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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

    * Select the available resources for the current organization and send them one by
    * one to the gantt
   PROCEDURE get_available_plant_resources (
      p_organization_id   IN              NUMBER
     ,x_nb_resources      OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_plant_rsrc_tbl    OUT NOCOPY      plantresourcedetailtabletype)
      CURSOR get_plant_resources
         SELECT DISTINCT r.resources, r.resource_desc
                    FROM cr_rsrc_mst r, cr_rsrc_dtl d
                   WHERE d.organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND d.delete_mark = 0
                     AND r.resources = d.resources
                     AND r.delete_mark = 0
                ORDER BY 1;
Line: 68

Line: 113

    * Fetch pending and WIP batches that consume the selected resource at the selected time.
   PROCEDURE get_reschedule_batch_list (
      p_organization_id   IN              NUMBER
     ,p_resource          IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_from_date         IN              DATE
     ,p_to_date           IN              DATE
     ,x_nb_batches        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_resch_batch_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      reschbatchdetailtabletype)
      CURSOR get_product_info (p_batch_id NUMBER)
         SELECT i.inventory_item_id, i.concatenated_segments
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv i   --Bug#5550337 changed from ic_item_mst
               ,gme_batch_header b
               ,gmd_recipe_validity_rules v
          WHERE b.batch_id = p_batch_id
            AND b.recipe_validity_rule_id = v.recipe_validity_rule_id
            AND v.inventory_item_id = i.inventory_item_id;
Line: 157

         SELECT   b.batch_id, b.batch_no, b.batch_type, b.batch_status
	          /*Bug#5350537 We have to show planned start date in reschedule window irrespective of batch status
		    commented the following code and seletcing plan start date directly */
                 /*,DECODE (b.batch_status
                         ,1, b.plan_start_date
                         ,b.actual_start_date) start_date */
                 ,b.plan_cmplt_date, NVL (b.enforce_step_dependency, 0)
             FROM gme_batch_header b
            WHERE b.organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND b.parentline_id IS NULL   --Bug#5550337 not showing phantom batches as we cant reschedule
              AND b.batch_status IN (1, 2)
              AND (    (    b.plan_start_date >= p_from_date
                        AND b.plan_start_date <= p_to_date)
                   OR (    b.plan_cmplt_date >= p_from_date
                       AND b.plan_start_date <= p_to_date) )
              AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM gme_batch_steps r, gme_batch_step_resources o
                      WHERE o.batch_id = b.batch_id
                        AND r.batch_id = o.batch_id
                        AND o.batchstep_id = r.batchstep_id
                        AND r.step_status IN (1, 2)
                        AND r.delete_mark = 0
                        AND o.resources = p_resource
                        AND (    (    o.plan_start_date >= p_from_date
                                  AND o.plan_start_date <= p_to_date)
                             OR (    o.plan_cmplt_date >= p_from_date
                                 AND o.plan_start_date <= p_to_date) ) )
         ORDER BY 4;
Line: 193

Line: 294

         SELECT   start_date from_date, end_date end_DATE
                 ,SUM (required_units) rsrc_count
             FROM gme_resource_txns_summary
            WHERE resource_id = l_resource_id
              AND start_date >= p_from_date
              AND start_date <= p_to_date
         GROUP BY start_date, end_date
         SELECT   start_date from_date, end_date end_DATE
                 ,SUM (required_units) rsrc_count
             FROM gme_resource_txns_summary
            WHERE resource_id = l_resource_id
              AND end_date >= p_from_date
              AND start_date <= p_to_date
         GROUP BY start_date, end_date
         ORDER BY 1;
Line: 314

         SELECT d.resource_id, m.std_usage_um, m.resource_desc
           FROM cr_rsrc_mst m, cr_rsrc_dtl d
          WHERE d.organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND d.resources = p_resource_code
            AND d.resources = m.resources;
Line: 363
