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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 41

  l_custom_rec.attribute_name := '&REQ_FACT_UPDATE_DATE';
Line: 549

  WHEN 'ORGANIZATION+FII_OPERATING_UNITS' THEN '(select organization_id id, name value from hr_all_organization_units_tl where language = userenv(''LANG''))'
  WHEN 'ITEM+ENI_ITEM_PO_CAT' THEN 'eni_item_po_cat_v'
  WHEN 'ITEM+POA_ITEMS' THEN 'poa_items_v '
  WHEN 'HRI_PERSON+HRI_PER' THEN '(select person_id id, substrb(first_name,1,1) || ''. ''|| last_name value from per_all_people_f where sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)'
  WHEN 'POA_PERSON+INV_CREATOR' THEN '(select person_id id, substrb(first_name,1,1) || ''. ''|| last_name value from per_all_people_f where sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)'
  WHEN 'SUPPLIER+POA_SUPPLIER_SITES' THEN 'poa_supplier_sites_v'
  WHEN 'ITEM+POA_COMMODITIES' THEN 'po_commodities_tl'
  WHEN 'ORGANIZATION+OPI_INV_UNSEC_ORGANIZATION' THEN '(select organization_id id, name value from hr_all_organization_units_tl where language = userenv(''LANG''))'
  WHEN 'LOOKUP+RETURN_REASON' THEN 'mtl_transaction_reasons'
  WHEN 'LOOKUP+CONTRACT_DOCTYPE' THEN 'poa_dbi_contract_type_v'
  WHEN 'POA_PERSON+REQUESTER' THEN '(select person_id id, substrb(first_name,1,1) || ''. ''|| last_name value from per_all_people_f where sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)'
       '(select t.flex_value_id id, t.description value, f.summary_flag
         from fnd_flex_values_tl t, fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes c, fnd_flex_values f
         where c.company_id = t.flex_value_id and t.language = userenv(''LANG'') and t.flex_value_id = f.flex_value_id)'
       '(select t.flex_value_id id, t.description value, f.summary_flag
         from fnd_flex_values_tl t, fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes c, fnd_flex_values f
         where c.cost_center_id = t.flex_value_id and t.language = userenv(''LANG'') and t.flex_value_id = f.flex_value_id)'
  WHEN 'POA_PERSON+NEG_CREATOR' THEN '(select person_id id, substrb(first_name,1,1) || ''. ''|| last_name value from per_all_people_f where sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)'
  WHEN 'LOOKUP+NEG_DOCTYPES' THEN 'poa_neg_doctypes_v'
  ELSE ''
Line: 756

        l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ a.parent_company_id, a.company_id, a.company_id child_company_id '||
                                    'from ('||l_sql||')a '||
                                    'where a.com_agg_flag = ''Y'')';
Line: 761

        l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ a.company_id, a.company_id child_company_id '||
                                    'from ('||l_sql||')a '||
                                    'where a.com_agg_flag = ''Y'')';
Line: 766

      l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ a.company_id, com.child_company_id, a.com_agg_flag '||
                                  'from ('||l_sql||')a, '||
                                  'fii_company_hierarchies com '||
                                  'where a.company_id = com.parent_company_id)';
Line: 780

        l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ b.parent_cc_id, b.cost_center_id, b.cost_center_id child_cc_id '||
                                    'from ('||l_sql||')b '||
                                    'where b.cc_agg_flag = ''Y'')';
Line: 785

        l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ b.cost_center_id, b.cost_center_id child_cc_id '||
                                    'from ('||l_sql||')b '||
                                    'where b.cc_agg_flag = ''Y'')';
Line: 790

      l_in_join_rec.table_name := '(select /*+no_merge*/ b.cost_center_id, cc.child_cc_id, b.cc_agg_flag '||
                                  'from ('||l_sql||')b, '||
                                  'fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies cc '||
                                  'where b.cost_center_id = cc.parent_cc_id)';
Line: 807

FUNCTION get_viewby_select_clause(p_viewby IN VARCHAR2, p_func_area IN VARCHAR2,

  IF(p_func_area = 'PO' and p_version = '7.1') THEN
    IF ((p_viewby = 'HRI_PERSON+HRI_PER')
        or (p_viewby = 'SUPPLIER+POA_SUPPLIERS') ) THEN
         'select decode(v.value,null,fnd_message.get_string'
	|| '(''POA'', ''POA_DBI_APL_UNASSIGNED''),v.value) VIEWBY,'
	|| fnd_global.newline
	|| '	decode(v.id, null, -1, v.id) VIEWBYID,'
	|| fnd_global.newline;
Line: 827

