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1 package CTO_CUSTOM_MATCH_PK as
2 /* $Header: CTOCUSMS.pls 120.1 2005/06/02 13:57:39 appldev  $ */
3 /*============================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation    Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                        All rights reserved.                                 |
6 |                        Oracle Manufacturing                                 |
7 +=============================================================================+
8 |									      |
9 | FILE NAME   : CTOCUSTS.pls						      |
10 |              								      |
11 | DESCRIPTION : This pcakage is a customization hook to facilitate            |
12 |               development of customized configuration Match logic.          |
13 |									      |
14 |		It is CTO equivalent of the old BOMCEDCS.pls. This function   |
15 |		is used in CTOCCFGB.pls instead of  CTO_MATCH_CONFIG.check    |
16 |               _config_match whern the BOM:Check Duplicate Configuration     |
17 |               is set to '2' (Match).                                        |
18 |               							      |
19 |									      |
20 | HISTORY :     10/12/99      Usha Arora				      |
21 |               06/01/05      Renga Kannan  Added NOCOPY Hint		      |
22 |									      |
23 *============================================================================*/
27 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
28    This function tries to find a match for an existing config item
29    using the customized logic. The function accepts Model's line_id
30    in oe_order_lines_all table and returns the inventory_item_id
31    of the matched config item. If  match is not found, XmatchedITemId
32    should return null. Function returns 1 if it was successfully executed
33    and returns a 0 (Zero), if it encountered errors.
34 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 function find_matching_config(
37 	pModelLineId    in		number,      -- Model Line Id in oe_order_lines_all
38 	xMatchedItemId	out NOCOPY	number,	    -- Item ID of Matched Config
39         xErrorMessage   out NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
40         xMessageName    out NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
41         xTableName      out NOCOPY      VARCHAR2   )
42 return integer;					/* 1 = OK
43 						   0 = Error */