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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 41

   This procedure is called to insert errors into the exception run
   table. The Exception Run Report is run after the Generate Extract
   process completes which reads the data from this table and prints the
   The processing should not stop if any error is encountered unless it
   is fatal.

   Parameters :
   p_he_ext_run_exceptions     IN     Record which contains the values that
                                      need to be inserted into the exception
                                      The field Exception_Reason should
                                      contain the message text not the
                                      message code.
   PROCEDURE log_error
             (p_he_ext_run_exceptions  IN OUT NOCOPY igs_he_ext_run_excp%ROWTYPE)
Line: 65

          (X_Rowid              => l_rowid,
          X_Ext_Exception_Id    => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.ext_exception_id,
          X_Extract_Run_Id      => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Extract_Run_Id,
          X_Person_Id           => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Person_Id,
          X_Person_Number       => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Person_Number,
          X_Course_Cd           => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Course_Cd,
          X_Crv_Version_Number  => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Crv_Version_Number,
          X_Unit_Cd             => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Unit_Cd,
          X_Uv_Version_Number   => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Uv_Version_Number,
          X_Line_Number         => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Line_Number,
          X_Field_Number        => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Field_Number,
          X_Exception_Reason    => p_he_ext_run_exceptions.Exception_Reason);
Line: 107

   SELECT course_type
   FROM   igs_ps_ver_all
   WHERE  course_cd = g_en_stdnt_ps_att.course_cd
   AND    version_number = g_en_stdnt_ps_att.version_number;
Line: 211

   FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
   AND    only = cp_person_id
   AND    param_type = 'RECALC-PERSON';
Line: 218

   FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
   AND    only = cp_person_id
   AND    param_type = 'RECALC-PROGRAM';
Line: 293

   SELECT param_type,
   FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
   AND    (exclude IS NOT NULL
   OR     only IS NOT NULL)
   AND param_type IN ('PSN_IDENT_GROUP', 'PSN_ID')
   ORDER BY param_type;
Line: 312

   SELECT a.group_cd
   FROM   igs_pe_persid_group a ,
          igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem_all b
   WHERE  b.person_id           = p_person_id
   AND    a.group_cd            = p_group_cd
   AND    ( b.Start_Date IS NULL OR b.Start_Date <= cp_enrl_end_dt)
   AND    ( b.End_Date IS NULL OR b.End_Date >= cp_enrl_start_dt )
   AND    a.group_id = b.group_id AND a.closed_ind = 'N' ;
Line: 323

   SELECT group_id, group_type
   FROM   igs_pe_persid_group_v
   WHERE  group_cd = p_group_cd;
Line: 442

   SELECT param_type,
          DECODE(exclude, 'YES', 'Y',
                          'NO', 'N',
                          exclude) exclude,
          DECODE(only, 'YES', 'Y',
                       'NO', 'N',
                       only) only
   FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
   AND    (exclude IS NOT NULL
   OR     only IS NOT NULL)
   ORDER BY param_type;
Line: 461

   SELECT special_student_cd
   FROM   igs_he_ad_dtl_all
   WHERE  person_id             = p_person_id
   AND    admission_appl_number = p_admission_appl_number
   AND    nominated_course_cd   = p_nominated_course_cd
   AND    sequence_number       = p_sequence_number;
Line: 479

           SELECT exclude,  only
           FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
           WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
           AND param_type = 'PROGRAM_CATEGORY' ;
Line: 487

           SELECT exclude,  only
           FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
           WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
           AND param_type = 'PROGRAM_GROUP' ;
Line: 497

           SELECT 'X'
           FROM   igs_ps_categorise_all
           WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
           AND    version_number = p_version_number
           AND    course_cat IN  ( SELECT exclude FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
                                   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
                                   AND    exclude IS NOT NULL
                                   AND    param_type ='PROGRAM_CATEGORY') ;
Line: 509

           SELECT 'X'
           FROM   igs_ps_categorise_all
           WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
           AND    version_number = p_version_number
           AND    course_cat IN ( SELECT only FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
                                   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
                                   AND    only IS NOT NULL
                                   AND    param_type ='PROGRAM_CATEGORY') ;
Line: 522

