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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

    select rule1.description into dummy
      from ame_rules rule1
          ,ame_rules rule2
     where rule1.description = rule2.description
       and rule1.end_date = endDateIn
       and ((sysdate between rule2.start_date and nvl(rule2.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rule2.start_date and rule2.start_date < nvl(rule2.end_date, rule2.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 30

    select axu.rule_type into dummy
      from ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_type_usages axu
     where act.action_id = actionIdIn
       and act.action_type_id = axu.action_type_id
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between axu.start_date and nvl(axu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 53

    select rule_type into dummy from ame_rules
     where rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rownum < 2;
Line: 72

    select 'Y'
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
          ,ame_action_type_usages axu
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
       and acu.action_id = act.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and aty.action_type_id = axu.action_type_id
       and axu.rule_type = 7
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between axu.start_date and nvl(axu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 98

    select 'Y'
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
          ,ame_action_type_usages axu
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
       and acu.action_id = act.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and aty.action_type_id = axu.action_type_id
       and axu.rule_type = 7
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between axu.start_date and nvl(axu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.end_date = rul.end_date;
Line: 154

    select distinct atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes  atr
          ,ame_conditions cond
          ,ame_condition_usages condu
          ,ame_rules rules
     where cond.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
       and condu.condition_id = cond.condition_id
       and condu.rule_id     = rules.rule_id
       and rules.rule_id     = ruleIdIn
       and cond.condition_type <> ame_util.listModConditionType
       and atr.attribute_id not in (select attribute_id
                                      from ame_attribute_usages
                                     where application_id = applicationIdIn
                                       and sysdate between start_date
                                            and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between cond.start_date and nvl(cond.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rules.end_date = endDateIn
       and condu.end_date = rules.end_date
     select distinct atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes  atr
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_mandatory_attributes ama
          ,ame_rules rules
     where ama.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
       and act.action_id = acu.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = ama.action_type_id
       and acu.rule_id = rules.rule_id
       and rules.rule_id     = ruleIdIn
       and ama.attribute_id not in (select attribute_id
                                      from ame_attribute_usages
                                     where application_id = applicationIdIn
                                       and sysdate between start_date
                                            and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between ama.start_date and nvl(ama.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rules.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.end_date = rules.end_date;
Line: 199

    select name
      from ame_item_classes itc
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.item_class_id = itc.item_class_id
       and rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and sysdate between itc.start_date and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and itc.item_class_id not in (select item_class_id
                                   from ame_item_class_usages itu
                                  where itu.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                    and sysdate between itu.start_date
                                         and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate));
Line: 213

    select application_name
      from ame_calling_apps
     where application_id = applicationIdIn
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 220

    select 'Y'
      from ame_rules rul
          ,ame_item_classes itc
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.item_class_id = itc.item_class_id
       and itc.name <> ame_util.headerItemClassName
       and sysdate between itc.start_date and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn;
Line: 232

    select distinct aty.action_type_id, aty.name
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
       and acu.action_id = act.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and aty.action_type_id not in (select atf.action_type_id
                                        from ame_action_type_config atf
                                       where atf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                         and sysdate between atf.start_date
                                              and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.end_date = rul.end_date;
Line: 254

  select apg.approval_group_id
    from ame_action_types aty
        ,ame_actions act
        ,ame_action_usages acu
        ,ame_rules rul
        ,ame_approval_groups apg
   where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
     and rul.end_date = endDateIn
     and rul.start_date < endDateIn
     and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
     and acu.end_date = rul.end_date
     and acu.start_date >= rul.start_date
     and acu.action_id = act.action_id
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
     and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
     and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
     and to_char(apg.approval_group_id) = act.parameter
     and sysdate between apg.start_date and nvl(apg.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
     and not exists (select null
                       from ame_approval_group_config agf
                      where agf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                        and agf.approval_group_id = apg.approval_group_id
                        and sysdate between agf.start_date and nvl(agf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
     and aty.name in ('pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
                     ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals'
                     ,'approval-group chain of authority');
Line: 284

    select 'Y'
      from ame_rules rul
          ,ame_conditions con
          ,ame_condition_usages cnu
          ,wf_roles wf
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and con.condition_id = cnu.condition_id
       and con.condition_type = ame_util.listModConditionType
       and cnu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and con.parameter_two = wf.name
       and wf.orig_system = 'POS'
       and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and cnu.end_date = rul.end_date;
Line: 443

