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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_reopen_step_pvt AS
2    /*  $Header: GMEVROSB.pls 120.1 2005/06/03 14:22:02 appldev  $    */
3    g_debug   VARCHAR2 (5) := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
5    /*
6    REM *********************************************************************
7    REM *                                                                   *
8    REM * FILE:    GMEVROSB.pls                                             *
9    REM * PURPOSE: Package Body for the GME step re-open api                *
10    REM * AUTHOR:  Navin Sinha, OPM Development                             *
11    REM * DATE:    May 19 2005                                              *
12    REM * HISTORY:                                                          *
13    REM * ========                                                          *
14    REM *********************************************************************
15    */
17    /*======================================================================================
18    Procedure
19      Reopen_All_Steps
20    Description
21      This particular procedure call re-open the batch steps.
22    Parameters
23      p_batch_header_rec          The batch header row to identify the header.
24      p_validation_level    Errors to skip before returning - Default 100
25                                     when p_validation_level=0, then called from Re-open batch PVT
26      x_message_count    The number of messages in the message stack
27      x_message_list     message stack where the api writes its messages
28      x_return_status    outcome of the API call
29                S - Success
30                E - Error
31                U - Unexpected error
32    ======================================================================================*/
33    PROCEDURE reopen_all_steps (
34       p_batch_header_rec   IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
35      ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
36    IS
37       /* Local variables */
38       l_batch_steps_tab       gme_close_batch_pvt.step_details_tab;
39       l_batch_header          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
40       l_in_batch_header       gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
41       l_phantom_ids           gme_common_pvt.number_tab;
42       l_return_status         VARCHAR2 (1);
43       batch_step_fetch_err    EXCEPTION;
44       batch_step_reopen_err   EXCEPTION;
45       batch_step_upd_err      EXCEPTION;
46       reopen_phant_error      EXCEPTION;
47    BEGIN
48       /* Set the success staus to success inititally*/
49       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
50       /* Get all the step into the tab */
51       gme_close_batch_pvt.fetch_batch_steps
52                                   (p_batch_id           => p_batch_header_rec.batch_id
53                                   ,p_batchstep_id       => NULL
54                                   ,x_step_tbl           => l_batch_steps_tab
55                                   ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
57       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
58          RAISE batch_step_fetch_err;
59       END IF;
61       FOR i IN 1 .. l_batch_steps_tab.COUNT LOOP
62          -- Only reopen closed steps.
63          IF l_batch_steps_tab (i).step_status = 4 THEN
64             l_batch_steps_tab (i).step_close_date := NULL;
65             l_batch_steps_tab (i).step_status := 3;
67             -- Update Batch Step Record
68             IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.update_row
69                                         (p_batch_step      => l_batch_steps_tab
70                                                                            (i) ) ) THEN
71                RAISE batch_step_upd_err;
72             END IF;
74             /* For any ingredient lines attached with the step we have to */
75             /* reopen any phantom batches associated with it               */
76             gme_phantom_pvt.fetch_step_phantoms
77                          (p_batch_id                    => l_batch_steps_tab
78                                                                            (i).batch_id
79                          ,p_batchstep_id                => l_batch_steps_tab
80                                                                            (i).batchstep_id
81                          ,p_all_release_type_assoc      => 0
82                          ,x_phantom_ids                 => l_phantom_ids
83                          ,x_return_status               => l_return_status);
85             IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
86                RAISE reopen_phant_error;
87             END IF;
89             FOR i IN 1 .. l_phantom_ids.COUNT LOOP
90                l_batch_header.batch_id := l_phantom_ids (i);
91                l_in_batch_header := l_batch_header;
92                gme_reopen_batch_pvt.reopen_batch
93                                     (p_batch_header_rec      => l_in_batch_header
94                                     ,x_batch_header_rec      => l_batch_header
95                                     ,p_reopen_steps          => 'T'
96                                     ,x_return_status         => l_return_status);
98                IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
99                   RAISE reopen_phant_error;
100                END IF;
101             END LOOP;
102          END IF;                                         /* step_status = 4 */
103       END LOOP;
105       WHEN batch_step_fetch_err THEN
106          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
107       WHEN batch_step_upd_err THEN
108          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
109       WHEN batch_step_reopen_err THEN
110          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
111          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_BATCH_STEP_REOPEN_ERR');
112       WHEN reopen_phant_error THEN
113          x_return_status := l_return_status;
115          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
116          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_REOPEN_STEP_PVT', 'REOPEN_ALL_STEPS');
117    END reopen_all_steps;
119    /*======================================================================================
120    Procedure
121      Reopen_Step
122    Description
123      This particular procedure call re-open the batch steps.
124    Parameters
125      p_batch_step_rec       The batch step row to identify the step.
