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2 /* $Header: cnppes.pls 120.7.12000000.2 2007/10/08 18:59:41 rnagired ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The procedure in this package can be used to create, update, delete and duplicate a plan element.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product CN
7  * @rep:displayname Plan Element
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:compatibility S
11  */
13 --
14 -- Record Type for Plan Elements ( CN_QUOTAS )
15 --
16    TYPE plan_element_rec_type IS RECORD (
17       NAME                          cn_quotas.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
18       description                   cn_quotas.description%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
19       period_type                   cn_lookups.meaning%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
20       element_type                  cn_lookups.meaning%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
21       target                        cn_quotas.target%TYPE := 0,
22       incentive_type                cn_lookups.meaning%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
23       credit_type                   cn_credit_types.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
24       calc_formula_name             cn_calc_formulas.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
25       rt_sched_custom_flag          cn_quotas.rt_sched_custom_flag%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
26       package_name                  cn_quotas.package_name%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
27       performance_goal              cn_quotas.performance_goal%TYPE := 0,
28       payment_amount                cn_quotas.payment_amount%TYPE := 0,
29       start_date                    cn_quotas.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
30       end_date                      cn_quotas.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
31       status                        cn_quotas.quota_status%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
32       interval_name                 cn_interval_types.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
33       payee_assign_flag             cn_quotas.payee_assign_flag%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
34       vesting_flag                  cn_quotas.vesting_flag%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
35       addup_from_rev_class_flag     cn_quotas.addup_from_rev_class_flag%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
36       expense_account_id            cn_quotas_all.expense_account_id%TYPE := 0,
37       liability_account_id          cn_quotas_all.liability_account_id%TYPE := 0,
38       quota_group_code              cn_quotas.quota_group_code%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
39       -- clku, PAYMENT ENHANCEMENT
40       payment_group_code            cn_quotas.payment_group_code%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
41       attribute_category            cn_quotas.attribute_category%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
42       attribute1                    cn_quotas.attribute1%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
43       attribute2                    cn_quotas.attribute2%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
44       attribute3                    cn_quotas.attribute3%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
45       attribute4                    cn_quotas.attribute4%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
46       attribute5                    cn_quotas.attribute5%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
47       attribute6                    cn_quotas.attribute6%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
48       attribute7                    cn_quotas.attribute7%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
49       attribute8                    cn_quotas.attribute8%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
50       attribute9                    cn_quotas.attribute9%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
51       attribute10                   cn_quotas.attribute10%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
52       attribute11                   cn_quotas.attribute11%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
53       attribute12                   cn_quotas.attribute12%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
54       attribute13                   cn_quotas.attribute13%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
55       attribute14                   cn_quotas.attribute14%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
56       attribute15                   cn_quotas.attribute15%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
57       org_id                        cn_quotas.org_id%TYPE := 0, -- Will be necessary when User has multiple OU access and will be validated
58       quota_id                      cn_quotas.quota_id%TYPE := 0, -- Will be ignored even it is set
59       indirect_credit               cn_quotas.indirect_credit%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
60       sreps_enddated_flag          cn_quotas.salesreps_enddated_flag%TYPE := NULL
61    );
63 --
64 -- Global variable that represent missing values.
65 -- User Defined Record Type for Plan Element
66 --
67    g_miss_plan_element_rec       plan_element_rec_type;
69 --
70 -- User defined Table Record Type
71 --
72    TYPE plan_element_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF plan_element_rec_type
75 --
76 -- Global variable for Plan Element table
77 --
78    g_miss_plan_element_rec_tbl   plan_element_rec_tbl_type;
80 --
81 -- Period quotas rec ( CN_PERIOD_QUOTAS )
82 --
83    TYPE period_quotas_rec_type IS RECORD (
84       period_name                   cn_periods.period_name%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
85       period_target                 cn_period_quotas.period_target%TYPE := 0,
86       period_payment                cn_period_quotas.period_payment%TYPE := 0,
87       performance_goal              cn_period_quotas.performance_goal%TYPE := 0,
88       attribute1                    cn_period_quotas.attribute1%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
89       attribute2                    cn_period_quotas.attribute2%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
90       attribute3                    cn_period_quotas.attribute3%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
91       attribute4                    cn_period_quotas.attribute4%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
92       attribute5                    cn_period_quotas.attribute5%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
93       attribute6                    cn_period_quotas.attribute6%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
94       attribute7                    cn_period_quotas.attribute7%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
95       attribute8                    cn_period_quotas.attribute8%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
96       attribute9                    cn_period_quotas.attribute9%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
97       attribute10                   cn_period_quotas.attribute10%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
98       attribute11                   cn_period_quotas.attribute11%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
99       attribute12                   cn_period_quotas.attribute12%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
100       attribute13                   cn_period_quotas.attribute13%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