Line: 479

    select 'Y'
      from ame_rule_usages
     where rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and item_id = applicationIdIn
       and ((sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < start_date and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 490

    select distinct atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes  atr
          ,ame_conditions cond
          ,ame_condition_usages condu
          ,ame_rules rules
     where cond.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
       and condu.condition_id = cond.condition_id
       and condu.rule_id     = rules.rule_id
       and rules.rule_id     = ruleIdIn
       and cond.condition_type <> ame_util.listModConditionType
       and atr.attribute_id not in (select attribute_id
                                      from ame_attribute_usages
                                     where application_id = applicationIdIn
                                       and sysdate between start_date
                                            and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between cond.start_date and nvl(cond.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rules.start_date and nvl(rules.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rules.start_date and rules.start_date < nvl(rules.end_date, rules.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and ((sysdate between condu.start_date and nvl(condu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < condu.start_date and condu.start_date < nvl(condu.end_date, condu.start_date + (1/86400)))
     select distinct atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes  atr
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_mandatory_attributes ama
          ,ame_rules rules
     where ama.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
       and act.action_id = acu.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = ama.action_type_id
       and acu.rule_id = rules.rule_id
       and rules.rule_id     = ruleIdIn
       and ama.attribute_id not in (select attribute_id
                                      from ame_attribute_usages
                                     where application_id = applicationIdIn
                                       and sysdate between start_date
                                            and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between ama.start_date and nvl(ama.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rules.start_date and nvl(rules.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rules.start_date and rules.start_date < nvl(rules.end_date, rules.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 547

    select name
      from ame_item_classes itc
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.item_class_id = itc.item_class_id
       and rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and sysdate between itc.start_date and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and itc.item_class_id not in (select item_class_id
                                   from ame_item_class_usages itu
                                  where itu.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                    and sysdate between itu.start_date
                                         and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate));
Line: 564

    select application_name
      from ame_calling_apps
     where application_id = applicationIdIn
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 570

    select 'Y'
      from ame_rules rul
          ,ame_item_classes itc
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.item_class_id = itc.item_class_id
       and itc.name <> ame_util.headerItemClassName
       and sysdate between itc.start_date and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 584

    select distinct aty.action_type_id, aty.name
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
       and acu.action_id = act.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and aty.action_type_id not in (select atf.action_type_id
                                        from ame_action_type_config atf
                                       where atf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                         and sysdate between atf.start_date
                                              and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 611

    select apg.approval_group_id, apg.name
          from ame_action_types aty
              ,ame_actions act
              ,ame_action_usages acu
              ,ame_rules rul
              ,ame_approval_groups apg
         where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
           and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
                (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
           and rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
           and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
                (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
           and acu.action_id = act.action_id
           and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
           and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
           and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
           and to_char(apg.approval_group_id) = act.parameter
           and sysdate between apg.start_date and nvl(apg.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
           and not exists (select null
                             from ame_approval_group_config agf
                            where agf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                              and agf.approval_group_id = apg.approval_group_id
                              and sysdate between agf.start_date and nvl(agf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
           and aty.name in ('pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
                           ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals'
                           ,'approval-group chain of authority');
Line: 643

    select 'Y'
      from ame_rules rul
          ,ame_conditions con
          ,ame_condition_usages cnu
          ,wf_roles wf
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and con.condition_id = cnu.condition_id
       and cnu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and con.parameter_two = wf.name
       and wf.orig_system = 'POS'
       and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
       and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and ((sysdate between cnu.start_date and nvl(cnu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < cnu.start_date and cnu.start_date < nvl(cnu.end_date, cnu.start_date + (1/86400)))
       and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 824

Line: 859

    select count(*)
      from ame_conditions con
          ,ame_condition_usages cnu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and cnu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and cnu.end_date = rul.end_date
       and con.condition_id = cnu.condition_id
       and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 872

    select count(*)
      from ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and acu.end_date = rul.end_date;
Line: 883

    select count(*)
      from ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and acu.end_date = rul.end_date
       and act.action_id = acu.action_id
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 896

    select 'Y'
      from ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_usages acu
          ,ame_rules rul
          ,ame_action_types aty
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and acu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and acu.end_date = rul.end_date
       and act.action_id = acu.action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 911

    select count(*)
      from ame_condition_usages cnu
          ,ame_rules rul
     where rul.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and rul.end_date = endDateIn
       and cnu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
       and cnu.end_date = rul.end_date;
Line: 997

    select condition_id,created_by,creation_date
      from ame_condition_usages
     where rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and end_date = endDateIn;
Line: 1004

    select action_id,created_by,creation_date
      from ame_action_usages
     where rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and end_date = endDateIn;
Line: 1017

