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APPS.NTN SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

    * select rowid into xxx
    *  from fnd_new_messages where application_id = p_application_id
    *                    and message_name=p_message_name;
Line: 64

    * We should be selecting from the fnd message dictionary api's.
    * So using the fnd_message.get_string api. It returns the translated
    * message or null if the message can't be found. The null is what
    * we need to check for.

Line: 71

    select application_short_name
      into x_app_short_name
      from fnd_application
     where application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 93

   select rowid into xxx
        from hr_employees where employee_id=p_employee_id;
Line: 105

   /* select count(1) into on_line
        from fnd_user where employee_id = p_employee_id
        and person_type = 'E'
        and sysdate < NVL(end_date, sysdate +1);
Line: 122

   stmt:= 'insert into fnd_notifications'
          || '(notification_id, employee_id, message_name, priority, status, object_id, deletable, from_id, application_id, doc_type, ' ||
	     'doc_number, amount, currency, note, start_effective_date, end_effective_date, doc_creation_date, date1, date2, date3, off_line,
          || 'attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5,'
          || 'attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute10,'
          || 'attribute11, attribute12, attribute13, attribute14, attribute15,'
          || 'attribute16, attribute17, attribute18, attribute19, attribute20,'
          || 'attribute21, attribute22, attribute23, attribute24, attribute25,'
          || 'attribute26, attribute27, attribute28, attribute29, attribute30,'
          || 'attribute31, attribute32, '
          || 'last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login, '
          || 'creation_date,  created_by)'
          || ' values '
          || '(fnd_notifications_s.nextval, :employee_id, :message_name, :priority, :status, :object_id, :deletable, :from_id, :application_id, ' ||
	     ':doc_type, :doc_number, :amount, :currency, :note, :start_effective_date, :end_effective_date, :doc_creation_date, :date1, :date2, :date3, :off_line, '
          || ':a1, :a2, :a3, :a4, :a5, :a6, :a7, :a8, :a9, :a10,'
          || ':a11, :a12, :a13, :a14, :a15, :a16,'
          || ':a17, :a18, :a19, :a20, :a21, :a22,'
          || ':a23, :a24, :a25, :a26, :a27, :a28,'
          || ':a29, :a30, :a31, :a32,'
          || 'sysdate, :user_id, :login_id, sysdate, :user_id)';
Line: 173

dbms_output.put_line('after message insert');
Line: 189

   select fnd_notifications_s.currval into notification_id from dual;
Line: 206

procedure Delete_Notification(
   p_notification_id number,
   return_code out NOCOPY number)
  candelete varchar2(25) := '';
Line: 212

  select 'record_exists'
         into candelete
         from fnd_notifications
         where notification_id = p_notification_id;
Line: 216

  if candelete = 'record_exists' then
         delete from fnd_notifications
         where notification_id = p_notification_id;
Line: 225

procedure Delete_Notif_By_ID_Type(
   p_object_id number,
   p_doc_type  varchar2)
   /* DEBUG. gtummala. 9/16/97.
    * fnd_notifications_view isn't in the sep10 install.
    * Just to make this package compile I'm going to take
    * this whole procedure and replace with a null.
    * We're going to drop this package
    * next week anyway.

     cursor c1 is     select notification_id
                    from fnd_notifications_view
                    where object_id=p_object_id
                      and p_doc_type = doc_type;
Line: 250

      Delete_Notification(dntn.notification_id, return_code);
Line: 269

   select rowid into xxx
        from hr_employees where employee_id=p_new_recip;
Line: 272

   update fnd_notifications
   set from_id = employee_id,
       employee_id = p_new_recip,
       note = p_note,
       last_update_date = sysdate,
       last_updated_by = user_id,
       last_update_login = login_id
      notification_id = p_notification_id;
Line: 296

  stmt:= 'select '
         || attribute_name
         || ' from jliang_nv '
         || ' where notification_id = :p_notification_id';
Line: 335

        SELECT count(1)
        INTO   x_data_exists
        FROM   fnd_notifications
        WHERE  notification_id = x_notification_id;
Line: 384

           p_notification_id => new_id,
Line: 389

           p_doc_type => 'req',
           p_object_id => 8);