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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

   select  distinct pln.pl_id,
           null  Information8
   from BEN_PLIP_F plip,
        BEN_PL_F PLN
   where ( C_PLIP_ID is not null and plip.PLIP_ID = C_PLIP_ID )
   and   plip.pl_id=pln.pl_id
   select  distinct pln.pl_id,
           'PLNIP' Information8
   from BEN_PL_F PLN
   where ( C_PL_ID is not null and pln.PL_ID = C_PL_ID);
Line: 51

   select  pln.pl_id,
           ptp.name pl_typ_name,
           hl.meaning Plan_Usage,
           null  Information8
   from BEN_PLIP_F plip,
        BEN_PL_F PLN,
        ben_pl_typ_f ptp,
        hr_lookups hl
   where ( C_PLIP_ID is not null and plip.PLIP_ID = C_PLIP_ID )
   and   plip.pl_id=pln.pl_id
   and   pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
   and   pln.pl_cd = hl.lookup_code
   and   hl.lookup_type = 'BEN_PL'
   select  pln.pl_id,
           ptp.name pl_typ_name,
           hl.meaning Plan_Usage,
           'PLNIP' Information8
   from BEN_PL_F PLN,
        ben_pl_typ_f ptp,
        hr_lookups hl
   where ( C_PL_ID is not null and pln.PL_ID = C_PL_ID )
   and   pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
   and   pln.pl_cd = hl.lookup_code
   and   hl.lookup_type = 'BEN_PL' ;
Line: 80

   select  pln.*
   from BEN_PL_F pln
   where  pln.pl_id = c_pl_id
     -- and pln.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         	  ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_id
           -- and information4 = pln.business_group_id
           and information2 = pln.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pln.effective_end_date
Line: 107

   select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
   from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--        ,pqh_table_route trt
   where cpe.information1= c_parent_pk_id
   and   cpe.result_type_cd = l_cv_result_type_cd
   and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--   and   cpe.table_route_id = trt.table_route_id
   -- and   trt.from_clause = 'OAB'
   -- and   trt.where_clause = upper(c_parent_table_name)
   and   cpe.table_alias = c_parent_table_alias ;
Line: 122

   select min(copy_entity_result_id) mirror_src_entity_result_id
   from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
 --       ,pqh_table_route trt
   where cpe.information1= c_parent_pk_id
   and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--   and   cpe.table_route_id = trt.table_route_id
   and   cpe.table_alias = c_parent_table_alias ;
Line: 148

   select min(cpe.information2) min_esd
   from   ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--          ,pqh_table_route trt
   where  cpe.information1= c_parent_pk_id
   and    cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--   and    cpe.table_route_id = trt.table_route_id
   -- and    trt.from_clause = 'OAB'
   -- and    trt.where_clause = upper(c_parent_table_name);
Line: 162

   select name group_pl_name
   from ben_pl_f
   where pl_id = p_group_pl_id
     and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 180

   select  pl_typ_id
   from BEN_PL_F
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 191

   select  pl_gd_or_svc_id
   from BEN_PL_GD_OR_SVC_F
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 197

   select  vgs.*
   from BEN_PL_GD_OR_SVC_F vgs
   where  vgs.pl_gd_or_svc_id = c_pl_gd_or_svc_id
     -- and vgs.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_GD_OR_SVC_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_gd_or_svc_id
           -- and information4 = vgs.business_group_id
           and information2 = vgs.effective_start_date
           and information3 = vgs.effective_end_date
Line: 223

   select  cwb_wksht_grp_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 229

   select  cwg.*
   from BEN_CWB_WKSHT_GRP cwg
   where  cwg.cwb_wksht_grp_id = c_cwb_wksht_grp_id
     and cwg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( --c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               c_mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_CWB_WKSHT_GRP'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_cwb_wksht_grp_id
         --and information4 = cwg.business_group_id
Line: 249

select cri.*
where cri.custom_key = to_char(c_cwb_wksht_grp_id)
  and cri.custom_type like 'Cwb%PG'
  and not exists (
	select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
         and (c_mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_cwb_wksht_grp_id
Line: 275

   select  vald_rlshp_for_reimb_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 280

   select  vrp.*
   where  vrp.vald_rlshp_for_reimb_id = c_vald_rlshp_for_reimb_id
     -- and vrp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause ='BEN_VALD_RLSHP_FOR_REIMB_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_vald_rlshp_for_reimb_id
           -- and information4 = vrp.business_group_id
           and information2 = vrp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = vrp.effective_end_date
Line: 308

