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Line 254: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger', 10);

250: ,status => l_status
251: ,industry => l_industry);
252: if l_status = 'I' then
253: */
254: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger', 10);
255: --
256: if p_new.person_id is null then
257: --
258: open c_get_person(p_new.assignment_id, p_new.change_date);

Line 279: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 20);

275: fetch get_system_date into l_system_date;
276: close get_system_date;
277: l_effective_start_date := l_session_date;
278: -- l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := l_session_date;
279: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 20);
281: /* 8888 delete lines.
282: if p_new.date_to is null then
283: l_date_to := l_session_date;

Line 290: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);

286: end if;
287: 8888
288: */
290: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);
291: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);
293: open get_ler(l_status);
294: loop

Line 291: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);

287: 8888
288: */
290: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);
291: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);
293: open get_ler(l_status);
294: loop
295: --

Line 300: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);

296: fetch get_ler into l_ler_id,l_typ_cd, l_ocrd_dt_cd;
297: exit when get_ler%notfound;
298: l_trigger := TRUE;
300: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
301: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
302: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
303: --
304: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then

Line 301: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);

297: exit when get_ler%notfound;
298: l_trigger := TRUE;
300: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
301: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
302: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
303: --
304: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then
305: l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := p_new.change_date;

Line 302: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);

298: l_trigger := TRUE;
300: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
301: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
302: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
303: --
304: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then
305: l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := p_new.change_date;
306: else

Line 327: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);

323: l_changed := TRUE;
324: if get_ler_col%ROWCOUNT = 1 then
325: l_changed := TRUE;
326: end if;
327: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);
328: --
329: -- Call the formula here to evaluate per_info_chg_cs_ler_rl.
330: -- If it returns Y, then see the applicability of the data
331: -- changes based on new and old values.

Line 594: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed:',40);

590: ,p_new.CHANGE_DATE,l_new_val) AND
591: benutils.column_changed(p_new.CHANGE_DATE
592: ,l_old.CHANGE_DATE,l_old_val) AND
593: (l_changed));
594: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed:',40);
595: end if;
596: --
597: if l_column = 'LAST_CHANGE_DATE' then
598: l_changed := (benutils.column_changed(l_old.LAST_CHANGE_DATE

Line 833: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);

829: l_changed := TRUE ;
830: elsif l_rule_output = 'Y' and l_rule_overrides_flag = 'N' then
831: l_changed := l_changed AND TRUE;
832: elsif l_rule_output = 'N' then
833: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);
834: l_changed := FALSE;
835: end if;
837: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);

Line 837: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);

833: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);
834: l_changed := FALSE;
835: end if;
837: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
838: if l_changed then
839: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
840: else
841: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

Line 839: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

835: end if;
837: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
838: if l_changed then
839: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
840: else
841: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
842: end if;
843: -- Check for Column Mandatory Change

Line 841: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

837: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
838: if l_changed then
839: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
840: else
841: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
842: end if;
843: -- Check for Column Mandatory Change
844: -- If column change is mandatory and data change has failed then dont trigger
845: -- If column change is non-mandatory and the data change has passed, then trigger.

Line 848: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its failed ', 20.1);

844: -- If column change is mandatory and data change has failed then dont trigger
845: -- If column change is non-mandatory and the data change has passed, then trigger.
847: if l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and not l_changed then
848: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its failed ', 20.1);
849: l_changed := FALSE;
850: l_trigger := FALSE;
851: exit;
852: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and l_changed then

Line 853: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

849: l_changed := FALSE;
850: l_trigger := FALSE;
851: exit;
852: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and l_changed then
853: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
854: l_changed := TRUE;
855: -- exit; */
856: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'N' and l_changed then
857: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

Line 857: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

853: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
854: l_changed := TRUE;
855: -- exit; */
856: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'N' and l_changed then
857: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
858: l_changed := TRUE;
859: l_trigger := TRUE;
860: exit;
861: end if;

Line 864: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);

860: exit;
861: end if;
864: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
865: if l_changed then
866: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
867: else
868: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);

Line 866: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);

864: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
865: if l_changed then
866: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
867: else
868: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);
869: end if;
870: --

Line 868: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);

864: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
865: if l_changed then
866: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
867: else
868: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);
869: end if;
870: --
871: /* if not l_changed then
872: exit;

Line 876: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);

872: exit;
873: end if; */
875: end loop;
876: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);
877: l_ptnl_id := 0;
878: l_ovn :=null;
879: --
880: if l_changed then

Line 881: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);

877: l_ptnl_id := 0;
878: l_ovn :=null;
879: --
880: if l_changed then
881: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
882: else
883: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = FALSE' || l_type, 9999);
884: end if;
885: if l_trigger then

