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2 /* $Header: FIIAPDEB.pls 120.7 2006/10/13 21:24:51 vkazhipu ship $ */
3  /*  This is a public function to get account description  */
4  FUNCTION Get_Account_Desc(p_chart_of_accounts_id IN NUMBER, p_dist_code_combination_id IN NUMBER)
5  return Varchar2 IS
6      l_account_description Varchar2(1000);
8       IF (FND_FLEX_KEYVAL.validate_ccid
9                                  ('SQLGL', 'GL#', p_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID, p_DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID,
10                                   'ALL', NULL, NULL, 'IGNORE', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) THEN
11           l_account_description := FND_FLEX_KEYVAL.concatenated_descriptions;
12        END IF;
13        return l_account_description;
14  END;
16 PROCEDURE Get_Inv_Distribution_Detail (
17         p_page_parameter_tbl   IN 		BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
18         inv_dist_sql           OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2,
19         inv_dist_output        OUT NOCOPY       BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL
20 ) IS
21         l_as_of_date            DATE;
22         l_operating_unit        VARCHAR2(240);
23         l_supplier              VARCHAR2(240);
24         l_invoice_number        NUMBER;
25         l_period_type           VARCHAR2(240);
26         l_record_type_id        NUMBER;
27         l_view_by               VARCHAR2(240);
28         l_currency              VARCHAR2(240);
29         l_column_name           VARCHAR2(240);
30         l_table_name            VARCHAR2(240);
31         l_gid                   NUMBER;
32         l_org_where             VARCHAR2(240);
33         l_supplier_where        VARCHAR2(240);
34         l_invoice_id            NUMBER;
35 	      l_line_number		NUMBER := -9999;
37         sqlstmt                 VARCHAR2(14000);
38         l_line_stmt             VARCHAR2(1000);
41         fii_pmv_util.get_parameters(
42                 p_page_parameter_tbl,
43                 l_as_of_date,
44                 l_operating_unit,
45                 l_supplier,
46                 l_invoice_number,
47                 l_period_type,
48                 l_record_type_id,
49                 l_view_by,
50                 l_currency,
51                 l_column_name,
52                 l_table_name,
53                 l_gid,
54                 l_org_where,
55                 l_supplier_where
56         );
58 --Added code for R12 enhancement for getting value for line number
59   IF (p_page_parameter_tbl.count > 0) THEN
60      FOR i IN p_page_parameter_tbl.first..p_page_parameter_tbl.last LOOP
61          IF 	p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_name = 'FII_LINE_NUM' THEN
62                 l_line_number := p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_value;
64          END IF;
65      END LOOP;
66   END IF;
67 --added by vkazhipu for bug 5581666 to handle the flow from EA reports
68   if (l_line_number = -9999) THEN
69    l_line_stmt := '';
70   else
71    l_line_stmt := ' AND aid.invoice_line_number = :LINE_NUMBER';
72    end if;
74         fii_pmv_util.get_invoice_id(p_page_parameter_tbl, l_invoice_id);
76         sqlstmt := '
77         SELECT  aid.distribution_line_number 										FII_AP_DIST_NUM,
78                 alc.displayed_field											FII_AP_DIST_TYPE,
79                 aid.amount												FII_AP_DIST_AMOUNT,
80                 apps.fnd_flex_ext.get_segs(''SQLGL'',''GL#'',glcc.chart_of_accounts_id,aid.dist_code_combination_id)	FII_AP_ACCOUNT,
81                 fii_ap_detail.get_account_desc(glcc.chart_of_accounts_id,aid.dist_code_combination_id)			FII_AP_ACCOUNT_DESC,
82                 sum (aid.amount) over()											FII_AP_DIST_AMOUNT_GT
83         FROM    ap_invoice_distributions_all    	aid,
84                 ap_lookup_codes                 	alc,
85                 gl_code_combinations            	glcc
86         WHERE   aid.line_type_lookup_code               = alc.lookup_code
87 		AND alc.lookup_type = ''INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE''
88                 AND aid.dist_code_combination_id        = glcc.code_combination_id
89                 AND aid.invoice_id                      = :INVOICE_ID'||l_line_stmt||'
91         ';
93 -- R12 Added bind varaiable parameter p_line_number
94         fii_pmv_util.bind_variable(
95                 p_sqlstmt               => sqlstmt,
96                 p_page_parameter_tbl    => p_page_parameter_tbl,
97                 p_sql_output            => inv_dist_sql,
98                 p_bind_output_table     => inv_dist_output,
99                 p_invoice_number        => l_invoice_id,
100 		p_line_number		=> l_line_number
101         );
102 END get_inv_distribution_detail;
104   PROCEDURE Get_Hold_History
105      ( p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
