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APPS.IGS_AD_IMP_012 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

                                    HZ_CONTACT_POINT_PUB  TO HZ_CONTACT_POINT_V2PUB for create and update of
                                    person language and contact points

     ssawhney       27 may       BUG - 2377751, error codes modified from E008 for contacts.
 ||  npalanis       9-may-2002   BUG - 2352725
 ||                                Dupcontact point id value is set
 ||                              and also bug - 2338473 for messages is changed.
 ||  npalanis       6-may-2002   Bug - 2352725
 ||                              * The contact point type in the interface table is made not
 ||                                null and check is added that the contact point type must be PHONE or
 ||                                EMAIL.
 ||                              * IF check is added to see that whether the contact point type
 ||                                is PHONE or EMAIL before and the respective attributes are populated
 ||                                before creating or updating contact points.
 ||                              * In dup check cursor contact point type = 'PHONE' check is
 ||                                made.
 ||                              * Validate procedure is added to validate contact point type,
 ||                                phone line type,phone country code , email format from fnd lookups.
 ||                              * If check is added in validate proc to check that email address,
 ||                                email format cannot be null when contact point type is 'EMAIl' and
 ||                                phone number , phone line type cannot be null when contact point type is
 ||                                'PHONE'.
 ||                              * The contact point type check and phone line type check in
 ||                                create and update contact point proc is removed.
 ||                              * Cursor C1 fetches records based on contact point ID =
 ||                                igs_ad_contacts_int.interface_contacts_id it is changed to
 ||                                contact point ID = l_contact_point_id from hz_contact_points.
 ||  ssawhney       15 nov       Bug no.2103692:Person Interface DLD
 ||                              prc_pe_citizenship code is removed from here and added to
 ||                              IGS_AD_IMP_007.
 ||  gmaheswa       11 Nov 2003  Bug 3223043 HZ.K Impact Changes

cst_mi_val_18  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '18';
Line: 79

    SELECT  ai.interface_contacts_id,
            ai.interface_id ai_interface_id,
            UPPER(ai.contact_point_type) contact_point_type,
            UPPER(ai.email_format) email_format,
            UPPER(ai.primary_flag) primary_flag,
            UPPER(ai.phone_line_type) phone_line_type,
            ai.status ai_status,
            ai.match_ind ai_match_ind,
            ai.error_code ai_error_code,
            i.interface_id i_interface_id,
            i.person_id i_person_id,
            i.match_ind  i_match_ind
    FROM   igs_ad_contacts_int_all ai, igs_ad_interface_all i
    WHERE  ai.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
        AND    i.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    ai.status  = '2';
Line: 126

        l_update_date1 DATE;
Line: 228

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET error_code='E322',status='3'
        WHERE interface_contacts_id=rec_pc.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 235

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET status='1'
        WHERE interface_contacts_id=rec_pc.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 270

            UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
            SET error_code='E322',status='3'
            WHERE interface_contacts_id=rec_pc.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 281

  WHERE PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE = p_phone_country_code;
Line: 313

          UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
          SET    status      = cst_stat_val_3,
                 error_code  = cst_err_val_246,
                 match_ind   = cst_mi_val_18
          WHERE  interface_contacts_id  = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 329

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET    error_code  = 'E450',
               status      = '3'
        WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 346

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET    error_code  = 'E250',
               status      = '3'
        WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 363

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET    status      = '3',
               error_code   = 'E247'
        WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 382

        UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
        SET    status      = '3',
               error_code   = 'E173'
        WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 403

      UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
      SET    error_code  = 'E251',
             status      = '3'
      WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 419

      UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
      SET    error_code  = 'E248',
             status      = '3'
      WHERE  interface_contacts_id = c_pc_rec.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 459

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695  -- Error code depicting incorrect combination
    WHERE match_ind IS NOT NULL
      AND interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND status = cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 469

