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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

|		is updated accordingly.					      |
|									      |
|									      |
| HISTORY     :  							      |
|               06/13/93  Chung Wei Lee  Initial version		      |
|		08/16/93  Chung Wei Lee	 Added more comments		      |
|		08/23/93  Chung Wei Lee  Added codes to check dup new config  |
|		11/08/93  Randy Roupp    Added sql_stmt_num logic             |
|		11/09/93  Randy Roupp    Changed is_base_demand_row function  |
|		01/14/94  Nagaraj        Handle the case if d1.primary_uom_   |
|					 quantity is zero		      |
|               02/21/94  Manish Modi    Moved bomfcdec_ch_du_ext_config to   |
|                                        BOMPCEDC.			      |
|		11/01/95  Edward Lee	 Re-wrote package to use a matching   |
|					 function similar to the one in       |
|					 BOMPMCFG which drives off of so_lines|
|					 Also added a check for existing      |
|					 configurations in BOM ATO Configs.   |

function is_base_demand_row(
        input_demand_id  in      number,
        error_message   out     VARCHAR2,   /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
        message_name    out     VARCHAR2,   /* 30 bytes to hold returned name*/
        table_name      out     VARCHAR2    /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
return integer
	l_demand_count  number;
Line: 69

	select duplicated_config_demand_id, duplicated_config_item_id into
		l_dup_demand_id, l_dup_item_id
	from mtl_demand
	where demand_id = input_demand_id
	and config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
        and config_status = 20
	and rownum = 1;       /* demand_id is a duplicated_config_demand_id
Line: 109

		select demand_id, demand_source_line
		from mtl_demand D,
		     mtl_sales_orders S
		where D.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
		and D.duplicated_config_item_id is NULL
		and D.demand_source_header_id = S.sales_order_id
		order by S.segment1 desc,D.user_line_num desc;
Line: 131

       select nvl(substr(profile_option_value,1,30),'0') into match_profile
        from fnd_profile_option_values val,fnd_profile_options op
        where op.profile_option_name = 'BOM:CHECK_DUPL_CONFIG'
        and   val.level_id = 10001
        and   val.profile_option_id = op.profile_option_id;
Line: 182

			        update mtl_demand
			        set duplicated_config_item_id= l_config_item_id
			        where demand_id = l_demand_id;
Line: 274

	select NVL(cfm_routing_flag,0) into cfm_value
        from   mtl_demand md,
              bom_operational_routings bor
        where  md.inventory_item_id = bor.assembly_item_id(+)
        and    md.organization_id   = bor.organization_id(+)
        and    bor.alternate_routing_designator(+)  is NULL
        and    md.demand_id         = input_demand_id;
Line: 285

	update mtl_demand m
	set m.duplicated_config_item_id = (
	select BAC1.config_item_id
	  from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate  */
	       so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */
	       so_lines_all sol1, /* processing     */
	       mtl_system_items msi,
               bom_operational_routings bor,
	       bom_parameters bp
	  where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
	  and   BAC1.organization_id = sol1.warehouse_id
	  and   BAC1.component_item_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
	  and   bp.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
          and   NVL(BAC1.cfm_routing_flag,0) = cfm_value
	  and   solp.line_id = nvl(sol1.link_to_line_id,sol1.line_id)
	  and   msi.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
	  and   msi.inventory_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
	  and   msi.inventory_item_status_code <> bp.bom_delete_status_code
	  and   not exists (select 'X'
		    from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
		    where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
		    and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
		    and   sol5.inventory_item_id not in
		   (select BAC2.component_item_id
		    from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC2 /* duplicates */
		    where BAC2.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
		    and   BAC2.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
		    and   BAC2.component_item_id = sol5.inventory_item_id
		    and   BAC2.component_code =
	            and   BAC2.COMPONENT_QUANTITY =
	  and exists(select 'X'
                 from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC3  /* duplicates */
                 where BAC3.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
                 and   BAC3.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
                 having count(*) = (select count (*)
                    from so_lines_all sol7  /* processing  */
                    where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
                    and   sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
          and    sol1.line_id = m.demand_source_line
	  and    rownum = 1
	  where m.demand_id = input_demand_id
	  and   m.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
	  and   m.demand_type = 1
	  and   m.duplicated_config_item_id is NULL;
Line: 342

	select duplicated_config_item_id into match_results
		from mtl_demand
		where config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
		and demand_id = input_demand_id;
Line: 346

		  /* **** is this REALLY necessary? just updated it*** */

	if (match_results is not null) then
		stmt_num := 70;
Line: 350

		update bom_ato_configurations
		set last_referenced_date = SYSDATE
		where config_item_id = match_results;
Line: 404

        update mtl_demand m
          set m.duplicated_config_item_id = temp_item_id,
	      m.duplicated_config_demand_id = dupl_demand_id
	  where m.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
	        and m.demand_id in (
	  select m1.demand_id
	  from  so_lines_all soldp, /* parent of duplicate */
		so_lines_all solp,  /* parent of other lines */
	 	so_lines_all sol1,  /* processing other lines */
		so_lines_all sold,   /* current -- duplicate */
		mtl_demand m1
	  where sol1.line_id=m1.demand_source_line
	  and  	m1.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
	  and	m1.demand_id <> input_demand_id
	  and   sold.line_id = copy_line_id
	  and  	sold.inventory_item_id = sol1.inventory_item_id +0
	  and   sold.warehouse_id = sol1.warehouse_id
	  and   solp.line_id = nvl(sol1.link_to_line_id,sol1.line_id)
  	  and   soldp.line_id = nvl(sold.link_to_line_id,sold.line_id)
	  and   m1.config_status = 20
	  and   m1.duplicated_config_item_id is null
	  and   m1.duplicated_config_demand_id is null
          and exists(select 'X'
                 from so_lines_all sold3  /* duplicates */
                 where sold3.ato_line_id = sold.line_id
                 and  sold3.ordered_quantity>nvl(sold3.cancelled_quantity,0)
                 having count(*) = (select count (*)
                    from so_lines_all sol7  /* processing  */
                    where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
                    and   sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
	   and   not exists (select 'X'
		    from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
		    where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
		    and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
		    and   sol5.inventory_item_id not in
		   (select sold2.inventory_item_id
		    from so_lines_all sold2   /* duplicates */
		    where sold2.ato_line_id = sold.line_id
		    and sold2.component_code = sol5.component_code
		    and decode(sold.link_to_line_id,NULL,sold2.component_code,
				lengthb(soldp.component_code)+2)) =
		     ((sold2.ordered_quantity-nvl(sold2.cancelled_quantity,0))/(sold.ordered_quantity-nvl(sold.cancelled_quantity,0))) =