Line 883: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = FALSE' || l_type, 9999);

879: --
880: if l_changed then
881: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
882: else
883: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = FALSE' || l_type, 9999);
884: end if;
885: if l_trigger then
886: if l_type = 'P' then
887: open le_exists(nvl(p_new.person_id, l_person_id),l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);

Line 890: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5', 60);

886: if l_type = 'P' then
887: open le_exists(nvl(p_new.person_id, l_person_id),l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);
888: fetch le_exists into l_le_exists;
889: if le_exists%notfound then
890: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5', 60);
892: ben_create_ptnl_ler_for_per.create_ptnl_ler_event
893: --ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per
894: (p_validate => false

Line 909: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5-', 65);

905: ,p_dtctd_dt => nvl(l_effective_start_date, p_new.change_date));
906: end if;
907: close le_exists;
908: elsif l_type = 'R' then
909: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5-', 65);
910: open get_contacts(nvl(p_new.person_id, l_person_id));
911: loop
912: fetch get_contacts into l_hld_person_id;
913: exit when get_contacts%notfound;

Line 917: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5', 60);

913: exit when get_contacts%notfound;
914: open le_exists(l_hld_person_id,l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);
915: fetch le_exists into l_le_exists;
916: if le_exists%notfound then
917: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_pro_trigger5', 60);
919: ben_create_ptnl_ler_for_per.create_ptnl_ler_event
920: --ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per
921: (p_validate => false

Line 943: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 40);

939: end if;
940: --
941: -- reset the variables.
942: --
943: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 40);
944: l_changed := FALSE;
945: l_trigger := TRUE;
946: l_ovn := NULL;
947: l_effective_start_date := nvl(l_session_date, p_new.change_date);

Line 952: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);

948: -- l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := l_session_date;
949: end if;
950: close get_ler_col;
951: end loop;
952: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);
953: close get_ler;
954: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_pro_trigger', 60);
955: --end if;

Line 954: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_pro_trigger', 60);

950: close get_ler_col;
951: end loop;
952: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_pro_trigger', 50);
953: close get_ler;
954: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_pro_trigger', 60);
955: --end if;
957: -- If a Pay Proposal has been approved then check for Quartile in Grade life event
958: if hr_general.g_data_migrator_mode not in ( 'Y','P') then

Line 1087: hr_utility.set_location('Entering get_quartile',10);

1083: l_divisor number := 4;
1084: l_addition_factor number;
1085: l_multiplication_factor number;
1086: BEGIN
1087: hr_utility.set_location('Entering get_quartile',10);
1088: if p_salary > nvl(p_max,0) then
1089: --
1090: p_code := 'ABV' ;
1091: --

Line 1116: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving get_quartile',15);

1112: p_code := 'NA';
1113: end loop;
1114: --
1115: end if;
1116: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving get_quartile',15);
1117: END;
1118: --
1120: begin

Line 1121: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: qua_in_gr_ler_chk ', 510);

1117: END;
1118: --
1120: begin
1121: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: qua_in_gr_ler_chk ', 510);
1122: hr_utility.set_location('Profile val '||fnd_profile.value('BEN_QUA_IN_GR_LER'), 510);
1124: -- Check if the profile option for Life Event triggering is enabled
1125: --

Line 1122: hr_utility.set_location('Profile val '||fnd_profile.value('BEN_QUA_IN_GR_LER'), 510);

1118: --
1120: begin
1121: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: qua_in_gr_ler_chk ', 510);
1122: hr_utility.set_location('Profile val '||fnd_profile.value('BEN_QUA_IN_GR_LER'), 510);
1124: -- Check if the profile option for Life Event triggering is enabled
1125: --
1126: -- Changed to treat null as 'N' and not as 'Y'

Line 1155: hr_utility.set_location('l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 30);

1151: l_business_group_id := p_new_pro.business_group_id;
1152: l_new_start_date := p_new_pro.change_date;
1153: end if;
1154: --
1155: hr_utility.set_location('l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 30);
1156: hr_utility.set_location('l_business_group_id '||l_business_group_id, 199);
1157: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_start_date: '||to_char(l_new_start_date),30);
1159: open get_ler_qig(l_business_group_id);

Line 1156: hr_utility.set_location('l_business_group_id '||l_business_group_id, 199);

1152: l_new_start_date := p_new_pro.change_date;
1153: end if;
1154: --
1155: hr_utility.set_location('l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 30);
1156: hr_utility.set_location('l_business_group_id '||l_business_group_id, 199);
1157: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_start_date: '||to_char(l_new_start_date),30);
1159: open get_ler_qig(l_business_group_id);
1160: fetch get_ler_qig into l_ler_id, l_ocrd_dt_cd;

Line 1157: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_start_date: '||to_char(l_new_start_date),30);

