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2 /* $Header: FAFBGCS.pls 120.3 2005/07/28 00:15:26 tkawamur ship $tpershad ship */
4  global_concat_segs  varchar2(2000);
5  fafb_accts  FA_FLEX_TYPE.fafb_acct_tab_type;
8   -- BUG# 2215671: this should only be set from FAPOST
9   -- where the book and period remain constant.  To cache this
10   -- for normal transactions (even mass would require some more
11   -- work, since transactions could occur accross multiple
12   -- books in any given session (format = DD/MM/YYYY)
14   G_validation_date   varchar2(10);
16 /*
17  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  *
19  * Name		fafb_load_functions
20  *
21  *
22  * Description
23  *		  Load the Statuc function name into PL/SQL Table
24  *
25  * Parameters
26  *	 	None
27  *
28  * Modifies     PL/SQL Table fafb_acct_tab_type
29  *
30  * Returns
31  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
32  *
33  * Notes
34  *
35  * History
36  *
37  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 */
39 FUNCTION fafb_load_functions(p_log_level_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
40 return boolean;
42 /*
43  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
44  *
45  * Name		fafb_search_functions
46  *
47  *
48  * Description
49  *		 Search the PL/SQL Table for the fn_trx_code which
50  * 	         is a passed parameter and get the corresponding
51  *		 type_code. This type code is concatenated to the
52  *		 book_type_code with a space in between to construct         * 		 a function name which is then passed to the flex
53  * 		 builder.
54  *
55  * Parameters
56  *	 	fin_trx_code  varchar2 - type name
57  *		function_code out      - type_code.
58  *
59  * Modifies     variable  function_code
60  *
61  * Returns
62  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
63  *
64  * Notes
65  *
66  * History
67  *
68  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 FUNCTION fafb_search_functions(X_fin_trx_code  varchar2,
70 			       X_function_code out nocopy varchar2,
71 			       p_log_level_rec        IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null
72 			)
73 return boolean;
75 /*
76  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
77  *
78  * Name		fafbgcc
79  *
80  *
81  * Description
82  *		 It constructs the flex function name by calling
83  *		 search_functions and then calls the Flex builder
84  *		 FAFLEXB.fafb_call_flex
85  * Notes
86  *
87  * Parameters
88  * 	book_type_code	varchar2
89  *  	fn_trx_code     in varchar2 Financial trx code. This is
90  *		        used to generate the function name
91  *			which is passed to flex builder
92  *  	dist_ccid       in number  - distribution ccid.
93  *  	acct_segval     in varchar2 - Seg value for acct segment
94  *      rtn_ccid        out number - Generated ccid
95  *
96  * Modifies
97  *
98  * Returns
99  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
100  *
101  * History
102  *
103  *------------------------------------------------------------------
104 */
105 FUNCTION fafbgcc (X_book_type_code in fa_book_controls.book_type_code%type,
106 		  X_fn_trx_code    in varchar2,
107 		  X_dist_ccid	 in number,
108 		  X_acct_segval	 in varchar2,
109 		  X_account_ccid in number,
110 		  X_distribution_id in number,
111 	          X_rtn_ccid       out nocopy number,
112 		  p_log_level_rec        IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
113   return boolean;
117 /*
118  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
119  *
120  * Name		fafbgcc_proc
121  *
122  *
123  * Description
124  *		 This procedure is used for calling from C functions
125  *		 Calling func fafbgcc from C program was causing some
126  *		 problems so this procedure was created to call
127  *		 from C program as a workaround only.This proc just
128  *	         calls fafbgcc and does nothing. In future we can
129  *               remove this and then change the C program to call
130  *		 the func fafbgcc directly
131  * Notes
132  *
133  * Parameters
134  *
135  * Modifies
136  *
137  * Returns
138  *		none
139  *
140  * History
141  *
142  *------------------------------------------------------------------
143 */
145 PROCEDURE fafbgcc_proc
146 		  (X_book_type_code in fa_book_controls.book_type_code%type,
147                   X_fn_trx_code  in varchar2,
148                   X_dist_ccid    in integer,
149                   X_acct_segval  in varchar2,
150                   X_account_ccid in integer,
151                   X_distribution_id in integer,
152                   X_rtn_ccid        out nocopy number,
153 		  X_concat_segs	    out nocopy varchar2,
154 		  X_return_value    out nocopy integer,
155 		  p_log_level_rec        IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null);
157 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 /*
159  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  *
161  * Name         get_ccid
162  *
163  *
164  * Description
165  *               This function is called from fafbgcc and fafbgcc_proc
166  *               This function checks to see if ccid exists in
167  *               fa_distribution_accounts and also checks if ccid is
168  *               valid.
169  * Notes
170  *
171  * Parameters
172  *
173  * Modifies
174  *
175  * Returns
176  *              X_rtn_ccid, X_ccid_found
177  *
178  * History
179  *
180  *------------------------------------------------------------------
181 */
183 FUNCTION get_ccid (X_book_type_code     IN      VARCHAR2,
184                    X_distribution_id    IN      NUMBER,
185                    X_fn_trx_code        IN      VARCHAR2,
186                    X_validation_date    IN      DATE,
187 		   X_ccid_found	 OUT NOCOPY     BOOLEAN,
188                    X_rtn_ccid           OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
189 		   p_log_level_rec        IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
190          RETURN BOOLEAN;
192 /*
193  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
194  *
195  * Name         fafbgcc_proc_msg
196  *
197  *
198  * Description
199  *               This procedure is called directly from fafbgcc (Pro*C)
200  *               It retrieves the PL/SQL message stack (and count)
201  *               into the variables for display in concurrent logs.
202  *
203  * Notes
204  *
205  * Parameters
206  *
207  * Modifies
208  *
209  * Returns
210  *              X_mesg_count, X_mesg_string
211  *
212  * History
213  *              created    bridgway  05/02/01
214  *
215  *------------------------------------------------------------------
216  *
217  */
220 PROCEDURE fafbgcc_proc_msg(X_mesg_count   IN OUT NOCOPY number,
221                            X_mesg_string  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
222 			   p_log_level_rec        IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null);