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Line 101: ben_cvg_cache.epeplncvg_getdets.

97: 04-OCT-99 mhoyes 115.40 - Modified code BENEFIT to BNFT.
98: - Tuned cursors. Replaced
99: c_cvg_plip, c_cvg_pln and
100: c_cvg_oipl with calls to
101: ben_cvg_cache.epeplncvg_getdets.
102: 04-OCT-99 tguy 115.41 - added call to dt_fndate.
103: 13-OCT-99 tguy 115.42 - moved increment value outside of
104: if statement. this fixed bug 3692
105: 14-OCT-99 maagrawa 115.43 Modified level jumping logic.

Line 1710: l_cvg ben_cvg_cache.g_epeplncvg_cache;

1706: and cv_effective_date -- FONM nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date)
1707: between ctfn.effective_start_date
1708: and ctfn.effective_end_date;
1709: --
1710: l_cvg ben_cvg_cache.g_epeplncvg_cache;
1711: --
1712: cursor c_asg(cv_effective_date date) is -- FONM
1713: select asg.assignment_id,asg.organization_id
1714: from per_all_assignments_f asg

Line 2113: ben_cvg_cache.epecobjtree_getcvgdets

2109: -- the appropriate coverage details
2110: --
2111: hr_utility.set_location ('pl_id '||ben_epe_cache.g_currcobjepe_row.pl_id,10);
2112: hr_utility.set_location ('elig choice id'||p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,11);
2113: ben_cvg_cache.epecobjtree_getcvgdets
2114: (p_epe_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2115: ,p_epe_pl_id => ben_epe_cache.g_currcobjepe_row.pl_id
2116: ,p_epe_plip_id => ben_epe_cache.g_currcobjepe_row.plip_id
2117: ,p_epe_oipl_id => ben_epe_cache.g_currcobjepe_row.oipl_id

Line 2150: ben_cvg_cache.epecobjtree_getcvgdets

2146: close c_epe;
2147: hr_utility.set_location ('close c_epe ',10);
2148: hr_utility.set_location ('pl_id'||l_epe.pl_id,10);
2149: if p_calculate_only_mode then
2150: ben_cvg_cache.epecobjtree_getcvgdets
2151: (p_epe_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2152: ,p_epe_pl_id => l_epe.pl_id
2153: ,p_epe_plip_id => l_epe.plip_id
2154: ,p_epe_oipl_id => l_epe.oipl_id