106        hold_history_sql out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
107        hold_history_output out NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL)IS
108        /* declaration section */
109        sqlstmt          VARCHAR2(14000);
111        l_as_of_date     DATE;
112        l_operating_unit VARCHAR2(240);
113        l_supplier       VARCHAR2(240);
114        l_invoice_number NUMBER;
115        l_period_type    VARCHAR2(240);
116        l_record_type_id NUMBER;
117        l_view_by        VARCHAR2(240);
118        l_currency       VARCHAR2(240);
119        l_column_name    VARCHAR2(240);
120        l_table_name     VARCHAR2(240);
121        l_gid            NUMBER;
122        l_org_where      VARCHAR2(240);
123        l_supplier_where VARCHAR2(240);
125        l_invoice_id     NUMBER;
127  BEGIN
129        FII_PMV_Util.Get_Parameters(
130        p_page_parameter_tbl,
131        l_as_of_date,
132        l_operating_unit,
133        l_supplier,
134        l_invoice_number,
135        l_period_type,
136        l_record_type_id,
137        l_view_by,
138        l_currency,
139        l_column_name,
140        l_table_name,
141        l_gid,
142        l_org_where,
143        l_supplier_where
144        );
146        FII_PMV_Util.get_invoice_id(p_page_parameter_tbl, l_invoice_id);
148        /**************Description of Measures, Attributes returned to PMV *****
149         FII_MEASURE1 - Hold Name
150         FII_MEASURE2 - Hold Date
151         FII_MEASURE3 - Held By
152         FII_MEASURE4 - Hold Release Date
153        ***********************************************************************/
155 /* Main SQL section */
157 -- PMV SQL modified as part of Enhancement 4234120 to pick data from Oracle Payables Tables.
158 -- Prior to this, data was picked from MV, FII_AP_INV_HOLDS_B
160 	sqlstmt := '
161 		    SELECT hold.hold_lookup_code	FII_MEASURE1
162 	                  ,TRUNC(hold.hold_date)	FII_MEASURE2
163 	                  ,DECODE(hold.release_lookup_code, NULL, NULL,hold.last_update_date)	FII_MEASURE4
164 	                  ,fnd_usr.user_name		FII_MEASURE3
165 		     FROM  ap_invoices_all    inv
166 			  ,ap_holds_all	      hold
167 			  ,fnd_user_view      fnd_usr
168 	            WHERE inv.invoice_id  = hold.invoice_id
169 	              AND hold.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
170 	              AND hold.held_by = fnd_usr.user_id
171 	              AND inv.cancelled_date IS NULL
172 	              AND inv.invoice_type_lookup_code NOT IN (''PREPAYMENT'')
173                       &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE
174 		    ';
177       /* Binding Section */
178        FII_PMV_Util.bind_variable(
179        p_sqlstmt=>sqlstmt,
180        p_page_parameter_tbl=>p_page_parameter_tbl,
181        p_sql_output=>hold_history_sql,
182        p_bind_output_table=>hold_history_output,
183        p_invoice_number=>l_invoice_id
184        );
185  END;
187   PROCEDURE Get_Inv_Activity_History
188      ( p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
189        inv_act_sql out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
190        inv_act_output out NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL)IS
191        /* declaration section */
192        sqlstmt          VARCHAR2(14000);
194        l_as_of_date     DATE;
195        l_operating_unit VARCHAR2(240);
196        l_supplier       VARCHAR2(240);
197        l_invoice_number NUMBER;
198        l_period_type    VARCHAR2(240);
199        l_record_type_id NUMBER;
200        l_view_by        VARCHAR2(240);
201        l_currency       VARCHAR2(240);
202        l_column_name    VARCHAR2(240);
203        l_table_name     VARCHAR2(240);
204        l_gid            NUMBER;
205        l_org_where      VARCHAR2(240);
206        l_supplier_where VARCHAR2(240);
207        l_invoice_id     NUMBER;
209        stmt1            VARCHAR2(240);
210        stmt2            VARCHAR2(240);
211        stmt3            VARCHAR2(240);
212        stmt4            VARCHAR2(240);
213        stmt5            VARCHAR2(240);
214        stmt6            VARCHAR2(240);
215        stmt7            VARCHAR2(240);
216        stmt8            VARCHAR2(240);
217        stmt9            VARCHAR2(240);
219        l_date_mask      VARCHAR2(240);
220  BEGIN
222        FII_PMV_Util.Get_Parameters(
223        p_page_parameter_tbl,
224        l_as_of_date,
225        l_operating_unit,
226        l_supplier,
227        l_invoice_number,
228        l_period_type,
229        l_record_type_id,
230        l_view_by,
231        l_currency,
232        l_column_name,
233        l_table_name,
234        l_gid,
235        l_org_where,
236        l_supplier_where
237 	);
239        FII_PMV_Util.get_invoice_id(p_page_parameter_tbl, l_invoice_id);
241        /**************Description of Measures, Attributes returned to PMV *****
242         FII_MEASURE1 - Action
243         FII_MEASURE2 - Date,
244         FII_MEASURE3 - User
