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2 --$Header: JMFRSKUS.pls 120.7 2006/10/11 14:57:50 vmutyala noship $
3 --+===========================================================================+
4 --|                    Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation                  |
5 --|                       Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
6 --|                            All rights reserved.                           |
7 --+===========================================================================+
8 --|                                                                           |
9 --|  FILENAME :           JMFRSKUS.pls                                        |
10 --|                                                                           |
11 --|  DESCRIPTION:         Specification file of the Auto-Receive              |
12 --|                       Subcontracting Components Processor package.        |
13 --|                       This processor automatically receives               |
14 --|                       Subcontracting components for manufacturing         |
15 --|                       outsourced assemblies into the Manufacturing        |
16 --|                       Partner organization, after the predefined          |
17 --|                       in-transit lead time.                               |
18 --|                                                                           |
19 --|  HISTORY:                                                                 |
20 --|    19-MAY-2005        jizheng   Created.                                  |
21 --|    05-OCT-2005        jizheng   Delete the parameter 'p_org_id'           |
22 --|    05-Dec-2005        jizheng   add a new method for back order line      |
23 --|    15-Dec-2005        jizheng   remove full table scan for performance    |
24 --|    15-JUN-2006        THE2      Add locator_id process logic              |
25 --|    25-AUG-2006        THE2      Change process_rcv_interface() parameter  |
26 --|                                 p_line_id to p_lines_id                   |
27 --|    10-OCT-2006        THE2      Change get_supplier_id() from function to |
28 --|                                 procedure                                 |
29 --+===========================================================================+
31 TYPE line_id_tbl IS TABLE OF NUMBER;
34 --==========================================================================
36 --
37 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is the main procedure of this package,
38 --                  it will be run in concurrent program.
39 --
40 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_tp_org_id     inventory org
42 --
43 --              Out:  errbuf     OUT  NOCOPY       varchar2
44 --                    retcode    OUT  NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
45 --
46 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
47 --
48 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
49 --===========================================================================
51 ( errbuf         OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
52 , retcode	       OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
53 , p_tp_org_id    IN         NUMBER
54 );
56 --==========================================================================
57 --  API NAME:  AUTO_RCVEIVE_by_inventory
58 --
59 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is auto receive the SO belong a inventory
60 --
61 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_org_id
62 --                    p_inventory_org_id
64 --              Out:
65 --
66 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
67 --
68 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
69 --===========================================================================
70 PROCEDURE auto_receive_by_inventory
71 ( p_org_id              IN NUMBER
72 , p_inventory_org_id    IN NUMBER
73 );
75 --==========================================================================
77 --
78 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is auto receive the so lines belong  one SO
79 --
80 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_header_id     replenishment SO 's header_id
81 --                    p_inventory_org_id            inventory org id
83 --              Out:
84 --
85 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
86 --
87 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
88 --===========================================================================
89 PROCEDURE auto_receive
90 ( p_inventory_org_id    IN NUMBER
91 , p_header_id           IN NUMBER
92 );
94 --==========================================================================
95 --  API NAME:  validate_ship_from_to
96 --
97 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is validate the ship from and ship to in the
98 --                  replenishment SO line and SO header, if it is same , retrun  1
99 --                  ElSE return 0;
100 --                  the warehouse at line level is same as warehouse at header level
101 --                  the ship-to org is same as MP organiztion
102 --
103 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_header_id     replenishment SO 's header_id
104 --                    p_line_id       replenishment SO 's line_id
105 --                    p_line_ship_from_org_id
106 --                    p_line_ship_to_org_id
108 --              Out:  x_ship_flag     validate flag of ship from to
109 --
110 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
111 --
112 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
113 --===========================================================================
114 PROCEDURE validate_ship_from_to
115 ( p_line_id                  IN         NUMBER
116 , p_header_id                IN         NUMBER
117 , p_line_ship_from_org_id    IN         NUMBER
118 , p_line_ship_to_org_id      IN         NUMBER
119 , x_ship_flag                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
120 );
122 --==========================================================================
123 --  API NAME:  validate_receive_date
124 --
125 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is validate the receive date of SO line receive
126 --                  date and current date, if receive date < = current date then return
127 --                  1 else , return 0
128 --
129 --  PARAMETERS:  In:
130 --                    p_line_id                       in   number
131 --                    p_line_ship_from_org_id         IN   NUMBER
132 --                    p_line_ship_to_org_id           IN   Date
133 --                    p_actual_shipment_date          IN   Varchar2
134 --                    p_ship_method
136 --              Out:  x_date_flag     if receive date <= current date return 1 ,
137 --                                    else return 0
138 --
139 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
140 --
141 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
142 --===========================================================================
143 PROCEDURE validate_receive_date
144 ( p_line_ship_from_org_id   IN         NUMBER
145 , p_line_ship_to_org_id     IN         NUMBER
146 , p_actual_shipment_date    IN         DATE
147 , p_ship_method             IN         VARCHAR2
148 , x_date_flag               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
149 );
151 --==========================================================================
152 --  API NAME:  validate_rcv_error
153 --
154 --  DESCRIPTION:    this procedure avoid process the error line again. if rcv flag
155 --                  return 1 this line is no error , else if return 0 is error.