   select  wv_prtn_rsn_pl_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 313

   select  wpn.*
   from BEN_WV_PRTN_RSN_PL_F wpn
   where  wpn.wv_prtn_rsn_pl_id = c_wv_prtn_rsn_pl_id
     -- and wpn.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_WV_PRTN_RSN_PL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_wv_prtn_rsn_pl_id
           -- and information4 = wpn.business_group_id
           and information2 = wpn.effective_start_date
           and information3 = wpn.effective_end_date
Line: 342

   select  bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 347

   select  brc.*
   where  brc.bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id = c_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
     -- and brc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_BNFT_RSTRN_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = brc.business_group_id
           and information2 = brc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = brc.effective_end_date
Line: 376

   select distinct ler_bnft_rstrn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 381

   select  lbr.*
   from BEN_LER_BNFT_RSTRN_F lbr
   where  lbr.ler_bnft_rstrn_id = c_ler_bnft_rstrn_id
     -- and lbr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_BNFT_RSTRN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_bnft_rstrn_id
           -- and information4 = lbr.business_group_id
           and information2 = lbr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lbr.effective_end_date
Line: 401

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_BNFT_RSTRN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_bnft_rstrn_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 421

   select  enrt_ctfn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 427

   select  ecf.*
   from BEN_ENRT_CTFN_F ecf
   where  ecf.enrt_ctfn_id = c_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and ecf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ENRT_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_enrt_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = ecf.business_group_id
           and information2 = ecf.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ecf.effective_end_date
Line: 455

   select distinct ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 460

   select  ldc.*
   from BEN_LER_CHG_DPNT_CVG_F ldc
   where  ldc.ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_id = c_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_id
     -- and ldc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_DPNT_CVG_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_id
           -- and information4 = ldc.business_group_id
           and information2 = ldc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ldc.effective_end_date
Line: 480

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_DPNT_CVG_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 501

   select distinct ler_chg_pl_nip_enrt_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 506

   select  lpe.*
   where  lpe.ler_chg_pl_nip_enrt_id = c_ler_chg_pl_nip_enrt_id
     -- and lpe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_PL_NIP_ENRT_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_chg_pl_nip_enrt_id
           -- and information4 = lpe.business_group_id
           and information2 = lpe.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lpe.effective_end_date
Line: 526

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id   = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_PL_NIP_ENRT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_chg_pl_nip_enrt_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 547

   select distinct ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 552

   select  lre.*
   where  lre.ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and lre.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_RQRS_ENRT_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = lre.business_group_id
           and information2 = lre.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lre.effective_end_date
Line: 572

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_RQRS_ENRT_CTFN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 592

   select  pl_pcp_id
   from BEN_PL_PCP
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 598

   select  pcp.*
   from BEN_PL_PCP pcp
   where  pcp.pl_pcp_id = c_pl_pcp_id
     -- and pcp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_PCP'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_pcp_id
           -- and information4 = pcp.business_group_id
Line: 624

   select  pl_pcp_typ_id
   from BEN_PL_PCP_TYP
   where  PL_PCP_ID = c_PL_PCP_ID ;
Line: 630

   select  pty.*
   from BEN_PL_PCP_TYP pty
   where  pty.pl_pcp_typ_id = c_pl_pcp_typ_id
     -- and pty.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_PCP_TYP'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_pcp_typ_id
         -- and information4 = pty.business_group_id
Line: 656

   select  pl_bnf_ctfn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 662

   select  pcx.*
   from BEN_PL_BNF_CTFN_F pcx
   where  pcx.pl_bnf_ctfn_id = c_pl_bnf_ctfn_id
     -- and pcx.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_BNF_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_bnf_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = pcx.business_group_id
           and information2 = pcx.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pcx.effective_end_date
Line: 690

   select  pl_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 695

   select  pnd.*
   from BEN_PL_DPNT_CVG_CTFN_F pnd
   where  pnd.pl_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id = c_pl_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
     -- and pnd.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_DPNT_CVG_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = pnd.business_group_id
           and information2 = pnd.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pnd.effective_end_date
Line: 723

   select  elig_to_prte_rsn_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 728