         'select decode(v.value,null,fnd_message.get_string'
	|| '(''POA'', ''POA_DBI_APL_UNASSIGNED''),v.value) VIEWBY,'
	|| fnd_global.newline
	|| '	decode(v.id, null, -1, v.id) VIEWBYID,'
	|| fnd_global.newline;
Line: 837

		'select decode(v.name, null, fnd_message.get_string(''POA'',''POA_DBI_APL_UNASSIGNED''), v.name) VIEWBY,
		        decode(v.commodity_id,null, -1, v.commodity_id) VIEWBYID,';
Line: 841

		'select decode(v.reason_name, null, fnd_message.get_string(''POA'', ''POA_DBI_APL_UNASSIGNED''), v.reason_name) VIEWBY,
			decode(v.reason_id, null, -1, v.reason_id) VIEWBYID,';
Line: 845

		'select v.value VIEWBY,v.id VIEWBYID,';
Line: 1421

             p_selected_commodity in varchar2,
             p_context_code in varchar2,
             p_restrict_lov in varchar2 := 'Y'
           ) return varchar2
    l_exists number;
Line: 1438

      if(p_selected_commodity = 'ALL' or p_selected_commodity = '-1') then
        return '1';
Line: 1441

        select count(*) into l_exists
        from po_commodity_categories cat
        where cat.commodity_id = p_selected_commodity
        and   cat.category_id = p_category_code;
Line: 1447

       select count(*) into l_exists
       from po_commodity_categories cat,
       po_commodity_grants gr,
       fnd_user usr
       where usr.user_id = fnd_global.user_id
       and   gr.person_id = usr.employee_id
       and   cat.commodity_id = gr.commodity_id
       and   cat.category_id = p_category_code
       and   (to_char(gr.commodity_id) = p_selected_commodity or p_selected_commodity = 'ALL');
Line: 1487

    select count(*) into l_exists
    from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values isp,
         fnd_application appl
    where isp.web_user_id = fnd_global.user_id
    and isp.attribute_application_id = appl.application_id
    and appl.application_short_name = 'POS'
    and isp.attribute_code = 'ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID'
    and isp.number_value = p_supplier_id;
Line: 1526

    select count(*)
    into l_exists
    poa_supplier_sites_v sup,
    ak_web_user_sec_attr_values isp,
    fnd_application appl
    where isp.attribute_application_id = appl.application_id
    and   isp.number_value = sup.vendor_id
    and   isp.web_user_id = fnd_global.user_id
    and   isp.attribute_code = 'ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID'
    and   to_char(sup.id) = p_supplier_site_id
    and   appl.application_short_name = 'POS';
Line: 1577

       select count(*) into l_exists
       from fii_operating_units_v v,
       per_organization_list per
       where v.id = p_ou_id
       and v.id = per.organization_id
       and security_profile_id = l_sec_profile_id ;
Line: 1585

       SELECT COUNT(*)
       INTO l_exists
       FROM fii_operating_units_v v
       WHERE v.id = p_ou_id
       AND   v.id = poa_dbi_util_pkg.get_ou_org_id ;
Line: 1610

  function get_display_com(p_id in varchar2, p_parent_id in varchar2, p_selected_company in varchar2) return varchar2
    l_count number;
Line: 1614

    if (p_selected_company = 'ALL') then
      if (p_id <> p_parent_id) then
        /* we want to consider only those rows that represent a
         * self relation
        return '0';
Line: 1621

        select count(*) into l_count
        from fii_company_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and company_id = to_number(p_id)
        and report_region_code = 'POA_DBI_INV_STATUS';
Line: 1637

    else /* p_selected_company <> 'ALL' */
      if (p_parent_id = p_selected_company) then
        return '1';
Line: 1652

  function get_display_cc(p_id in varchar2, p_parent_id in varchar2, p_selected_cc in varchar2) return varchar2
    l_count number;
Line: 1656

    if (p_selected_cc = 'ALL') then
      if (p_id <> p_parent_id) then
        /* we want to consider only those rows that represent a
         * self relation
        return '0';
Line: 1663

        select count(*) into l_count
        from fii_cost_center_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and cost_center_id = to_number(p_id)
        and report_region_code = 'POA_DBI_INV_STATUS';
Line: 1680

      if (p_parent_id = p_selected_cc) then
        return '1';
Line: 1707

    /* select count(*) into l_exists
    po_commodity_grants sec,
    fnd_menu_entries me,
    fnd_form_functions f
    and person_id=employee_id
    and sec.commodity_id=p_commodity_id
    and f.function_name='POA_DBI_COMMODITY_RPTS_VIEW'
    and me.function_id=f.function_id
    and sec.menu_id=me.menu_id; */
Line: 1720

    select count(*) into l_exists
    from  po_commodity_grants sec,
          fnd_menus menu,
          fnd_user usr
    where usr.user_id = fnd_global.user_id
    and   sec.person_id = usr.employee_id
    and   sec.commodity_id = p_commodity_id
    and   menu.menu_name = 'PO_COMMODITY_MANAGER'
    and   sec.menu_id = menu.menu_id;
Line: 1851

