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APPS.PQH_GEN_FORM dependencies on DUAL

Line 170: from dual where rownum < 2;

166: ,'INFORMATION28',decode(information28,null,column_name, ''''||information28||'''')
167: ,'INFORMATION29',decode(information29,null,column_name, ''''||information29||'''')
168: ,'INFORMATION30',decode(information30,null,column_name, ''''||information30||'''')
169: , column_name) info
170: from dual where rownum < 2;
172: --
173: -- cursor to fetch details on what is stored where and what goes where for the dynamic sql
174: --

Line 920: -- || ' from fnd_dual where rownum < 2; end;';

916: -- Bug 5249887: dynamic select into has been failing for some unknown reason; alternative assignment seems to work.
917: -- execute immediate 'begin select nvl(pqh_gen_form.c_'||l_changeable_column_name
918: -- ||',pqh_gen_form.g_'||pqh_gen_form.g_attrib_tab(j).ddf_column_name ||') into '
919: -- || 'pqh_gen_form.g_'||pqh_gen_form.g_attrib_tab(j).ddf_column_name
920: -- || ' from fnd_dual where rownum < 2; end;';
921: execute immediate 'begin pqh_gen_form.g_'||pqh_gen_form.g_attrib_tab(j).ddf_column_name
922: ||':= nvl(pqh_gen_form.c_'||l_changeable_column_name
923: ||',pqh_gen_form.g_'||pqh_gen_form.g_attrib_tab(j).ddf_column_name ||'); end;';