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Line 5: -- when calling dbms_utility.get_hash_value use larger seed number

2: /* $Header: WSMVLJIB.pls 120.37.12010000.4 2008/11/24 10:10:06 amayadav ship $ */
4: -- BUG 3934661
5: -- when calling dbms_utility.get_hash_value use larger seed number
6: -- OLD: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 1000, 5625);
7: -- NEW: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 37, 1073741824);
9: -- **********************************************************************************************

Line 6: -- OLD: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 1000, 5625);

2: /* $Header: WSMVLJIB.pls 120.37.12010000.4 2008/11/24 10:10:06 amayadav ship $ */
4: -- BUG 3934661
5: -- when calling dbms_utility.get_hash_value use larger seed number
6: -- OLD: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 1000, 5625);
7: -- NEW: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 37, 1073741824);
9: -- **********************************************************************************************
10: -- PACKAGE: WSM_LBJ_INTERFACE_PVT (OSFM 11.5.10 and above)

Line 7: -- NEW: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 37, 1073741824);

4: -- BUG 3934661
5: -- when calling dbms_utility.get_hash_value use larger seed number
6: -- OLD: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 1000, 5625);
7: -- NEW: dbms_utility.get_hash_value(str, 37, 1073741824);
9: -- **********************************************************************************************
10: -- PACKAGE: WSM_LBJ_INTERFACE_PVT (OSFM 11.5.10 and above)
11: -- (1) This is to handle WSM Lot Based Job Interface

Line 1114: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

1110: x_error_code := -1;
1111: return;
1112: end if;
1114: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
1115: p_job_name || p_org_id,
1116: 37, 1073741824);
1117: l_xst := g_v_job_name.exists(l_job_name_hash);
1118: if( NOT l_xst ) then

Line 1793: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

1789: p_error_code := -1;
1790: raise e_wljdi_common_error;
1791: else
1792: -- get resource id from item name
1793: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
1794: v_wljdi_resource_code_new(l_d) || p_org_id,
1795: 37, 1073741824);
1796: if(g_v_res_id.exists(l_hash_value)) then
1797: v_wljdi_resource_id_new(l_d) := g_v_res_id(l_hash_value);

Line 2013: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

2009: raise e_wljdi_common_error;
2010: else
2011: l_stmt_num := 50.2;
2012: -- get item id from item name
2013: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
2014: v_wljdi_inventory_item_new(l_d) || p_org_id,
2015: 37, 1073741824);
2016: if(g_v_item_id.exists(l_hash_value)) then
2017: v_wljdi_inventory_item_id_new(l_d) := g_v_item_id(l_hash_value);

Line 2058: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

2054: raise e_wljdi_common_error;
2055: else
2056: l_stmt_num := 50.3;
2057: -- get primary item id from item name
2058: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
2059: v_wljdi_primary_item(l_d) || p_org_id,
2060: 37, 1073741824);
2061: if(g_v_item_id.exists(l_hash_value)) then
2062: v_wljdi_primary_item_id(l_d) := g_v_item_id(l_hash_value);

Line 2085: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

2081: if v_wljdi_src_phantom_item_id(l_d) IS NULL then
2082: if v_wljdi_src_phantom_item(l_d) IS NOT NULL then
2083: l_stmt_num := 50.4;
2084: -- get item id from item name
2085: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
2086: v_wljdi_src_phantom_item(l_d) || p_org_id,
2087: 37, 1073741824);
2088: if(g_v_item_id.exists(l_hash_value)) then
2089: v_wljdi_src_phantom_item_id(l_d) := g_v_item_id(l_hash_value);

Line 2413: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

2409: p_error_code := -1;
2410: raise e_wljdi_common_error;
2411: else
2412: -- get resource id from item name
2413: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
2414: v_wljdi_resource_code_new(l_d) || p_org_id,
2415: 37, 1073741824);
2416: if(g_v_res_id.exists(l_hash_value)) then
2417: l_resource_id := g_v_res_id(l_hash_value);