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_19
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_contact_points  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
		   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                    AND   i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		    AND   pe.owner_table_id = i.person_id
		     AND  UPPER(ai.contact_point_type) = pe.contact_point_type
		     AND  pe.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
		     AND  ((pe.email_format= UPPER(ai.email_format)
                     AND UPPER(pe.email_address) = UPPER(ai.email_address)
                     AND pe.contact_point_type='EMAIL')
                     OR (pe.phone_line_type = UPPER(ai.phone_line_type)
                     AND (pe.phone_country_code = ai.phone_country_code OR (pe.phone_country_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_country_code IS NULL))
                     AND (UPPER(pe.phone_Area_code) = UPPER(ai.phone_area_code) OR (pe.phone_Area_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_area_code IS NULL ) )
                     AND pe.phone_number=ai.phone_number
                     AND pe.contact_point_type='PHONE'))
Line: 495

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND match_ind IN (cst_mi_val_18,cst_mi_val_19,cst_mi_val_22,cst_mi_val_23)
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 504

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND (match_ind IS NOT NULL AND match_ind NOT IN (cst_mi_val_21,cst_mi_val_25))
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 514

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_23
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.match_ind IS NULL
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_contact_points  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
		   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                    AND   i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		    AND   pe.owner_table_id = i.person_id
		     AND  UPPER(ai.contact_point_type) = pe.contact_point_type
		     AND  pe.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
		     AND  ((pe.email_format= UPPER(ai.email_format)
                     AND UPPER(pe.email_address) = UPPER(ai.email_address)
                     AND pe.contact_point_type='EMAIL')
                     OR (pe.phone_line_type = UPPER(ai.phone_line_type)
                     AND (pe.phone_country_code = ai.phone_country_code OR (pe.phone_country_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_country_code IS NULL))
                     AND (UPPER(pe.phone_Area_code) = UPPER(ai.phone_area_code) OR (pe.phone_Area_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_area_code IS NULL ) )
                     AND pe.phone_number=ai.phone_number
                     AND (pe.phone_extension = ai.phone_extension
                               OR (pe.phone_extension IS NULL AND ai.phone_extension IS NULL))
		     AND pe.contact_point_type='PHONE'))
                     AND pe.primary_flag = NVL(ai.primary_flag,'N')
                     AND pe.content_source_type = 'USER_ENTERED'
Line: 544

    UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_20,
	dup_contact_point_id = (SELECT contact_point_id
	                        FROM hz_contact_points pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
   			        WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
				     AND  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
                                     AND  rownum = 1
				     AND  pe.owner_table_id = i.person_id
				     AND  UPPER(ai.contact_point_type) = pe.contact_point_type
				     AND  pe.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
				     AND  ((pe.email_format= UPPER(ai.email_format)
					    AND UPPER(pe.email_address) = UPPER(ai.email_address)
					    AND pe.contact_point_type='EMAIL')
				     OR (pe.phone_line_type = UPPER(ai.phone_line_type)
					    AND (pe.phone_country_code = ai.phone_country_code OR (pe.phone_country_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_country_code IS NULL))
					    AND (UPPER(pe.phone_Area_code) = UPPER(ai.phone_area_code) OR (pe.phone_Area_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_area_code IS NULL ) )
					    AND pe.phone_number=ai.phone_number
					    AND pe.contact_point_type='PHONE')))
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.match_ind IS NULL
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_contact_points  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
		   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
		     AND  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  pe.owner_table_id = i.person_id
		     AND  UPPER(ai.contact_point_type) = pe.contact_point_type
		     AND  pe.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
		     AND  ((pe.email_format= UPPER(ai.email_format)
                            AND UPPER(pe.email_address) = UPPER(ai.email_address)
                            AND pe.contact_point_type='EMAIL')
                     OR (pe.phone_line_type = UPPER(ai.phone_line_type)
                            AND (pe.phone_country_code = ai.phone_country_code OR (pe.phone_country_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_country_code IS NULL))
                            AND (UPPER(pe.phone_Area_code) = UPPER(ai.phone_area_code) OR (pe.phone_Area_code IS NULL AND ai.phone_area_code IS NULL ) )
                            AND pe.phone_number=ai.phone_number
                            AND pe.contact_point_type='PHONE')));
Line: 600

