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Line 7: -- removed the obseleted columns of IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL.

3: ------------------------------------------------------------------
4: --Change History:
5: --Who When What
6: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug 5208136: Modified finp_decline_Optional_fee and finp_set_optional_fee_flag procedures
7: -- removed the obseleted columns of IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL.
8: --gurprsin 6-Dec-2005 Bug 4735807, Modified the finp_calc_fees_todo method, Added a condition to skip the addition of message onto the stack as it is already added in
9: -- finp_ins_enr_fee_ass method for the case ' if no fee category is attached to the SPA.'. Otherwise a null message
10: -- will be added and shown on the SS page.
11: --gurprsin 13-Sep-2005 Bug 3765876, Modified the Cursor c_get_msg_text select statement to add userenv. language condition with application id

Line 168: Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

165: brajendr 22-FEB-2002 modifed the cursor (c_cc_number)which is used for creating the credit number as per the DLD
167: jbegum 20-FEB-2002 Enh bug # 2228910
168: Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
170: sykrishn 04-FEB-2002 Modifications due to SFCR020- Changes to call to credits API and changes in igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row
171: to add the new columns
172: Code related to derivation of credit_source removed since it is going to be passed as null to credits API. - SFCR020 - 2191470

Line 178: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

174: sarakshi 01-Feb-2002 In the call to the credit's API adding a new parameter p_invoice_id as a part of
175: SFCR003 , bug:2195715.
177: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
178: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
179: ***************************************************************/
180: CURSOR c_credittype_id(cp_v_credit_class igs_fi_cr_types.credit_class%TYPE) IS
181: SELECT credit_type_id , description
182: FROM igs_fi_cr_types

Line 535: calls to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.

531: vvutukur 15-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Passed SYSDATE to the call to charges API for the parameter
532: l_chg_line_tbl(1).p_gl_date.
533: vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,the assignment of
535: calls to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
536: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
537: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
538: ***************************************************************/
539: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details

Line 537: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

533: vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,the assignment of
535: calls to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
536: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
537: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
538: ***************************************************************/
539: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details
540: CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
541: SELECT *

Line 540: CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS

536: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
537: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
538: ***************************************************************/
539: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details
540: CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
541: SELECT *
542: FROM igs_fi_inv_int
543: WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
544: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Lines details

Line 542: FROM igs_fi_inv_int

538: ***************************************************************/
539: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details
540: CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
541: SELECT *
542: FROM igs_fi_inv_int
543: WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
544: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Lines details
545: CURSOR cur_invln(p_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
546: SELECT *

Line 545: CURSOR cur_invln(p_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS

541: SELECT *
542: FROM igs_fi_inv_int
543: WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
544: -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Lines details
545: CURSOR cur_invln(p_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
546: SELECT *
548: WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
549: l_chg_rec Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Header_Rec_Type;

Line 552: l_inv_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE;

548: WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
549: l_chg_rec Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Header_Rec_Type;
550: l_chg_line_tbl Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Line_Tbl_Type;
551: l_line_tbl Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Line_Id_Tbl_Type;
552: l_inv_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE;
553: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
554: l_var NUMBER(5) := 0;
555: l_cur_invheader cur_invheader%ROWTYPE;
556: l_msg VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 651: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL

647: -- Update Invoice record with optional_fee_flag=>'D'(Declined)
649: --Change History
650: --Who When What
651: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
652: --vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
653: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build,removed parameter
654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910

Line 652: --vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.

649: --Change History
650: --Who When What
651: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
652: --vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
653: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build,removed parameter
654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
656: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

Line 654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.

