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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 96

         select null into l_dummy
         from dual
         where exists(select null from ben_pl_f pl
                      where pl.group_pl_id = p_pl_id
                      and pl.pl_id <> p_pl_id
                      and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date
                      and pl.effective_end_date);
Line: 231

   select pl.pl_id                        pl_id
         ,-1                              oipl_id
         ,pl.name                         name
         ,pl.group_pl_id                  group_pl_id
         ,-1                              group_oipl_id
         ,pl.nip_pl_uom                   pl_uom
         ,1                               pl_xchg_rate
         ,null                            opt_count
         ,enp.uses_bdgt_flag              uses_bdgt_flag
         ,enp.prsvr_bdgt_cd               prsrv_bdgt_cd
         ,enp.ws_upd_strt_dt              upd_start_dt
         ,enp.ws_upd_end_dt               upd_end_dt
         ,enp.approval_mode_cd            approval_mode
         ,enp.strt_dt                     enrt_perd_start_dt
         ,enp.end_dt                      enrt_perd_end_dt
         ,yr.start_date                   yr_perd_start_dt
         ,yr.end_date                     yr_perd_end_dt
         ,to_date(null)                   wthn_yr_start_dt
         ,to_date(null)                   wthn_yr_end_dt
         ,wyr.strt_day                    wthn_strt_day
         ,wyr.strt_mo                     wthn_strt_mo
         ,wyr.end_day                     wthn_end_day
         ,wyr.end_mo                      wthn_end_mo
         ,enp.enrt_perd_id                enrt_perd_id
         ,yr.yr_perd_id                   yr_perd_id
         ,enp.business_group_id           business_group_id
         ,enp.perf_revw_strt_dt           perf_revw_strt_dt
         ,enp.asg_updt_eff_date           asg_updt_eff_date
         ,enp.emp_interview_type_cd       emp_interview_typ_cd
         ,enp.sal_chg_reason_cd           salary_change_reason
         ,enp.data_freeze_date            data_freeze_date
   from ben_pl_f pl
       ,ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
       ,ben_enrt_perd enp
       ,ben_yr_perd  yr
       ,ben_wthn_yr_perd wyr
   where pl.pl_id = p_group_pl_id
   and   nvl(p_effective_date,nvl(enp.data_freeze_date,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt))
         between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
   and   petc.pl_id = pl.pl_id
   and   petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'COMP'
   and   nvl(p_effective_date,nvl(enp.data_freeze_date,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt))
         between petc.effective_start_date and petc.effective_end_date
   and   enp.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
   and   enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
   and   yr.yr_perd_id = enp.yr_perd_id
   and   wyr.wthn_yr_perd_id (+) = enp.wthn_yr_perd_id;
Line: 288