Line 6418: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

6414: end if;
6415: l_stmt_num := 60;
6416: -- add valid job name to g_v_job_name
6417: l_h_valid_rows := l_h_valid_rows + 1;
6418: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
6419: v_wlji_job_name(l_h) || v_wlji_org_id(l_h),
6420: 37, 1073741824);
6421: g_v_job_name(l_job_name_hash) := v_wlji_job_name(l_h);
6422: g_v_wip_entity_id(l_job_name_hash) := v_wlji_wip_entity_id(l_h);

Line 6511: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

6507: end if;
6509: -- add valid job name to g_v_job_name
6510: l_d_valid_rows := l_d_valid_rows + 1;
6511: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
6512: v_wljdi_job_name(l_d) || v_wljdi_org_id(l_d),
6513: 37, 1073741824);
6514: g_v_job_name(l_job_name_hash) := v_wljdi_job_name(l_d);
6515: g_v_wip_entity_id(l_job_name_hash) := v_wljdi_wip_entity_id(l_d);

Line 6653: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

6649: l_h := v_wlji_header_id.first;
6650: WHILE l_h <= v_wlji_header_id.last
6651: LOOP
6652: if v_wlji_process_status(l_h) <> WIP_CONSTANTS.ERROR then
6653: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
6654: v_wlji_job_name(l_h) || v_wlji_org_id(l_h),
6655: 37, 1073741824);
6656: if not l_v_job_gid.exists(l_job_name_hash) then -- one new job name
6657: if mod(l_job_cnt, l_num_jobs_per) = 0 then

Line 6682: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(

6678: l_d := v_wljdi_record_id.first;
6679: WHILE l_d <= v_wljdi_record_id.last
6680: LOOP
6681: if v_wljdi_process_status(l_d) <> WIP_CONSTANTS.ERROR then
6682: l_job_name_hash := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(
6683: v_wljdi_job_name(l_d) || v_wljdi_org_id(l_d),
6684: 37, 1073741824);
6685: if not l_v_job_gid.exists(l_job_name_hash) then -- a new job
6686: if mod(l_job_cnt, l_num_jobs_per) = 0 then

Line 8334: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

8330: l_xst := WSMPLCVA.v_item.exists(v_wlji_item_id(v_idx));
8331: else -- mode flag 2
8332: hash_str := to_char(v_wlji_item_id(v_idx)) ||
8333: to_char(v_wsli(v_wlji_src_line_id(v_idx)).inventory_item_id);
8334: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
8336: l_xst := WSMPLCVA.v_mode2_item.exists(hash_value) AND
8337: (WSMPLCVA.v_mode2_item(hash_value).INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
8338: = v_wsli(v_wlji_src_line_id(v_idx)).inventory_item_id) AND

Line 8532: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

8528: l_stmt_num := 330.1;
8529: -- {{ validation of subinv begin
8530: hash_str := to_char(v_wlji_org_id(v_idx))
8531: ||v_wlji_compl_subinv(v_idx);
8532: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
8533: if WSMPLCVA.v_subinv.exists(hash_value) then
8534: NULL;
8535: else
8536: l_aux_mesg := '';

Line 8740: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

8737: ELSE
8738: hash_str := to_char(v_wlji_org_id(v_idx))
8739: ||v_wlji_class_code(v_idx);
8740: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
8741: if WSMPLCVA.v_class_code.exists(hash_value) then
8742: NULL;
8743: else
8744: raise no_data_found;

Line 9155: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

9151: v_wlji_compl_loc_id(v_idx) IS NULL THEN
9153: hash_str := to_char(v_wlji_org_id(v_idx))
9154: ||v_wlji_compl_subinv(v_idx);
9155: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
9156: if WSMPLCVA.v_subinv.exists(hash_value) then
9157: NULL;
9158: else
9159: l_aux_mesg := '';