           SELECT 'X'
           FROM   igs_ps_grp_mbr
           WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
           AND    version_number = p_version_number
           AND    course_group_cd IN ( SELECT exclude FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
                                   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
                                   AND    exclude IS NOT NULL
                                   AND param_type ='PROGRAM_GROUP') ;
Line: 534

           SELECT 'X'
           FROM   igs_ps_grp_mbr
           WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
           AND    version_number = p_version_number
           AND    course_group_cd IN ( SELECT only FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
                                   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
                                   AND    only IS NOT NULL
                                   AND param_type ='PROGRAM_GROUP') ;
Line: 780

   SELECT param_type,
          DECODE(exclude, 'YES', 'Y',
                          'NO', 'N',
                          exclude) exclude,
          DECODE(only, 'YES', 'Y',
                       'NO', 'N',
                       only) only
   FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
   WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
   AND    (exclude IS NOT NULL
   OR     only IS NOT NULL)
   AND param_type IN ( 'ORG_UNIT' ,'PROGRAM_YEAR','OUTSIDE_UK','FE')
   ORDER BY param_type;
Line: 972

   This procedure deletes rows from tables before starting the

   Because it uses table handlers, there might be a server
   performance issue as the number of rows being processed
   would be huge

   Parameters :
   p_extract_run_id     IN     The Extract Run Id
   p_line_number        IN     Line Number
   p_table_name         IN     Table Name
                               Values : INTERIM - Igs_He_Ext_Run_Interim
                                        LINE    - Igs_He_Ex_Rn_Dat_Ln
                                        FIELD   - Igs_He_Ex_Rn_Dat_Fd
                                        ERROR   - Igs_He_Ext_Run_Excp
   WHAT: Removed the 'PROCEDURE delete_rows' as all the call to this procedure are placed
         with direct DMLS for bug,3179585

   This procedure fetches the modules that need to be processed
   and inserts them into the temporary procesing table
   Parameters :
   p_extract_run_id     IN     The Extract Run Id
   --smaddali seperated the extract parameters validation into 3 different groups :person,
   --  program attempt and program,program year parameters for bug 2350730
   -- hence the procedure validate_params has been split into 3 procedures
   -- namely validate_params , validate_params1,validate_params2
   -- and calls to these procedures have been added in this procedure at appropriate places

   --Done as a part of HEFD101(2636897)
   --Bayadav  Included in the WHERE clause the graduated student also but who have not awarded ans the conferral_td is set
   --Outer join is to consider the graduation.conferraldt condition only in case the student have graduation rec .
   --The other students(not  graduated) should also be selected
   --smvk     03-Jun-2003   Bug # 2858436.Modified the cursor c_quaim to select open program awards only.
  16-DEC-02   Bayadav Included the conditions in the WHERE clause to consider the students who have been awarded in HESA period but must have comepleted the course earlier as a part of bug 2702117
  20-JAN-2003 Bayadav Included the validations to check if the alternate person id does not contains non-numeric characters for the person in context as a part of 2744808
  03-MAR-2003 bayadav Included check in c_encp  cursor to cehck for the Units
  sarakshi 26-Jun-2003  Enh#2930935,modified cursor c_encp to include unit section level
                        enrolled_credit_points if exists else unit level credit points
  dsridhar 04-Jul-03   Bug No:3079731. Changed the order of setting the tokens for the message IGS_HE_INVALID_PER_ID.
  smaddali 20-Oct-03   Modified procedure for bug#3172980 , skip students whose api person id> 8 digits
  ayedubat 14-Nov-03   Modified the procedure to improve the performance for Bug, 3179585
  smaddali 05-Dec-03   Modified cursors c_get_yop, c_get_spa to add condition complete_ind=Y , for HECR210 build, bug#2874542
  smaddali 10-Dec-03   Modified logic to get Term record details for HECR214 - Term based fees enhancement, bug#3291656
  smaddali 14-Jan-04   Modified cursor c_qulaim for bug#3360646
  ayedubat 09-Mar-04   Modified logic to check the condition, l_std_inst.person_id <> l_prev_person_id only
                       when logging the error message in the log file for Bug, 3491096
  jbaber   04-Nov-04   Modified c_get_spa for HE354 - Program Transfer
                       Replace c_inact_st with c_enr_su for bug 3810280
  slaport  31-Jan-05   Modified cursor c_alternate_id for HE358 to ignore logically deleted records.
  jbaber   15-Apr-05   Modified c_get_spa cursor to include records where future_date_trans_flag = N or S as per bug #4179106
  jtmathew 27-Jan-06   Modified c_get_spa cursor to include award conferral date parameters
  jbaber   15-Mar-06   Added p_recalculate parameter for HE365 - Extract Rerun