    insert into ame_rules
    select rule_id
          ,object_version_number+1 from ame_rules
           where rule_id = ruleIdIn
             and end_date = ruleEndDateIn;
Line: 1048

      insert into ame_condition_usages
Line: 1072

      insert into ame_action_usages
Line: 1104

    select aca.application_id, aca.application_name
      from ame_rule_usages rlu
          ,ame_calling_apps aca
     where rlu.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and aca.application_id = rlu.item_id
       and sysdate between aca.start_date and nvl(aca.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and (sysdate between rlu.start_date
             and nvl(rlu.end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) or
           (sysdate < rlu.start_date
             and rlu.start_date < nvl(rlu.end_date, rlu.start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1117

    select atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes atr
          ,ame_conditions con
     where atr.attribute_id = con.attribute_id
       and con.condition_id = conditionIdIn
       and con.condition_type <> ame_util.listModConditionType
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and not exists (select attribute_id
                         from ame_attribute_usages atu
                        where atu.application_id = applicationIdIn
                          and atu.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
                          and sysdate between atu.start_date
                               and nvl(atu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate));
Line: 1133

    select 'Y'
      from ame_conditions con
          ,wf_roles wf
     where con.condition_id = conditionIdIn
       and con.condition_type = ame_util.listModConditionType
       and con.parameter_two = wf.name
       and wf.orig_system = 'POS'
       and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
       and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 1152

Line: 1153

Line: 1191

    select aca.application_id, aca.application_name
      from ame_rule_usages rlu
          ,ame_calling_apps aca
     where rlu.rule_id = ruleIdIn
       and aca.application_id = rlu.item_id
       and sysdate between aca.start_date and nvl(aca.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and (sysdate between rlu.start_date
             and nvl(rlu.end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) or
           (sysdate < rlu.start_date
             and rlu.start_date < nvl(rlu.end_date, rlu.start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1204

    select aty.action_type_id, aty.name
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
     where act.action_id = actionIdIn
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and aty.action_type_id not in (select atf.action_type_id
                                        from ame_action_type_config atf
                                       where atf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                         and sysdate between atf.start_date
                                              and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 1219

    select distinct atr.attribute_id, atr.name
      from ame_attributes atr
          ,ame_mandatory_attributes man
          ,ame_actions act
     where act.action_id = actionIdIn
       and act.action_type_id = man.action_type_id
       and atr.attribute_id = man.attribute_id
       and atr.attribute_id not in (select attribute_id
                                      from ame_attribute_usages atu
                                     where atu.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                       and atu.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
                                       and sysdate between atu.start_date
                                            and nvl(atu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and sysdate between man.start_date and nvl(man.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 1237

    select apg.approval_group_id, apg.name
      from ame_action_types aty
          ,ame_actions act
          ,ame_approval_groups apg
     where act.action_id = actionIdIn
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and act.parameter = to_char(apg.approval_group_id)
       and apg.approval_group_id not in (select agf.approval_group_id
                                           from ame_approval_group_config agf
                                          where agf.application_id = applicationIdIn
                                            and sysdate between agf.start_date
                                                 and nvl(agf.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate))
       and aty.name in (ame_util.preApprovalTypeName
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
       and sysdate between apg.start_date and nvl(apg.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
Line: 1266

Line: 1267

Line: 1286

Line: 1287

Line: 1317

Line: 1318

Line: 1340

    select min(start_date)
      into p_rul_start_date
      from ame_rule_usages
     where rule_id = p_rule_id
           and (sysdate between  start_date
           and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate )
           (sysdate < start_date
           and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1349

    select max(end_date)
      into p_rul_end_date
      from ame_rule_usages
     where rule_id = p_rule_id
       and (sysdate between  start_date
           and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate )
          (sysdate < start_date
           and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1376

    l_update_rule                  boolean;
Line: 1379

      select action_id
        from ame_action_usages
       where rule_id = p_rule_id
         and ((l_effective_date between  start_date
                and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, l_effective_date))
              (l_effective_date < start_date
                and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1392

      select condition_id
        from ame_condition_usages
       where rule_id = p_rule_id
         and ((l_effective_date between  start_date
                and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, l_effective_date))
             (l_effective_date < start_date
               and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1406

      select start_date
        from ame_rules
       where rule_id = p_rule_id
         and ((l_effective_date between  start_date and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, l_effective_date))
             (l_effective_date < start_date and start_date < nvl(end_date,start_date + ame_util.oneSecond)));
Line: 1436

    l_update_rule := false;
Line: 1439

        l_update_rule := true;
Line: 1446

        l_update_rule := true;
Line: 1452

      l_update_rule := true;
Line: 1456

    if l_update_rule then
      for tempActions in getActions(l_effective_date) loop
        l_acu_object_version_number := tempActions.object_version_number;
Line: 1463

