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Line 104: ,per_addresses addr

100: CURSOR c_cont_primary_addr
101: IS
102: SELECT addr.address_id
103: FROM per_contact_relationships pcr
104: ,per_addresses addr
105: WHERE pcr.contact_relationship_id = p_contact_relationship_id
106: and pcr.contact_person_id = addr.person_id
107: and trunc(sysdate) between addr.date_from
108: and nvl(addr.date_to, trunc(sysdate))

Line 143: delete from per_addresses

139: -- As there is no API to do the delete we have to physically call the
140: -- the delete statement.
141: --
142: hr_utility.set_Location('IF c_cont_primary_addr FOUND:'||l_proc,10);
143: delete from per_addresses
144: where address_id = l_cont_primary_addr.address_id;
145: --
146: END IF;
147: --

Line 14742: from per_addresses

14738: l_cov_date_start date;
14739: l_dummy varchar2(10);
14740: cursor csr_address(c_person_id number, c_date_from date) is
14741: select 'Y'
14742: from per_addresses
14743: where person_id = c_person_id
14744: and date_from = c_date_from
14745: and primary_flag='Y';