1153: end if;
1154: --
1155: hr_utility.set_location('l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 30);
1156: hr_utility.set_location('l_business_group_id '||l_business_group_id, 199);
1157: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_start_date: '||to_char(l_new_start_date),30);
1159: open get_ler_qig(l_business_group_id);
1160: fetch get_ler_qig into l_ler_id, l_ocrd_dt_cd;

Line 1164: hr_utility.set_location(' Found get_ler_qig ', 199);

1160: fetch get_ler_qig into l_ler_id, l_ocrd_dt_cd;
1162: if get_ler_qig%found then
1163: --
1164: hr_utility.set_location(' Found get_ler_qig ', 199);
1166: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then
1167: --
1168: l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := l_new_start_date;

Line 1181: hr_utility.set_location('LER ID is '||l_ler_id,30);

1177: ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt => nvl(l_new_start_date,l_session_date)
1178: ,p_returned_date => l_lf_evt_ocrd_date
1179: );
1180: end if;
1181: hr_utility.set_location('LER ID is '||l_ler_id,30);
1182: hr_utility.set_location('Life Event Occured date is '||l_lf_evt_ocrd_date,30);
1183: --
1184: if p_called_from = 'A' then
1185: l_person_id := p_new_asg.person_id;

Line 1182: hr_utility.set_location('Life Event Occured date is '||l_lf_evt_ocrd_date,30);

1178: ,p_returned_date => l_lf_evt_ocrd_date
1179: );
1180: end if;
1181: hr_utility.set_location('LER ID is '||l_ler_id,30);
1182: hr_utility.set_location('Life Event Occured date is '||l_lf_evt_ocrd_date,30);
1183: --
1184: if p_called_from = 'A' then
1185: l_person_id := p_new_asg.person_id;
1186: l_assignment_id := p_new_asg.assignment_id;

Line 1213: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_pay_basis_id is '||l_old_pay_basis_id, 199);

1209: l_new_pay_basis_id := l_old_pay_basis_id;
1210: --
1211: end if;
1212: --
1213: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_pay_basis_id is '||l_old_pay_basis_id, 199);
1214: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_pay_basis_id is '||l_new_pay_basis_id, 199);
1215: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_grade_id is '||l_old_grade_id, 199);
1216: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_grade_id is '||l_new_grade_id, 199);
1217: --

Line 1214: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_pay_basis_id is '||l_new_pay_basis_id, 199);

1210: --
1211: end if;
1212: --
1213: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_pay_basis_id is '||l_old_pay_basis_id, 199);
1214: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_pay_basis_id is '||l_new_pay_basis_id, 199);
1215: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_grade_id is '||l_old_grade_id, 199);
1216: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_grade_id is '||l_new_grade_id, 199);
1217: --
1218: -- For update, get the old proposed salary from the previous approved record.

Line 1215: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_grade_id is '||l_old_grade_id, 199);

1211: end if;
1212: --
1213: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_pay_basis_id is '||l_old_pay_basis_id, 199);
1214: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_pay_basis_id is '||l_new_pay_basis_id, 199);
1215: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_grade_id is '||l_old_grade_id, 199);
1216: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_grade_id is '||l_new_grade_id, 199);
1217: --
1218: -- For update, get the old proposed salary from the previous approved record.
1219: -- If the proposed salary is changed,get it from the pay proposal record being passed.

Line 1216: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_grade_id is '||l_new_grade_id, 199);

1212: --
1213: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_pay_basis_id is '||l_old_pay_basis_id, 199);
1214: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_pay_basis_id is '||l_new_pay_basis_id, 199);
1215: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_grade_id is '||l_old_grade_id, 199);
1216: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_grade_id is '||l_new_grade_id, 199);
1217: --
1218: -- For update, get the old proposed salary from the previous approved record.
1219: -- If the proposed salary is changed,get it from the pay proposal record being passed.
1220: --

Line 1237: hr_utility.set_location('p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id is '||p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id, 199);

1233: ,l_new_pay_basis_id
1234: ,'new') ;
1235: fetch c_annual_sal into l_new_person_sal,l_change_date;
1236: close c_annual_sal;
1237: hr_utility.set_location('p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id is '||p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id, 199);
1238: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_person_sal is '||l_old_person_sal, 199);
1239: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_person_sal is '||l_new_person_sal, 199);
1241: open c_min_max(l_old_grade_id

Line 1238: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_person_sal is '||l_old_person_sal, 199);

1234: ,'new') ;
1235: fetch c_annual_sal into l_new_person_sal,l_change_date;
1236: close c_annual_sal;
1237: hr_utility.set_location('p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id is '||p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id, 199);
1238: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_person_sal is '||l_old_person_sal, 199);
1239: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_person_sal is '||l_new_person_sal, 199);
1241: open c_min_max(l_old_grade_id
1242: ,l_business_group_id

