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2 /* $Header: pepst01t.pkb 120.1 2006/01/11 04:15:38 asahay noship $ */
4 procedure form_startup(p_business_group_id NUMBER,
5                        p_security_profile_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
6                        p_view_all_poss IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
7                        p_hr_installed IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
8                        p_pa_installed IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
9 l_industry VARCHAR2(1);
10 l_installed BOOLEAN;
11 --
12 function get_hr_status return VARCHAR2 is
13 --
14 l_hr_installed varchar2(1);
15 begin
16    select 'I'
17    into   l_hr_installed
18    from sys.dual
19    where  exists (select 'I'
20                   from fnd_product_installations
21                   where application_id between 800 and 899
22                   and status = 'I');
23   return l_hr_installed;
24   exception
25 	when no_data_found then
26 	 return 'S';
27 end;
28 --
29 begin
30    -- Get PA's installation status
31    l_installed :=fnd_installation.get(appl_id => 275
32                     ,dep_appl_id => 275
33                     ,status => p_pa_installed
34                     ,industry => l_industry);
35    --
36    -- Get HR installation Status
37    p_hr_installed := get_hr_status;
38    --
39    -- Now the security Profile.
40    --
41    -- Bug 462590. Cursor below was picking up the wrong flag.
42    --
43 	if p_hr_installed = 'I' then
44    begin
45       select psp.view_all_positions_flag
46       ,      psp.security_profile_id
47       into   p_view_all_poss
48       ,      p_security_profile_id
49       from   per_security_profiles psp
50 --      where  psp.security_profile_id = hr_security.get_security_profile
51   where  psp.security_profile_id =  fnd_profile.value('PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID')
52       and    (psp.business_group_id + 0  = p_Business_group_id
53               or psp.business_group_id is null);
55       --
56       exception
57          when NO_DATA_FOUND then
58 --           fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_289296_SEC_PROF_SETUP_ERR');
59             fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_289521_GLOBAL_SEC_PROFILE');
60             fnd_message.raise_error;
61    end;
62 	else
63 	  p_view_all_poss := 'Y';
64 	  p_security_profile_id := 0;
65    end if;
66 end form_startup;
68 PROCEDURE check_name_unique(X_Rowid VARCHAR2,
69                             X_Name  VARCHAR2,
70                             X_Business_group_id NUMBER) IS
71 -- Local variables
72 --
73 l_duplicate_name VARCHAR2(20);
74 begin
75   select 'Duplicate exists'
76   into l_duplicate_name
77   from   sys.dual
78   where  exists (
79                 select 1
80                 from   per_position_structures psp
81                 where  (psp.rowid <> X_Rowid
82                      or X_Rowid is null)
83                 and upper(psp.name) = upper(X_Name)
84                 and psp.business_group_id + 0 = X_Business_group_id);
85   fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PER_7901_SYS_DUPLICATE_RECORDS');
86   fnd_message.raise_error;
87   exception
88     when no_data_found then
89       null;
90     when others then
91       raise;
92 end;
94 PROCEDURE check_primary_flag(X_Rowid VARCHAR2,
95                              X_Primary_flag VARCHAR2,
96                              X_Business_group_id NUMBER) IS
97 --
98 -- Local Variable
99 --
100 l_primary_exists VARCHAR2(20);
101 begin
102   if X_Primary_flag = 'Y' then
103      begin
104         select 'Primary Exists'
105         into   l_primary_exists
106         from   sys.dual
107         where  exists (
108               select 1
109               from   per_position_structures psp
110               where  (psp.rowid <> X_Rowid
111                    or X_Rowid is null)
112               and    psp.primary_position_flag = 'Y'
113               and    psp.business_group_id + 0 = X_Business_group_id);
114         --
