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1 PACKAGE WSM_Serial_support_PVT AS
2 /* $Header: WSMVSERS.pls 120.4 2006/04/11 23:43 sthangad noship $ */
4 TYPE t_serial_intf_tbl_type is table of WSM_SERIAL_TXN_INTERFACE%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
5 TYPE t_serial_temp_tbl_type is table of WSM_SERIAL_TXN_TEMP%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
6 TYPE t_serial_number_tbl_type is table of MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
7 TYPE t_number is table of NUMBER index by binary_integer;
8 type t_varchar2 is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer;
9 TYPE t_wip_intf_tbl_type is table of WIP_SERIAL_MOVE_INTERFACE%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
17 procedure update_serial( p_serial_number                IN              VARCHAR2,
18                          p_inventory_item_id            IN              NUMBER,
19                          -- p_new_inventory_item_id     IN              NUMBER,
20                          p_organization_id              IN              NUMBER,
21                          p_wip_entity_id                IN              NUMBER,
22                          p_operation_seq_num            IN              NUMBER,
23                          p_intraoperation_step_type     IN              NUMBER,
24                          x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
25                          x_error_msg                    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
26                          x_error_count                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
27                         );
30 PROCEDURE update_serial_attr( p_job_serial_number     IN   VARCHAR2,
31                               p_inventory_item_id     IN   NUMBER,
32                               p_organization_id       IN   NUMBER,
33                               p_serial_desc_attr_tbl  IN   inv_serial_number_attr.char_table,
34                               p_attribute_category    IN   VARCHAR2,
35                               p_update_serial_attr    IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
36                               p_update_desc_attr      IN   NUMBER,
37                               p_serial_attributes_tbl IN   inv_lot_sel_attr.lot_sel_attributes_tbl_type,
38                               x_return_status         OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
39                               x_error_count           OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
40                               x_error_msg             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
41                             );
43 PROCEDURE validate_qty  ( p_primary_item_id           IN        NUMBER,
44                           p_organization_id           IN        NUMBER,
45                           p_primary_qty               IN        NUMBER,
46                           p_net_qty                   IN        NUMBER,
47                           p_primary_uom               IN        VARCHAR2,
48                           p_transaction_qty           IN        NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
49                           p_transaction_uom           IN        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
50                           x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
51                           x_error_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
52                           x_error_msg                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
53                         );
56 Procedure add_assoc_serial_number(p_wip_entity_id               IN              NUMBER,
57                                   p_organization_id             IN              NUMBER,
58                                   p_inventory_item_id           IN              NUMBER,
59                                   -- will be null in case (Generation..)
60                                   p_serial_number               IN  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
61                                   -- pass 1 if the calling program knows that it is a new serial number
62                                   p_new_serial_number           IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
63                                   p_operation_seq_num           IN              NUMBER          DEFAULT NULL,
64                                   p_intraoperation_step         IN              NUMBER          DEFAULT NULL,
65                                   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
66                                   x_error_msg                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
67                                   x_error_count                 OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
68                                  );
69 Procedure LBJ_serial_intf_proc( p_header_id             IN         NUMBER,
70                                 p_wip_entity_id         IN         NUMBER,
71                                 p_organization_id       IN         NUMBER,
72                                 p_inventory_item_id     IN         NUMBER,
73                                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
74                                 x_error_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
75                                 x_error_msg             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
76                                ) ;
78 -- The addition/deletion of serial numbers will be handled by this procedure...
79 -- Then it will invoke the main processor whose activities will be common...
80 -- When there is data in p_wsm_serial_nums_tbl, p_header_id will be ignored and no data will be fetched from the interface
81 Procedure Move_serial_intf_proc(p_header_id                     IN              NUMBER,
82                                 p_wsm_serial_nums_tbl           IN              WSM_Serial_Support_GRP.WSM_SERIAL_NUM_TBL,
83                                 p_move_txn_type                 IN              NUMBER,
84                                 p_wip_entity_id                 IN              NUMBER,
85                                 p_organization_id               IN              NUMBER,
86                                 p_inventory_item_id             IN              NUMBER,
87                                 p_move_qty                      IN              NUMBER,
88                                 p_scrap_qty                     IN              NUMBER,
89                                 p_available_qty                 IN              NUMBER,
90                                 p_curr_job_op_seq_num           IN              NUMBER,
91                                 p_curr_job_intraop_step         IN              NUMBER,
92                                 p_from_rtg_op_seq_num           IN              NUMBER,
93                                 p_to_rtg_op_seq_num             IN              NUMBER,
94                                 p_to_intraoperation_step        IN              NUMBER,
95                                 p_user_serial_tracking          IN              NUMBER,
96                                 p_move_txn_id                   IN              NUMBER,
97                                 p_scrap_txn_id                  IN              NUMBER,
98                                 p_old_move_txn_id               IN              NUMBER,
99                                 p_old_scrap_txn_id              IN              NUMBER,
100                                 p_jump_flag                     IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT  NULL,
101                                 p_scrap_at_operation            IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT  NULL,
102                                 -- ST : Fix for bug 5140761 Addded the above parameter --
103                                 x_serial_track_flag             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
104                                 x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
105                                 x_error_msg                     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
106                                 x_error_count                   OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
107                                );
109 Procedure Update_attr_move ( p_group_id          IN         NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL,  -- for interface...