650: --Who When What
651: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
652: --vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
653: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build,removed parameter
654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
656: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
657: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
658: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

Line 656: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

652: --vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
653: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build,removed parameter
654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
656: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
657: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
658: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
660: -- Fetch the Invoice Header Details for the Reversal record to update optional_fee_flag to 'D'

Line 658: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

654: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
656: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
657: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
658: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
660: -- Fetch the Invoice Header Details for the Reversal record to update optional_fee_flag to 'D'
661: -- So that reversal record won't be available for Decline again
662: OPEN cur_invheader(TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id));

Line 666: igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_invheader.row_id ,

662: OPEN cur_invheader(TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id));
663: FETCH cur_invheader INTO l_cur_invheader;
664: CLOSE cur_invheader;
666: igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_invheader.row_id ,
667: x_invoice_id => l_cur_invheader.invoice_id ,
668: x_person_id => l_cur_invheader.person_id ,
669: x_fee_type => l_cur_invheader.fee_type ,
670: x_fee_cat => l_cur_invheader.fee_cat ,

Line 739: igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.

735: at fee type set up level.
736: pathipat 04-Jun-2003 Enh 2831584 - SS Enhancements Build
737: Modified cursor cur_opt_fees - included join with igs_fi_invln_int_all
738: vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Passed NULL to the newly added parameter x_reversal_gl_date in the call to
739: igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
740: vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.Removed the references to subaccount_id.ie., from
741: parameters list p_subaccount_id,from cursor cur_opt_fees and from the
742: call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02
743: removal build.

Line 742: call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02

738: vvutukur 25-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Passed NULL to the newly added parameter x_reversal_gl_date in the call to
739: igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
740: vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.Removed the references to subaccount_id.ie., from
741: parameters list p_subaccount_id,from cursor cur_opt_fees and from the
742: call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02
743: removal build.
744: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
745: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
746: ***************************************************************/

Line 745: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

741: parameters list p_subaccount_id,from cursor cur_opt_fees and from the
742: call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02
743: removal build.
744: masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
745: Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
746: ***************************************************************/
748: -- Cursor to fetch all the Optional fees which are not Declined
749: CURSOR cur_opt_fees IS

Line 751: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv ,

748: -- Cursor to fetch all the Optional fees which are not Declined
749: CURSOR cur_opt_fees IS
750: SELECT inv.invoice_id
751: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv ,
752: igs_fi_invln_int_all invln
753: WHERE invln.invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
754: AND NVL(invln.error_account,'N') = 'N'
755: AND inv.person_id = p_person_id

Line 761: FROM igs_fi_inv_int

758: -- cursor reads from the charges tables
759: CURSOR cur_inv_int(p_invoice_id NUMBER) IS
760: SELECT *
761: FROM igs_fi_inv_int
762: WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
763: l_cur_inv_int cur_inv_int%ROWTYPE;
764: BEGIN
765: FOR l_cur_opt_fees IN cur_opt_fees LOOP

Line 771: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL

767: FETCH cur_inv_int INTO l_cur_inv_int ;
769: --Change History
770: --Who When What
771: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
772: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build, removed parameter
773: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
774: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

Line 773: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.

769: --Change History
770: --Who When What
771: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
772: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build, removed parameter
773: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
774: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
776: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
777: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

Line 775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

771: --skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
772: --vvutukur 16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build, removed parameter
773: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
774: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
776: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
777: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
779: Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_inv_int.row_id ,

Line 777: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

773: -- x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
774: --jbegum 20 feb 02 Enh bug # 2228910
775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
776: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
777: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
779: Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_inv_int.row_id ,
780: x_invoice_id => l_cur_inv_int.invoice_id ,
781: x_person_id => l_cur_inv_int.person_id ,

Line 779: Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_inv_int.row_id ,

775: -- Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
776: --masehgal 17-Jan-2002 ENH # 2170429
777: -- Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
779: Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row( x_rowid => l_cur_inv_int.row_id ,
780: x_invoice_id => l_cur_inv_int.invoice_id ,
781: x_person_id => l_cur_inv_int.person_id ,
782: x_fee_type => l_cur_inv_int.fee_type ,
783: x_fee_cat => l_cur_inv_int.fee_cat ,