115         hr_utility.set_message('801', 'HR_6085_PO_POS_ONE_PRIMARY');
116         hr_utility.raise_error;
117         --
118         exception
119            when no_data_found then
120               null;
121            when others then
122               raise;
123      end;
124   end if;
125 end;
127 PROCEDURE pre_delete_checks(X_Position_Structure_Id          NUMBER,
128                             X_Business_Group_Id              NUMBER,
129                             X_Po_Installed                   VARCHAR2,
130                             X_Hr_Installed                   VARCHAR2) IS
131 --
132 --
133 -- Local variable
134 --
135 l_exists VARCHAR2(20);
136 l_sql_cursor NUMBER;
137 l_sql_text VARCHAR2(2000);
138 l_oci_out VARCHAR2(1);
139 l_rows_fetched varchar2(1);
140 Begin
141   begin
142      select 'Versions Exist'
143      into   l_exists
144      from   sys.dual
145      where  exists(
146            select 1
147            from   per_pos_structure_versions psv
148            where  psv.position_structure_id = X_Position_Structure_Id);
149      --
150      fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_6084_PO_POS_HAS_HIER_VER');
151      fnd_message.raise_error;
152      --
153      exception
154         when no_data_found then
155            null;
156         when others then
157            raise;
158   end;
159   if X_Hr_Installed = 'Y' then
160      begin
161         select 'Security exists'
162         into   l_exists
163         from sys.dual
164         where exists (
165            select null
166            from   per_security_profiles sec
167            where  sec.business_group_id + 0 = X_Business_Group_Id
168            and    sec.position_structure_id = X_Position_Structure_Id);
169         --
170         fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_7694_PER_NO_DEL_STRUCTURE');
171         fnd_message.raise_error;
172         --
173         exception
174            when no_data_found then
175               null;
176            when others then
177               raise;
178         end;
179   end if;
180   --
181   if X_Po_Installed = 'I' then
182   -- run the PO stuff
183   -- Dynamic SQL cursor to get round the problem of Table not existing.
184   -- Shouldn't be a problem after 10.6, but better safe than sorry.
185   -- This uses a similar method to OCI but Via PL/SQL instead.
186   --
187     begin
188      l_sql_text := 'select null '
189      ||'from sys.dual '
190      ||'where exists( select null '
191      ||'    from   po_system_parameters '
192      ||'    where  security_position_structure_id = '
193      ||to_char(X_Position_Structure_Id)
194      ||' ) '
195      ||'or exists( select null '
196      ||'    from   po_employee_hierarchies '
197      ||'    where  position_structure_id = '||to_char(X_Position_Structure_Id)
198      ||' ) '
199      ||'or exists( select null '
200      ||'    from   po_action_history '
201      ||'    where  approval_path_id = '||to_char(X_Position_Structure_Id)
202      ||' ) '
203      ||'or exists( select null '
204      ||'    from   po_document_types '
205      ||'    where  default_approval_path_id = '
206      ||to_char(X_Position_Structure_Id)
207      ||' ) ';
208       --
209       -- Open Cursor for Processing Sql statment.
210       --
211       l_sql_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
212       --
213       -- Parse SQL statement.
214       --
215       dbms_sql.parse(l_sql_cursor, l_sql_text, dbms_sql.v7);
216       --
217       -- Map the local variables to each returned Column
218       --
219       dbms_sql.define_column(l_sql_cursor, 1,l_oci_out,1);
220       --
221       -- Execute the SQL statement.
222       --
223       l_rows_fetched := dbms_sql.execute(l_sql_cursor);
224       --
225       if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_sql_cursor) > 0)
226       then
227          fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_6048_PO_POS_DEL_POS_CONT');
228          fnd_message.raise_error;
229       end if;
230       --
231       -- Close cursor used for processing SQL statement.