110                              p_internal_group_id IN         NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL,
111                              p_move_txn_id       IN         NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL,  -- for forms...
112                              p_scrap_txn_id      IN         NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL,  -- for forms...
113                              p_organization_id   IN         NUMBER                  ,
114                              x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                ,
115                              x_error_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                  ,
116                              x_error_msg         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
117                            );
119 Procedure Insert_move_attr ( p_group_id         IN         NUMBER       DEFAULT NULL,
120                              p_move_txn_id      IN         NUMBER       DEFAULT NULL,
121                              p_scrap_txn_id     IN         NUMBER       DEFAULT NULL,
122                              x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
123                              x_error_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
124                              x_error_msg        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
125                            );
127 Procedure Move_forms_serial_proc( p_move_txn_type               IN              NUMBER,
128                                   p_wip_entity_id               IN              NUMBER,
129                                   p_organization_id             IN              NUMBER,
130                                   p_inventory_item_id           IN              NUMBER,
131                                   p_move_qty                    IN              NUMBER,
132                                   p_scrap_qty                   IN              NUMBER,
133                                   p_available_qty               IN              NUMBER,
134                                   p_curr_job_op_seq_num         IN              NUMBER,
135                                   p_curr_job_intraop_step       IN              NUMBER,
136                                   p_from_rtg_op_seq_num         IN              NUMBER,
137                                   p_to_rtg_op_seq_num           IN              NUMBER,
138                                   p_to_intraoperation_step      IN              NUMBER,
139                                   p_user_serial_tracking        IN              NUMBER,
140                                   p_move_txn_id                 IN              NUMBER,
141                                   p_scrap_txn_id                IN              NUMBER,
142                                   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
143                                   x_error_msg                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
144                                   x_error_count                 OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
145                                 );
147 Procedure WLT_serial_intf_proc ( p_header_id            IN              NUMBER,
148                                  p_wip_entity_id        IN              NUMBER,
149                                  p_wip_entity_name      IN              VARCHAR2,
150                                  p_wlt_txn_type         IN              NUMBER,
151                                  p_organization_id      IN              NUMBER,
152                                  x_serial_num_tbl       OUT NOCOPY      WSM_Serial_Support_GRP.WSM_SERIAL_NUM_TBL,
153                                  x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
154                                  x_error_msg            OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
155                                  x_error_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
156                                );
159 Procedure WLT_serial_processor  ( p_calling_mode                IN              NUMBER,
160                                   p_wlt_txn_type                IN              NUMBER,
161                                   p_organization_id             IN              NUMBER,
162                                   p_txn_id                      IN              NUMBER,
163                                   p_starting_jobs_tbl           IN              WSM_WIP_LOT_TXN_PVT.WLTX_STARTING_JOBS_TBL_TYPE,
164                                   p_resulting_jobs_tbl          IN              WSM_WIP_LOT_TXN_PVT.WLTX_RESULTING_JOBS_TBL_TYPE,
165                                   p_serial_num_tbl              IN OUT NOCOPY   WSM_Serial_Support_GRP.WSM_SERIAL_NUM_TBL,
166                                   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
167                                   x_error_msg                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
168                                   x_error_count                 OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
169                                 );
171 Procedure find_undo_ret_serials ( p_header_id            IN                     NUMBER,  -- passed value will be :parameter.move_txn_id
172                                   p_wip_entity_id        IN                     NUMBER,
173                                   p_move_txn_type        IN                     NUMBER,
174                                   p_organization_id      IN                     NUMBER,
175                                   p_inventory_item_id    IN                     NUMBER,
176                                   p_move_qty             IN                     NUMBER,
177                                   p_scrap_qty            IN                     NUMBER,
178                                   x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY             VARCHAR2,
179                                   x_error_msg            OUT NOCOPY             VARCHAR2,
180                                   x_error_count          OUT NOCOPY             NUMBER
181                                 );
182 END WSM_Serial_support_PVT;