    SELECT ROWID, hi.*
    FROM  hz_contact_points hi
    WHERE   hi.owner_table_id=p_owner_table_id
      AND     UPPER(hi.contact_point_type)=UPPER(p_contact_point_type)
      AND     UPPER(hi.owner_table_name)='HZ_PARTIES'
      AND     ((UPPER(hi.email_format)=UPPER(p_email_format)
               AND UPPER(hi.email_address)=UPPER(p_email_address)
               AND UPPER(hi.contact_point_type)='EMAIL')
              OR (UPPER(hi.phone_line_type)=UPPER(p_phone_line_type)
                  AND (UPPER(hi.phone_country_code)=UPPER(p_phone_country_code) OR (hi.phone_country_code IS NULL AND p_phone_country_code IS NULL ) )
                  AND (UPPER(hi.phone_Area_code)=UPPER(p_phone_area_code) OR (hi.phone_Area_code IS NULL AND p_phone_area_code IS NULL ) )
                  AND UPPER(hi.phone_number)=UPPER(p_phone_number)
                  AND UPPER(hi.contact_point_type)='PHONE'));
Line: 634

          l_last_update DATE;
Line: 646

          SELECT object_version_number
          INTO   l_obj_ver
          FROM   hz_contact_points
          WHERE  contact_point_id = check_dup_contact_rec.contact_point_id;
Line: 670

                             p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                             p_contact_point_rec     => p_contact_points_rec,
                             p_email_rec             => p_email_rec ,
                            p_phone_rec             => p_phone_rec,
                             p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver,
                             x_return_status         => l_return_status,
                             x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
                             x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
Line: 718

            UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
            SET    ERROR_CODE = 'E014',
            WHERE interface_contacts_id = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 724

            UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
            SET    status=cst_stat_val_1,
                   match_ind =cst_mi_val_18
            WHERE interface_contacts_id = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 757

            UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
            SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_18,
                   status = cst_stat_val_3
            WHERE  interface_contacts_id  = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 768

	    l_last_update DATE;
Line: 780

            SELECT object_version_number
            INTO l_obj_ver
            FROM hz_contact_points
            WHERE contact_point_id = l_contact_point_id;
Line: 805

                                           p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                           p_contact_point_rec     => p_contact_points_rec,
                                           p_email_rec             => p_email_rec ,
                                        p_phone_rec             => p_phone_rec,
                                           p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver,
                                           x_return_status         => l_return_status,
                                           x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
                                           x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
Line: 853

              UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
              SET    error_code = 'E014',
              WHERE interface_contacts_id = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 858

              UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
              SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
	      match_ind = cst_mi_val_18
              WHERE interface_contacts_id = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 890

                UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
                SET    status = '3'
                WHERE  interface_contacts_id  = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 926

            UPDATE igs_ad_contacts_int_all
            SET    status = '3',error_code='E518'
            WHERE interface_contacts_id = rec_pc1.interface_contacts_id;
Line: 965

    SELECT hii.*, i.person_id
    FROM   igs_ad_language_int_all hii, igs_ad_interface_all i
    WHERE  hii.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    i.interface_id = hii.interface_id
        AND    i.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    hii.status  = '2';
Line: 988

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM  fnd_languages_vl
      WHERE language_code = cp_language_code;
Line: 1034

        UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
        SET status = '3',
            error_code = l_error_code
        WHERE interface_language_id = p_person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1079

	     l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 1101

	         p_action 			=> 'INSERT',
		 P_LANGUAGE_NAME 		=> p_person_language_rec.language_name,
		 p_DESCRIPTION			=> null,
		 p_PARTY_ID			=> p_person_language_rec.person_id,
		 p_native_language		=> p_person_language_rec.native_language,
		 p_primary_language_indicator   => p_person_language_rec.primary_language_indicator,
		 P_READS_LEVEL                  => p_person_language_rec.reads_level,
		 P_SPEAKS_LEVEL                 => p_person_language_rec.speaks_level,
		 P_WRITES_LEVEL                 => p_person_language_rec.writes_level,
		 p_END_DATE                     => null,
		 p_status                       => p_person_language_rec.lang_status,
		 p_understand_level             => p_person_language_rec.understands_level,
		 p_last_update_date             => l_last_update_date,
		 p_return_status                => l_return_status,
		 p_msg_count                    => l_msg_count,
		 p_msg_data                     => l_msg_data,
		 P_language_use_reference_id 	=> l_language_use_reference_id,
                 p_language_ovn                 => l_object_version_number
Line: 1131