101       attribute14                   cn_period_quotas.attribute14%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
102       attribute15                   cn_period_quotas.attribute15%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
103       period_name_old               cn_periods.period_name%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
104       org_id                        cn_period_quotas.org_id%TYPE := 0
105    );
107 --
108 -- Period Quotas table Type
109 --
110    TYPE period_quotas_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF period_quotas_rec_type
113 --
114 -- Period Quotas G Miss
115 --
116    g_miss_period_quotas_rec_tbl  period_quotas_rec_tbl_type;
118 --
119 -- Record Type for Revenue Classes ( CN_Quota_Rules )
120 --
121    TYPE revenue_class_rec_type IS RECORD (
122       rev_class_name                cn_quota_rules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
123       rev_class_target              cn_quota_rules.target%TYPE := 0,
124       rev_class_payment_amount      cn_quota_rules.payment_amount%TYPE := 0,
125       rev_class_performance_goal    cn_quota_rules.performance_goal%TYPE := 0,
126       description                   cn_quota_rules.description%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
127       attribute_category            cn_quotas.attribute_category%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
128       attribute1                    cn_quotas.attribute1%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
129       attribute2                    cn_quotas.attribute2%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
130       attribute3                    cn_quotas.attribute3%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
131       attribute4                    cn_quotas.attribute4%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
132       attribute5                    cn_quotas.attribute5%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
133       attribute6                    cn_quotas.attribute6%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
134       attribute7                    cn_quotas.attribute7%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
135       attribute8                    cn_quotas.attribute8%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
136       attribute9                    cn_quotas.attribute9%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
137       attribute10                   cn_quotas.attribute10%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
138       attribute11                   cn_quotas.attribute11%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
139       attribute12                   cn_quotas.attribute12%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
140       attribute13                   cn_quotas.attribute13%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
141       attribute14                   cn_quotas.attribute14%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
142       attribute15                   cn_quotas.attribute15%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
143       rev_class_name_old            cn_quota_rules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
144       org_id                        cn_quota_rules.org_id%TYPE := 0
146    );
148 --
149 -- User Defined Quota Rules Record Table Type
150 --
151    TYPE revenue_class_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF revenue_class_rec_type
154    g_miss_revenue_class_rec_tbl  revenue_class_rec_tbl_type;
156 --
157 -- User Defined Record For Uplift Factors ( CN_QUOTA_RULE_UPLIFTS )
158 --
159    TYPE rev_uplift_rec_type IS RECORD (
160       rev_class_name                cn_quota_rules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
161       start_date                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
162       end_date                      cn_quota_rule_uplifts.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
163       rev_class_payment_uplift      NUMBER := 0,
164       rev_class_quota_uplift        NUMBER := 0,
165       attribute_category            cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute_category%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
166       attribute1                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute1%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
167       attribute2                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute2%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
168       attribute3                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute3%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
169       attribute4                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute4%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
170       attribute5                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute5%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
171       attribute6                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute6%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
172       attribute7                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute7%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
173       attribute8                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute8%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
174       attribute9                    cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute9%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
175       attribute10                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute10%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
176       attribute11                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute11%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
177       attribute12                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute12%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
178       attribute13                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute13%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
179       attribute14                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute14%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
180       attribute15                   cn_quota_rule_uplifts.attribute15%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
181       rev_class_name_old            cn_quota_rules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
182       start_date_old                cn_quota_rule_uplifts.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
183       end_date_old                  cn_quota_rule_uplifts.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
184       org_id                        cn_quota_rule_uplifts.org_id%TYPE := 0,
185       object_version_number         cn_quota_rule_uplifts.object_version_number%type
186    );
188 --
189 -- User defined Quota Rule Uplift Record Table Type.
190 --
191    TYPE rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF rev_uplift_rec_type
194    g_miss_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type;
196 --
197 -- User Defined Trx Factors Record Type ( CN_TRX_TYPES )
198 --
199    TYPE trx_factor_rec_type IS RECORD (
200       trx_type                      cn_trx_factors.trx_type%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
201       event_factor                  cn_trx_factors.event_factor%TYPE := 0,
202       rev_class_name                cn_quota_rules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
203       org_id                        cn_trx_factors.org_id%TYPE := 0
204    );
206 --
207 -- User Defined Trx Factors Record Table Type.