126      x_return_status    outcome of the API call
127                S - Success
128                E - Error
129                U - Unexpected error
130    ======================================================================================*/
131    PROCEDURE reopen_step (
132       p_batch_step_rec   IN              gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
133      ,x_batch_step_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
134      ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
135    IS
136       /* Miscellaneous */
137       l_batch_status         NUMBER;
138       l_batch_header         gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
139       l_in_batch_header      gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
140       l_auto                 NUMBER                     := 0;
141       l_count                NUMBER                     := 0;
142       l_enforce_step_dep     NUMBER                     := -1;
143       /* Exception definitions */
144       batch_step_fetch_err   EXCEPTION;
145       invalid_batch_status   EXCEPTION;
146       invalid_step_status    EXCEPTION;
147       batch_step_upd_err     EXCEPTION;
148       reopen_phant_error     EXCEPTION;
149       batch_depend_step      EXCEPTION;
151       /* Database cursors for various tables*/
152       CURSOR cur_batch_status (l_batch_id IN NUMBER)
153       IS
154          SELECT batch_status, automatic_step_calculation
155                ,enforce_step_dependency
156            FROM gme_batch_header
157           WHERE batch_id = l_batch_id;
159       CURSOR cur_fetch_dep_steps (l_batchstep_id IN NUMBER, l_batch_id NUMBER)
160       IS
161          SELECT COUNT (*)
162            FROM gme_batch_step_dependencies gbsd, gme_batch_steps gbs
163           WHERE gbs.batchstep_id = gbsd.batchstep_id
164             AND gbsd.dep_step_id = l_batchstep_id
165             AND gbs.batch_id = l_batch_id
166             AND gbsd.batch_id = gbs.batch_id
167             AND gbsd.dep_type = 0
168             AND gbs.step_status = 4;
170       l_return_status        VARCHAR2 (1);
171       l_phantom_ids          gme_common_pvt.number_tab;
172    BEGIN
173       -- Set the return status to success initially
174       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
176       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.fetch_row (p_batch_step      => p_batch_step_rec
177                                             ,x_batch_step      => x_batch_step_rec) ) THEN
178          RAISE batch_step_fetch_err;
179       END IF;
181       -- Batch can be Certified(3) or WIP(2) to re-open its closed step
182       OPEN cur_batch_status (x_batch_step_rec.batch_id);
184       FETCH cur_batch_status
185        INTO l_batch_status, l_auto, l_enforce_step_dep;
187       CLOSE cur_batch_status;
189       IF l_batch_status NOT IN (2, 3) THEN
190          RAISE invalid_batch_status;
191       END IF;
193       -- Return if step status is already closed
194       -- Current step status must be closed to reopen step
195       IF x_batch_step_rec.step_status <> 4 THEN
196          RAISE invalid_step_status;
197       END IF;
199       -- Added check for enforce_step_dep also
200       IF (l_auto = 1) OR (l_enforce_step_dep = 1) THEN
201          OPEN cur_fetch_dep_steps (x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
202                                   ,x_batch_step_rec.batch_id);
204          FETCH cur_fetch_dep_steps
205           INTO l_count;
207          CLOSE cur_fetch_dep_steps;
209          IF l_count > 0 THEN
210             RAISE batch_depend_step;
211          END IF;
212       END IF;
214       --  Update the Batch Step Status to Certified and step close date to NULL
215       x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date := NULL;
216       x_batch_step_rec.step_status := 3;
218       --  Update Batch Step Record
219       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.update_row (p_batch_step      => x_batch_step_rec) ) THEN
220          RAISE batch_step_upd_err;
221       END IF;
223       x_batch_step_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
224       x_batch_step_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
225       x_batch_step_rec.last_update_login := gme_common_pvt.g_login_id;
226       /* For any ingredient lines attached with the step we have to */
227       /* reopen any phantom batches associated with it */
228       gme_phantom_pvt.fetch_step_phantoms
229                              (p_batch_id                    => x_batch_step_rec.batch_id
230                              ,p_batchstep_id                => x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
231                              ,x_phantom_ids                 => l_phantom_ids
232                              ,p_all_release_type_assoc      => 0
233                              ,x_return_status               => l_return_status);
235       IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
236          RAISE reopen_phant_error;
237       END IF;
239       FOR i IN 1 .. l_phantom_ids.COUNT LOOP
240          l_batch_header.batch_id := l_phantom_ids (i);
241          l_in_batch_header := l_batch_header;
242          gme_reopen_batch_pvt.reopen_batch
243                                     (p_batch_header_rec      => l_in_batch_header
244                                     ,x_batch_header_rec      => l_batch_header
245                                     ,p_reopen_steps          => 'F'
246                                     ,x_return_status         => l_return_status);
248          IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
249             RAISE reopen_phant_error;
250          END IF;
251       END LOOP;
253       WHEN batch_step_fetch_err THEN
254          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
255       WHEN invalid_batch_status THEN
256          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
257          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INV_BATCH_STATUS_REOP');
258       WHEN invalid_step_status THEN
259          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
260          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INV_STEP_STATUS_REOP');
261       WHEN batch_depend_step THEN
262          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
263          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_DEP_STEP_REOPEN');
264       WHEN batch_step_upd_err THEN
265          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
266       WHEN reopen_phant_error THEN
267          x_return_status := l_return_status;
269          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
270          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_REOPEN_STEP_PVT', 'REOPEN_STEP');
271    END reopen_step;
272 END gme_reopen_step_pvt;