                       ,p_datetrack_mode        => hr_api.g_update
                       ,p_rule_id               => p_rule_id
                       ,p_action_id             => tempActions.action_id
                       ,p_object_version_number => l_acu_object_version_number
                       ,p_start_date            => l_rul_start_date
                       ,p_end_date              => l_rul_end_date
Line: 1477

                       ,p_datetrack_mode        => hr_api.g_update
                       ,p_rule_id               => p_rule_id
                       ,p_condition_id          => tempConditions.condition_id
                       ,p_object_version_number => l_cnu_object_version_number
                       ,p_start_date            => l_rul_start_date
                       ,p_end_date              => l_rul_end_date
Line: 1487

                     ,p_datetrack_mode        => hr_api.g_update
                     ,p_rule_id               => p_rule_id
                     ,p_object_version_number => l_rul_object_version_number
                     ,p_start_date            => l_rul_start_date
                     ,p_end_date              => l_rul_end_date
Line: 1501

  select name
    from ame_attributes
   where attribute_id = p_attribute_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date-(1/84600),sysdate);
Line: 1521

  select count(*)
    from ame_rules
   where rule_id = p_rule_id
       and ((sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < start_date and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 1549

  select count(*)
    from ame_actions
   where action_id = p_action_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 1573

  select count(*)
    from ame_conditions
   where condition_id = p_condition_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 1597

  select count(*)
    from ame_calling_apps
   where application_id = p_application_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date-(1/84600),sysdate);
Line: 1620

  select count(*)
    from ame_rules rul
        ,ame_condition_usages cnu
   where rul.rule_id = p_rule_id
     and cnu.rule_id = rul.rule_id
     and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
          (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
     and sysdate between cnu.start_date and nvl(cnu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 1648

  select count(act.action_id)
    from ame_actions act
        ,ame_action_type_config atf
        ,ame_action_types aty
   where act.action_id = p_action_id
     and atf.application_id = p_application_id
     and act.action_type_id = atf.action_type_id
     and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atf.start_date and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and aty.name not in ('approval-group chain of authority'
                         ,'pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
                         ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals');
Line: 1665

  select count(*)
    from ame_actions act
        ,ame_action_type_config atf
        ,ame_action_types aty
   where act.action_id = p_action_id
     and atf.application_id = p_application_id
     and act.action_type_id = atf.action_type_id
     and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atf.start_date and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and aty.name in ('hr position'
                     ,'hr position level');
Line: 1681

  select act.parameter
    from ame_actions act
        ,ame_action_type_config atf
        ,ame_action_types aty
   where act.action_id = p_action_id
     and atf.application_id = p_application_id
     and act.action_type_id = atf.action_type_id
     and aty.action_type_id = act.action_type_id
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atf.start_date and nvl(atf.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and aty.name in ('approval-group chain of authority'
                     ,'pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
                     ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals');
Line: 1759

  select acu.action_id
    from ame_action_usages acu
        ,ame_rules rul
   where rul.rule_id = acu.rule_id
    and rul.rule_id = p_rule_id
    and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
    and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 1810

  select cnu.condition_id
    from ame_condition_usages cnu
        ,ame_rules rul
   where rul.rule_id = cnu.rule_id
    and rul.rule_id = p_rule_id
    and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
    and ((sysdate between cnu.start_date and nvl(cnu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < cnu.start_date and cnu.start_date < nvl(cnu.end_date, cnu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 1935

   select count(*)
     from ame_rules             rul
         ,ame_condition_usages  cnu
         ,ame_conditions        cnd
    where rul.rule_id        = p_rule_id
      and cnu.rule_id        = rul.rule_id
      and cnd.condition_id   = cnu.condition_id
      and cnd.condition_type = ame_util.listModConditionType
      and rul.rule_type      = 0
      and sysdate between cnd.start_date and nvl(cnd.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
      and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between cnu.start_date and nvl(cnu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < cnu.start_date and cnu.start_date < nvl(cnu.end_date, cnu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 1977

  select count(*)
    from ame_conditions cnd
        ,ame_attribute_usages atu
   where cnd.condition_id = p_condition_id
     and cnd.condition_type <> ame_util.listModConditionType
     and atu.application_id = p_application_id
     and cnd.attribute_id   = atu.attribute_id
     and sysdate between cnd.start_date and nvl(cnd.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atu.start_date and nvl(atu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 1992

