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Line 143: gl_period_statuses ps

139: fa_deprn_periods dp,
140: fa_trx_references tr,
141: fa_lookups_tl lk1,
142: fa_lookups_tl lk2,
143: gl_period_statuses ps
144: where tr.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
145: and ps.application_id = 101
146: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
147: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 2544: gl_period_statuses ps

2540: fa_deprn_periods dp,
2541: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2542: fa_book_controls bc,
2543: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2544: gl_period_statuses ps
2545: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
2546: and ps.application_id = 101
2547: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
2548: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 2620: gl_period_statuses ps

2616: fa_deprn_periods dp,
2617: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2618: fa_book_controls bc,
2619: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2620: gl_period_statuses ps
2621: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
2622: and ps.application_id = 101
2623: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
2624: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 4537: gl_period_statuses ps,

4533: th.asset_id asset_id
4534: from fa_transaction_headers th,
4535: fa_book_controls bc,
4536: fa_deprn_periods dp,
4537: gl_period_statuses ps,
4538: fa_lookups_tl lk,
4539: fa_asset_history ah
4540: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
4541: and th.member_transaction_header_id is null

Line 4619: gl_period_statuses ps,

4615: th.asset_id asset_id
4616: from fa_transaction_headers th,
4617: fa_book_controls bc,
4618: fa_deprn_periods dp,
4619: gl_period_statuses ps,
4620: fa_lookups_tl lk
4621: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
4622: and th.member_transaction_header_id is null
4623: and th.event_id is null

Line 7146: gl_period_statuses ps

7142: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
7143: fa_deprn_periods dp,
7144: fa_asset_history ah,
7145: fa_category_books cb,
7146: gl_period_statuses ps
7147: where ds.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
7148: and ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
7149: and bc.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
7150: and dp.book_type_code = ds.book_type_code

Line 8234: gl_period_statuses ps

8230: fa_book_controls bc,
8231: fa_lookups_tl lk_de,
8232: fa_lookups_tl lk_dr,
8233: gl_je_headers gljh,
8234: gl_period_statuses ps
8235: where df.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
8236: and df.corp_book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
8237: and bc.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
8238: and dp.book_type_code = df.corp_book_type_code