245        ***********************************************************************/
249        /**********Message to be displayed ************************************/
250        stmt1 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_ENTRY');
251        stmt2 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_HOLD_PLACED');
252        stmt3 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_HOLD_RELEASED');
253        stmt4 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PREPAY_APPLIED');
254        stmt5 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PREPAY_UNAPPLIED');
255        stmt6 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMENT');
256        stmt7 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_VOID');
257        stmt8 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_STOP');
258        stmt9 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_RELEASE');
260        /*get date mask */
261        FII_PMV_Util.get_format_mask(l_date_mask);
263        /* Main SQL section */
264        sqlstmt := 'select action FII_MEASURE1,
265                    action_date FII_MEASURE2,
266                    usr.user_name FII_MEASURE3
267                    from
268                    (select :ENTRY  action,
269                     entered_date action_date,
270                     created_by by_whom
271                    from fii_ap_invoice_b
272                    where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
273                    union all
274                    select :HOLD_PLACED action,
275                    hold_date action_date,
276                    held_by by_whom
277                    from fii_ap_inv_holds_b
278                    where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
279                    and period_type_id = 1
280                    union all
281                    select :HOLD_RELEASED action,
282                    release_date action_date,
283                    released_by by_whom
284                    from fii_ap_inv_holds_b
285                    where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
286                    and period_type_id = 1
287                    union all
288                    SELECT CASE WHEN b.amount < 0 THEN
289                    :PREPAY_APPLIED
290                    ELSE
291                    :PREPAY_UNAPPLIED
292                    END action,
293                    trunc(b.creation_date) action_date,
294                    a.last_updated_by by_whom
295                    from ap_invoice_distributions_all a, ap_invoice_distributions_all b
296                    where a.invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
297                    and a.invoice_distribution_id  = b.prepay_distribution_id
298                    and b.line_type_lookup_code = ''PREPAY''
299                    and b.amount <> 0
300                    and a.invoice_id <> b.invoice_id
301                    union all
302                    select :PAYMT action,
303                    action_date action_date,
304                    created_by by_whom
305                    from fii_ap_pay_sched_b
306                    where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
307                    and action in (''PAYMENT'', ''PREPAYMENT'')
308                    and period_type_id = 1
309                    union all
310                    select CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
311                    THEN :PAYMT_STOP
312                    ELSE :PAYMT_RELEASE END action,
313                    CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
314                    THEN c.stopped_date
315                    ELSE c.released_date END action_date,
316                    CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
317                    THEN c.stopped_by
318                    ELSE c.released_by END  by_whom
319                    from ap_checks_all c, ap_invoice_payments_all p
320                    where c.check_id = p.check_id
321                    and p.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
322                    and (c.stopped_date is not null
323                    OR c.released_date is not null)
324                    ) a,
325                    fnd_user usr
326                    Where a.by_whom = usr.user_id
327                    &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE ';
329 stmt1 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_ENTRY');
330        stmt2 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_HOLD_PLACED');
331        stmt3 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_HOLD_RELEASED');
332        stmt4 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PREPAY_APPLIED');
333        stmt5 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PREPAY_UNAPPLIED');
334        stmt6 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMENT');
335        stmt7 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_VOID');