    select count(*)
      into lm_count
      from ame_conditions
     where condition_type = ame_util.listModConditionType
       and condition_id = p_condition_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2015

      select parameter_two
        into lm_param2
        from ame_conditions
       where condition_id = p_condition_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2047

  select count(*)
    from ame_rules              rul
        ,ame_action_usages      acu
        ,ame_action_type_usages atyu
        ,ame_actions            act
   where act.action_id <> p_action_id
     and rul.rule_id   = p_rule_id
     and rul.rule_id   = acu.rule_id
     and acu.action_id = act.action_id
     and act.action_type_id = atyu.action_type_id
     and (atyu.rule_type <> ame_util.productionRuleType
           or rul.rule_type <> ame_util.productionRuleType)
      and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
         (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atyu.start_date and nvl(atyu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2097

  select parameter_one
    from ame_conditions
   where condition_id = p_condition_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2104

  select aty.name
    from ame_actions act
        ,ame_action_types aty
   where act.action_id = p_action_id
     and aty.action_type_id = act.action_type_id
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2149

  select count(*)
    from ame_approval_group_config gpc
   where gpc.approval_group_id = p_approval_group_id
     and gpc.application_id = p_application_id
     and sysdate between gpc.start_date and nvl(gpc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2195

  select count(*)
    from wf_roles
   where status = 'ACTIVE'
     and nvl(expiration_date,sysdate) >= sysdate
     and orig_system = 'PER'
     and name = p_name;
Line: 2224

  select count(*)
    from wf_roles
   where status = 'ACTIVE'
     and nvl(expiration_date,sysdate) >= sysdate
     and orig_system = 'POS'
     and name = p_name;
Line: 2251

  select distinct atr.item_class_id
    from ame_rules rul
        ,ame_condition_usages cnu
        ,ame_attributes atr
        ,ame_conditions con
        ,ame_item_classes itc
   where rul.rule_id       = p_rule_id
     and rul.rule_id       = cnu.rule_id
     and cnu.condition_id  = con.condition_id
     and con.attribute_id  = atr.attribute_id
     and atr.item_class_id = itc.item_class_id
     and itc.name <> ame_util.headerItemClassName
     and ((sysdate between rul.start_date and nvl(rul.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
          (sysdate < rul.start_date and rul.start_date < nvl(rul.end_date, rul.start_date + (1/86400)))
     and ((sysdate between cnu.start_date and nvl(cnu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
          (sysdate < cnu.start_date and cnu.start_date < nvl(cnu.end_date, cnu.start_date + (1/86400)))
     and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
     and sysdate between itc.start_date and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2282

    select condition_type
      into l_con_type
      from ame_conditions
     where condition_id = p_condition_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/84600),sysdate);
Line: 2291

    select item_class_id
      into l_header_item_class_id
      from ame_item_classes
     where name = ame_util.headerItemClassName
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/84600),sysdate);
Line: 2297

    select atr.item_class_id
      into l_con_item_class_id
      from ame_conditions con
          ,ame_attributes atr
     where con.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
       and con.condition_id = p_condition_id
       and sysdate between con.start_date and nvl(con.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
       and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2309

    select nvl(item_class_id,l_header_item_class_id)
      into l_item_class_id
      from ame_rules
     where rule_id = p_rule_id
       and ((sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < start_date and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 2343

    select count(*)
      into l_count
      from ame_condition_usages
     where rule_id      = p_rule_id
       and condition_id = p_condition_id
       and ((sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
            (sysdate < start_date and start_date < nvl(end_date, start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 2364

    select aty.name
      into l_aty_name
      from ame_actions act
          ,ame_action_types aty
     where act.action_id = p_action_id
       and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
       and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
       and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate);
Line: 2373

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from ame_action_usages acu
            ,ame_action_types aty
            ,ame_actions act
       where acu.rule_id   = p_rule_id
         and aty.name = 'nonfinal authority'
         and acu.action_id = act.action_id
         and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
         and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
              (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))
Line: 2392

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from ame_action_usages acu
            ,ame_action_types aty
            ,ame_actions act
       where acu.rule_id   = p_rule_id
         and aty.name = 'final authority'
         and acu.action_id = act.action_id
         and act.action_type_id = aty.action_type_id
         and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and sysdate between aty.start_date and nvl(aty.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate))
              (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_date, acu.start_date + (1/86400)))