  PROCEDURE get_students (p_extract_run_id IN NUMBER, p_recalculate IN BOOLEAN) IS

  --smaddali modified where clause for comparing the enrolment dates for bug 2415632
  --dsridhar modified the table form igs_pe_person to igs_pe_person_base_v for the bug 2911738
  --Removed the cursor, c_get_stins for Bug, 3179585
  --smaddali modified where clause for comparing the enrolment dates for bug 2415632
  --smaddali added field hspa.fe_student_marker for bug 2452834
  --Removed the cursor to remove person_id and person_number parameters for Bug, 3179585
  --jbaber added check for exclude flag and removed calendar types for HE305
  CURSOR c_get_spa (
    p_submission_name      igs_he_submsn_header.submission_name%TYPE,
    p_return_name          igs_he_submsn_return.return_name%TYPE,
    p_user_return_subclass igs_he_submsn_return.user_return_subclass%TYPE,
    p_enrl_start_dt        DATE,
    p_enrl_end_dt          DATE,
    p_awd_conf_start_dt    DATE,
    p_awd_conf_end_dt      DATE)  IS
  SELECT DISTINCT sca.person_id,
          pe.party_number person_number,
          sca.location_cd ,
          sca.cal_type sca_cal_type,
          sca.commencement_dt ,
          hspa.fe_student_marker ,
   FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca,
          igs_he_st_spa_all       hspa,
          igs_he_st_prog_all      hprog,
          igs_en_spa_awd_aim      enawd,
          hz_parties              pe
   WHERE  sca.person_id          = hspa.person_id
   AND    sca.course_cd          = hspa.course_cd
   AND    sca.course_cd          = hprog.course_cd (+)
   AND    sca.version_number     = hprog.version_number (+)
   AND    NVL(hprog.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    NVL(hspa.exclude_flag, 'N') = 'N'
   AND    NVL(sca.future_dated_trans_flag,'N') IN ('N','S')
   AND    sca.student_confirmed_ind = 'Y'
   AND    hspa.person_id         = enawd.person_id(+)
   AND    hspa.course_cd         = enawd.course_cd(+)
   AND    sca.person_id          = pe.party_id
   AND  ( ( sca.commencement_dt     <= p_enrl_end_dt
                          AND ( sca.discontinued_dt  IS NULL OR  sca.discontinued_dt   >= p_enrl_start_dt )
                                AND (sca.course_rqrmnts_complete_dt IS NULL OR
                                     sca.course_rqrmnts_complete_dt >= p_enrl_start_dt
            enawd.complete_ind  = 'Y' AND
                 (enawd.conferral_date BETWEEN p_awd_conf_start_dt AND p_awd_conf_end_dt))
  ORDER BY sca.person_id, hspa.student_inst_number, discontinued_dt DESC,
           course_rqrmnts_complete_dt DESC,  sca.commencement_dt DESC ;
Line: 1107

   SELECT award_cd
   FROM   igs_ps_award
   WHERE  course_cd      = p_course_cd
   AND    version_number = p_version_number
   AND    closed_ind     = 'N' ;
Line: 1123