232       --
233       dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_sql_cursor);
234     end;
235   end if;
236 end;
238 PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
239                      X_Position_Structure_Id               IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
240                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
241                      X_Name                                VARCHAR2,
242                      X_Comments                            VARCHAR2 ,
243                      X_Primary_Position_Flag               VARCHAR2 ,
244                      X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2 ,
245                      X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2 ,
246                      X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2 ,
247                      X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2 ,
248                      X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2 ,
249                      X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2 ,
250                      X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2 ,
251                      X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2 ,
252                      X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2 ,
253                      X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2 ,
254                      X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2 ,
255                      X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2 ,
256                      X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2 ,
257                      X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2 ,
258                      X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2 ,
259                      X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2 ,
260                      X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2 ,
261                      X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2 ,
262                      X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2 ,
263                      X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2 ,
264                      X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2
265  ) IS
268              WHERE position_structure_id = X_Position_Structure_Id;
269     CURSOR C2 IS SELECT per_position_structures_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
271    check_name_unique(X_Rowid => X_Rowid,
272                      X_Name => X_Name,
273                      X_Business_Group_id => X_Business_Group_id);
274    --
275    check_primary_flag(X_Rowid => X_Rowid,
276                       X_Primary_flag => X_Primary_Position_Flag,
277                       X_Business_Group_id => X_Business_Group_id);
278    --
279    if (X_Position_Structure_Id is NULL) then
280      OPEN C2;
281      FETCH C2 INTO X_Position_Structure_Id;
282      CLOSE C2;
283    end if;
285           position_structure_id,
286           business_group_id,
287           name,
289           primary_position_flag,
290           attribute_category,
291           attribute1,
292           attribute2,
293           attribute3,
294           attribute4,
295           attribute5,
296           attribute6,
297           attribute7,
298           attribute8,
299           attribute9,
300           attribute10,
301           attribute11,
302           attribute12,
303           attribute13,
304           attribute14,
305           attribute15,
306           attribute16,
307           attribute17,
308           attribute18,
309           attribute19,
310           attribute20
311          ) VALUES (
312           X_Position_Structure_Id,
313           X_Business_Group_Id,
314           X_Name,
315           X_Comments,
316           X_Primary_Position_Flag,
317           X_Attribute_Category,
318           X_Attribute1,
319           X_Attribute2,
320           X_Attribute3,
321           X_Attribute4,
322           X_Attribute5,
323           X_Attribute6,
324           X_Attribute7,
325           X_Attribute8,
326           X_Attribute9,
327           X_Attribute10,
328           X_Attribute11,
329           X_Attribute12,
330           X_Attribute13,
331           X_Attribute14,
332           X_Attribute15,
333           X_Attribute16,
334           X_Attribute17,
335           X_Attribute18,
336           X_Attribute19,
337           X_Attribute20
338   );
339   OPEN C;
340   FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
341   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
342     CLOSE C;
344   end if;
345   CLOSE C;
346 END Insert_Row;
348 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
349                    X_Position_Structure_Id                 NUMBER,
350                    X_Business_Group_Id                     NUMBER,
351                    X_Name                                  VARCHAR2,
352                    X_Comments                              VARCHAR2 ,
353                    X_Primary_Position_Flag                 VARCHAR2 ,
354                    X_Attribute_Category                    VARCHAR2 ,
355                    X_Attribute1                            VARCHAR2 ,
356                    X_Attribute2                            VARCHAR2 ,
357                    X_Attribute3                            VARCHAR2 ,
358                    X_Attribute4                            VARCHAR2 ,
359                    X_Attribute5                            VARCHAR2 ,
360                    X_Attribute6                            VARCHAR2 ,
361                    X_Attribute7                            VARCHAR2 ,
362                    X_Attribute8                            VARCHAR2 ,
363                    X_Attribute9                            VARCHAR2 ,
364                    X_Attribute10                           VARCHAR2 ,
365                    X_Attribute11                           VARCHAR2 ,
366                    X_Attribute12                           VARCHAR2 ,
367                    X_Attribute13                           VARCHAR2 ,
368                    X_Attribute14                           VARCHAR2 ,
369                    X_Attribute15                           VARCHAR2 ,
370                    X_Attribute16                           VARCHAR2 ,
371                    X_Attribute17                           VARCHAR2 ,
372                    X_Attribute18                           VARCHAR2 ,
373                    X_Attribute19                           VARCHAR2 ,
