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Line 12: g_en_stdnt_ps_att igs_en_stdnt_ps_att%ROWTYPE;

8: g_he_submsn_return igs_he_submsn_return%ROWTYPE;
9: g_he_submsn_header igs_he_submsn_header%ROWTYPE;
11: -- Student / Module related records.
12: g_en_stdnt_ps_att igs_en_stdnt_ps_att%ROWTYPE;
13: g_he_st_spa igs_he_st_spa%ROWTYPE;
14: g_as_su_setatmpt igs_as_su_setatmpt%ROWTYPE;
15: g_he_en_susa igs_he_en_susa%ROWTYPE;
16: g_he_st_prog igs_he_st_prog%ROWTYPE;

Line 685: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it

681: --If IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date is NOT NULL then assign IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date to p_value
682: --elsif IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date IS NULL then check if program transfer has taken palce
683: --If program transfer has taken place then assign get the value of first program in chain for that person
684: --(For the person having the same student instance number for the different program transfer are said to be in same chain)
685: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it
686: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value
687: --of course in context and assign it to field
688: ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
689: PROCEDURE process_comb_fields

Line 686: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value

682: --elsif IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date IS NULL then check if program transfer has taken palce
683: --If program transfer has taken place then assign get the value of first program in chain for that person
684: --(For the person having the same student instance number for the different program transfer are said to be in same chain)
685: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it
686: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value
687: --of course in context and assign it to field
688: ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
689: PROCEDURE process_comb_fields
690: (p_person_id IN igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln.person_id%TYPE,

Line 4614: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it

4610: --If IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date is NOT NULL then assign IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date to p_value
4611: --elsif IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date IS NULL then check if program transfer has taken palce
4612: --If program transfer has taken place then assign get the value of first program in chain for that person
4613: --(For the person having the same student instance number for the different program transfer are said to be in same chain)
4614: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it
4615: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value
4616: --of course in context and assign it to field
4617: ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4618: PROCEDURE process_stdnt_fields

Line 4615: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value

4611: --elsif IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL.commencement date IS NULL then check if program transfer has taken palce
4612: --If program transfer has taken place then assign get the value of first program in chain for that person
4613: --(For the person having the same student instance number for the different program transfer are said to be in same chain)
4614: --and assign the corresponding IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value to it
4615: --else if the program transfer has not taken palce then get the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.commencement_dt value
4616: --of course in context and assign it to field
4617: ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4618: PROCEDURE process_stdnt_fields
4619: (p_person_id IN igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln.person_id%TYPE,

Line 8239: smaddali 17-dec-03 for field 3 ,removed the code getting campusid from igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.location_cd for bug#3216400 |

8235: Change History :
8236: Who When What
8237: Bayadav 26-Mar-2002 Changed the logic for field number 3 as a part of HECR001 (Bug number 2278825)
8238: Bayadav 26-Mar-2002 Changed the logic for field number 13 and 16 as a part of HECR004(Bug number 2278825)
8239: smaddali 17-dec-03 for field 3 ,removed the code getting campusid from igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.location_cd for bug#3216400 |
8240: jbaber 20-Sep-04 Modified as per HEFD350 - Statutory changes for 2004/05 Reporting
8241: Modified fields: 12
8242: Created fields: 21-26
8243: ***************************************************************/

Line 8274: -- smaddali removed the code getting campusid from igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.location_cd for bug#3216400

8270: IF g_he_st_unt_vs.location_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
8271: igs_he_extract_fields_pkg.get_campus_id
8272: (p_location_cd => g_he_st_unt_vs.location_cd,
8273: p_campus_id => p_value);
8274: -- smaddali removed the code getting campusid from igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.location_cd for bug#3216400
8275: -- because student is not related to module return
8276: END IF;
8278: ELSIF p_field_number = 4

Line 9531: FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca,

9527: hspa.franch_out_arr_cd,
9528: hspa.employer_role_cd,
9529: hspa.franch_partner_cd,
9530: pst.course_type
9531: FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca,
9532: igs_he_st_spa_all hspa,
9533: igs_ps_ver_all psv,
9534: igs_ps_type_all pst
9535: WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id

Line 9648: igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca

9644: igs_he_en_susa husa,
9645: igs_en_unit_set us,
9646: igs_en_unit_set_cat susc,
9647: igs_en_spa_awd_aim enawd,
9648: igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca
9649: WHERE susa.person_id = sca.person_id
9650: AND susa.course_cd = sca.course_cd
9651: AND sca.person_id = enawd.person_id(+)
9652: AND sca.course_cd = enawd.course_cd(+)

Line 9835: l_lev_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all.discontinued_dt%TYPE ;

9831: tr.program_cd = cp_course_cd AND
9832: ca.start_dt BETWEEN cp_enrl_start_dt AND cp_enrl_end_dt
9833: ORDER BY ca.start_dt DESC;
9834: c_term_con_rec c_term_con%ROWTYPE ;
9835: l_lev_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all.discontinued_dt%TYPE ;
9837: -- smaddali added cursor for bug#3361317
9838: CURSOR c_pers_number ( cp_person_id igs_pe_person_base_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
9839: SELECT party_number person_number