208 --
209    TYPE trx_factor_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF trx_factor_rec_type
212    g_miss_trx_factor_rec_tbl     trx_factor_rec_tbl_type;
214 --
215 -- user defined Rt_quota_asgns Record Type.( CN_RT_QUOTA_ASGNS )
216 --
217    TYPE rt_quota_asgns_rec_type IS RECORD (
218       rate_schedule_name            cn_rate_schedules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
219       calc_formula_name             cn_calc_formulas.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
220       start_date                    cn_rt_quota_asgns.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
221       end_date                      cn_rt_quota_asgns.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
222       attribute_category            cn_quotas.attribute_category%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
223       attribute1                    cn_quotas.attribute1%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
224       attribute2                    cn_quotas.attribute2%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
225       attribute3                    cn_quotas.attribute3%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
226       attribute4                    cn_quotas.attribute4%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
227       attribute5                    cn_quotas.attribute5%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
228       attribute6                    cn_quotas.attribute6%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
229       attribute7                    cn_quotas.attribute7%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
230       attribute8                    cn_quotas.attribute8%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
231       attribute9                    cn_quotas.attribute9%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
232       attribute10                   cn_quotas.attribute10%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
233       attribute11                   cn_quotas.attribute11%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
234       attribute12                   cn_quotas.attribute12%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
235       attribute13                   cn_quotas.attribute13%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
236       attribute14                   cn_quotas.attribute14%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
237       attribute15                   cn_quotas.attribute15%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
238       rate_schedule_name_old        cn_rate_schedules.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
239       start_date_old                cn_rt_quota_asgns.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
240       end_date_old                  cn_rt_quota_asgns.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_date,
241       org_id                        cn_rt_quota_asgns.org_id%TYPE := 0
242    );
244    g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec     rt_quota_asgns_rec_type;
246    TYPE rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF rt_quota_asgns_rec_type
249    g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type;
251 -- Start of Comments
252 -- API name    : Create_Plan_Element
253 -- Type     : Public.
254 -- Pre-reqs : None.
255 -- Usage : Procedure to create a plan element
256 -- Parameters  :
257 -- IN    :  p_api_version            IN NUMBER      Require
258 --          p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2    Optional
259 --             Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
260 --          p_commit             IN VARCHAR2    Optional
261 --                Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
262 --          p_validation_level       IN NUMBER      Optional
263 --                Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
264 --          p_plan_element_rec       IN             PLAN_ELEMENT_REC_TYPE
265 --          p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  IN             REVENUE_CLASS_REC_TBL_TYPE
266 --                                                         Optional
267 --          p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     IN             REV_CLASS_REC_TBL_TYPE
268 --                                                         Optional
269 --          p_trx_factors_rec_tbl    IN             TRX_FACTORS_REC_TBL
270 --                                                         Optional
271 --                 p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl IN             Optional
272 --                 p_period_quotas_rec_tbl  IN             Optional
273 -- OUT      :  x_return_status          OUT             VARCHAR2(1)
274 --       :   x_msg_count               OUT              NUMBER
275 --       :   x_msg_data             OUT              VARCHAR2(2000)
276 --    :   x_status               OUT            VARCHAR2
277 --
278 --
279 -- Version  : Current version 1.0
280 --      Initial version    1.0
281 --
282 -- Notes : This Package Procedure is Use to Create the Plan Element.
283 --           Which Allows the User to create the Plan Element in a
284 --      various form.
285 --
286 -- Descrption   :
287 ----------------+
288 -- Create Plan Element is a Public API which helps  the user to create plan
289 -- element and other related plan element information.
290 -- 1. Quotas ( Plan Element Parent Record )
291 -- 1. quota rules ( Child for Plan Element )
292 -- 2. rule uplifts ( Child for Quota Rules )
293 -- 3. rate quota assigns ( Child for Plan Element )
294 -- 4. trx factors ( Child for Quota Rules )
295 -- 5. period quotas.( Child for Plan Element )
297    -- There are various Steps to create the plan element using the Create plan
298 -- element Public API . It has its own record structure and the table structu
299 -- res.
300 --
301 -- Detail description about each parameters.
302 ------------------------------------------+
303 -- p_plan_element_rec has its own structure. It is an Input Parameter for the
304 -- Plan Element ( CN_QUOTAS ), for detail see the declaration above .
305 -- This structure mainly expects the quota informations. If you pass the plan
306 -- element information in the p_plan_element_rec it will validate and commits
307 -- into the database.
308 -- If you pass any Child it will validate and insert into the record into the
309 -- Database
310 -- like quota rules, uplifts, trx factors, period quotas, rt_quota_assgns
311 -- if so it will call the respective modules to validate and
312 -- commits the record.
313 --
314 -- If you Pass the Quota Rules it will call the *Create_quota_rules* package
315 -- Procedure which is private/Group Package procedure to validate and ins
316 -- rt the record
317 --
318 -- Note: Assume that the  plan Element record you passed is exists in the
319 -- database and not passing any child record it will through the error message
320 -- saying that record already exists in the database. if not it will call the
321 -- corresponding modules.
322 --
323 -- Method of calling the API to create the plan Element
324 ------------------------------------------------------+
325 -- case 1: You can just create the plan Element.
326 --
327 -- Case 2: You can create the plan Element with one or many child records.
328 --
329 -- Case 3: You can just add one of the child record, if the plan element exists
330 --
331 -- Child record table parameters ( you can pass one or many records in each )
332 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 -- Note: For Any child record you create you need to pass the plan Element
334 -- p_plan_element_rec, at least Name .
