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Line 1341: -- l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1337: -- bug 3265814
1338: --If looks like CC not in use then dont bother to look for modified
1339: --better to have global payroll level switch, but now compare date
1340: if (l_date = hr_api.g_sot) then
1341: -- l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1342: -- Bug 3576520: Repeating the special case for the Cheque Writer.
1343: if ( p_action_type in ('M', 'H' )) then
1344: open c_is_voided( p_assignment_action_id ) ;
1345: fetch c_is_voided into l_dummy_action_id ;

Line 1347: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');

1343: if ( p_action_type in ('M', 'H' )) then
1344: open c_is_voided( p_assignment_action_id ) ;
1345: fetch c_is_voided into l_dummy_action_id ;
1346: if c_is_voided%found then
1347: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');
1348: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
1349: else
1350: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1351: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);

Line 1350: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1346: if c_is_voided%found then
1347: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');
1348: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
1349: else
1350: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1351: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);
1352: end if;
1353: close c_is_voided ;
1354: else

Line 1355: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1351: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);
1352: end if;
1353: close c_is_voided ;
1354: else
1355: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1356: end if;
1357: --
1358: else
1359: if ( p_action_type in ('R', 'Q')) then

Line 1372: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');

1368: end if;
1369: close run_modified ;
1370: --
1371: if (ischanged) then
1372: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1373: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
1374: else
1375: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1376: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,25);

Line 1375: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1371: if (ischanged) then
1372: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1373: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
1374: else
1375: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1376: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,25);
1377: end if;
1378: --
1379: elsif ( p_action_type in ('P', 'U')) then

Line 1392: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');

1388: end if;
1389: close prepay_modified ;
1390: --
1391: if (ischanged) then
1392: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1393: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
1394: else
1395: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1396: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,35);

Line 1395: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1391: if (ischanged) then
1392: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1393: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
1394: else
1395: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1396: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,35);
1397: end if;
1398: --
1399: elsif ( p_action_type = 'C') then

Line 1412: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');

1408: end if;
1409: close cost_modified ;
1410: --
1411: if (ischanged) then
1412: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1413: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
1414: else
1415: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1416: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,45);

Line 1415: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1411: if (ischanged) then
1412: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
1413: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
1414: else
1415: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1416: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,45);
1417: end if;
1418: --
1419: --

Line 1424: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');

1420: elsif ( p_action_type = 'H' ) then
1421: open c_is_voided( p_assignment_action_id ) ;
1422: fetch c_is_voided into l_dummy_action_id ;
1423: if c_is_voided%found then
1424: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');
1425: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
1426: else
1427: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1428: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);

Line 1427: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1423: if c_is_voided%found then
1424: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');
1425: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
1426: else
1427: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1428: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);
1429: end if;
1430: close c_is_voided ;
1431: else

Line 1432: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;

1428: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,55);
1429: end if;
1430: close c_is_voided ;
1431: else
1432: l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
1433: end if;
1434: end if;
1435: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,900);
1436: return ( l_return_value ) ;