   select pl.pl_id                        pl_id
         ,pl.name                         name
         ,pl.nip_pl_uom                   pl_uom
         ,pl.ordr_num                     pl_ordr_num
         ,get_exchg_rate(p_group_pl_uom      -- From currency
                        ,pl.nip_pl_uom       -- To currency
                        ,p_effective_date    -- conversion date
                        ,p_group_pl_bg_id    -- bg Id
                        )                 pl_xchg_rate
         ,pl.business_group_id            business_group_id
         ,ws.acty_base_rt_id              ws_abr_id
         ,ws.nnmntry_uom                  ws_nnmntry_uom
         ,ws.rndg_cd                      ws_rndg_cd
         ,ws.sub_acty_typ_cd              ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
	      ,ws.element_type_id              ws_element_type_id
	      ,ws.input_value_id               ws_input_value_id
         ,db.acty_base_rt_id              dist_bdgt_abr_id
         ,db.nnmntry_uom                  dist_bdgt_nnmntry_uom
         ,db.rndg_cd                      dist_bdgt_rndg_cd
         ,wb.acty_base_rt_id              ws_bdgt_abr_id
         ,wb.nnmntry_uom                  ws_bdgt_nnmntry_uom
         ,wb.rndg_cd                      ws_bdgt_rndg_cd
         ,rsrv.acty_base_rt_id            rsrv_abr_id
         ,rsrv.nnmntry_uom                rsrv_nnmntry_uom
         ,rsrv.rndg_cd                    rsrv_rndg_cd
         ,es.acty_base_rt_id              elig_sal_abr_id
         ,es.nnmntry_uom                  elig_sal_nnmntry_uom
         ,es.rndg_cd                      elig_sal_rndg_cd
         ,misc1.acty_base_rt_id           misc1_abr_id
         ,misc1.nnmntry_uom               misc1_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc1.rndg_cd                   misc1_rndg_cd
         ,misc2.acty_base_rt_id           misc2_abr_id
         ,misc2.nnmntry_uom               misc2_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc2.rndg_cd                   misc2_rndg_cd
         ,misc3.acty_base_rt_id           misc3_abr_id
         ,misc3.nnmntry_uom               misc3_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc3.rndg_cd                   misc3_rndg_cd
         ,ss.acty_base_rt_id              stat_sal_abr_id
         ,ss.nnmntry_uom                  stat_sal_nnmntry_uom
         ,ss.rndg_cd                      stat_sal_rndg_cd
         ,rec.acty_base_rt_id             rec_abr_id
         ,rec.nnmntry_uom                 rec_nnmntry_uom
         ,rec.rndg_cd                     rec_rndg_cd
         ,tc.acty_base_rt_id              tot_comp_abr_id
         ,tc.nnmntry_uom                  tot_comp_nnmntry_uom
         ,tc.rndg_cd                      tot_comp_rndg_cd
         ,oc.acty_base_rt_id              oth_comp_abr_id
         ,oc.nnmntry_uom                  oth_comp_nnmntry_uom
         ,oc.rndg_cd                      oth_comp_rndg_cd
         ,pl.nip_acty_ref_perd_cd         acty_ref_perd_cd
         ,bg.legislation_code             legislation_code
                   p_group_pl_id, pl.pl_stat_cd,
                   'A')                   pl_stat_cd
         ,nvl(cur.precision, 2)           uom_precision
         ,enp.enrt_perd_id                enrt_perd_id
         ,enp.yr_perd_id                  yr_perd_id
   from ben_pl_f pl
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ws
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f db
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f wb
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f rsrv
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f es
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc1
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc2
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc3
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ss
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f rec
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f tc
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f oc
       ,per_business_groups bg
       ,fnd_currencies cur
       ,ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
       ,ben_enrt_perd enp
   where pl.group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and
   and   pl.pl_stat_cd in ('A', 'I')
   and   petc.pl_id = pl.pl_id
   and   petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'COMP'
   and   p_effective_date between
         petc.effective_start_date and petc.effective_end_date
   and   enp.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
   and   enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
   and   ws.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between ws.effective_start_date(+) and
         ws.effective_end_date (+)
   and   ws.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBWS'
   and   ws.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   db.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between db.effective_start_date(+) and
         db.effective_end_date (+)
   and   db.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBDB'
   and   db.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   wb.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between wb.effective_start_date(+) and
         wb.effective_end_date (+)
   and   wb.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBWB'
   and   wb.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   rsrv.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between rsrv.effective_start_date(+) and
         rsrv.effective_end_date (+)
   and   rsrv.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBR'
   and   rsrv.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   es.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between es.effective_start_date(+) and
         es.effective_end_date (+)
   and   es.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBES'
   and   es.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc1.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc1.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc1.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc1.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR1'
   and   misc1.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc2.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc2.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc2.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc2.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR2'
   and   misc2.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc3.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc3.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc3.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc3.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR3'
   and   misc3.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   ss.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between ss.effective_start_date(+) and
         ss.effective_end_date (+)
   and   ss.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBSS'
   and   ss.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   rec.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between rec.effective_start_date(+) and
         rec.effective_end_date (+)
   and   rec.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBRA'
   and   rec.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   tc.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between tc.effective_start_date(+) and
         tc.effective_end_date (+)
   and   tc.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBTC'
   and   tc.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   oc.pl_id (+) = pl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between oc.effective_start_date(+) and
         oc.effective_end_date (+)
   and   oc.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBOS'
   and   oc.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   bg.business_group_id = pl.business_group_id
   and   pl.nip_pl_uom = cur.currency_code (+)
   -- Refresh that local/group plan only if no rows exist for the plan.
   and   not exists (select 'Y'
                     from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
                     where dsgn.group_pl_id    = p_group_pl_id
                     and   dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
                     and   dsgn.pl_id          = pl.pl_id);
Line: 449