Line 9344: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

9340: v_wlji_compl_loc_id(v_idx) IS NULL THEN
9342: hash_str := to_char(v_wlji_org_id(v_idx))
9343: ||v_wlji_compl_subinv(v_idx);
9344: hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
9345: if WSMPLCVA.v_subinv.exists(hash_value) then
9346: NULL;
9347: else
9348: l_aux_mesg := '';

Line 13418: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576);

13415: if l_res_recommended = 'Y' then
13416: /* Ideally should check here if this resource is getting recommended...*/
13417: l_hash_str := to_char(p_wip_entity_id) || ':' || to_char(p_rtg_op_seq_num) || ':' || to_char(l_res_id);
13418: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576);
13420: if (p_res_recom.exists(l_hash_value) and p_res_recom(l_hash_value) = 'N') then
13421: raise e_invalid_par_seq;
13422: end if;

Line 13428: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576);

13424: elsif l_res_recommended = 'N' then
13426: /* Ideally should check here if this resource is getting recommended...*/
13427: l_hash_str := to_char(p_wip_entity_id) || ':' || to_char(p_rtg_op_seq_num) || ':' || to_char(l_res_id);
13428: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576);
13430: if not(p_res_recom.exists(l_hash_value) and p_res_recom(l_hash_value) = 'Y') then
13431: raise e_invalid_par_seq;
13432: end if;

Line 18343: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576); /* 2^20 */

18339: l_v_recoflag(l_out) := 'Y';
18341: /* here do it..... */
18342: l_hash_str := to_char(p_wip_entity_id) || ':' || to_char(l_rtg_op_seq_num) || ':' || to_char(l_resource_id);
18343: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576); /* 2^20 */
18344: l_v_res_recom(l_hash_value) := 'Y';
18345: /* ........................... */
18347: l_resource_id := l_v_res.NEXT(l_resource_id);

Line 18411: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576); -- 2^20

18407: This shouldnt be a problem only that we will still insert setup resources and then delete it here...
18408: */
18410: l_hash_str := to_char(p_wip_entity_id) || ':' || to_char(l_rtg_op_seq_num) || ':' || to_char(l_v_disco_res_ids(l_idx2));
18411: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str,35,1048576); -- 2^20
18412: l_v_res_recom(l_hash_value) := 'N';
18413: /* ........................... */
18414: /* Add code here to delete the setup resource info.....*/
18415: p_error_code := 0;

Line 18924: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

18920: -- BA: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
18921: l_v_dup_usage.delete;
18922: l_hash_str := to_char(l_v_res_use(l_in).start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ||
18923: to_char(l_v_res_use(l_in).completion_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
18924: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
18925: l_v_dup_usage(l_hash_value) := l_hash_value;
18926: -- EA: bug 3373496
18928: l_stmt_num := 410.2;

Line 18953: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

18950: -- BA: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
18951: l_hash_str := to_char(v_wljdi_start_date(l_d), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ||
18952: to_char(v_wljdi_completion_date(l_d), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
18953: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
18954: -- EA: bug 3373496
18956: -- BC: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
18957: -- only new value will be added

Line 19110: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

19106: -- BA: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
19107: l_v_dup_usage.delete;
19108: l_hash_str := to_char(l_v_res_use(l_in).start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ||
19109: to_char(l_v_res_use(l_in).completion_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
19110: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
19111: l_v_dup_usage(l_hash_value) := l_hash_value;
19112: -- EA: bug 3373496
19114: l_stmt_num := 420.2;

Line 19139: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);

19136: -- BA: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
19137: l_hash_str := to_char(v_wljdi_start_date(l_d), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ||
19138: to_char(v_wljdi_completion_date(l_d), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
19139: l_hash_value := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(l_hash_str, 37, 1073741824);
19140: -- EA: bug 3373496
19142: -- BC: bug 3373496 to filter duplicated resource usage records
19143: -- only new value will be added