Line 1239: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_person_sal is '||l_new_person_sal, 199);

1235: fetch c_annual_sal into l_new_person_sal,l_change_date;
1236: close c_annual_sal;
1237: hr_utility.set_location('p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id is '||p_new_pro.pay_proposal_id, 199);
1238: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_person_sal is '||l_old_person_sal, 199);
1239: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_person_sal is '||l_new_person_sal, 199);
1241: open c_min_max(l_old_grade_id
1242: ,l_business_group_id
1243: ,nvl(l_lf_evt_ocrd_date, p_effective_date)

Line 1255: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_max_val is '||l_old_max_val, 199);

1251: ,l_new_pay_basis_id);
1252: fetch c_min_max into l_new_max_val, l_new_min_val;
1253: close c_min_max;
1254: --
1255: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_max_val is '||l_old_max_val, 199);
1256: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_min_val is '||l_old_min_val, 199);
1257: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_max_val is '||l_new_max_val, 199);
1258: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_min_val is '||l_new_min_val, 199);
1259: --

Line 1256: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_min_val is '||l_old_min_val, 199);

1252: fetch c_min_max into l_new_max_val, l_new_min_val;
1253: close c_min_max;
1254: --
1255: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_max_val is '||l_old_max_val, 199);
1256: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_min_val is '||l_old_min_val, 199);
1257: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_max_val is '||l_new_max_val, 199);
1258: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_min_val is '||l_new_min_val, 199);
1259: --
1260: -- Get the Quartile in grade in which the person's salary fall

Line 1257: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_max_val is '||l_new_max_val, 199);

1253: close c_min_max;
1254: --
1255: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_max_val is '||l_old_max_val, 199);
1256: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_min_val is '||l_old_min_val, 199);
1257: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_max_val is '||l_new_max_val, 199);
1258: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_min_val is '||l_new_min_val, 199);
1259: --
1260: -- Get the Quartile in grade in which the person's salary fall
1261: -- within the given min - max range

Line 1258: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_min_val is '||l_new_min_val, 199);

1254: --
1255: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_max_val is '||l_old_max_val, 199);
1256: hr_utility.set_location('l_old_min_val is '||l_old_min_val, 199);
1257: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_max_val is '||l_new_max_val, 199);
1258: hr_utility.set_location('l_new_min_val is '||l_new_min_val, 199);
1259: --
1260: -- Get the Quartile in grade in which the person's salary fall
1261: -- within the given min - max range
1262: --

Line 1303: hr_utility.set_location('Old Quartile in Grade value is '||l_old_qua_in_gr,100);

1299: p_mid => ( nvl(l_new_min_val,0)+ nvl(l_new_max_val,0))/ 2
1300: );
1301: end if;
1302: --
1303: hr_utility.set_location('Old Quartile in Grade value is '||l_old_qua_in_gr,100);
1304: hr_utility.set_location('New Quartile in Grade value is '||l_new_qua_in_gr,110);
1305: --
1306: if l_old_qua_in_gr <> l_new_qua_in_gr then
1307: l_changed := TRUE;

Line 1304: hr_utility.set_location('New Quartile in Grade value is '||l_new_qua_in_gr,110);

1300: );
1301: end if;
1302: --
1303: hr_utility.set_location('Old Quartile in Grade value is '||l_old_qua_in_gr,100);
1304: hr_utility.set_location('New Quartile in Grade value is '||l_new_qua_in_gr,110);
1305: --
1306: if l_old_qua_in_gr <> l_new_qua_in_gr then
1307: l_changed := TRUE;
1308: end if;

Line 1311: hr_utility.set_location('Change detected', 30);

1307: l_changed := TRUE;
1308: end if;
1309: --
1310: if l_changed then
1311: hr_utility.set_location('Change detected', 30);
1312: end if;
1313: --
1314: l_ptnl_id := 0;
1315: l_ovn :=null;

Line 1321: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling create_ptnl_ler_for_per ', 60);

1317: if l_changed then
1318: open le_exists(l_person_id,l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);
1319: fetch le_exists into l_le_exists;
1320: if le_exists%notfound then
1321: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling create_ptnl_ler_for_per ', 60);
1322: ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per
1323: (p_validate => false
1324: ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id => l_ptnl_id
1325: ,p_ntfn_dt => l_system_date

Line 1347: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: qua_in_gr_ler_chk', 130);

1343: end if;
1344: close get_ler_qig;
1345: end if;
1346: end if;
1347: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: qua_in_gr_ler_chk', 130);
1348: end qua_in_gr_ler_chk;
1350: end ben_pro_ler;