374                    X_Attribute20                           VARCHAR2
375 ) IS
377       SELECT *
379       WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
380       FOR UPDATE of Position_Structure_Id NOWAIT;
381   Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
383   OPEN C;
384   FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
385   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
386     CLOSE C;
388   end if;
389   CLOSE C;
390   if (
391           (   (Recinfo.position_structure_id = X_Position_Structure_Id)
392            OR (    (Recinfo.position_structure_id IS NULL)
393                AND (X_Position_Structure_Id IS NULL)))
394       AND (   (Recinfo.business_group_id = X_Business_Group_Id)
395            OR (    (Recinfo.business_group_id IS NULL)
396                AND (X_Business_Group_Id IS NULL)))
397       AND (   (Recinfo.name = X_Name)
398            OR (    (Recinfo.name IS NULL)
399                AND (X_Name IS NULL)))
400       AND (   (Recinfo.comments = X_Comments)
401            OR (    (Recinfo.comments IS NULL)
402                AND (X_Comments IS NULL)))
403       AND (   (Recinfo.primary_position_flag = X_Primary_Position_Flag)
404            OR (    (Recinfo.primary_position_flag IS NULL)
405                AND (X_Primary_Position_Flag IS NULL)))
406       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute_category = X_Attribute_Category)
407            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute_category IS NULL)
408                AND (X_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
409       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute1 = X_Attribute1)
410            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute1 IS NULL)
411                AND (X_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
412       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute2 = X_Attribute2)
413            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute2 IS NULL)
414                AND (X_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
415       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute3 = X_Attribute3)
416            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute3 IS NULL)
417                AND (X_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
418       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute4 = X_Attribute4)
419            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute4 IS NULL)
420                AND (X_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
421       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute5 = X_Attribute5)
422            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute5 IS NULL)
423                AND (X_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
424       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute6 = X_Attribute6)
425            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute6 IS NULL)
426                AND (X_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
427       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute7 = X_Attribute7)
428            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute7 IS NULL)
429                AND (X_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
430       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute8 = X_Attribute8)
431            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute8 IS NULL)
432                AND (X_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
433       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute9 = X_Attribute9)
434            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute9 IS NULL)
435                AND (X_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
436       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute10 = X_Attribute10)
437            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute10 IS NULL)
438                AND (X_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
439       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute11 = X_Attribute11)
440            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute11 IS NULL)
441                AND (X_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
442       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute12 = X_Attribute12)
443            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute12 IS NULL)
444                AND (X_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
445       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute13 = X_Attribute13)
446            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute13 IS NULL)
447                AND (X_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
448       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute14 = X_Attribute14)
449            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute14 IS NULL)
450                AND (X_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
451       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute15 = X_Attribute15)
452            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute15 IS NULL)
453                AND (X_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
454       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute16 = X_Attribute16)
455            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute16 IS NULL)
456                AND (X_Attribute16 IS NULL)))
457       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute17 = X_Attribute17)
458            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute17 IS NULL)
459                AND (X_Attribute17 IS NULL)))
460       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute18 = X_Attribute18)
461            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute18 IS NULL)
462                AND (X_Attribute18 IS NULL)))
463       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute19 = X_Attribute19)
464            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute19 IS NULL)
465                AND (X_Attribute19 IS NULL)))
466       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute20 = X_Attribute20)
467            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute20 IS NULL)
468                AND (X_Attribute20 IS NULL)))
469           ) then
470     return;
471   else
474   end if;
475 END Lock_Row;
477 PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
478                      X_Position_Structure_Id               NUMBER,