336        stmt8 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_STOP');
337        stmt9 :=  FND_MESSAGE.get_string('FII', 'FII_AP_PAYMT_RELEASE');
339       /* Binding Section */
340        FII_PMV_Util.bind_variable(
341        p_sqlstmt=>sqlstmt,
342        p_page_parameter_tbl=>p_page_parameter_tbl,
343        p_sql_output=>inv_act_sql,
344        p_bind_output_table=>inv_act_output,
345        p_invoice_number=>l_invoice_id,
347        p_entry=>stmt1,
348        p_hold_placed=>stmt2,
349        p_hold_released=>stmt3,
350        p_prepay_applied=>stmt4,
351        p_prepay_unapplied=>stmt5,
352        p_payment=>stmt6,
353        p_paymt_void=>stmt7,
354        p_paymt_stop=>stmt8,
355        p_paymt_release=>stmt9
357        );
358  END;
360    PROCEDURE Get_Sched_Pay_Discount
361      ( p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
362        sched_pay_sql out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
363        sched_pay_output out NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL)IS
364        /* declaration section */
365        sqlstmt          VARCHAR2(14000);
367        l_as_of_date     DATE;
368        l_operating_unit VARCHAR2(240);
369        l_supplier       VARCHAR2(240);
370        l_invoice_number NUMBER;
371        l_period_type    VARCHAR2(240);
372        l_record_type_id NUMBER;
373        l_view_by        VARCHAR2(240);
374        l_currency       VARCHAR2(240);
375        l_column_name    VARCHAR2(240);
376        l_table_name     VARCHAR2(240);
377        l_gid            NUMBER;
378        l_org_where      VARCHAR2(240);
379        l_supplier_where VARCHAR2(240);
381        l_invoice_id     NUMBER;
383        l_date_mask      VARCHAR2(240);
384        l_yes            VARCHAR2(240);
385        l_no             VARCHAR2(240);
386  BEGIN
388        FII_PMV_Util.Get_Parameters(
389        p_page_parameter_tbl,
390        l_as_of_date,
391        l_operating_unit,
392        l_supplier,
393        l_invoice_number,
394        l_period_type,
395        l_record_type_id,
396        l_view_by,
397        l_currency,
398        l_column_name,
399        l_table_name,
400        l_gid,
401        l_org_where,
402        l_supplier_where
403        );
405        FII_PMV_Util.get_invoice_id(p_page_parameter_tbl, l_invoice_id);
407        /**************Description of Measures, Attributes returned to PMV *****
408         FII_MEASURE1 - Payment Number
409         FII_MEASURE2 - Due Date
410         FII_MEASURE3 - Amount
411         FII_MEASURE4 - Discount Date
412         FII_MEASURE5 - Discount Amount
413         FII_MEASURE6 - Second Discount Date
414         FII_MEASURE7 - Second Discount Amount
415         FII_MEASURE8 - Third Discount Date
416         FII_MEASURE9 - Third Discount Amount
417         FII_MEASURE10- Hold Flag
418         FII_MEASURE11 - Grand Total for Gross Amount
419        ***********************************************************************/
421        /*get date mask */
422        FII_PMV_Util.get_format_mask(l_date_mask);
424        /* get mls message for yes no */
425        FII_PMV_Util.get_yes_no_msg(l_yes, l_no);
427        /* Main SQL section */
428         sqlstmt := 'select a.Payment_Num      FII_MEASURE1,
429                            a.due_date         FII_MEASURE2,
430                            a.Gross_Amount            FII_MEASURE3,
431                            to_char(discount_date,'''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE4,
432                            a.Discount_Amount_Available   FII_MEASURE5,
433                            to_char(second_discount_date,'''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE6,
434                            a.Second_Disc_Amt_Available   FII_MEASURE7,
435                            to_char(third_discount_date, '''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE8,
436                            a.Third_Disc_Amt_Available    FII_MEASURE9,
437                            decode(nvl(a.hold_flag, ''N''), ''Y'', '''||l_yes||''', ''N'', '''||l_no||''') FII_MEASURE10,
438                            sum(a.gross_amount) over()              FII_MEASURE11
439                     from AP_Payment_Schedules_All a
440                     where a.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
441                     &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE        '
442         ;
445       /* Binding Section */
446        FII_PMV_Util.bind_variable(
447        p_sqlstmt=>sqlstmt,
448        p_page_parameter_tbl=>p_page_parameter_tbl,
449        p_sql_output=>sched_pay_sql,
450        p_bind_output_table=>sched_pay_output,
451        p_invoice_number=>l_invoice_id
452        );
453  END;
455 PROCEDURE get_inv_lines_detail (
456         p_page_parameter_tbl            IN 		BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
457         p_inv_lines_detail_sql          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
