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Line 64: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

60: and (p_vendor_site_id is null or vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
61: and (p_org_id is null or org_id = p_org_id)
62: and exists
63: (select '1'
64: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
65: where invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
66: and line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM','ACCRUAL')--nprahsar for bug # 7225946*/
67: and po_distribution_id is not null
68: and nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'

Line 85: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

81: /*
82: In the above cursor added invoice_line_number by Brathod, for Bug#4510143 to pass invoice_line_number
83: as parameter to jai_ap_utils_pkg.get_apportion_factor
84: */
85: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
86: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
87: and line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM','ACCRUAL')
88: and po_distribution_id is not null
89: and nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'

Line 162: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

158: where tax_id = p_tax_id;
160: cursor c_get_misc_tax_line_amt (p_invoice_id number, p_distribution_line_number number, p_invoice_distribution_id number ) is
161: select amount
162: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
163: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
164: and distribution_line_number = p_distribution_line_number
165: and invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id /*Added by nprashar for Bug # 6803557*/
166: and accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */