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APPS.IGS_AD_IMP_009 dependencies on IGS_AD_IMP_MATCHES_P_V

Line 75: CURSOR imp_person_cur(cp_d_interface_id igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v.interface_id%TYPE) IS

71: || Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
72: || pkpatel 4-MAY-2003 Bug 3004858 (PKM Issue to use bind variable)
73: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
74: */
75: CURSOR imp_person_cur(cp_d_interface_id igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v.interface_id%TYPE) IS
76: SELECT *
77: FROM igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v
78: WHERE interface_id = cp_d_interface_id;

Line 77: FROM igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v

73: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
74: */
75: CURSOR imp_person_cur(cp_d_interface_id igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v.interface_id%TYPE) IS
76: SELECT *
77: FROM igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v
78: WHERE interface_id = cp_d_interface_id;
80: l_prog_label VARCHAR2(100);
81: l_label VARCHAR2(100);