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Line 327: l_old_wage := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(l_ref_earnings_id,l_old_assact_id);

323: IF l_old_assact_id IS NULL THEN
324: IF TRUNC(rec_get_assact_id.date_earned,'YYYY') < TRUNC(p_date_earned, 'YYYY') THEN
325: l_old_assact_id := rec_get_assact_id.assignment_action_id;
326: l_old_date_earned := rec_get_assact_id.date_earned;
327: l_old_wage := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(l_ref_earnings_id,l_old_assact_id);
328: ELSE
329: /*Exit if the earlier run is in the same year. This indicates there is no need to calculate contributory wage*/
330: EXIT;
331: END IF;

Line 333: /*l_prev_salary := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(l_subject_gosi_id,rec_get_assact_id.assignment_action_id);*/

329: /*Exit if the earlier run is in the same year. This indicates there is no need to calculate contributory wage*/
330: EXIT;
331: END IF;
332: END IF;
333: /*l_prev_salary := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(l_subject_gosi_id,rec_get_assact_id.assignment_action_id);*/
334: /*Check if there is any salary change in the previous year*/
335: IF TRUNC(l_old_date_earned ,'YYYY') = TRUNC(rec_get_assact_id.date_earned,'YYYY') THEN
336: /*Bug No6976224*/
337: /*IF l_prev_salary <> p_subject_to_gosi THEN*/