   select oipl.oipl_id              oipl_id
         ,opt.name                  name
         ,group_oipl.oipl_id        group_oipl_id
         ,oipl.hidden_flag          opt_hidden_flag
         ,oipl.opt_id               opt_id
         ,opt.group_opt_id          group_opt_id
         ,oipl.business_group_id    business_group_id
         ,ws.acty_base_rt_id        ws_abr_id
         ,ws.nnmntry_uom            ws_nnmntry_uom
         ,ws.rndg_cd                ws_rndg_cd
         ,ws.sub_acty_typ_cd        ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
         ,ws.element_type_id        ws_element_type_id
         ,ws.input_value_id         ws_input_value_id
         ,db.acty_base_rt_id        dist_bdgt_abr_id
         ,db.nnmntry_uom            dist_bdgt_nnmntry_uom
         ,db.rndg_cd                dist_bdgt_rndg_cd
         ,wb.acty_base_rt_id        ws_bdgt_abr_id
         ,wb.nnmntry_uom            ws_bdgt_nnmntry_uom
         ,wb.rndg_cd                ws_bdgt_rndg_cd
         ,rsrv.acty_base_rt_id      rsrv_abr_id
         ,rsrv.nnmntry_uom          rsrv_nnmntry_uom
         ,rsrv.rndg_cd              rsrv_rndg_cd
         ,es.acty_base_rt_id        elig_sal_abr_id
         ,es.nnmntry_uom            elig_sal_nnmntry_uom
         ,es.rndg_cd                elig_sal_rndg_cd
         ,misc1.acty_base_rt_id     misc1_abr_id
         ,misc1.nnmntry_uom         misc1_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc1.rndg_cd             misc1_rndg_cd
         ,misc2.acty_base_rt_id     misc2_abr_id
         ,misc2.nnmntry_uom         misc2_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc2.rndg_cd             misc2_rndg_cd
         ,misc3.acty_base_rt_id     misc3_abr_id
         ,misc3.nnmntry_uom         misc3_nnmntry_uom
         ,misc3.rndg_cd             misc3_rndg_cd
         ,ss.acty_base_rt_id        stat_sal_abr_id
         ,ss.nnmntry_uom            stat_sal_nnmntry_uom
         ,ss.rndg_cd                stat_sal_rndg_cd
         ,rec.acty_base_rt_id       rec_abr_id
         ,rec.nnmntry_uom           rec_nnmntry_uom
         ,rec.rndg_cd               rec_rndg_cd
         ,tc.acty_base_rt_id        tot_comp_abr_id
         ,tc.nnmntry_uom            tot_comp_nnmntry_uom
         ,tc.rndg_cd                tot_comp_rndg_cd
         ,oc.acty_base_rt_id        oth_comp_abr_id
         ,oc.nnmntry_uom            oth_comp_nnmntry_uom
         ,oc.rndg_cd                oth_comp_rndg_cd
   from ben_oipl_f oipl
       ,ben_opt_f opt
       ,ben_oipl_f group_oipl
       ,ben_pl_f pl
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ws
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f db
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f wb
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f rsrv
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f es
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc1
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc2
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f misc3
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ss
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f rec
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f tc
       ,ben_acty_base_rt_f oc
   where oipl.pl_id = p_pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between oipl.effective_start_date and
   and   oipl.oipl_stat_cd in ('A', 'I')
   and   opt.opt_id = oipl.opt_id
   and   p_effective_date between opt.effective_start_date and
   and   opt.group_opt_id= group_oipl.opt_id
   and   group_oipl.pl_id = pl.group_pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between group_oipl.effective_start_date and
   and   pl.pl_id = oipl.pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and
   and   ws.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between ws.effective_start_date(+) and
         ws.effective_end_date (+)
   and   ws.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBWS'
   and   ws.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   db.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between db.effective_start_date(+) and
         db.effective_end_date (+)
   and   db.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBDB'
   and   db.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   wb.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between wb.effective_start_date(+) and
         wb.effective_end_date (+)
   and   wb.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBWB'
   and   wb.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   rsrv.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between rsrv.effective_start_date(+) and
         rsrv.effective_end_date (+)
   and   rsrv.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBR'
   and   rsrv.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   es.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between es.effective_start_date(+) and
         es.effective_end_date (+)
   and   es.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBES'
   and   es.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc1.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc1.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc1.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc1.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR1'
   and   misc1.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc2.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc2.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc2.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc2.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR2'
   and   misc2.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   misc3.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between misc3.effective_start_date(+) and
         misc3.effective_end_date (+)
   and   misc3.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBMR3'
   and   misc3.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   ss.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between ss.effective_start_date(+) and
         ss.effective_end_date (+)
   and   ss.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBSS'
   and   ss.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   rec.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between rec.effective_start_date(+) and
         rec.effective_end_date (+)
   and   rec.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBRA'
   and   rec.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   tc.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between tc.effective_start_date(+) and
         tc.effective_end_date (+)
   and   tc.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBTC'
   and   tc.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A'
   and   oc.oipl_id (+) = oipl.oipl_id
   and   p_effective_date between oc.effective_start_date(+) and
         oc.effective_end_date (+)
   and   oc.acty_typ_cd (+) = 'CWBOS'
   and   oc.ACTY_BASE_RT_STAT_CD (+)= 'A';
Line: 589

   select opt_id
   from ben_oipl_f
   where pl_id = p_group_pl_id
   and   p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
   order by ordr_num;
Line: 616

     delete from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn
     where group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id
     and lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
Line: 701

         insert into ben_cwb_pl_dsgn
            values   (pl.pl_id
                     ,1);        -- new row. so ovn is 1
Line: 836

      insert into ben_cwb_pl_dsgn
               ,-1                           -- for plans oipl_id is -1
               ,-1                           -- for plans group oipl id is -1
               ,1);              -- new row. so ovn is 1
Line: 1008

procedure delete_pl_dsgn(p_group_pl_id    in number
                        ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt in date) is

 cursor c_data_exists is
    select 'Y'
    from   ben_cwb_person_info i
    where  i.group_pl_id    = p_group_pl_id
    and    i.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
Line: 1026

    delete ben_cwb_pl_dsgn pl
    where  pl.group_pl_id   = p_group_pl_id
    and    pl.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
Line: 1031

end delete_pl_dsgn;