156 --
157 --  PARAMETERS:  In:
158 --                    p_po_line_id    replenishment PO 's line_id
160 --              Out:  x_rcv_flag      if this po line is rcv error , return  0
161 --
162 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
163 --
164 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
165 --===========================================================================
166 /*
167 PROCEDURE validate_rcv_error
168 ( p_po_line_id    IN         NUMBER
169 , x_rcv_flag      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
170 );
171 */
172 --==========================================================================
173 --  API NAME:  compare_lines_quantity
174 --
175 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is compare the quantity of SO line and PO shipment
176 --                  when one SO header has more than one SO lines, return the different of this
177 --                  two quantity
178 --
179 --  PARAMETERS:  In: p_inventory_org_id      IN    NUMBER
180 --                   p_lines_id              IN    line_id_tbl
181 --                   p_po_header_id          IN    NUMBER
182 --                   p_po_line_id            IN    NUMBER
183 --                   p_po_shipment_id        IN    NUMBER
184 --
185 --              Out:  x_receive_quantity  the different of SO quantity and PO quantity
186 --                    x_uom_code              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
187 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
188 --
189 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
190 --===========================================================================
191 PROCEDURE compare_lines_quantity
192 ( p_so_header_id        IN          NUMBER
193 , p_inventory_org_id    IN          NUMBER
194 , p_lines_id            IN          line_id_tbl
195 , p_po_header_id        IN          NUMBER
196 , p_po_line_id          IN          NUMBER
197 , p_po_shipment_id      IN          NUMBER
198 , p_ship_from_org_id    IN          NUMBER
199 , x_receive_quantity    OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
200 , x_uom_code            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
201 );
204 --==========================================================================
205 --  API NAME:  get_backorder_shipped_quantity
206 --
207 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure can get the back orderer quantity which is shipped
208 --                  by the split from line id
209 --
210 --  PARAMETERS:  In: p_inventory_org_id      IN    NUMBER
211 --                   p_line_id               IN    NUMBER
212 --                   p_so_header_id          IN    NUMBER
213 --
214 --              Out:  x_backorder_shipped_quantity  OUT NUMBER
215 --
216 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
217 --
218 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
219 --===========================================================================
220 PROCEDURE get_backorder_shipped_quantity
221 (p_so_header_id                IN           NUMBER
222 ,p_so_line_id                  IN           NUMBER
223 ,p_inventory_org_id            IN           NUMBER
224 ,x_backorder_shipped_quantity  OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
225 );
227 --==========================================================================
228 --  API NAME:  get_in_transit
229 --
230 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is get the in-transit time by shipping network
231 --
232 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_ship_from_org_id     the ship from org in shipping network
233 --                    p_ship_to_org_id       the ship to org in shipping network
234 --                    p_ship_method
235 --              Out:  x_in_transit           in-transit value
236 --
237 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
238 --
239 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
240 --===========================================================================
241 PROCEDURE get_in_transit
242 ( p_ship_from_org_id    IN         NUMBER
243 , p_ship_to_org_id      IN         NUMBER
244 , p_ship_method         IN         VARCHAR2
245 , x_in_transit          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
246 );
248 --==========================================================================
249 --  API NAME:  get_customer_id
250 --
251 --  DESCRIPTION: To get customer id and customer site id by p_org_id
252 --               in org define module
253 --
254 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_org_inventory_id      IN     NUMBER
256 --              Out:  x_customer_id           OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
257 --                    x_customer_site_id      OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
258 --
259 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
260 --
261 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
262 --===========================================================================
263 PROCEDURE get_customer_id
264 ( p_org_inventory_id    IN          NUMBER
265 , x_customer_id         OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
266 , x_customer_site_id    OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
267 );
269 --==========================================================================
270 --  API NAME:  get_supplier_id
271 --
272 --  DESCRIPTION:    the procedure is get supplier name by p_org_id in org define module
273 --
274 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_sold_from_org_id
276 --             Return : supplier_id
277 --
278 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
279 --
280 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
281 --                  10-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
282 --===========================================================================
283 PROCEDURE  get_supplier_id
284 ( p_sold_from_org_id    IN NUMBER
285 , x_supplier_id         OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
286 , x_supplier_site_id    OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
287 );
289 --==========================================================================
290 --  API NAME:  process_rcv_interface
291 --
292 --  DESCRIPTION: To insert value to rcv_header_interface and
293 --               rcv_transcation_interface
294 --
295 --  PARAMETERS:  In:  p_inventory_org_id          Manufacturing Partner Organization id
296 --                    p_lines_id                  replenishment SOs line id
297 --                    p_po_header_id              replenishment PO header id
298 --                    p_po_line_id                replenishment PO line id
299 --                    p_po_shipment_id            replenishment PO shipment id
300 --                    p_ship_from_org_id          ship from org id
301 --                    p_ship_to_org_id            ship to org id
302 --                    p_receive_quantity          the quantity which should auto receive
303 --                    p_primary_uom_code          primary_uom_code
304 --
305 --  DESIGN REFERENCES:	SHIKYU_AutoReceiving_TD_New.doc
306 --
307 --  CHANGE HISTORY:	18-May-05	Jim.Zheng   Created.
308 --===========================================================================
309 PROCEDURE process_rcv_interface
310 ( p_inventory_org_id    IN NUMBER
311 , p_lines_id            IN line_id_tbl
312 , p_po_header_id        IN NUMBER
313 , p_po_line_id          IN NUMBER
314 , p_po_shipment_id      IN NUMBER
315 , p_ship_from_org_id    IN NUMBER
316 , p_ship_to_org_id      IN NUMBER
317 , p_receive_quantity    IN NUMBER
318 , p_primary_uom_code    IN VARCHAR2
319 );