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APPS.QA_ERES_UTIL dependencies on QA_CHARS

Line 142: l_prompt QA_CHARS.prompt%TYPE;

138: -- This procedure enables a given collection plan for Deferred
139: -- Esignatures by adding the 'eSignature Status' element to the plan.
140: PROCEDURE add_esig_status ( p_plan_id IN NUMBER )
141: IS
142: l_prompt QA_CHARS.prompt%TYPE;
143: l_prompt_seq QA_PLAN_CHARS.prompt_sequence%TYPE;
144: l_result_seq NUMBER;
145: l_result_column QA_PLAN_CHARS.result_column_name%TYPE;
146: l_char_id QA_CHARS.char_id%TYPE;

Line 146: l_char_id QA_CHARS.char_id%TYPE;

142: l_prompt QA_CHARS.prompt%TYPE;
143: l_prompt_seq QA_PLAN_CHARS.prompt_sequence%TYPE;
144: l_result_seq NUMBER;
145: l_result_column QA_PLAN_CHARS.result_column_name%TYPE;
146: l_char_id QA_CHARS.char_id%TYPE;
148: l_message QA_PLAN_CHAR_ACTIONS.message%TYPE;
149: l_user_id NUMBER;
150: l_qpcat_id QA_PLAN_CHAR_ACTION_TRIGGERS.plan_char_action_trigger_id%TYPE;

Line 169: qa_chars qc

165: CURSOR get_result_column( c_plan_id NUMBER ) IS
167: nvl( max( to_number(substr(result_column_name,10,3)) ), 0 )
168: FROM qa_plan_chars qpc,
169: qa_chars qc
170: WHERE qpc.plan_id = c_plan_id
171: AND qc.char_id = qpc.char_id
172: AND qc.hardcoded_column is null
173: AND qc.datatype in (1,2,3,6);

Line 181: l_prompt := QA_CHARS_API.prompt( l_char_id );

177: -- Get the Char ID of eSignature Status element
178: l_char_id := QA_SS_CONST.esignature_status;
180: -- Get the Prompt for the eSignature Status element
181: l_prompt := QA_CHARS_API.prompt( l_char_id );
183: -- Get the Next Prompt Sequence for the Given Plan
184: OPEN get_prompt_seq( p_plan_id );
185: FETCH get_prompt_seq INTO l_prompt_seq;