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Line 81: SELECT * FROM wsh_new_deliveries

77: --
78: -- Package private cursors
79: CURSOR c_delivery(c_dlv NUMBER)
80: IS
81: SELECT * FROM wsh_new_deliveries
82: WHERE delivery_id = c_dlv;
83: --
84: CURSOR c_count_delivery_details(c_delivery_id NUMBER)
85: IS

Line 107: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_global_parameters wgp

103: -- count the number of deliveries which should not be rated due to freight term
104: CURSOR c_check_del_freight_term(c_delivery_id NUMBER)
105: IS
106: SELECT count(wd.delivery_id)
107: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_global_parameters wgp
108: WHERE (
109: ((wd.shipment_direction in ('I'))
110: and (wgp.rate_ib_dels_fgt_term is not null)
111: and (wd.freight_terms_code is not null)

Line 133: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_global_parameters wgp

129: -- count the number of deliveries which should not be rated due to freight term
130: CURSOR c_check_del_freight_term2(c_trip_id NUMBER)
131: IS
132: SELECT count(wd.delivery_id)
133: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_global_parameters wgp
134: WHERE (
135: ((wd.shipment_direction in ('I'))
136: and (wgp.rate_ib_dels_fgt_term is not null)
137: and (wd.freight_terms_code is not null)

Line 168: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,

164: -- count the number of deliveries which should not be rated due to manifesting
165: CURSOR c_check_del_manifesting(c_delivery_id NUMBER)
166: IS
167: SELECT count(a.delivery_id)
168: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,
169: mtl_parameters b,
170: wsh_carriers c
171: WHERE a.organization_id = b.organization_id
172: AND a.carrier_id = c.carrier_id

Line 181: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,

177: -- count the number of deliveries which should not be rated due to manifesting
178: CURSOR c_check_del_manifesting2(c_trip_id NUMBER)
179: IS
180: SELECT count(a.delivery_id)
181: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,
182: mtl_parameters b,
183: wsh_carriers c
184: WHERE a.organization_id = b.organization_id
185: AND a.carrier_id = c.carrier_id

Line 208: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,

205: CURSOR c_get_del_manifest_enabled(c_delivery_id NUMBER)
206: IS
207: SELECT b.carrier_manifesting_flag
208: FROM wsh_new_deliveries a,
209: mtl_parameters b
210: WHERE a.organization_id = b.organization_id
211: AND a.delivery_id = c_delivery_id;
212: --

Line 394: g_dlv_tab WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Attr_Tbl_Type;

390: -- Package global variables
391: --
392: -- holds the delivery information and is compatible with delivery action group api
393: -- is indexed by delivery_id
394: g_dlv_tab WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Attr_Tbl_Type;
395: --
396: -- holds delivery leg information, indexed on delivery_leg_id
397: g_dlv_leg_tab dlv_leg_tab;
398: --

Line 527: x_dlv_rec OUT NOCOPY WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type)

523: END api_post_call;
524: --
525: --
526: PROCEDURE load_dlv_rec (p_dlv_rec IN c_delivery%ROWTYPE,
527: x_dlv_rec OUT NOCOPY WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type)
528: IS
529: BEGIN
530: --
531: x_dlv_rec.DELIVERY_ID := p_dlv_rec.DELIVERY_ID;

Line 650: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

646: PROCEDURE validate_delivery (p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
647: x_return_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)
648: IS
650: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
651: c_dlv_rec c_delivery%ROWTYPE;
653: c_carr_srv_rec c_carrier_services%ROWTYPE;
654: l_ship_method_code wsh_carrier_services.ship_method_code%type;

Line 1728: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

1725: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1726: l_return_status_1 VARCHAR2(1);
1727: --
1728: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
1729: l_leg_trip_det_rec trip_info_rec;
1730: l_del_out_tab WSH_DELIVERIES_GRP.Del_Out_Tbl_Type;
1731: l_del_in_rec WSH_DELIVERIES_GRP.Del_In_Rec_Type;
1732: c_dlv_rec c_delivery%ROWTYPE;

Line 2558: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

2554: l_number_of_errors NUMBER;
2555: l_number_of_warnings NUMBER;
2556: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'VALIDATE_NONTL_TRIP';
2558: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
2559: c_dlv_rec c_delivery%ROWTYPE;
2560: l_dleg_rec dlv_leg_info_rec;
2561: l_trip_info_rec trip_info_rec;
2562: l_trip_dleg_cnt NUMBER;

Line 2789: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

2785: l_number_of_errors NUMBER;
2786: l_number_of_warnings NUMBER;
2787: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'VALIDATE_TL_TRIP';
2789: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
2790: c_dlv_rec c_delivery%ROWTYPE;
2791: l_dleg_rec dlv_leg_info_rec;
2792: l_trip_info_rec trip_info_rec;
2793: l_trip_dleg_cnt NUMBER;

Line 3382: wsh_new_deliveries wd

3378: wda.type,
3379: wda.parent_delivery_id,
3380: wdl.parent_delivery_leg_id
3381: from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
3382: wsh_new_deliveries wd
3383: where wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
3384: and wda.delivery_id = wdl.delivery_id
3385: and wdl.delivery_id = wd.delivery_id
3386: and (wda.type IS null OR wda.type <> 'O')

Line 3463: wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_trips wt, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2

3459: wda.type,
3460: wda.parent_delivery_id,
3461: wdl.parent_delivery_leg_id
3462: from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
3463: wsh_new_deliveries wd, wsh_trips wt, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2
3464: where wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
3465: and wda.delivery_id = wdl.delivery_id
3466: and wdl.delivery_id = wd.delivery_id
3467: and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts1.stop_id

Line 4149: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

4145: --
4146: i NUMBER;
4147: j NUMBER;
4148: k NUMBER;
4149: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
4150: l_leg_count NUMBER := 0;
4151: l_dlv_leg_list WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
4152: l_lane_ids WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
4153: l_trip_ids WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;

Line 4758: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;

4754: --
4755: i NUMBER;
4756: j NUMBER;
4757: k NUMBER;
4758: l_dlv_rec WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.Delivery_Rec_Type;
4759: l_leg_count NUMBER := 0;
4760: l_dlv_leg_list WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
4761: l_lane_ids WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
4762: l_trip_ids WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;