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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

23/6/2006       BRATHOD      120.2         5166688         Modified the signature of INSERT_ROW procedure in
                                                           to return rowid to caller of API by adding out
                                                           parameter in the call. Refer bug# 5166688 for details
24/07/2006      BRATHOD      120.3                         Bug:5408280
                                                           Modified the package to upateke the impact due to
                                                           addition of new sign flag columns and removal of
                                                           SIGN_FLAG column
15/09/2006      RJREDDY      120.4         5532038         Removed the taxable_box_recoverable and taxable_rec_sign_flag
                                                           field from all the procedures
  procedure insert_row
                (   x_record                          jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype
                  , x_allocation_rule_id  out nocopy  jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules.allocation_rule_id%type
                  , x_row_id              out nocopy  rowid

    cursor  c_gen_alloc_rule_id
    select  jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules_s.nextval
    from    dual;
Line: 42

    insert into jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
                (  allocation_rule_id
                ,  vat_reporting_entity_id
                ,  source
                ,  financial_document_type
                ,  vat_transaction_type
                ,  tax_id
                ,  tax_code
                ,  tax_status
                ,  tax_jurisdiction_code
                ,  tax_rate_code
                ,  tax_rate_id
                ,  tax_box_recoverable
                ,  tax_box_non_recoverable
                ,  taxable_box_non_recoverable
                ,  total_box
                ,  effective_from_date
                ,  effective_to_date
                ,  period_type
                ,  created_by
                ,  creation_date
                ,  last_updated_by
                ,  last_update_date
                ,  last_update_login
                ,  tax_rec_sign_flag
                ,  tax_non_rec_sign_flag
                ,  taxable_non_rec_sign_flag

    values      (  x_allocation_rule_id
                ,  x_record.vat_reporting_entity_id
                ,  x_record.source
                ,  x_record.financial_document_type
                ,  x_record.vat_transaction_type
                ,  x_record.tax_id
                ,  x_record.tax_code
                ,  x_record.tax_status
                ,  x_record.tax_jurisdiction_code
                ,  x_record.tax_rate_code
                ,  x_record.tax_rate_id
                ,  x_record.tax_box_recoverable
                ,  x_record.tax_box_non_recoverable
                ,  x_record.taxable_box_non_recoverable
                ,  x_record.total_box
                ,  x_record.effective_from_date
                ,  x_record.effective_to_date
                ,  x_record.period_type
                ,  x_record.created_by
                ,  x_record.creation_date
                ,  x_record.last_updated_by
                ,  x_record.last_update_date
                ,  x_record.last_update_login
                ,  x_record.tax_rec_sign_flag
                ,  x_record.tax_non_rec_sign_flag
                ,  x_record.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag

                )returning rowid into x_row_id;
Line: 106

  end insert_row;
Line: 117

    select  jzvar.*
    from    jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules jzvar
    where   rowid = x_row_id
    for update nowait;
Line: 131

      fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
Line: 168

  procedure update_row( x_record             jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype
    le_no_rows_updated  exception;
Line: 176

    update jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
    set    vat_reporting_entity_id              = x_record.vat_reporting_entity_id
        ,  source                               = x_record.source
        ,  financial_document_type              = x_record.financial_document_type
        ,  vat_transaction_type                 = x_record.vat_transaction_type
        ,  tax_id                               = x_record.tax_id
        ,  tax_code                             = x_record.tax_code
        ,  tax_status                           = x_record.tax_status
        ,  tax_jurisdiction_code                = x_record.tax_jurisdiction_code
        ,  tax_rate_code                        = x_record.tax_rate_code
        ,  tax_rate_id                          = x_record.tax_rate_id
        ,  tax_box_recoverable                  = x_record.tax_box_recoverable
        ,  tax_box_non_recoverable              = x_record.tax_box_non_recoverable
        ,  taxable_box_non_recoverable          = x_record.taxable_box_non_recoverable
        ,  total_box                            = x_record.total_box
        ,  effective_from_date                  = x_record.effective_from_date
        ,  effective_to_date                    = x_record.effective_to_date
        ,  period_type                          = x_record.period_type
        ,  created_by                           = x_record.created_by
        ,  creation_date                        = x_record.creation_date
        ,  last_updated_by                      = x_record.last_updated_by
        ,  last_update_date                     = x_record.last_update_date
        ,  last_update_login                    = x_record.last_update_login
        ,  tax_rec_sign_flag                    = x_record.tax_rec_sign_flag
        ,  tax_non_rec_sign_flag                = x_record.tax_non_rec_sign_flag
        ,  taxable_non_rec_sign_flag            = x_record.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag
    where allocation_rule_id                    = x_record.allocation_rule_id;
Line: 204

  end update_row;
Line: 208

  procedure delete_row(  x_allocation_rule_id   jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules.allocation_rule_id%type)
    le_no_rows_deleted  exception;
Line: 213

    delete from jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
    where       allocation_rule_id = x_allocation_rule_id ;
Line: 216

  end delete_row;