335 --
336 -- P_REVENUE_CLASS_REC_TBL. This is an input parmameter for Quota rules.
337 -- it will allow you to add one or more quota rules for a given plan element.
338 -- For detail quota rule structure see the Deaclaration above
339 --
340 -- for each revenue class rec it will call the create_quota_rules package
341 -- procedure as i said before. it will validate and commits the record
342 -- For information: Each revenue class record you create will automatically
343 -- creates the trx factors bydefault and then you can also customised by
344 -- passing the custom value in the p_trx_factors_rec_tbl
345 --
346 -- P_TRX_FACTORS_REC_TBL. This is an input parameter which will allow you to
347 -- customize the existing trx factors. Trx factors types are  standard,
348 -- comes as seed data and you can customise the trx factors.
349 -- you probablly thinking to create the trx factors but internally it
350 -- updates the existing record as i mention you before each revenue class
351 -- or quota rules you create by default
352 -- it creates  the trx factors. Trx factors should not exits 100% for
353 -- ( INV, ORD, PMT)
354 --
355 -- P_REV_UPLIFT_REC_TBL. This is an input parameter to create the uplifts
356 -- factors for each plan element, quota rules. you cannot create the
357 -- uplift without plan element and revenue class. here also you need to pass
358 -- plan element rec but no need to pass the revenue class.
359 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
360 -- **** Important *****  It is very hard to make the link between tables.
361 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
362 -- if you are creating new quota rules and uplifts you can pass the
363 -- p_plan_element_rec, p_revenue_class_rec_tbl and p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl
364 -- ***
365 -- if you are creating only uplifts you cannot pass the revenue class table
366 -- it will error out.this is an important.
367 --
368 -- P_RT_QUOTA_ASGNS_REC_TBL This is an input parameter to create the rt_quota
369 -- Assigns. If you pass multiple records with different start date you have
370 -- sequence it before you pass it into the API. otherwise it will error out.
371 -- Make sure you pass the p_plan_element_rec.name parameter it is mandatory
372 -- in all the cases.
373 --
374 -- P_PERIOD_QUOTAS_REC_TBL. This is an input parameter to create the customised
375 -- period quotas.
376 -- To create the Period quotas you must the pass plan_element and you need to
377 -- pass the period informations
378 --
379 -- Let Us go more detail about each parameters and possible cases.
380 ----------------------------------------+
381 -- Case 1: Simply create the Plan Element
382 ----------------------------------------+
383 -- To create a simple plan Element you need to pass just the
384 -- p_plan_element_rec with other manadatory parameters.
385 --
386 -- Calling Method
387 --                Create_plan_element
388 --                  (   p_api_version    -- Version No
389 --                    p_init_msg_list  -- default F ( initilize message list )
390 --                 p_commit    -- Default F ( Commit )
391 --                 p_validation_level -- Validation Level Default FULL
392 --                 x_return_status     -- Return Status S - Success
393 --                 x_msg_count      -- Return Message Count
394 --                 x_msg_data    -- Return Message Data
395 --       p_plan_element_rec --  Plan Element Structure
396 --                      x_loading_status   -- Detail return loading status );
397 --
398 -- p_plan_element_rec
399 --   name       Plan Element Name ( Must be unique )
400 --   description    Description about the plan Element ( optional )
401 --   period_type    No longer used
402 --   element_type   Element Type Possible Values are FORMULA, EXTERNAL, NONE,
403 --                  Manadatory
404 --   target         Amount columns, no validations Default to 0 ( optional )
405 --   incentive_type  Incentive_name ( cn_incentive_types.name, Seeded Data )
406 --   credit_type     Credit type    ) cn_credit_types, Seeded Data )
407 --   calc_formula_name  Calc formula Name is is mandatory if quota type is FORMULA
408 --   rt_sched_custom_flag  Rate schedule Custom Flag Default to N
409 --   package_name       Package name is manadatory if quota type = 'EXTERNAL'
410 --   performance_goal         Amount no validations default to 0
411 --   payment_amount           Amount no validations default to 0
412 --   quota_unspecified        No longer used
413 --   start_date            Start date Mandatory
414 --   end_date           end must be greater than start date
415 --   status          no longer used
416 --   interval_name         Interval Name is mandatory ( cn_interval_types.name )
417 --   payee_assign_flag        Default to N ( Y/N)
418 --   vesting_flag       Default to N ( Y/N )
419 --   quota_group_code         No longer Used
420 --   addup_from_rev_class_flag Default to N ( Y/N )
421 --   attribute_category
422 --   All other attributes 1 to 15
423 ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
424 -- Case 2: Create the Plan Element with one or multiple child records
425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
426 -- To create the Plan Element  and one or many child records.
427 -- Let us assume that you want to create two different child records like
428 -- Quota rules and uplifts
429 -- other manadatory parameters.
