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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

  select fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
    into prog_name, appl_name
    from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
         fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a
    where fcr.request_id = reqid
    and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
    and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
    and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 62

procedure update_actions_table(reqid in number, procid in number,
				success out NOCOPY varchar2) is

  cnt   number;
Line: 67

    select count(*)
	  into cnt
	  from fnd_conc_pp_actions
	  where concurrent_request_id = reqid
	  and processor_id is not null;
Line: 79

	update fnd_conc_pp_actions
	  set processor_id = procid
	  where concurrent_request_id = reqid;
Line: 194

procedure update_req_pp_status(reqid in number, status in varchar2) is


 if status = PP_PENDING then

   update fnd_concurrent_requests
    set pp_start_date = sysdate, post_request_status = status
	where request_id = reqid;
Line: 207

  update fnd_concurrent_requests
    set pp_end_date = sysdate, post_request_status = status
	where request_id = reqid;
Line: 226

procedure update_pp_action(reqid in number, cpid in number) is

pragma autonomous_transaction;
Line: 231

  update fnd_conc_pp_actions
    set processor_id = cpid
	where concurrent_request_id = reqid;
Line: 253

   subscriber := fnd_cp_opp_ipc.select_random_subscriber;
Line: 260

	  select fcp.node_name
	    into node_name
		from fnd_concurrent_processes fcp
	    where fcp.concurrent_process_id = subscriber
	    and fcp.process_status_code in ('A', 'Z');
Line: 299

procedure select_postprocessor(opp_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
				errcode out NOCOPY number,
				requestid  in number) is

 node_name   varchar2(30);
Line: 312

	select fcr.outfile_node_name
	  into node_name
	  from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
	  where request_id = requestid;
Line: 332

  select count(*)
  into init_count
  from fnd_concurrent_processes fcp,
       fnd_concurrent_queues fcq,
       fnd_cp_services fcs
  where fcs.service_handle = 'FNDOPP'
  and fcs.service_id = fcq.manager_type
  and fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id
  and fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id
  and fcp.process_status_code = 'Z';
Line: 396

  update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_PENDING);
Line: 405

	select fcr.controlling_manager
	  into cpid
	  from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
	  where request_id = reqid;
Line: 430

    update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_COMPLETE);
Line: 436

    update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_ERROR);
Line: 445

  select processor_id
	  into pp_id
	  from fnd_conc_pp_actions
	  where concurrent_request_id = reqid
	  and action_type = 6
	  and sequence = 1;
Line: 456

	  -- update the pp_actions table so the post-processor will not process this req
	  update_pp_action(reqid, cpid);
Line: 458

	  update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_ERROR);
Line: 477

	    update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_COMPLETE);
Line: 483

	    update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_ERROR);
Line: 491

	  update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_TIMEOUT);
Line: 501

    update_req_pp_status(reqid, PP_ERROR);
Line: 539

  select fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name, argument1
    into prog_name, appl_name, parent_req_id
    from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
         fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a
    where fcr.request_id = reqid
    and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
    and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
    and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 555

     select count(1) into action_type from fnd_conc_pp_actions
     where concurrent_request_id=reqid and action_type=6;
Line: 558

     select count(1) into output_exists from fnd_conc_req_outputs
     where concurrent_request_id = decode(action_type, 1, reqid, to_number(parent_req_id))
     and file_size>0;
Line: 571

     select count(1) into output_exists from fnd_conc_req_outputs
	where concurrent_request_id = reqid
        and file_size>0;
Line: 615

  select count(*)
    into cnt
	from fnd_conc_pp_actions
	where action_type = 6
	and concurrent_request_id = cur_reqid;
Line: 627

        select fcro.file_name, fcro.file_node_name, fcr.output_file_type
          into outfile, outnode, outtype
          from fnd_conc_req_outputs fcro, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
          where fcro.concurrent_request_id = prev_reqid
          and fcro.concurrent_request_id = fcr.request_id;
Line: 645

      select outfile_name, outfile_node_name, output_file_type
        into outfile, outnode, outtype
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
        where request_id = prev_reqid;
Line: 660

  update fnd_concurrent_requests
    set outfile_name = outfile,
	outfile_node_name = outnode,
    output_file_type = outtype
	where request_id = cur_reqid;