   SELECT DISTINCT susa.unit_set_cd,
          husa.study_location ,
   FROM  igs_as_su_setatmpt  susa,
         igs_he_en_susa      husa,
         igs_en_unit_set     us,
         igs_en_unit_set_cat susc,
         igs_en_spa_awd_aim enawd,
         igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca
   WHERE susa.person_id = sca.person_id
   AND   susa.course_cd = sca.course_cd
   AND   sca.person_id           = enawd.person_id(+)
   AND   sca.course_cd           = enawd.course_cd(+)
   AND   susa.unit_set_cd        = husa.unit_set_cd
   AND   susa.us_version_number  = husa.us_version_number
   AND   susa.person_id          = husa.person_id
   AND   susa.course_cd          = husa.course_cd
   AND   susa.sequence_number    = husa.sequence_number
   AND   susa.unit_set_cd        = us.unit_set_cd
   AND   susa.us_version_number  = us.version_number
   AND   us.unit_set_cat         = susc.unit_set_cat
   AND   susa.person_id          = p_person_id
   AND   susa.course_cd          = p_course_cd
   AND   susc.s_unit_set_cat     = 'PRENRL_YR'
   -- the program attempt is overlapping with the submission period and the yop is also overlapping with the submission period
   AND   ( (  sca.commencement_dt     <= p_enrl_end_dt AND
             (sca.discontinued_dt  IS NULL OR  sca.discontinued_dt   >= p_enrl_start_dt ) AND
             (sca.course_rqrmnts_complete_dt IS NULL OR  sca.course_rqrmnts_complete_dt >= p_enrl_start_dt ) AND
              susa.selection_dt           <= p_enrl_end_dt AND
             (susa.end_dt  IS NULL OR susa.end_dt   >= p_enrl_start_dt )  AND
             (susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt IS NULL OR susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt >= p_enrl_start_dt)
              -- the yop has completed before the start of the submission period
              -- AND the program attempt has completed before the end of the submission period
              -- AND an award has been conferred between the NVL(award conferral dates, submission period)
           (  susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt < p_enrl_start_dt  AND
              sca.course_rqrmnts_complete_dt <= p_enrl_end_dt  AND
              enawd.complete_ind = 'Y' AND
              enawd.conferral_date BETWEEN p_awd_conf_start_dt AND p_awd_conf_end_dt
   ORDER BY susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt DESC, susa.end_dt DESC,  susa.selection_dt DESC;
Line: 1185

   SELECT crv.title,
          hpr.location_of_study ,
          Nvl(hpr.program_calc,'N') ,
          hpud.fte_intensity  ,
   FROM   igs_ps_ver       crv,
          igs_he_st_prog   hpr,
          igs_he_poous     hpud
   WHERE  crv.course_cd             = hpr.course_cd
   AND    crv.version_number        = hpr.version_number
   AND    crv.course_cd             = p_course_cd
   AND    crv.version_number        = p_crv_version_number
   AND    hpud.course_cd            = crv.course_cd
   AND    hpud.crv_version_number   = crv.version_number
   AND    hpud.cal_type             = p_cal_type
   AND    hpud.attendance_mode      = p_attendance_mode
   AND    hpud.attendance_type      = p_attendance_type
   AND    hpud.location_cd          = p_location_cd
   AND    hpud.unit_set_cd          = p_unit_set_cd
   AND    hpud.us_version_number    = p_us_version_number;
Line: 1223

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM igs_en_su_attempt_all
    WHERE person_id = p_person_id
    AND course_cd = p_course_cd
    AND unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED', 'COMPLETED','DISCONTIN','DUPLICATE')
    AND TRUNC(enrolled_dt) <= p_enrolment_end_date;
Line: 1238

   SELECT api_person_id,person_id_type, LENGTH(api_person_id) api_length
   FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
   WHERE  pe_person_id   = p_person_id
   AND    person_id_type IN ('HUSID', 'UCASID', 'GTTRID', 'NMASID', 'SWASID')
   AND    Start_Dt <= cp_enrl_end_dt
   AND    ( End_Dt IS NULL OR End_Dt >= cp_enrl_start_dt )
   AND    (End_Dt IS NULL OR Start_Dt <> End_Dt)
   ORDER BY person_id_type, Start_Dt DESC ;
Line: 1272

      SELECT  tr.program_version , tr.acad_cal_type, tr.location_cd, tr.attendance_mode, tr.attendance_type
      FROM  igs_en_spa_terms tr , igs_ca_inst_all ca
      WHERE  tr.term_cal_type = ca.cal_type AND
             tr.term_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number AND
             tr.person_id = cp_person_id AND
             tr.program_cd = cp_course_cd AND
             cp_lev_dt BETWEEN ca.start_dt AND ca.end_dt
      ORDER BY  ca.start_dt DESC;
Line: 1288