                    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
                    SET status = '3',
                        error_code = 'E322'
                    WHERE interface_language_id = p_person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1162

                    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
                    SET status = '1',
                        error_code = NULL
                    WHERE interface_language_id = p_person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1172

                    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
                    SET status = '3',
                        error_code = 'E322'
                    WHERE interface_language_id = p_person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1215

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695  -- Error code depicting incorrect combination
    WHERE match_ind IS NOT NULL
      AND interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND status = cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1225

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_19
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_person_language  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                    AND   i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
        		    AND   pe.party_id = i.person_id
                    AND  pe.language_name = UPPER(ai.language_name)
Line: 1242

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND match_ind IN (cst_mi_val_18,cst_mi_val_19,cst_mi_val_22,cst_mi_val_23)
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1251

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND (match_ind IS NOT NULL AND match_ind NOT IN (cst_mi_val_21,cst_mi_val_25))
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1261

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all mi
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_23
    WHERE mi.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND mi.match_ind IS NULL
      AND mi.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_person_language  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                    AND   i.interface_id = mi.interface_id
		    AND   pe.language_name = UPPER(mi.language_name)
		    AND   pe.party_id = i.person_id
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.native_language),'N') = NVL(UPPER(mi.native_language),'N')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.primary_language_indicator),'N') = NVL(UPPER(mi.primary_language_indicator),'N')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.reads_level),'*!*')  = NVL(UPPER(mi.reads_level),'*!*')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.speaks_level),'*!*') = NVL(UPPER(mi.speaks_level),'*!*')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.writes_level),'*!*') = NVL(UPPER(mi.writes_level),'*!*')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.spoken_comprehension_level),'*!*') = NVL(UPPER(mi.understands_level),'*!*')
		    AND   NVL(UPPER(pe.status),'*!*') = NVL(UPPER(mi.lang_status),'*!*')
Line: 1285

    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all mi
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_20
    WHERE mi.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND mi.match_ind IS NULL
      AND mi.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   hz_person_language  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                    AND   i.interface_id = mi.interface_id
        		    AND   pe.party_id = i.person_id
                    AND   pe.language_name = UPPER(mi.language_name));
Line: 1302

    SELECT rowid, hi.*
    FROM  hz_person_language hi
    WHERE hi.party_id = p_person_id
    AND   hi.language_name = p_language_name;
Line: 1342

	         p_action 			=>  'UPDATE',
		 P_LANGUAGE_NAME 		=>  person_language_rec.language_name,
		 p_PARTY_ID			=>  person_language_rec.person_id,
		 p_native_language		=>  NVL(person_language_rec.native_language,check_dup_language_rec.native_language),
		 p_primary_language_indicator   =>  NVL(person_language_rec.primary_language_indicator,check_dup_language_rec.primary_language_indicator),
		 P_READS_LEVEL                  =>  NVL(person_language_rec.reads_level,check_dup_language_rec.reads_level),
		 P_SPEAKS_LEVEL                 =>  NVL(person_language_rec.speaks_level,check_dup_language_rec.speaks_level),
		 P_WRITES_LEVEL                 =>  NVL(person_language_rec.writes_level,check_dup_language_rec.writes_level),
		 p_END_DATE                     =>  NULL,
		 p_status                       =>  NVL(person_language_rec.lang_status,check_dup_language_rec.status),
		 p_understand_level             =>  NVL(person_language_rec.understands_level,check_dup_language_rec.spoken_comprehension_level),
		 p_last_update_date             =>  person_language_rec.last_update_date,
		 p_return_status                =>  l_return_status,
		 p_msg_count                    =>  l_msg_count,
		 p_msg_data                     =>  l_msg_data,
		 P_language_use_reference_id 	=>  check_dup_language_rec.language_use_reference_id,
                 p_language_ovn                 =>  check_dup_language_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1372

	    UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
	    SET    error_code = 'E014',
	    WHERE interface_language_id = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1404

	      UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
	      SET    status=cst_stat_val_1,
	      match_ind = cst_mi_val_18
	      WHERE interface_language_id = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1437

		UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
		SET    match_ind = NULL,
			   status = cst_stat_val_3,
			   error_code = cst_err_val_014
		WHERE  interface_language_id  = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1463

			p_action 		       => 'UPDATE',
			P_LANGUAGE_NAME 	       => person_language_rec.language_name,
			p_DESCRIPTION		       => NULL,
			p_PARTY_ID		       => person_language_rec.person_id,
			p_native_language	       => NVL(person_language_rec.native_language,check_dup_language_rec.native_language),
			p_primary_language_indicator   => NVL(person_language_rec.primary_language_indicator,check_dup_language_rec.primary_language_indicator),
			P_READS_LEVEL                  => NVL(person_language_rec.reads_level,check_dup_language_rec.reads_level),
			P_SPEAKS_LEVEL                 => NVL(person_language_rec.speaks_level,check_dup_language_rec.speaks_level),
			P_WRITES_LEVEL                 => NVL(person_language_rec.writes_level,check_dup_language_rec.writes_level),
			p_END_DATE                     => NULL,
			p_status                       => NVL(person_language_rec.lang_status,check_dup_language_rec.status),
			p_understand_level             => NVL(person_language_rec.understands_level,check_dup_language_rec.spoken_comprehension_level),
			p_last_update_date             => person_language_rec.last_update_date,
			p_return_status                => l_return_status,
			p_msg_count                    => l_msg_count,
			p_msg_data                     => l_msg_data,
			P_language_use_reference_id    => check_dup_language_rec.language_use_reference_id,
			p_language_ovn                 => check_dup_language_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1494

                  UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
                  SET    error_code = 'E014',
                  WHERE interface_language_id = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1524

		      UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
		      SET    status=cst_stat_val_1,
		      match_ind = cst_mi_val_18
		      WHERE interface_language_id = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1557

                  UPDATE igs_ad_language_int_all
                  SET    match_ind = NULL,
                               status = cst_stat_val_3,
                               error_code = cst_err_val_014
                  WHERE  interface_language_id  = person_language_rec.interface_language_id;
Line: 1601

  ||                                 Lookup code columns are made upper before inserting.
  ||  asbala         16-OCT-2003     Bug 3130316. Import Process Source Category Rule processing changes,
                                     lookup caching related changes, and cursor parameterization.

        l_rule VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 1623

        SELECT ai.*, i.person_id
        FROM    igs_pe_ath_dtl_int ai,
                igs_ad_interface_all i
        WHERE  ai.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
        AND    i.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    ai.status  = '2';
Line: 1634

       SELECT ROWID, ad.*
       FROM   igs_pe_athletic_dtl ad
       WHERE  person_id  = cp_person_id;
Line: 1668

                igs_pe_athletic_dtl_pkg.insert_row (
                                         x_rowid               => l_rowid,
                                         x_athletic_details_id => l_athletic_details_id,
                                         x_person_id           => p_ath_dtl_rec.person_id,
                                         x_athletic_gpa        => p_ath_dtl_rec.athletic_gpa,
                                         x_eligibility_status_cd => p_ath_dtl_rec.eligibility_status_cd,
                                         x_predict_elig_code   => p_ath_dtl_rec.predict_elig_code,
                                         x_tentative_adm_code  => p_ath_dtl_rec.tentative_adm_code,
                                         x_review_date         => p_ath_dtl_rec.review_date,
                                         x_comments            => p_ath_dtl_rec.comments,
                                         x_mode                => 'R'
Line: 1681

                UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
                SET    status     = '1',
                       error_code = l_error_code
                WHERE  interface_athletic_dtls_id = p_ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 1688

                        l_error_code := 'E093'; -- Athletics Details Insertion Failed
Line: 1690

                        UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
                        SET    status     = '3',
                               error_code = l_error_code
                        WHERE  interface_athletic_dtls_id = p_ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 1705

					||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_dtl_Pkg.Insert_Row '
					(p_ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id) ||
					' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||  l_error_code
					||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;
Line: 1734

	SELECT Birth_date
	WHERE  person_id= p_person_id;
Line: 1802

	UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
	SET    status     = '3',
	       error_code = l_error_code
	WHERE  interface_athletic_dtls_id = p_ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 1868