   select  peo.*
   from BEN_ELIG_TO_PRTE_RSN_F peo
   where  peo.elig_to_prte_rsn_id = c_elig_to_prte_rsn_id
     -- and peo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ELIG_TO_PRTE_RSN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_elig_to_prte_rsn_id
           -- and information4 = peo.business_group_id
           and information2 = peo.effective_start_date
           and information3 = peo.effective_end_date
Line: 756

   select  gd_or_svc_typ_id
   from BEN_PL_GD_OR_SVC_F
   where  PL_GD_OR_SVC_ID = c_PL_GD_OR_SVC_ID ;
Line: 762

   select  gos.*
   from BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP gos
   where  gos.gd_or_svc_typ_id = c_gd_or_svc_typ_id
     -- and gos.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_gd_or_svc_typ_id
           -- and information4 = gos.business_group_id
Line: 788

   select  pl_gd_r_svc_ctfn_id
   where  PL_GD_OR_SVC_ID = c_PL_GD_OR_SVC_ID ;
Line: 793

   select  pct.*
   from BEN_PL_GD_R_SVC_CTFN_F pct
   where  pct.pl_gd_r_svc_ctfn_id = c_pl_gd_r_svc_ctfn_id
     -- and pct.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_GD_R_SVC_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_gd_r_svc_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = pct.business_group_id
           and information2 = pct.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pct.effective_end_date
Line: 821

   select  pl_regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 827

   select  prg.*
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F prg
   where  prg.pl_regn_id = c_pl_regn_id
     -- and prg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_pl_regn_id
           -- and information4 = prg.business_group_id
           and information2 = prg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prg.effective_end_date
Line: 854

   select  regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  PL_REGN_ID = c_PL_REGN_ID ;
Line: 860

   select  reg.*
   from BEN_REGN_F reg
   where  reg.regn_id = c_regn_id
     -- and reg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_REGN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_regn_id
           -- and information4 = reg.business_group_id
           and information2 = reg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = reg.effective_end_date
Line: 888

   select  rptg_grp_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  PL_REGN_ID = c_PL_REGN_ID ;
Line: 894

   select  bnr.*
   from BEN_RPTG_GRP bnr
   where  bnr.rptg_grp_id = c_rptg_grp_id
     -- and bnr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_RPTG_GRP'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_rptg_grp_id
           -- and information4 = bnr.business_group_id
Line: 919

   select  wv_prtn_rsn_ctfn_pl_id
Line: 924

   select  wcn.*
   where  wcn.wv_prtn_rsn_ctfn_pl_id = c_wv_prtn_rsn_ctfn_pl_id
     -- and wcn.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_WV_PRTN_RSN_CTFN_PL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_wv_prtn_rsn_ctfn_pl_id
           -- and information4 = wcn.business_group_id
           and information2 = wcn.effective_start_date
           and information3 = wcn.effective_end_date
Line: 952

   select  ler_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
Line: 957

   select  lbc.*
   where  lbc.ler_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id = c_ler_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
     -- and lbc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_BNFT_RSTRN_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_bnft_rstrn_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = lbc.business_group_id
           and information2 = lbc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lbc.effective_end_date
Line: 985

   select  ler_enrt_ctfn_id
Line: 991

   select  lnc.*
   from BEN_LER_ENRT_CTFN_F lnc
   where  lnc.ler_enrt_ctfn_id = c_ler_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and lnc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_ENRT_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_enrt_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = lnc.business_group_id
           and information2 = lnc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lnc.effective_end_date
Line: 1019

   select  ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
Line: 1024

   select  lcc.*
   where  lcc.ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id = c_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
     -- and lcc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              ,pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_DPNT_CVG_CTFN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_id
           -- and information4 = lcc.business_group_id
           and information2 = lcc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lcc.effective_end_date
Line: 1052

   select  dsgn_rqmt_id
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 1058

   select  ddr.*
   from BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F ddr
   where  ddr.dsgn_rqmt_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
     -- and ddr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
         -- and information4 = ddr.business_group_id
           and information2 = ddr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ddr.effective_end_date
Line: 1087

   select  dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
   where  DSGN_RQMT_ID = c_DSGN_RQMT_ID ;
Line: 1092

   select  drr.*
   where  drr.dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
     -- and drr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_RLSHP_TYP'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
         -- and information4 = drr.business_group_id
Line: 1117

   select  distinct oipl_id
   from BEN_OIPL_F
   where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 1125

   select  pl_regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 1131

   select  prg.*
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F prg
   where  prg.pl_regn_id = c_pl_regn_id
     -- and prg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regn_id
         -- and information4 = prg.business_group_id
           and information2 = prg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prg.effective_end_date
Line: 1159