      SELECT  tr.program_version , tr.acad_cal_type, tr.location_cd, tr.attendance_mode, tr.attendance_type
      FROM  igs_en_spa_terms tr , igs_ca_inst_all ca
      WHERE  tr.term_cal_type = ca.cal_type AND
             tr.term_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number AND
             tr.person_id = cp_person_id AND
             tr.program_cd = cp_course_cd AND
             cp_lev_dt > ca.start_dt AND
             ca.start_dt BETWEEN cp_enrl_start_dt AND cp_enrl_end_dt
      ORDER BY  ca.start_dt DESC;
Line: 1304

      SELECT  tr.program_version , tr.acad_cal_type, tr.location_cd, tr.attendance_mode, tr.attendance_type
      FROM  igs_en_spa_terms tr , igs_ca_inst_all ca
      WHERE  tr.term_cal_type = ca.cal_type AND
             tr.term_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number AND
             tr.person_id = cp_person_id AND
             tr.program_cd = cp_course_cd AND
             ca.start_dt BETWEEN cp_enrl_start_dt AND cp_enrl_end_dt
      ORDER BY  ca.start_dt DESC;
Line: 1639

                       g_he_en_susa.study_location ,
Line: 1818

                  (X_rowid                => l_rowid,
                   X_ext_interim_id       => l_ext_interim_id,
                   X_extract_run_id       => p_extract_run_id,
                   X_person_id            => g_en_stdnt_ps_att.person_id,
                   X_course_cd            => g_en_stdnt_ps_att.course_cd,
                   X_crv_version_number   => l_std_inst.version_number,
                   X_unit_cd              => NULL,
                   X_uv_version_number    => NULL,
                   X_student_inst_number  => g_he_st_spa.student_inst_number,
                   X_line_number          => NULL);
Line: 1873

   and inserts them into the temporary procesing table
   Parameters :
   p_extract_run_id     IN     The Extract Run Id

   PROCEDURE get_modules (p_extract_run_id      IN NUMBER)

   --smaddali modified this cursor to add NVL 'N' to program_calc, also added ckeck that module_id is not null for bug 2425932
   CURSOR c_get_mod  (p_stdnt_extract_run_id     NUMBER)
   SELECT DISTINCT Nvl(a.override_value, a.value) module_id
   FROM   igs_he_ex_rn_dat_fd a,
          igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln b,
          igs_he_st_prog      c
   WHERE  a.extract_run_id = b.extract_run_id
   AND    b.extract_run_id = p_stdnt_extract_run_id
   AND    b.course_cd      = c.course_cd
   AND    b.crv_version_number = c.version_number
   AND    NVL(c.program_calc,'N')   = 'N'
   AND    a.field_number BETWEEN 85 AND 100
   AND   NVL(a.override_value,a.value) IS NOT NULL ;
Line: 1898

   SELECT NVL(exclude_flag, 'N') exclude_flag
   FROM   igs_he_st_unt_vs_all
   WHERE  unit_cd = cp_unit_cd
   AND    version_number = cp_version_number;
Line: 1948

                  (X_rowid                  => l_rowid,
                   X_ext_interim_id         => l_he_ext_run_interim.ext_interim_id,
                   X_extract_run_id         => l_he_ext_run_interim.extract_run_id,
                   X_person_id              => NULL,
                   X_course_cd              => NULL,
                   X_crv_version_number     => NULL,
                   X_unit_cd                => l_he_ext_run_interim.unit_cd,
                   X_uv_version_number      => l_he_ext_run_interim.uv_version_number,
                   X_student_inst_number    => NULL,
                   X_line_number            => l_he_ext_run_interim.line_number);
Line: 1995

       SELECT param_type,
       FROM   igs_he_ext_run_prms
       WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
       AND    (exclude IS NOT NULL
       OR     only IS NOT NULL)
       AND param_type IN ('DLHE','POPDLHE');
Line: 2087

             and inserts them into the temporary procesing table
   Known Limitations,Enhancements or Remarks:
   Change History       :
   Who         When           What
   jchakrab    20-Feb-2006    Modified for 4256498 - removed ORDER BY from c_get_dlhe query
   jbaber      15-Mar-2006    Added p_recalculate_flag for HE365 - Extract Rerun

