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Line 25: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;

21: c_proc constant varchar2(60) := 'setRespondedUserCtx';
22: contextUser wf_users.name%type;
23: contextProxyUser wf_users.name%type;
25: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
26: cursor username is
27: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name=contextUser;
28: begin
29: if g_debug then

Line 27: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name=contextUser;

23: contextProxyUser wf_users.name%type;
25: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
26: cursor username is
27: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name=contextUser;
28: begin
29: if g_debug then
30: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
31: hr_utility.set_location('p_item_type:'||p_item_type,2);

Line 65: Functionally we will call apps intialization only if we have valid FND user

61: 3. mail address of the responder not found on any role in the
62: directory service,then context_user = 'email:'
65: Functionally we will call apps intialization only if we have valid FND user
66: and context user does not match the fnd_global.user_name
67: */
69: if(contextUser is not null and substr (contextUser, 1, 6)<>'email:') then

Line 75: -- check if the role is a valid FND user

71: -- check if the role is same as fnd_global.user_name
72: if(contextUser<>fnd_global.user_name) then
73: if(nvl(contextProxyUser,fnd_global.user_name)<>fnd_global.user_name) then
75: -- check if the role is a valid FND user
76: if g_debug then
77: hr_utility.set_location('contextUser and contextProxyUser does not match fnd_global.user_name',7);
78: end if;
79: open username;

Line 83: hr_utility.set_location('found a valid fnd user corresponding to context user',8);

79: open username;
80: fetch username into userId;
81: if username%found then
82: if g_debug then
83: hr_utility.set_location('found a valid fnd user corresponding to context user',8);
84: hr_utility.set_location('calling fnd_global.apps_initialize for userId:'||userId,9);
85: end if;
86: -- call the apps intialization
87: fnd_global.apps_initialize(userId,null,null,null,null);

Line 236: select employee_id into c_return_person from fnd_user where user_name = c_return_user ;

232: IF ( c_return_user IS NULL OR c_creator_user = c_return_user ) THEN
233: c_rfc_initiator := 'Y';
234: ELSE
235: c_rfc_initiator := 'N';
236: select employee_id into c_return_person from fnd_user where user_name = c_return_user ;
237: END IF;
238: --ns end
240: for i in 1..c_all_approvers.count loop