   select  pl_regy_bod_id
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 1165

   select  prb.*
   from BEN_PL_REGY_BOD_F prb
   where  prb.pl_regy_bod_id = c_pl_regy_bod_id
     -- and prb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGY_BOD_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regy_bod_id
         -- and information4 = prb.business_group_id
           and information2 = prb.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prb.effective_end_date
Line: 1193

   select  pl_regy_prps_id
   where  PL_REGY_BOD_ID = c_PL_REGY_BOD_ID ;
Line: 1199

   select  prp.*
   from BEN_PL_REGY_PRP_F prp
   where  prp.pl_regy_prps_id = c_pl_regy_prps_id
     -- and prp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGY_PRP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regy_prps_id
         -- and information4 = prp.business_group_id
           and information2 = prp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prp.effective_end_date
Line: 1227

   select  popl_rptg_grp_id
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 1233

   select  rgr.*
   from BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F rgr
   where  rgr.popl_rptg_grp_id = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
     -- and rgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
         -- and information4 = rgr.business_group_id
           and information2 = rgr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = rgr.effective_end_date
Line: 1260

   select  regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  PL_REGN_ID = c_PL_REGN_ID ;
Line: 1266

   select  reg.*
   from BEN_REGN_F reg
   where  reg.regn_id = c_regn_id
     -- and reg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
---              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_REGN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_regn_id
         -- and information4 = reg.business_group_id
           and information2 = reg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = reg.effective_end_date
Line: 1292

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_pk_id;
Line: 2231

	    p_information16	=>l_cri_rec.update_attr,
	    p_information17	=>l_cri_rec.monetary,
    	    p_information141	=>l_cri_rec.label,
	    p_information265	=>l_cri_rec.object_version_number,
	    p_information266	=>l_cri_rec.ordr_num,
            p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number,
            p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date       );
Line: 5862

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information8 = NULL
      where information1 = p_pl_id
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 5900

   select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
   from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--        pqh_table_route trt
   where cpe.information1= c_parent_pk_id
   and   cpe.result_type_cd = l_cv_result_type_cd
   and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--   and   cpe.table_route_id = trt.table_route_id
   -- and   trt.from_clause = 'OAB'
   -- and   trt.where_clause = upper(c_parent_table_name) ;
Line: 5928

   select  popl_actn_typ_id
   -- where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 5936

   select  pat.*
   from BEN_POPL_ACTN_TYP_F pat
   where  pat.popl_actn_typ_id = c_popl_actn_typ_id
     -- and pat.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_ACTN_TYP_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_actn_typ_id
           -- and information4 = pat.business_group_id
           and information2 = pat.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pat.effective_end_date
Line: 5963

   select  distinct popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
   where ( c_PL_ID is not null and c_PL_ID = PL_ID ) or
         ( c_PGM_ID is not null and c_PGM_ID = PGM_ID);
Line: 5969

   select  pet.*
   where  pet.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
     -- and pet.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_ENRT_TYP_CYCL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
           -- and information4 = pet.business_group_id
           and information2 = pet.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pet.effective_end_date
Line: 5997

   select  popl_org_id
   from BEN_POPL_ORG_F
   --where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 6005

   select  cpo.*
   from BEN_POPL_ORG_F cpo
   where  cpo.popl_org_id = c_popl_org_id
     -- and cpo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause =  'BEN_POPL_ORG_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_org_id
           -- and information4 = cpo.business_group_id
           and information2 = cpo.effective_start_date
           and information3 = cpo.effective_end_date
Line: 6028

    select org.name
    from hr_organization_units org
    where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and organization_id = p_id
      and  p_date  between  Date_from
          and nvl(Date_to, p_date) ;
Line: 6038

   select date_from
   from hr_all_organization_units
   where organization_id = c_organization_id;
Line: 6050

   select  popl_yr_perd_id
   --where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 6058

   select  cpy.*
   from BEN_POPL_YR_PERD cpy
   where  cpy.popl_yr_perd_id = c_popl_yr_perd_id
     -- and cpy.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_YR_PERD'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_yr_perd_id
           -- and information4 = cpy.business_group_id
Line: 6083

