 p_invoice_number := 0;
171                             ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
172                             THEN
173                                 ln_current := ln_current  + 1 ;
174                                 IF lv_prefix is null
175                                 THEN
176                                         p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
177                                 ELSE
178                                         p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
179                                 END IF;
181                                 UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
182                                 SET  current_number = ln_current
183                                 WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
185                                 p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
186                                 p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 1';
188                             END IF;
189                         ELSE
190 			    close c_default ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
191                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
192                             p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / organization / location';
193                             p_invoice_number := 0;
194             END IF;
195                 END IF;  /* END IF for detail found */
197         ELSIF   c_rgm_hdr%NOTFOUND THEN
198          /*
199          || Header doesnt exists for such regime,location,organization combination
200          || Check the registration number level settings.
201          */
202             CLOSE c_rgm_hdr ;
203             OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
204             FETCH c_rgm_regnum  into ln_regnum ;
206             IF c_rgm_regnum%FOUND THEN --regime registration num exists
207                 CLOSE c_rgm_regnum ;
208                 OPEN c_rgm_hdr_regnum(p_regime_id, ln_regnum, p_date );
209                 FETCH c_rgm_hdr_regnum  into ln_seq_id ;
211                 IF c_rgm_hdr_regnum%FOUND THEN
212                    CLOSE c_rgm_hdr_regnum;
214                    OPEN c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id,p_doc_class,p_doc_type_id );
215                    FETCH c_rgm_dtl  into ln_seq_dtl_id ;
217                        IF c_rgm_dtl%FOUND THEN
218                           CLOSE c_rgm_dtl;
219                           OPEN  c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
220                           FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
221                           CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
223                           IF  (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1)
224                           THEN
225                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
226                             p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
227                             p_invoice_number := 0;
228                           ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
229                           THEN
230                               ln_current := ln_current  + 1;
231                               IF lv_prefix is null
232                               THEN
233                                  p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
234                               ELSE
235                                  p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
236                               END IF;
238                               UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
239                               SET  current_number = ln_current
240                               WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
242                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
243                               p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
245                           END IF;
246                        ELSE       -- if given doc class doesnt exist for the registration number
247 		         close c_rgm_dtl; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
248                          OPEN c_default( ln_seq_id );
249                          FETCH c_default INTO ln_seq_dtl_id ;
250                          if c_default%FOUND
251                          THEN
252                            CLOSE c_default ;
253                            OPEN c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
254                            FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
255                            CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
257                            IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
258                            THEN
259                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
260                               p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
261                               p_invoice_number := 0;
262                            ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
263                            THEN
264                               ln_current := ln_current  + 1 ;
265                               IF lv_prefix is null
266                               THEN
267                                  p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
268                               ELSE
269                                  p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
270                               END IF;
272                               UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
273                               SET  current_number = ln_current
274                               WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
276                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
277                               p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 2';
279                            END IF;
280                          ELSE /* No Default exists for the registration number level also */
281 			    close c_default;  -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
282                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
283                             p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / registration number level';
284                             p_invoice_number := 0;
285              END IF;
286                        END IF; /*  END IF for No detail exists for the registration number */
288                 ELSE
289                    /*
290 		   || No Setup found for the registration number , hence need to signal an error
291 		   */
292 		   close c_rgm_hdr_regnum ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
293                    p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
294                    p_process_msg:= 'Document sequencing setup not done at  Registration number level ' ;
295                    --registration_num exist for such regime,organization, location combination
296                    --Document sequencing not done though setup form
297                 END IF;
298             ELSE
299 	       close c_rgm_regnum ;  -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
300                p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
301                p_process_msg:= 'Unable to get the registration number for regime +  organization + location ' ;
302                --registration_num doesnt exist for such regime,organization, location combination
303             END IF ;
304          /*
305 						Commented this code for testing purposes.
306 						ELSE   --header doesnt exists for such regime,location,organization combination (or) such registration_num
308 						p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
309 						p_process_msg := 'Document Sequencing Setup not done for this Regime, Location and Organization';
310 						p_invoice_number := 0;
311          */
312          END IF;
315       p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error ;
316       p_process_msg  := 'Exception occurred: ' || SQLCODE || 'Exception Message: ' || substr(SQLERRM,1,1000) ;
318 END Gen_Invoice_Number;
320 end jai_cmn_rgm_setup_pkg;