   * the report viewby and the selected company as input and returns the
   * subquery and a flag which indicates whether all the nodes accessed are
   * aggregated or not.
  procedure get_company_sql(p_viewby in varchar2,
                            p_company_id in varchar2,
                            p_region_code in varchar2,
                            p_company_sql out nocopy varchar2,
                            p_agg_flag out nocopy varchar2)
    l_leaf_flag varchar2(1);
Line: 1873

        l_viewby_sql := 'select company_id, aggregated_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                        'from fii_company_grants '||l_rtn||
                        'where user_id = fnd_global.user_id '||l_rtn||
                        'and report_region_code = ®IONCODE';
Line: 1877

        select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
        from fii_company_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and report_region_code = p_region_code
        and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 1883

        l_viewby_sql := 'select company_id, aggregated_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                        'from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                        'where company_id = &COMPANYID';
Line: 1886

        select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
        from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes
        where company_id = to_number(p_company_id)
        and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 1894

        select count(1) into l_company_count
        from fii_company_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and report_region_code = p_region_code;
Line: 1901

          select to_char(company_id) into l_top_node
          from fii_company_grants
          where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
          and report_region_code = p_region_code;
Line: 1906

          select is_leaf_flag into l_leaf_flag
          from fii_company_hierarchies
          where parent_company_id = to_number(l_top_node)
          and parent_company_id = child_company_id;
Line: 1912

            l_viewby_sql := 'select company_id, aggregated_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                            'from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                            'where company_id = &TOPCOMPANYID';
Line: 1915

            select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
            from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes
            where company_id = l_top_node
            and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 1920

            l_viewby_sql := 'select parent_company_id, child_company_id company_id, aggregate_next_level_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                            'from fii_company_hierarchies '||l_rtn||
                            'where child_level = parent_level+1 '||l_rtn||
                            'and parent_company_id = &TOPCOMPANYID';
Line: 1924

            select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
            from fii_company_hierarchies
            where child_level = parent_level + 1
            and parent_company_id = l_top_node
            and aggregate_next_level_flag = 'N';
Line: 1931

          l_viewby_sql := 'select company_id, aggregated_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_company_grants '||l_rtn||
                          'where user_id = fnd_global.user_id '||l_rtn||
                          'and report_region_code = ®IONCODE';
Line: 1935

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_company_grants
          where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
          and report_region_code = p_region_code
          and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 1942

        select is_leaf_flag into l_leaf_flag
        from fii_company_hierarchies
        where parent_company_id = to_number(p_company_id)
        and parent_company_id = child_company_id;
Line: 1947

          l_viewby_sql := 'select company_id, aggregated_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                          'where company_id = &COMPANYID';
Line: 1950

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_com_pmv_agrt_nodes
          where company_id = to_number(p_company_id)
          and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 1955

          l_viewby_sql := 'select parent_company_id, child_company_id company_id, aggregate_next_level_flag com_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_company_hierarchies '||l_rtn||
                          'where child_level = parent_level+1 '||l_rtn||
                          'and parent_company_id = &COMPANYID';
Line: 1959

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_company_hierarchies
          where child_level = parent_level + 1
          and parent_company_id = p_company_id
          and aggregate_next_level_flag = 'N';
Line: 1979