   select  popl_rptg_grp_id
   -- where  PL_ID = c_PL_ID ;
Line: 6091

   select  rgr.*
   from BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F rgr
   where  rgr.popl_rptg_grp_id = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
     -- and rgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
              --pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
           -- and information4 = rgr.business_group_id
           and information2 = rgr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = rgr.effective_end_date
Line: 6119

   select  distinct yr_perd_id
Line: 6130

   select  popl_org_role_id
   where  POPL_ORG_ID = c_POPL_ORG_ID ;
Line: 6136

   select  cpr.*
   from BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F cpr
   where  cpr.popl_org_role_id = c_popl_org_role_id
     -- and cpr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_popl_org_role_id
           -- and information4 = cpr.business_group_id
           and information2 = cpr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = cpr.effective_end_date
Line: 6163

   select  rptg_grp_id
Line: 6169

   select  bnr.*
   from BEN_RPTG_GRP bnr
   where  bnr.rptg_grp_id = c_rptg_grp_id
     -- and bnr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_RPTG_GRP'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_rptg_grp_id
           -- and information4 = bnr.business_group_id
Line: 6194

   select distinct lee_rsn_id
   from BEN_LEE_RSN_F
Line: 6200

   select  len.*
   from BEN_LEE_RSN_F len
   where  len.lee_rsn_id = c_lee_rsn_id
     -- and len.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LEE_RSN_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_lee_rsn_id
           -- and information4 = len.business_group_id
           and information2 = len.effective_start_date
           and information3 = len.effective_end_date
Line: 6221

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LEE_RSN_F'
         and trt.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_lee_rsn_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 6240

   select  enrt_perd_id
Line: 6246

   select  enp.*
   from BEN_ENRT_PERD enp
   where  enp.enrt_perd_id = c_enrt_perd_id
     -- and enp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ENRT_PERD'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_enrt_perd_id
           -- and information4 = enp.business_group_id
Line: 6267

      select pos.NAME name
      where pos.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        and POS_STRUCTURE_VERSION_ID = p_id
        and p_date between nvl(POV.DATE_FROM, p_date)
                                 and nvl(POV.DATE_TO, p_date);
Line: 6278

    select date_from
    from per_pos_structure_versions
    where pos_structure_version_id = c_pos_structure_version_id;
Line: 6297

   select  distinct yr_perd_id
   where  ENRT_PERD_ID = c_ENRT_PERD_ID ;
Line: 6308

   select  ERP.enrt_perd_for_pl_id
     and  exists (select null
                  from ben_plip_f plip
                  where plip.pl_id =  ERP.pl_id
                    and plip.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
                    and ERP.effective_start_date between
                        plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date);
Line: 6319

   select  erp.*
   from BEN_ENRT_PERD_FOR_PL_F erp
   where  erp.enrt_perd_for_pl_id = c_enrt_perd_for_pl_id
     -- and erp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ENRT_PERD_FOR_PL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_enrt_perd_for_pl_id
           -- and information4 = erp.business_group_id
           and information2 = erp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = erp.effective_end_date
Line: 6346

   select  schedd_enrt_rl_id
   where  ENRT_PERD_ID = c_ENRT_PERD_ID ;
Line: 6352

   select  ser.*
   from BEN_SCHEDD_ENRT_RL_F ser
   where  ser.schedd_enrt_rl_id = c_schedd_enrt_rl_id
     -- and ser.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_SCHEDD_ENRT_RL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_schedd_enrt_rl_id
           -- and information4 = ser.business_group_id
           and information2 = ser.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ser.effective_end_date
Line: 6379

   select  lee_rsn_rl_id
   from BEN_LEE_RSN_RL_F
   where  LEE_RSN_ID = c_LEE_RSN_ID ;
Line: 6385

   select  lrr.*
   from BEN_LEE_RSN_RL_F lrr
   where  lrr.lee_rsn_rl_id = c_lee_rsn_rl_id
     -- and lrr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LEE_RSN_RL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_lee_rsn_rl_id
           -- and information4 = lrr.business_group_id
           and information2 = lrr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lrr.effective_end_date
Line: 6412

   select  enrt_perd_for_pl_id
   where  LEE_RSN_ID = c_LEE_RSN_ID
     and  exists (select null
                  from ben_plip_f plip
                  where plip.pl_id =  ERP.pl_id
                    and plip.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
                    and ERP.effective_start_date between
                        plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date);
Line: 6423