       -- Get all the dlhe records belonging to all the qualifying periods in this submission return
       CURSOR c_get_dlhe ( p_submission_name      igs_he_submsn_header.submission_name%TYPE,
        p_return_name          igs_he_submsn_return.return_name%TYPE,
        p_user_return_subclass igs_he_submsn_return.user_return_subclass%TYPE )
       SELECT  dlhe.person_id , dlhe.dlhe_record_status, dlhe.popdlhe_flag
       FROM   igs_he_stdnt_dlhe dlhe,
          igs_he_sub_rtn_qual qual
       WHERE  qual.submission_name   = dlhe.submission_name
       AND    qual.return_name       = dlhe.return_name
       AND    qual.user_return_subclass  = dlhe.user_return_subclass
       AND    qual.qual_period_code  = dlhe.qual_period_code
       AND    qual.submission_name   = p_submission_name
       AND    qual.return_name       = p_return_name
       AND    qual.user_return_subclass  = p_user_return_subclass
       AND    qual.closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 2140

              (X_rowid                  => l_rowid,
               X_ext_interim_id         => l_ext_interim_id ,
               X_extract_run_id         => p_extract_run_id ,
               X_person_id              => g_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id,
               X_course_cd              => NULL,
               X_crv_version_number     => NULL,
               X_unit_cd                => NULL,
               X_uv_version_number      => NULL,
               X_student_inst_number    => NULL,
               X_line_number            => NULL);
Line: 2190

   jbaber   15-Mar-05   Do NOT delete recalculated fields for HE365

       CURSOR c_recalc_criteria IS
       SELECT 'X'
         FROM igs_he_ext_run_prms
        WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
          AND param_type IN ('RECALC-PERSON', 'RECALC-PROGRAM');
Line: 2200

       SELECT record_id,
       FROM   igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln
       WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id
       AND    manually_inserted = 'N'
       AND    (recalculate_flag = 'Y'
               OR person_id IN (SELECT only from igs_he_ext_run_prms WHERE param_type = 'RECALC-PERSON' AND extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id)
               OR course_cd IN (SELECT only from igs_he_ext_run_prms WHERE param_type = 'RECALC-PROGRAM'AND extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id));
Line: 2235

      DELETE FROM igs_he_ext_run_interim WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2267

              (X_rowid                  => l_rowid,
               X_ext_interim_id         => l_he_ext_run_interim.ext_interim_id,
               X_extract_run_id         => l_he_ext_run_interim.extract_run_id,
               X_person_id              => l_he_ext_run_interim.person_id,
               X_course_cd              => l_he_ext_run_interim.course_cd,
               X_crv_version_number     => l_he_ext_run_interim.crv_version_number,
               X_unit_cd                => l_he_ext_run_interim.unit_cd,
               X_uv_version_number      => l_he_ext_run_interim.uv_version_number,
               X_student_inst_number    => l_he_ext_run_interim.student_inst_number,
               X_line_number            => l_he_ext_run_interim.line_number);
Line: 2298

          DELETE FROM igs_he_ext_run_interim
          WHERE ext_interim_id IN
            (SELECT MAX(ext_interim_id)
               FROM igs_he_ext_run_interim a
           GROUP BY extract_run_id, person_id, course_cd, crv_version_number, unit_cd, uv_version_number, student_inst_number
             HAVING COUNT(ext_interim_id) > 1)
            AND line_number IS NULL;
Line: 2322

   This procedure processes the records that have been inserted into
   the temporary run table.
   For each student / module, it will derive each of the fields and insert
   the rows into the extarct run data tables.

   Parameters :
   p_extract_run_id     IN     The Extract Run Id
   p_module_called_from IN     Module this process was called from
                               Values : 'IGSHE007' and 'IGSHE008'
   p_new_run_flag       IN     Indicates whether this is a fresh run
                               Values : 'Y', 'N'
   retcode              OUT NOCOPY    Return status of the concurrent program
                               Values : 0 - Success
                                        1 - Warning
                                        2 - Error
   errbuf               OUT NOCOPY    Error Buffer
   PROCEDURE extract_main
          (errbuf                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
           retcode                  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
           p_extract_run_id         IN     igs_he_ext_run_dtls.extract_run_id%TYPE,
           p_module_called_from     IN     VARCHAR2,
           p_new_run_flag           IN     VARCHAR2)
   Created By           :       Bidisha S
   Date Created By      :      28-Jan-02
   Purpose              :      This procedure processes the records that have been inserted into
        the temporary run table. For each student / module, it will derive each of the fields and insert
        the rows into the extarct run data tables.
   Known Limitations,Enhancements or Remarks:
   Change History       :
   Who                  When                    What
   smaddali 9-apr-03 modified for adding dlhe processing , HEFD203 build , bug#2717745
   anwest               18-JAN-2006             Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate

