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Line 1948: FROM fnd_lookup_values

1944: -- Cursor to check if permission code belongs to permission_object_id
1945: CURSOR c_chk_permission_code(p_lookup_type VARCHAR2,
1946: p_permission_code VARCHAR2) IS
1947: SELECT 'X'
1948: FROM fnd_lookup_values
1949: WHERE lookup_type = p_lookup_type
1950: AND lookup_code = p_permission_code
1951: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
1952: AND language = USERENV('lang')

Line 3635: FROM fnd_lookup_values

3631: -- No Profile set (or set to N) for Using Data security
3632: -- Returning the whole list of permissions for specific object
3633: l_perms_lookup_type := get_perms_lookup_type(p_instance_object_id);
3634: FOR r_permission IN (SELECT lookup_code
3635: FROM fnd_lookup_values
3636: WHERE lookup_type = l_perms_lookup_type
3637: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
3638: AND language = USERENV('lang')
3639: AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, SYSDATE)

Line 3873: FROM fnd_lookup_values

3869: -- No Profile set (or set to N) for Using Data security
3870: -- Returning the whole list of permissions for specific object
3871: l_perms_lookup_type := get_perms_lookup_type(p_instance_object_id);
3872: FOR r_permission IN (SELECT lookup_code
3873: FROM fnd_lookup_values
3874: WHERE lookup_type = l_perms_lookup_type
3875: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
3876: AND language = USERENV('lang')
3877: AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, SYSDATE)