479                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
480                      X_Name                                VARCHAR2,
481                      X_Comments                            VARCHAR2 ,
482                      X_Primary_Position_Flag               VARCHAR2 ,
483                      X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2 ,
484                      X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2 ,
485                      X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2 ,
486                      X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2 ,
487                      X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2 ,
488                      X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2 ,
489                      X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2 ,
490                      X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2 ,
491                      X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2 ,
492                      X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2 ,
493                      X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2 ,
494                      X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2 ,
495                      X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2 ,
496                      X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2 ,
497                      X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2 ,
498                      X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2 ,
499                      X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2 ,
500                      X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2 ,
501                      X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2 ,
502                      X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2 ,
503                      X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2
504 ) IS
506    check_name_unique(X_Rowid => X_Rowid,
507                      X_Name => X_Name,
508                      X_Business_Group_id => X_Business_Group_id);
509    --
510    check_primary_flag(X_Rowid => X_Rowid,
511                       X_Primary_Flag => X_Primary_Position_Flag,
512                       X_Business_Group_id => X_Business_Group_id);
513    --
515   SET
516     position_structure_id                     =    X_Position_Structure_Id,
517     business_group_id                         =    X_Business_Group_Id,
518     name                                      =    X_Name,
519     comments                                  =    X_Comments,
520     primary_position_flag                     =    X_Primary_Position_Flag,
521     attribute_category                        =    X_Attribute_Category,
522     attribute1                                =    X_Attribute1,
523     attribute2                                =    X_Attribute2,
524     attribute3                                =    X_Attribute3,
525     attribute4                                =    X_Attribute4,
526     attribute5                                =    X_Attribute5,
527     attribute6                                =    X_Attribute6,
528     attribute7                                =    X_Attribute7,
529     attribute8                                =    X_Attribute8,
530     attribute9                                =    X_Attribute9,
531     attribute10                               =    X_Attribute10,
532     attribute11                               =    X_Attribute11,
533     attribute12                               =    X_Attribute12,
534     attribute13                               =    X_Attribute13,
535     attribute14                               =    X_Attribute14,
536     attribute15                               =    X_Attribute15,
537     attribute16                               =    X_Attribute16,
538     attribute17                               =    X_Attribute17,
539     attribute18                               =    X_Attribute18,
540     attribute19                               =    X_Attribute19,
541     attribute20                               =    X_Attribute20
542   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
543   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
545   end if;
546 END Update_Row;
548 PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
549                      X_Position_Structure_Id          NUMBER,
550                      X_Business_Group_Id              NUMBER,
551                      X_Po_Installed                   VARCHAR2,
552                      X_Hr_Installed                   VARCHAR2) IS
554   --
555   pre_delete_checks(X_Position_Structure_Id => X_Position_Structure_Id,
556                     X_Business_Group_Id => X_Business_Group_Id,
557                     X_Po_Installed => X_Po_Installed,
558                     X_Hr_Installed => X_Hr_Installed);
559   --
561   WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
562   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
564   end if;
565 END Delete_Row;
567 function postform(p_business_group_id NUMBER) return boolean is
568 --
569 -- local variables
570 --
571 l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
572 begin
573    select  null
574    into    l_dummy
575    from sys.dual
576    where exists( select 1
577                from per_security_profiles sp
578                where sp.position_id is not null
579                and sp.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
580                and exists (select null
581                            from per_pos_structure_versions psv
582                            where psv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
583                            and not exists
584                               ( select null
585                                 from per_pos_Structure_elements pse
586                                 where pse.pos_structure_version_id =
587                                       psv.pos_Structure_version_id
588                                      and ( sp.position_id =
589                                           pse.subordinate_position_id)
590                                       or (sp.position_id =
591                                           pse.parent_position_id)
592                               )
593                           )
594                );
595    --
596    return TRUE;
597    --
598    exception
599       when no_data_found then
600          return false;
601 end postform;