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Line 102: -- SELECT /*+ leading(b) index(th FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_U1) */ a.asset_id,

98: -- asset has to start to be adjusted. --
99: ------------------------------------------------------------
101: CURSOR adjustable_assets(l_country_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
102: -- SELECT /*+ leading(b) index(th FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_U1) */ a.asset_id,
103: SELECT a.asset_id,
104: a.asset_category_id,
105: a.asset_type,
106: NVL(FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(a.global_attribute1),b.date_placed_in_service) revaluation_start_date,

Line 114: , fa_transaction_headers th

110: FROM
111: fa_category_books c
112: , fa_additions a
113: , fa_books b
114: , fa_transaction_headers th
115: WHERE b.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
116: AND b.cost <> 0
117: AND b.global_attribute1 = 'Y'
118: AND b.date_ineffective IS NULL

Line 133: AND not exists (select 'X' from FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS th_2

129: AND th.date_effective < g_period_open_date
130: AND th.transaction_header_id <= b.transaction_header_id_in
131: AND ((g_revalue_cip_assets_flag is NULL AND a.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED')
132: OR (g_revalue_cip_assets_flag is NOT NULL))
133: AND not exists (select 'X' from FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS th_2
134: where th_2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
135: AND th_2.asset_id = a.asset_id
136: AND th_2.transaction_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
137: AND th_2.date_effective >= g_period_open_date)

Line 525: , fa_transaction_headers th

521: BEGIN
522: SELECT min(dp.period_counter)
523: INTO dummy
524: FROM fa_deprn_periods dp
525: , fa_transaction_headers th
526: , fa_asset_history ah
527: WHERE ah.asset_id = th.asset_id
528: AND dp.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
529: AND th.transaction_header_id >= ah.transaction_header_id_in

Line 568: FROM fa_transaction_headers b,

564: BEGIN
566: SELECT cost_retired,date_retired
567: INTO p_amount,p_date_retired
568: FROM fa_transaction_headers b,
569: fa_retirements a
570: WHERE a.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
571: AND a.asset_id = p_asset_id
572: AND a.status = 'DELETED'