430 --
431 -- Calling Method
432 --                Create_plan_element
433 --                  (   p_api_version    -- Version No
434 --                    p_init_msg_list  -- default F ( initilize message list )
435 --                 p_commit    -- Default F ( Commit )
436 --                 p_validation_level -- Validation Level Default FULL
437 --                 x_return_status     -- Return Status S - Success
438 --                 x_msg_count      -- Return Message Count
439 --                 x_msg_data    -- Return Message Data
440 --       p_plan_element_rec --  Plan Element Structure
441 --                      p_revenue_class_rec_tbl -- quota rules
442 --                      p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl    -- quota rule uplifts
443 --                      x_loading_status   -- Detail return loading status );
444 --
445 -- p_plan_element_rec
446 --   name       Plan Element Name ( Must be unique )
447 --   description    Description about the plan Element ( optional )
448 --   period_type    No longer used
449 --   element_type   Element Type Possible Values are FORMULA, EXTERNAL, NONE, Manadatory
450 --   target         Amount columns, no validations Default to 0 ( optional )
451 --   incentive_type  Incentive_name ( cn_incentive_types.name, Seeded Data )
452 --   credit_type     Credit type    ) cn_credit_types, Seeded Data )
453 --   calc_formula_name  Calc formula Name is is mandatory if quota type is FORMULA
454 --   rt_sched_custom_flag  Rate schedule Custom Flag Default to N
455 --   package_name       Package name is manadatory if quota type = 'EXTERNAL'
456 --   performance_goal         Amount no validations default to 0
457 --   payment_amount           Amount no validations default to 0
458 --   quota_unspecified        No longer used
459 --   start_date            Start date Mandatory
460 --   end_date           end must be greater than start date
461 --   status          no longer used
462 --   interval_name         Interval Name is mandatory ( cn_interval_types.name )
463 --   payee_assign_flag        Default to N ( Y/N)
464 --   vesting_flag       Default to N ( Y/N )
465 --   quota_group_code         No longer Used
466 --   addup_from_rev_class_flag Default to N ( Y/N )
467 --   attribute_category
468 --   All other attributes 1 to 15
469 ------------------------+
470 -- P_REVENUE_CLASS_REC_TBL This is an input parameter which carries the revenue class
471 ------------------------+
472 -- data
473 -- Detail description about the p_revenue_class_rec_tbl structure
474 -- p_revenue_class_rec
475 --   rev_class_name    -- Revenue class name Mandatory( must be unique with in the Quota )
476 --   rev_class_target  -- Number, default to 0 Optional
477 --   rev_class_payment_amount -- Number default to 0 Optional
478 --   rev_class_performance_goal  -- Number default to 0 Optional
479 --   description      -- Description         Optional
480 --   attribute_category          -- Attribute Category Optional
481 --   other attribute 1 to 15     -- Optional columns
482 --   rev_class_name_old  *** Pass Null, it will be used only UPDATE,
483 --
484 ----------------------+
485 -- P_REV_UPLIFT_REC_TBL This is an input Parameter which holds the uplift data
486 ----------------------+
487 -- Detail Description about the p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl structure
488 --   rev_class_name  Uplift belongs to which revenue classes, Mandatory
489 --   start_date      Uplift Start, Mandatory, must be greater quota start date
490 --   end_date       Uplift End Date Optional if not null Must be less than quota
491 --                   end date
492 --   rev_class_payment_uplift  Number, Default to 0
493 --   rev_class_quota_uplift    Number, Default to 0
494 --   attribute_category        Optional
495 --   rev_class_name_old        Don't pass anything, only used for update
496 --   start_date_old            Don't pass anything, only used for update
497 --   end_date_old              Don't pass anything, only used for update
498 --  *** Same for the Child records
499 -------------------------------------------------------+
500 -- CASE 3 CREATE only child records. *** important ****
501 -------------------------------------------------------+
502 --FOR creating the child RECORD plan element must exists IN the DATABASE and you
503 -- should pass only the plan element name using the p_plan_element_rec
504 -- Pass the child record tables.