458         p_inv_lines_detail_output       OUT NOCOPY      BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL
459 ) IS
460         l_invoice_id            NUMBER;                 -- Variable to retrieve Invoice ID from parameter passed from parent report
461         l_as_of_date            DATE;                   -- Variables for get_parameters
462         l_operating_unit        VARCHAR2(240);
463         l_supplier              VARCHAR2(240);
464         l_invoice_number        NUMBER;
465         l_period_type           VARCHAR2(240);
466         l_record_type_id        NUMBER;
467         l_view_by               VARCHAR2(240);
468         l_currency              VARCHAR2(240);
469         l_column_name           VARCHAR2(240);
470         l_table_name            VARCHAR2(240);
471         l_gid                   NUMBER;
472         l_org_where             VARCHAR2(240);
473         l_supplier_where        VARCHAR2(240);
475         sqlstmt                 VARCHAR2(14000);
477         l_url_line_amount       VARCHAR2(1000);         -- URL string to drill from line amount column
478         l_url_po_number         VARCHAR2(1000);         -- URL string to drill from po number column
480         BEGIN
482         -- To read parameters passed from the parent report
483         fii_pmv_util.get_parameters(
484                 p_page_parameter_tbl,
485                 l_as_of_date,
486                 l_operating_unit,
487                 l_supplier,
488                 l_invoice_number,
489                 l_period_type,
490                 l_record_type_id,
491                 l_view_by,
492                 l_currency,
493                 l_column_name,
494                 l_table_name,
495                 l_gid,
496                 l_org_where,
497                 l_supplier_where
498         );
500         -- To get the invoice id
501         fii_pmv_util.get_invoice_id(p_page_parameter_tbl, l_invoice_id);
503         l_url_line_amount := 'pFunctionName=FII_AP_INV_DIST_DETAIL&pParamIds=Y&FII_INVOICE_ID='|| l_invoice_id || '&FII_LINE_NUM=FII_AP_LINE_NUM';
504         l_url_po_number   := 'pFunctionName=FII_EA_POA_DRILL&PoHeaderId='' || ail.po_header_id || ''&PoReleaseId='' || ail.po_release_id || ''&addBreadCrumb=Y&retainAM=Y';
506         -- PMV Query to retrieve the Invoice Lines Detail report
507         sqlstmt := '
508         SELECT  ail.line_number                 FII_AP_LINE_NUM,
509                 alc.displayed_field 		FII_AP_LINE_TYPE,
510                 ail.amount			FII_AP_LINE_AMOUNT,
511                 ail.description			FII_AP_LINE_DESC,
512                 ail.quantity_invoiced           FII_AP_QUANTITY,
513                 muom.unit_of_measure_tl         FII_AP_UOM,				--  muom.uom_code
514                 poh.segment1	                FII_AP_PO_NUM,				--  poh.segment1
515                 poll.shipment_num		FII_AP_PO_SHIPMENT_NUM,
516                 por.release_num			FII_AP_RELEASE_NUM,
517                 rcvsh.receipt_num 		FII_AP_RECEIPT_NUM,                     --  receipt_num
518                 sum (ail.amount) over()		FII_AP_GT_LINE_AMOUNT,
519                 -- Drill from Line Amount column to Invoice Distributions Detail report
520                 ''' || l_url_line_amount || ''' FII_AP_LINE_AMOUNT_DRILL,
521                 -- Drill from PO Number column to PO Overview report
522                 ''' || l_url_po_number || ''' FII_AP_PO_NUM_DRILL
523         FROM    ap_invoice_lines_all            ail,
524                 ap_lookup_codes            	alc,
525                 mtl_units_of_measure       	muom,
526                 po_headers_all             	poh,
527                 po_line_locations_all      	poll,
528                 po_releases_all            	por,
529                 rcv_transactions           	rcvt,
530                 rcv_shipment_headers       	rcvsh
531         WHERE   ail.line_type_lookup_code       = alc.lookup_code
532 		AND alc.lookup_type = ''INVOICE LINE TYPE''
533                 AND ail.unit_meas_lookup_code   = muom.unit_of_measure(+)
534                 AND ail.po_header_id          = poh.po_header_id(+)
535                 AND ail.po_line_location_id   = poll.line_location_id(+)
536                 AND ail.po_release_id         = por.po_release_id(+)
537                 AND ail.rcv_transaction_id    = rcvt.transaction_id(+)
538                 AND rcvt.shipment_header_id   = rcvsh.shipment_header_id(+)
539                 AND ail.invoice_id              = :INVOICE_ID
540         ORDER BY ail.line_number';
542         fii_pmv_util.bind_variable(
543                 p_sqlstmt               => sqlstmt,
544                 p_page_parameter_tbl    => p_page_parameter_tbl,
545                 p_sql_output            => p_inv_lines_detail_sql,
546                 p_bind_output_table     => p_inv_lines_detail_output,
547                 p_invoice_number        => l_invoice_id
548         );
549 END get_inv_lines_detail;