   select  erp.*
   from BEN_ENRT_PERD_FOR_PL_F erp
   where  erp.enrt_perd_for_pl_id = c_enrt_perd_for_pl_id
     -- and erp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ENRT_PERD_FOR_PL_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_enrt_perd_for_pl_id
           -- and information4 = erp.business_group_id
           and information2 = erp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = erp.effective_end_date
Line: 6451

   select  actn_typ_id
Line: 6457

   select  eat.*
   from BEN_ACTN_TYP eat
   where  eat.actn_typ_id = c_actn_typ_id
     -- and eat.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ACTN_TYP'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_actn_typ_id
           -- and information4 = eat.business_group_id
Line: 6482

   select  pl_regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 6488

   select  prg.*
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F prg
   where  prg.pl_regn_id = c_pl_regn_id
     -- and prg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regn_id
         -- and information4 = prg.business_group_id
           and information2 = prg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prg.effective_end_date
Line: 6516

   select  pl_regy_bod_id
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 6522

   select  prb.*
   from BEN_PL_REGY_BOD_F prb
   where  prb.pl_regy_bod_id = c_pl_regy_bod_id
     -- and prb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGY_BOD_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regy_bod_id
         -- and information4 = prb.business_group_id
           and information2 = prb.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prb.effective_end_date
Line: 6550

   select  pl_regy_prps_id
   where  PL_REGY_BOD_ID = c_PL_REGY_BOD_ID ;
Line: 6556

   select  prp.*
   from BEN_PL_REGY_PRP_F prp
   where  prp.pl_regy_prps_id = c_pl_regy_prps_id
     -- and prp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_REGY_PRP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_regy_prps_id
         -- and information4 = prp.business_group_id
           and information2 = prp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = prp.effective_end_date
Line: 6584

   select  popl_rptg_grp_id
   where  RPTG_GRP_ID = c_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
Line: 6590

   select  rgr.*
   from BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F rgr
   where  rgr.popl_rptg_grp_id = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
     -- and rgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_POPL_RPTG_GRP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_popl_rptg_grp_id
         -- and information4 = rgr.business_group_id
           and information2 = rgr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = rgr.effective_end_date
Line: 6616

   select  regn_id
   from BEN_PL_REGN_F
   where PL_REGN_ID = c_PL_REGN_ID ;
Line: 6622

   select  reg.*
   from BEN_REGN_F reg
   where  reg.regn_id = c_regn_id
     -- and reg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_REGN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_regn_id
         -- and information4 = reg.business_group_id
           and information2 = reg.effective_start_date
           and information3 = reg.effective_end_date
Line: 6649

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_pk_id;
Line: 9037

   select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
   from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--        pqh_table_route trt
   where cpe.information1= c_parent_pk_id
   and   cpe.result_type_cd = l_cv_result_type_cd
   and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--   and   cpe.table_route_id = trt.table_route_id
   -- and   trt.from_clause = 'OAB'
   -- and   trt.where_clause = upper(c_parent_table_name) ;
Line: 9053

   select  ler.*
   from BEN_LER_F ler
   where  ler.ler_id = c_ler_id
     -- and ler.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_id
           -- and information4 = ler.business_group_id
           and information2 = ler.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ler.effective_end_date
Line: 9079

   select  css_rltd_per_per_in_ler_id
   where  LER_ID = c_LER_ID ;
Line: 9084

   select  csr.*
   where  csr.css_rltd_per_per_in_ler_id = c_css_rltd_per_per_in_ler_id
     -- and csr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_CSS_RLTD_PER_PER_IN_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_css_rltd_per_per_in_ler_id
           -- and information4 = csr.business_group_id
           and information2 = csr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = csr.effective_end_date
Line: 9111

   select  ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
   where  LER_ID = c_LER_ID
     and  ( exists ( select 'x'
                   from ben_ler_f
                   where LER_ID = c_LER_ID
                     and typ_cd = 'ABS')  OR
            nvl(p_no_dup_rslt, 'X') = 'Y');  -- For plan design wizard copy lpl also
Line: 9121

   select  lpl.*
   where  lpl.ler_per_info_cs_ler_id = c_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
     -- and lpl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
           -- and information4 = lpl.business_group_id
           and information2 = lpl.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lpl.effective_end_date
Line: 9148

   select  ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_id
   where  LER_ID = c_LER_ID ;
Line: 9153

   select  lrc.*
   where  lrc.ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_id = c_ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_id
     -- and lrc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_RLTD_PER_CS_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_id
           -- and information4 = lrc.business_group_id
           and information2 = lrc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lrc.effective_end_date
Line: 9180

   select  psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
   from BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F lpl,
     and psl.PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_id = lpl.PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_id
     and  source_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES';
Line: 9188

   select  psl.*
   where  psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id = c_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
     -- and psl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
           -- and information4 = psl.business_group_id
           and information2 = psl.effective_start_date
           and information3 = psl.effective_end_date
Line: 9209

