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Line 164: hz_cust_acct_sites_all site,

160: SELECT mp.cust_account_id ,
161: mp.site_use_id,
162: site.cust_acct_site_id
163: FROM fun_customer_maps mp,
164: hz_cust_acct_sites_all site,
165: hz_cust_site_uses_all use
166: WHERE relation_id = x_relation_id
167: AND site.cust_account_id = mp.cust_account_id
168: AND site.cust_acct_site_id = use.cust_acct_site_id

Line 177: IN ( SELECT cust_acct_site_id FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all WHERE cust_account_id = x_cust_acct_id AND org_id = p_trans_org_id)

173: CURSOR c_site_use (p_trans_org_id NUMBER, x_cust_acct_id NUMBER) IS
174: SELECT site_use_id , cust_acct_site_id
175: FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all
176: WHERE cust_acct_site_id
177: IN ( SELECT cust_acct_site_id FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all WHERE cust_account_id = x_cust_acct_id AND org_id = p_trans_org_id)
178: AND org_id = p_trans_org_id
179: AND site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
180: AND status = 'A'
181: AND primary_flag = 'Y';