505 -------------------------+
506 -- P_REVENUE_CLASS_REC_TBL This is an input parameter which carries the revenue class
507 -------------------------+
508 -- data
509 -- Detail description about the p_revenue_class_rec_tbl structure
510 -- p_revenue_class_rec
511 --   rev_class_name    -- Revenue class name Mandatory( must be unique with in the Quota )
512 --   rev_class_target  -- Number, default to 0 Optional
513 --   rev_class_payment_amount -- Number default to 0 Optional
514 --   rev_class_performance_goal  -- Number default to 0 Optional
515 --   description      -- Description         Optional
516 --   attribute_category          -- Attribute Category Optional
517 --   other attribute 1 to 15     -- Optional columns
518 --   rev_class_name_old  *** Pass Null, it will be used only UPDATE,
519 --
520 ----------------------+
521 -- P_REV_UPLIFT_REC_TBL This is an input Parameter which holds the uplift data
522 ----------------------+
523 -- Detail Description about the p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl structure
524 --   rev_class_name  Uplift belongs to which revenue classes, Mandatory
525 --   start_date      Uplift Start, Mandatory, must be greater quota start date
526 --   end_date       Uplift End Date Optional if not null Must be less than quota
527 --                   end date
528 --   rev_class_payment_uplift  Number, Default to 0
529 --   rev_class_quota_uplift    Number, Default to 0
530 --   attribute_category        Optional
531 --   rev_class_name_old        Don't pass anything, only used for update
532 --   start_date_old            Don't pass anything, only used for update
533 --   end_date_old              Don't pass anything, only used for update
534 --  *** Same for the Child records
535 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
536 -- NOTE: If the one child record exists or failed in a single group of record it
537 --       will not post any records in the database.
538 -- Example : You are passing multiple quota rules 1. All Hardware
539 --                                                2. All Services
540 --                                                3. All Hardware
541 -- In this example the third record is getting duplicated for one plan element, so
542 -- it will never post the first two records because the commit will takes place only
543 -- after all the records successfully processed.if one fails every thing will be
544 -- rollback. and never continue further.
545 --
546 -- End of comments
547 --
548 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
549 --                       Create_Plan_Element
550 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
552    /*#
553    * This procedure creates a plan element and create entries in the child tables.
554    * The possible child table entries are for:
555    * <li>Quota Rules</li>
556    * <li>Rule Uplifts</li>
557    * <li>Transaction Factors</li>
558    * <li>Rollover Quotas</li>
559    * <li>Period quotas </li>
560    * @param p_api_version API version
561    * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize message list (default F)
562    * @param p_commit Commit flag (default F).
563    * @param p_validation_level Validation level (default 100).
564    * @param x_return_status Return Status
565    * @param x_msg_count Number of messages returned
566    * @param x_msg_data Contents of message if x_msg_count = 1
567    * @param x_loading_status Loading Status
568    * @param p_plan_element_rec       Plan element details
569    * @param p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  Revenue class details
570    * @param p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     Revenue class uplift factor details
571    * @param p_trx_factor_rec_tbl     Transaction factors details
572    * @param p_period_quotas_rec_tbl  Period Quotas details
573    * @param p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl Rate quota assigns details
574    * @param p_is_duplicate           Duplicate/Create flag
575    * @rep:scope public
576    * @rep:lifecycle active
577    * @rep:displayname Create Plan Element
578    */
579    PROCEDURE create_plan_element (
580       p_api_version              IN       NUMBER := 0,
581       p_init_msg_list            IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
582       p_commit                   IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
583       p_validation_level         IN       NUMBER := cn_api.g_valid_level_full,
584       x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
585       x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
586       x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
587       p_plan_element_rec         IN       plan_element_rec_type := g_miss_plan_element_rec,
588       p_revenue_class_rec_tbl    IN       revenue_class_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_revenue_class_rec_tbl,
589       p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl       IN       rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rev_uplift_rec_tbl,
590       p_trx_factor_rec_tbl       IN       trx_factor_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_trx_factor_rec_tbl,
591       p_period_quotas_rec_tbl    IN       period_quotas_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_period_quotas_rec_tbl,
592       p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl   IN       rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl,
593       x_loading_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
594       p_is_duplicate             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
595    );
597 -- Start of Comments
598 -- API name    : Update_Plan_Element
599 -- Type     : Public.
600 -- Pre-reqs : None.
601 -- Usage : Procedure to Update a plan element
602 -- Parameters  :
603 -- IN    :  p_api_version            IN NUMBER      Require
604 --          p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2    Optional
605 --             Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
606 --          p_commit             IN VARCHAR2    Optional
607 --                Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
608 --          p_validation_level       IN NUMBER      Optional
609 --                Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
610 --                 p_quota_name_old          IN            VARCHAR2
611 --                                                         (Depends upon the case)
612 --          p_new_plan_element_rec   IN             PLAN_ELEMENT_REC_TYPE
613 --          p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  IN             REVENUE_CLASS_REC_TBL_TYPE
614 --                                                         Optional
615 --          p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     IN             REV_CLASS_REC_TBL_TYPE
616 --                                                         Optional
617 --          p_trx_factors_rec_tbl    IN             TRX_FACTORS_REC_TBL
618 --                                                         Optional
619 --                 p_period_quotas_rec_tbl  IN             Optional
620 -- OUT      :  x_return_status          OUT             VARCHAR2
621 --       :   x_msg_count               OUT              NUMBER
622 --       :   x_msg_data             OUT              VARCHAR2
623 --    :   x_status               OUT            VARCHAR2
624 --
625 --
626 -- Version  : Current version 1.0
627 --      Initial version    1.0
628 --
629 -- Notes : This Package is Use to Create the Plan Element which
630 --           Allows the User to create the the Plan Element in a
631 --      various form.