       CURSOR c_ext_dtl IS
       SELECT a.rowid,
          a.return_name ,
          a.file_name ,
          a.file_location ,
          a.date_file_sent ,
          a.hesa_validation_result ,
          c.offset_days ,
          c.validation_country ,
          Nvl(c.apply_to_atmpt_st_dt,'N') apply_to_atmpt_st_dt,
          Nvl(c.apply_to_inst_st_dt,'N')  apply_to_inst_st_dt
       FROM   igs_he_ext_run_dtls  a,
          igs_he_submsn_return b,
          igs_he_submsn_header c
       WHERE  a.extract_run_id       = p_extract_run_id
       AND    a.submission_name      = b.submission_name
       AND    a.return_name          = b.return_name
       AND    a.User_Return_Subclass = b.user_return_subclass
       AND    a.submission_name      = c.submission_name;
Line: 2395

       SELECT 1
       FROM   igs_he_ext_run_interim
       WHERE  extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2498

          DELETE FROM igs_he_ext_run_excp excp
          WHERE excp.extract_run_id =  p_extract_run_id
            AND excp.line_number IN
               (SELECT line_number
                FROM igs_he_ext_run_interim
                WHERE extract_run_id = excp.extract_run_id);
Line: 2517

Line: 2521

              fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE', 'START_DELETE_ROWS');
Line: 2529

              DELETE FROM igs_he_ext_run_interim WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2532

              DELETE FROM igs_he_ex_rn_dat_fd WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2535

              DELETE FROM igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2538

              DELETE FROM igs_he_ext_run_excp WHERE extract_run_id = p_extract_run_id;
Line: 2541

              fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE', 'END_DELETE_ROWS');
Line: 2626

          (X_rowid                     => l_ext_run_dtl_rowid,
           X_extract_run_id            => p_extract_run_id,
           X_submission_name           => g_he_ext_run_dtls.submission_name,
           X_user_return_subclass      => g_he_ext_run_dtls.user_return_subclass,
           X_return_name               => g_he_ext_run_dtls.return_name,
           X_extract_phase             => g_he_ext_run_dtls.extract_phase ,
           X_conc_request_id           => FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID,
           X_conc_request_status       => 'COMPLETE',
           X_extract_run_date          => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
           X_file_name                 => g_he_ext_run_dtls.file_name ,
           X_file_location             => g_he_ext_run_dtls.file_location,
           X_date_file_sent            => g_he_ext_run_dtls.date_file_sent,
           X_extract_override          => g_he_ext_run_dtls.extract_override,
           X_validation_kit_result     => g_he_ext_run_dtls.validation_kit_result,
           X_hesa_validation_result    => g_he_ext_run_dtls.hesa_validation_result,
           X_student_ext_run_id        => g_he_ext_run_dtls.student_ext_run_id );
Line: 2687

              (X_rowid                     => l_ext_run_dtl_rowid,
               X_extract_run_id            => p_extract_run_id,
               X_submission_name           => g_he_ext_run_dtls.submission_name,
               X_user_return_subclass      => g_he_ext_run_dtls.user_return_subclass,
               X_return_name               => g_he_ext_run_dtls.return_name,
               X_extract_phase             => g_he_ext_run_dtls.extract_phase ,
               X_conc_request_id           => FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID,
               X_conc_request_status       => 'ERROR',
               X_extract_run_date          => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
               X_file_name                 => g_he_ext_run_dtls.file_name ,
               X_file_location             => g_he_ext_run_dtls.file_location,
               X_date_file_sent            => g_he_ext_run_dtls.date_file_sent,
               X_extract_override          => g_he_ext_run_dtls.extract_override,
               X_validation_kit_result     => g_he_ext_run_dtls.validation_kit_result,
               X_hesa_validation_result    => g_he_ext_run_dtls.hesa_validation_result,
               X_student_ext_run_id        => g_he_ext_run_dtls.student_ext_run_id );