    SELECT distinct hl.meaning
    FROM hr_lookups hl,
         per_abs_attendance_reasons abs
    WHERE hl.lookup_type = 'ABSENCE_REASON'
      AND hl.lookup_code = abs.name
      AND hl.lookup_code = cv_lookup_code
      AND hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND abs.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      AND cv_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active,cv_effective_date)
      and nvl(end_date_active,cv_effective_date);
Line: 9221

    SELECT distinct name
    WHERE business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and to_char(absence_attendance_type_id) = cv_val;
Line: 9236

   select  rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
Line: 9241

   select  rcl.*
   where  rcl.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id = c_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
     -- and rcl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
           -- and information4 = rcl.business_group_id
           and information2 = rcl.effective_start_date
           and information3 = rcl.effective_end_date
Line: 9267

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_pk_id;
Line: 10075

    select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where cpe.information1        = c_parent_pk_id
    and   cpe.result_type_cd      = l_result_type_cd
    and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id  = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and   cpe.table_route_id      = trt.table_route_id
    and   cpe.table_alias         = c_parent_table_alias;
Line: 10098

   select  cop.*
   from BEN_OIPL_F cop
   where  cop.oipl_id = c_oipl_id
     -- and cop.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_OIPL_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_oipl_id
         -- and information4 = cop.business_group_id
           and information2 = cop.effective_start_date
           and information3 = cop.effective_end_date
Line: 10126

   select  dsgn_rqmt_id
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 10132

   select  ddr.*
   from BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F ddr
   where  ddr.dsgn_rqmt_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
     -- and ddr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
         -- and information4 = ddr.business_group_id
           and information2 = ddr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ddr.effective_end_date
Line: 10161

   select  dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
   where  DSGN_RQMT_ID = c_DSGN_RQMT_ID ;
Line: 10166

   select  drr.*
   where  drr.dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
     -- and drr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_RLSHP_TYP'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
         -- and information4 = drr.business_group_id
Line: 10192

   select  elig_to_prte_rsn_id
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 10197

   select  peo.*
   from BEN_ELIG_TO_PRTE_RSN_F peo
   where  peo.elig_to_prte_rsn_id = c_elig_to_prte_rsn_id
     -- and peo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ELIG_TO_PRTE_RSN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_elig_to_prte_rsn_id
         -- and information4 = peo.business_group_id
           and information2 = peo.effective_start_date
           and information3 = peo.effective_end_date
Line: 10224

   select distinct ler_chg_oipl_enrt_id
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 10229

   select  lop.*
   where  lop.ler_chg_oipl_enrt_id = c_ler_chg_oipl_enrt_id
     -- and lop.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_OIPL_ENRT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_chg_oipl_enrt_id
         -- and information4 = lop.business_group_id
           and information2 = lop.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lop.effective_end_date
Line: 10251

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id   = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_CHG_OIPL_ENRT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_chg_oipl_enrt_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 10269

   select  enrt_ctfn_id
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 10275

   select  ecf.*
   from BEN_ENRT_CTFN_F ecf
   where  ecf.enrt_ctfn_id = c_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and ecf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_ENRT_CTFN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_enrt_ctfn_id
         -- and information4 = ecf.business_group_id
           and information2 = ecf.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ecf.effective_end_date
Line: 10302

   select distinct ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 10307

   select  lre.*
   where  lre.ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and lre.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_RQRS_ENRT_CTFN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
         -- and information4 = lre.business_group_id
           and information2 = lre.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lre.effective_end_date
Line: 10328

   select distinct cpe.information257 ler_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_RQRS_ENRT_CTFN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_rqrs_enrt_ctfn_id
         -- and information4 = p_business_group_id
Line: 10346

   select  ler_enrt_ctfn_id
Line: 10351

   select  lnc.*
   from BEN_LER_ENRT_CTFN_F lnc
   where  lnc.ler_enrt_ctfn_id = c_ler_enrt_ctfn_id
     -- and lnc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_LER_ENRT_CTFN_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_ler_enrt_ctfn_id
         -- and information4 = lnc.business_group_id
           and information2 = lnc.effective_start_date
           and information3 = lnc.effective_end_date
Line: 10376