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695  -- Error code depicting incorrect combination
    WHERE match_ind IS NOT NULL
      AND interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND status = cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1878

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_19
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_dtl  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id = NVL(i.person_id, -99)
Line: 1894

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND match_ind IN (cst_mi_val_18,cst_mi_val_19,cst_mi_val_22,cst_mi_val_23)
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1903

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND (match_ind IS NOT NULL AND match_ind NOT IN (cst_mi_val_21,cst_mi_val_25))
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 1913

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int mi
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_23
    WHERE mi.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND mi.match_ind IS NULL
      AND mi.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_dtl  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = mi.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id = NVL(i.person_id, -99) AND
		      NVL(pe.athletic_gpa, -99)      = NVL(mi.athletic_gpa,-99) AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.eligibility_status_cd), '~')      = NVL(UPPER(mi.eligibility_status_cd),'~') AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.predict_elig_code), '~')  = NVL(UPPER(mi.predict_elig_code),'~') AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.tentative_adm_code), '~') = NVL(UPPER(mi.tentative_adm_code),'~') AND
		      NVL(TRUNC(pe.review_date),l_default_date)= NVL(TRUNC(mi.review_date),l_default_date) AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.comments), '~')           = NVL(UPPER(mi.comments), '~'));
Line: 1934

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_dtl_int ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_18,
	dup_athletic_details_id = (SELECT athletic_details_id
	                           FROM igs_pe_athletic_dtl  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
				   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
				     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
				     AND  pe.person_id = NVL(i.person_id, -99))
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.match_ind IS NULL
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_dtl  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id = NVL(i.person_id, -99));
Line: 1975

		      igs_pe_athletic_dtl_pkg.update_row (
					       x_rowid               => dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.rowid,
					       x_athletic_details_id => dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.athletic_details_id,
					       x_person_id           => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.person_id,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.person_id),
					       x_athletic_gpa        => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.athletic_gpa,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.athletic_gpa),
					       x_eligibility_status_cd => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.eligibility_status_cd,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.eligibility_status_cd),
					       x_predict_elig_code   => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.predict_elig_code,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.predict_elig_code),
					       x_tentative_adm_code  => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.tentative_adm_code,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.tentative_adm_code),
					       x_review_date         => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.review_date,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.review_date),
					       x_comments            => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.comments,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.comments),
					       x_mode                => 'R'
Line: 1990

			UPDATE  igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
			SET     status = l_status,
				error_code = l_error_code,
				match_ind = cst_mi_val_18  -- '18' Match occured and used import values
			WHERE   interface_athletic_dtls_id = ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 1998

				l_error_code := 'E094'; -- Could not update Person Athletics Details
Line: 2001

			  UPDATE        igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
			  SET           status = l_status,
					error_code = l_error_code
			  WHERE         interface_athletic_dtls_id = ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 2016

					||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_dtl_Pkg.Update_Row '
					(ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id) ||
					' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||
					l_error_code ||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;
Line: 2037

		      igs_pe_athletic_dtl_pkg.update_row (
					       x_rowid               => dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.rowid,
					       x_athletic_details_id => dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.athletic_details_id,
					       x_person_id           => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.person_id,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.person_id),
					       x_athletic_gpa        => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.athletic_gpa,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.athletic_gpa),
					       x_eligibility_status_cd => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.eligibility_status_cd,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.eligibility_status_cd),
					       x_predict_elig_code   => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.predict_elig_code,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.predict_elig_code),
					       x_tentative_adm_code  => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.tentative_adm_code,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.tentative_adm_code),
					       x_review_date         => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.review_date,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.review_date),
					       x_comments            => NVL(ath_dtl_rec.comments,dup_chk_ath_dtl_rec.comments),
					       x_mode                => 'R'
Line: 2052