633    -- Update Plan Element is also same like the Create but excepts that
634 -- old value to be  passed for each record you update
635 -- For updating the Plan Element you have to pass the old_quota_name
636 -- it is an element with in the p_plan_element_rec.
637 -- ************* Important Note: *****************
638 -- For modifying records you have pass the modified column value and the not modified
639 -- column values which is already in the table also
640 -- For example you want to modify only one column in the table then you have to pass
641 -- all the old columns value and new columns value and the modified value based on
642 -- the parameters.
643 -- This way you can validate the record again, because there will be lots of cross
644 -- validations with in a record.
645 -- End of comments
646 --
647 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
648 --                       Update_Plan_Element
649 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
650 /*#
651   * This procedure updates a plan element and updates respective entries in the child tables. The possible child table entries are for:
652   * <li>Quota Rules</li>
653   * <li>Rule Uplifts</li>
654   * <li>Transaction Factors </li>
655   * <li>Rollover quotas</li>
656   * If the plan element belongs to a compensation plan, the status is set to Incomplete.
657   * If the plan element has been assigned to the salesreps, then the records are also updated in
658   * srp quota assigns, srp rate assigns, srp period quotas, srp quota rules and srp rollover
659   * quotas only if the plan element to salesrep assignment is not customizable.
660   * @param p_api_version API version
661   * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize message list (default F)
662   * @param p_commit Commit flag (default F).
663   * @param p_validation_level Validation level (default 100).
664   * @param x_return_status Return Status
665   * @param x_msg_count Number of messages returned
666   * @param x_msg_data Contents of message if x_msg_count = 1
667   * @param x_loading_status Loading Status
668   * @param p_new_plan_element_rec       Plan element details
669   * @param p_quota_name_old  Old plan element name that needs to be updated.
670   * @param p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  Revenue class details
671   * @param p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     Revenue class uplift factor details
672   * @param p_trx_factor_rec_tbl     Transaction factors details
673   * @param p_period_quotas_rec_tbl  Period Quotas details
674   * @param p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl Rate quota assigns details
675   * @rep:scope public
676   * @rep:lifecycle active
677   * @rep:displayname Update Plan Element
678   */
679    PROCEDURE update_plan_element (
680       p_api_version              IN       NUMBER := 0,
681       p_init_msg_list            IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
682       p_commit                   IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
683       p_validation_level         IN       NUMBER := cn_api.g_valid_level_full,
684       x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
685       x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
686       x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
687       p_new_plan_element_rec     IN       plan_element_rec_type := g_miss_plan_element_rec,
688       p_quota_name_old           IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_miss_char,
689       p_revenue_class_rec_tbl    IN       revenue_class_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_revenue_class_rec_tbl,
690       p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl       IN       rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rev_uplift_rec_tbl,
691       p_trx_factor_rec_tbl       IN       trx_factor_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_trx_factor_rec_tbl,
692       p_period_quotas_rec_tbl    IN       period_quotas_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_period_quotas_rec_tbl,
693       p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl   IN       rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl,
694       x_loading_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
695    );
697 -- Start of Comments
698 -- API name    : Delete_Plan_Element
699 -- Type     : Public.
700 -- Pre-reqs : None.
701 -- Usage : Procedure to Delete a plan element
702 -- Parameters  :
703 -- IN    :  p_api_version            IN NUMBER      Require
704 --          p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2    Optional
705 --             Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
706 --          p_commit             IN VARCHAR2    Optional
707 --                Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
708 --          p_validation_level       IN NUMBER      Optional
709 --                Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
710 --          p_quota_name             IN             VARCHAR2
711 --                              Required
712 --                                                         Optional
713 --                 p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  IN  revenue_class_rec_tbl_type
714 --                                  := g_miss_revenue_class_rec_tbl
715 --               p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     IN  rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type
716 --                                     := g_miss_rev_uplift_rec_tbl
717 --            p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl IN  rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type
718 --                                     := g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl
719 -- OUT      :  x_return_status          OUT             VARCHAR2(1)
720 --       :   x_msg_count               OUT              NUMBER
721 --       :   x_msg_data             OUT              VARCHAR2(2000)
722 --
723 -- Version  : Current version 1.0
724 --      Initial version    1.0
725 --
726 -- Notes : This Package is Use to Delete the Plan ELement
727 --  Currently this program supports to delete the complete quotas
728 --  You need to pass only the P_quota_name it deletes all the related
729 --  Child records as well.
730 --  Note: You cannot delete the plan Element, if it already assigns to the
731 --  Comp Plans.