   select  distinct opt_id
   from BEN_OIPL_F
   where  OIPL_ID = c_OIPL_ID ;
Line: 11561

    select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where cpe.information1        = c_parent_pk_id
    and   cpe.result_type_cd      = l_result_type_cd
    and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id  = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and   cpe.table_route_id      = trt.table_route_id
    and   cpe.table_alias         = c_parent_table_alias;
Line: 11584

   select  opt.*
   from BEN_OPT_F opt
   where  opt.opt_id = c_opt_id
     -- and opt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_OPT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_opt_id
         -- and information4 = opt.business_group_id
           and information2 = opt.effective_start_date
           and information3 = opt.effective_end_date
Line: 11608

   select name group_opt_name
   from ben_opt_f
   where opt_id = p_group_opt_id
     and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 11629

   select  dsgn_rqmt_id
   where  OPT_ID = c_OPT_ID ;
Line: 11635

   select  ddr.*
   from BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F ddr
   where  ddr.dsgn_rqmt_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
     -- and ddr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_id
         -- and information4 = ddr.business_group_id
           and information2 = ddr.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ddr.effective_end_date
Line: 11663

   select  pl_typ_opt_typ_id
   where  OPT_ID = c_OPT_ID ;
Line: 11668

   select  pon.*
   from BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F pon
   where  pon.pl_typ_opt_typ_id = c_pl_typ_opt_typ_id
     -- and pon.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_typ_opt_typ_id
         -- and information4 = pon.business_group_id
           and information2 = pon.effective_start_date
           and information3 = pon.effective_end_date
Line: 11696

   select  dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
   where  DSGN_RQMT_ID = c_DSGN_RQMT_ID ;
Line: 11701

   select  drr.*
   where  drr.dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
     -- and drr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_DSGN_RQMT_RLSHP_TYP'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_dsgn_rqmt_rlshp_typ_id
         -- and information4 = drr.business_group_id
Line: 11725

   select  distinct pl_typ_id
Line: 11735

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_opt_id;
Line: 12315

    select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where cpe.information1        = c_parent_pk_id
    and   cpe.result_type_cd      = l_result_type_cd
    and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id  = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and   cpe.table_route_id      = trt.table_route_id
    and   cpe.table_alias         = c_parent_table_alias;
Line: 12337

   select  ptp.*
   from BEN_PL_TYP_F ptp
   where  ptp.pl_typ_id = c_pl_typ_id
     -- and ptp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--         and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
         and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
               mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
         -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_PL_TYP_F'
         and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
         and information1 = c_pl_typ_id
         -- and information4 = ptp.business_group_id
           and information2 = ptp.effective_start_date
           and information3 = ptp.effective_end_date
Line: 12365

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_pk_id;
Line: 12528

    select copy_entity_result_id mirror_src_entity_result_id
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where cpe.information1        = c_parent_pk_id
    and   cpe.result_type_cd      = l_result_type_cd
    and   cpe.copy_entity_txn_id  = c_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and   cpe.table_route_id      = trt.table_route_id
    and   cpe.table_alias         = c_parent_table_alias;
Line: 12551

   select  yrp.*
   from BEN_YR_PERD yrp
   where  yrp.yr_perd_id = c_yr_perd_id
     -- and yrp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_YR_PERD'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_yr_perd_id
           -- and information4 = yrp.business_group_id
Line: 12577

    select  wthn_yr_perd_id
    where  YR_PERD_ID = c_YR_PERD_ID ;
Line: 12583

    select  wyp.*
    from BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD wyp
    where  wyp.wthn_yr_perd_id = c_wthn_yr_perd_id
     -- and wyp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and not exists (
         select /*+  */ null
         from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--              pqh_table_route trt
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--           and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
           and ( -- c_mirror_src_entity_result_id is null or
                 mirror_src_entity_result_id = c_mirror_src_entity_result_id )
           -- and trt.where_clause = 'BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD'
           and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
           and information1 = c_wthn_yr_perd_id
           -- and information4 = wyp.business_group_id
Line: 12610

    select null
    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
--         pqh_table_route trt
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
--    and trt.table_route_id = cpe.table_route_id
    and cpe.table_alias = c_table_alias
    and information1 = c_pk_id;