			UPDATE  igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
			SET     status = l_status,
				error_code = l_error_code,
				match_ind = cst_mi_val_18
			WHERE   interface_athletic_dtls_id = ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 2060

				l_error_code := 'E094'; -- Could not update Person Athletics Details
Line: 2063

			  UPDATE        igs_pe_ath_dtl_int
			  SET           status = l_status,
					error_code = l_error_code
			  WHERE         interface_athletic_dtls_id = ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id;
Line: 2078

					||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_dtl_Pkg.Update_Row '
					(ath_dtl_rec.interface_athletic_dtls_id) ||
					' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||
					l_error_code ||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;
Line: 2155

        SELECT ai.*, i.person_id
        FROM    igs_pe_ath_prg_int ai, igs_ad_interface_all i
        WHERE  ai.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
        AND    i.interface_run_id = cp_interface_run_id
	AND    ai.status  = '2';
Line: 2167

       SELECT ROWID, ap.*
       FROM   igs_pe_athletic_prg ap
       WHERE  person_id  = cp_person_id AND
              UPPER(athletic_prg_code) = UPPER(cp_athletic_prg_code) AND
              start_date = cp_start_date;
Line: 2204

                igs_pe_athletic_prg_pkg.insert_row (
                                         x_rowid               => l_rowid,
                                         x_athletic_prg_id => l_athletic_prg_id,
                                         x_person_id        => p_ath_prg_rec.person_id,
                                         x_athletic_prg_code => p_ath_prg_rec.athletic_prg_code,
                                         x_rating           => p_ath_prg_rec.rating,
                                         x_start_date       => p_ath_prg_rec.start_date,
                                         x_end_date         => p_ath_prg_rec.end_date,
                                         x_recruited_ind    => p_ath_prg_rec.recruited_ind,
                                         x_participating_ind => p_ath_prg_rec.participating_ind,
                                         x_last_update_dt   => p_ath_prg_rec.last_update_date,
                                         x_mode             => 'R'
Line: 2218

                UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                SET    status     = '1',
                       error_code = l_error_code
                WHERE  interface_athletic_prg_id = p_ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2225

                        l_error_code := 'E099'; -- Athletics Program Insertion Failed
Line: 2227

                        UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                        SET    status     = '3',
                               error_code = l_error_code
                        WHERE  interface_athletic_prg_id = p_ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2242

					||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_prg_Pkg.Insert_Row '
					(p_ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id) ||
					' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||  l_error_code
					||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;
Line: 2267

                SELECT Birth_date
                FROM IGS_PE_PERSON_BASE_V
                WHERE  person_id= p_person_id;
Line: 2327

                        UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                        SET    status     = '3',
                               error_code = l_error_code
                        WHERE  interface_athletic_prg_id = p_ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2392

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695  -- Error code depicting incorrect combination
    WHERE match_ind IS NOT NULL
      AND interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND status = cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 2403

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_19
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_prg  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id  = NVL(i.person_id, -99) AND
                     pe.athletic_prg_code = UPPER(ai.athletic_prg_code) AND
                     pe.start_date = TRUNC(ai.start_date)
Line: 2421

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND match_ind IN (cst_mi_val_18,cst_mi_val_19,cst_mi_val_22,cst_mi_val_23)
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 2430

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_695
    WHERE interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND (match_ind IS NOT NULL AND match_ind NOT IN (cst_mi_val_21,cst_mi_val_25))
      AND status=cst_stat_val_2;
Line: 2441

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_1,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_23
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.match_ind IS NULL
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_prg  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id  = NVL(i.person_id, -99) AND
                     pe.athletic_prg_code = UPPER(ai.athletic_prg_code) AND
                     pe.start_date = TRUNC(ai.start_date) AND
	              NVL(UPPER(pe.rating), '~') = NVL(UPPER(ai.rating),'~') AND
	              NVL(pe.end_date, l_default_date ) = NVL(TRUNC(ai.end_date),l_default_date) AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.recruited_ind),'N') = NVL(UPPER(ai.recruited_ind),'N') AND
		      NVL(UPPER(pe.participating_ind),'N') = NVL(UPPER(ai.participating_ind),'N'));
Line: 2463