   * the report viewby and the selected cost-center as input and returns the
   * subquery and a flag which indicates whether all the nodes accessed are
   * aggregated or not.
  procedure get_cost_ctr_sql(p_viewby in varchar2,
                             p_cost_center_id in varchar2,
                             p_region_code in varchar2,
                             p_cost_ctr_sql out nocopy varchar2,
                             p_agg_flag out nocopy varchar2)
    l_leaf_flag varchar2(1);
Line: 2001

        l_viewby_sql := 'select cost_center_id, aggregated_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                        'from fii_cost_center_grants '||l_rtn||
                        'where user_id = fnd_global.user_id '||l_rtn||
                        'and report_region_code = ®IONCODE';
Line: 2005

        select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
        from fii_cost_center_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and report_region_code = p_region_code
        and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 2011

        l_viewby_sql := 'select cost_center_id, aggregated_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                        'from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                        'where cost_center_id = &COSTCTRID';
Line: 2014

        select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
        from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes
        where cost_center_id = p_cost_center_id
        and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 2022

        select count(1) into l_cost_center_count
        from fii_cost_center_grants
        where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
        and report_region_code = p_region_code;
Line: 2029

          select to_char(cost_center_id) into l_top_node
          from fii_cost_center_grants
          where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
          and report_region_code = p_region_code;
Line: 2034

          select is_leaf_flag into l_leaf_flag
          from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies
          where parent_cc_id = to_number(l_top_node)
          and parent_cc_id = child_cc_id;
Line: 2040

            l_viewby_sql := 'select cost_center_id, aggregated_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                            'from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                            'where cost_center_id = &TOPCOSTCTRID';
Line: 2043

            select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
            from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes
            where cost_center_id = l_top_node
            and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 2048

            l_viewby_sql := 'select parent_cc_id, child_cc_id cost_center_id, aggregate_next_level_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                            'from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies '||l_rtn||
                            'where child_level = parent_level+1 '||l_rtn||
                            'and parent_cc_id = &TOPCOSTCTRID';
Line: 2052

            select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
            from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies
            where child_level = parent_level + 1
            and parent_cc_id = l_top_node
            and aggregate_next_level_flag = 'N';
Line: 2059

          l_viewby_sql := 'select cost_center_id, aggregated_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_cost_center_grants '||l_rtn||
                          'where user_id = fnd_global.user_id '||l_rtn||
                          'and report_region_code = ®IONCODE';
Line: 2063

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_cost_center_grants
          where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
          and report_region_code = p_region_code
          and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 2070

        select is_leaf_flag into l_leaf_flag
        from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies
        where parent_cc_id = p_cost_center_id
        and parent_cc_id = child_cc_id;
Line: 2075

          l_viewby_sql := 'select cost_center_id, aggregated_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes '||l_rtn||
                          'where cost_center_id = &COSTCTRID';
Line: 2078

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_cc_pmv_agrt_nodes
          where cost_center_id = p_cost_center_id
          and aggregated_flag = 'N';
Line: 2083

          l_viewby_sql := 'select parent_cc_id, child_cc_id cost_center_id, aggregate_next_level_flag cc_agg_flag '||l_rtn||
                          'from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies '||l_rtn||
                          'where child_level = parent_level+1 '||l_rtn||
                          'and parent_cc_id = &COSTCTRID';
Line: 2087

          select count(*) into l_non_agrt_nodes
          from fii_cost_ctr_hierarchies
          where child_level = parent_level + 1
          and parent_cc_id = p_cost_center_id
          and aggregate_next_level_flag = 'N';
Line: 2154

    SELECT id into l_supplier_id
    FROM (
    SELECT id
    FROM poa_suppliers_v
    ORDER BY value)
Line: 2175

    SELECT id into l_supplier_id
    FROM (
    SELECT id
     poa_suppliers_v v,
     ak_web_user_sec_attr_values isp,
     fnd_application appl
        fnd_global.user_id = isp.web_user_id
    AND isp.attribute_application_id = appl.application_id
    AND appl.application_short_name =  'POS'
    AND isp.attribute_code = 'ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID'
    AND v.id = isp.number_value
    ORDER BY value)
Line: 2236

      select name into stmt
      from fii_time_ent_year
      where l_asof_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 2240

      select name into stmt
      from fii_time_ent_qtr
      where l_asof_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 2244

      select name into stmt
      from fii_time_ent_period
      where l_asof_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 2248

      select to_char(sequence) into l_week
      from fii_time_week
      where l_asof_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 2252

      select substr(week_id,3,2) into l_year
      from fii_time_week
      where l_asof_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 2340

    select count(1) into l_count
    from fii_company_grants
    where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
    and report_region_code = l_region_code;
Line: 2346

      select to_char(company_id) into l_top_company_value
      from fii_company_grants
      where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
      and report_region_code = l_region_code;
Line: 2359

    select count(1) into l_count
    from fii_cost_center_grants
    where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
    and report_region_code = l_region_code;
Line: 2365

      select to_char(cost_center_id) into l_top_cost_ctr_value
      from fii_cost_center_grants
      where user_id = fnd_global.user_id
      and report_region_code = l_region_code;