732 -- End of comments
733 --
734 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
735 --                       Delete_Plan_Element
736 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
737 /*#
738   * This procedure deletes a plan element and deletes respective
739   * entries in the child tables. The possible child table entries are for:
740   * <li>Quota Rules</li>
741   * <li>Rule Uplifts</li>
742   * <li>Transaction Factors </li>
743   * <li>Rollover quotas</li>
744   * If the plan element belongs to a compensation plan, the status is set to Incomplete.
745   * If the plan element has been assigned to the salesreps, then the records are also
746   * deleted from srp quota assigns, srp rate assigns, srp period quotas, srp quota rules
747   * and srp rollover quotas.
748   * @param p_api_version API version
749   * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize message list (default F)
750   * @param p_commit Commit flag (default F).
751   * @param p_validation_level Validation level (default 100).
752   * @param x_return_status Return Status
753   * @param x_msg_count Number of messages returned
754   * @param x_msg_data Contents of message if x_msg_count = 1
755   * @param x_loading_status Loading Status
756   * @param p_quota_rec Plan Element Details
757   * @param p_revenue_class_rec_tbl  Revenue class details
758   * @param p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl     Revenue class uplift factor details
759   * @param p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl Rate quota assigns details
760   * @rep:scope public
761   * @rep:lifecycle active
762   * @rep:displayname Delete Plan Element
763   */
764    PROCEDURE delete_plan_element (
765       p_api_version              IN       NUMBER := 0,
766       p_init_msg_list            IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
767       p_commit                   IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
768       p_validation_level         IN       NUMBER := cn_api.g_valid_level_full,
769       x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
770       x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
771       x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
772       p_quota_rec               IN       plan_element_rec_type := g_miss_plan_element_rec,
773       p_revenue_class_rec_tbl    IN       revenue_class_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_revenue_class_rec_tbl,
774       p_rev_uplift_rec_tbl       IN       rev_uplift_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rev_uplift_rec_tbl,
775       p_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl   IN       rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl_type := g_miss_rt_quota_asgns_rec_tbl,
776       x_loading_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
777    );
779 -- Start Comments
780 -- API name    : Duplicate_Plan_Element
781 -- Type        : Public.
782 -- Pre-reqs    : None.
783 -- Usage  : Procedure to copy a PE. the new PE will be named as
784 --          <original pe name>_2. May get truncate if the PE name is
785 --          long.
786 --
787 -- Parameters  :
788 -- IN          :  p_api_version       IN NUMBER      Require
789 --                p_init_msg_list     IN VARCHAR2    Optional
790 --                Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
791 --                p_commit            IN VARCHAR2    Optional
792 --                Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
793 --                p_validation_level  IN NUMBER      Optional
794 --                Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
795 -- OUT         :  x_return_status     OUT            VARCHAR2(1)
796 --                x_msg_count         OUT            NUMBER
797 --                x_msg_data          OUT            VARCHAR2(2000)
798 -- IN          :  p_plan_element_name IN          cn_quotas.name%TYPE
799 -- OUT         :  x_plan_element_name OUT            cn_quotas.name%TYPE
800 --
801 -- Version     : Current version   1.0
802 --               Initial version   1.0
803 --
804 -- Notes  : Duplicate Plan Element is a public API will help the user to duplicate
805 --          the existing plan Element to new plan element just _02 with the existing
806 --          plan Element name. It is kind of template we used to copy the
807 --          existing plan Element
808 --          Remember it creates all the related table data as well.
809 --          p_plan_element_name is Mandatory and the x_plan_element_name is the new
810 --          plan Element name
811 -- End of comments
812 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
813 --                       Duplicate_Plan_Element
814 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
815 /*#
816   * Duplicate_Plan_Element in cn_plan_element_pub copies the information of an existing plan element.
817   * The child table entries are also copied from the source.
818   * @param p_api_version API version
819   * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize message list (default F)
820   * @param p_commit Commit flag (default F).
821   * @param p_validation_level Validation level (default 100).
822   * @param x_return_status Return Status
823   * @param x_msg_count Number of messages returned
824   * @param x_msg_data Contents of message if x_msg_count = 1
825   * @param x_loading_status Loading Status
826   * @param p_plan_element_name  Source Plan element name
827   * @param p_org_id Organization Id
828   * @param x_plan_element_name  New Plan element name
829   * @rep:scope public
830   * @rep:lifecycle active
831   * @rep:displayname Duplicate Plan Element
832   */
833    PROCEDURE duplicate_plan_element (
834       p_api_version              IN       NUMBER := 0,
835       p_init_msg_list            IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
836       p_commit                   IN       VARCHAR2 := cn_api.g_false,
837       p_validation_level         IN       NUMBER := cn_api.g_valid_level_full,
838       x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
839       x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
840       x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
841       p_plan_element_name        IN       cn_quotas.NAME%TYPE := cn_api.g_miss_char,
842       p_org_id                   IN NUMBER,
843       x_plan_element_name        OUT NOCOPY cn_quotas.NAME%TYPE,
844       x_loading_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
845    );
846 END cn_plan_element_pub;