    UPDATE igs_pe_ath_prg_int ai
    SET status = cst_stat_val_3,
        match_ind = cst_mi_val_20,
	dup_athletic_prg_id = (SELECT athletic_prg_id
	                           FROM igs_pe_athletic_prg  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
				   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
				     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
				     AND  pe.person_id  = NVL(i.person_id, -99) AND
				     pe.athletic_prg_code = UPPER(ai.athletic_prg_code) AND
				     pe.start_date = TRUNC(ai.start_date))
    WHERE ai.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
      AND ai.match_ind IS NULL
      AND ai.status = cst_stat_val_2
                   FROM   igs_pe_athletic_prg  pe, igs_ad_interface_all i
                   WHERE  i.interface_id = ai.interface_id
		     AND  i.interface_run_id = l_interface_run_id
                     AND  pe.person_id  = NVL(i.person_id, -99) AND
                     pe.athletic_prg_code = UPPER(ai.athletic_prg_code) AND
                     pe.start_date = TRUNC(ai.start_date));
Line: 2509

                              igs_pe_athletic_prg_pkg.update_row (
                                                       x_rowid              => dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.rowid,
                                                       x_athletic_prg_id    => dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.athletic_prg_id,
                                                       x_person_id          => NVL(ath_prg_rec.person_id,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.person_id),
                                                       x_athletic_prg_code  => ath_prg_rec.athletic_prg_code,
                                                       x_rating             => NVL(ath_prg_rec.rating,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.rating),
                                                       x_start_date         => ath_prg_rec.start_date,
                                                       x_end_date           => NVL(ath_prg_rec.end_date,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.end_date),
                                                       x_recruited_ind      => ath_prg_rec.recruited_ind,
                                                       x_participating_ind  => ath_prg_rec.participating_ind,
                                                       x_last_update_dt     =>nvl(ath_prg_rec.last_update_date,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.last_update_dt),
                                                       x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 2525

                                UPDATE  igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                                SET     status = l_status,
                                        error_code = l_error_code,
                                        match_ind = cst_mi_val_18  -- '18' Match occured and used import values
                                WHERE   interface_athletic_prg_id = ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2533

                                        l_error_code := 'E100'; -- Could not update Person Athletics Program Details
Line: 2536

                                  UPDATE        igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                                  SET           status = l_status,
                                                error_code = l_error_code
                                  WHERE         interface_athletic_prg_id = ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2551

                                                ||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_prg_Pkg.Update_Row '
                                                || ' INTERFACE_ATHLETIC_PRG_ID : ' ||
                                                (ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id) ||
                                                ' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||
						l_error_code||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;
Line: 2572

                              igs_pe_athletic_prg_pkg.update_row (
                                                       x_rowid              => dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.rowid,
                                                       x_athletic_prg_id    => dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.athletic_prg_id,
                                                       x_person_id          => NVL(ath_prg_rec.person_id,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.person_id),
                                                       x_athletic_prg_code  => ath_prg_rec.athletic_prg_code,
                                                       x_rating             => NVL(ath_prg_rec.rating,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.rating),
                                                       x_start_date         => ath_prg_rec.start_date,
                                                       x_end_date           => NVL(ath_prg_rec.end_date,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.end_date),
                                                       x_recruited_ind      => ath_prg_rec.recruited_ind,
                                                       x_participating_ind  => ath_prg_rec.participating_ind,
                                                       x_last_update_dt     => nvl(ath_prg_rec.last_update_date,dup_chk_ath_prg_rec.last_update_dt),
                                                       x_mode               => 'R'
Line: 2588

                                UPDATE  igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                                SET     status = l_status,
                                        error_code = l_error_code,
                                        match_ind = cst_mi_val_18
                                WHERE   interface_athletic_prg_id = ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2596

                                        l_error_code := 'E100'; -- Could not update Person Athletics Program Details
Line: 2599

                                  UPDATE        igs_pe_ath_prg_int
                                  SET           status = l_status,
                                                error_code = l_error_code
                                  WHERE         interface_athletic_prg_id = ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id;
Line: 2614

                                                ||' Exception from igs_pe_athletic_prg_Pkg.Update_Row '
                                                || ' INTERFACE_ATHLETIC_PRG_ID : ' ||
                                                (ath_prg_rec.interface_athletic_prg_id) ||
                                                ' Status : ' || '3' ||  ' ErrorCode : ' ||
						l_error_code||' SQLERRM:' ||  SQLERRM;