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1 package body FND_USER_PKG_WRP as
2 /* $Header: AFSCUSWB.pls 120.1.12000000.3 2007/06/01 18:45:02 fskinner ship $ */
5 --
6 -- user_synch
7 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.user_synch()
8 -- IN
9 --   p_user_name
10 --
11 procedure user_synch (p_user_name  in  varchar2)
12 is
13 begin
14   fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(p_user_name);
15 end;
17 --
18 -- derive_person_party_id
19 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.derive_person_party_id()
20 -- IN
21 --   p_user_name
22 --   p_customer_id
23 --   p_employee_id
24 --   p_log_exception
25 --
26 function derive_person_party_id (p_user_name  in  varchar2,
27                                  p_customer_id in number,
28                                  p_employee_id in number,
29                                  p_log_exception in varchar2 default 'Y')
30 return number is
31   ret number;
32 begin
33   ret := fnd_user_pkg.derive_person_party_id(p_user_name, p_customer_id,
34                                       p_employee_id, p_log_exception);
35   return(ret);
36 end;
38 --
39 -- set_old_user_name
40 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name()
41 -- IN
42 --   p_old_user_name
43 --
44 function set_old_user_name (p_old_user_name  in  varchar2) return number
45 is
46   ret number;
47 begin
48   ret := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(p_old_user_name);
49   return(ret);
50 end;
52 --
53 -- validate_user_name
54 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.validate_user_name()
55 -- IN
56 --   p_user_name
57 --
58 procedure validate_user_name (p_user_name  in  varchar2)
59 is
60 begin
61   fnd_user_pkg.validate_user_name(p_user_name);
62 end;
64 --
65 -- isPasswordChangable
66 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.isPasswordChangable()
67 -- IN
68 --   p_user_name
69 -- OUT
70 --   TRUE/FALSE
71 --
72 function isPasswordChangeable (p_user_name  in  varchar2) return boolean
73 is
74   ret boolean;
75 begin
76   ret := fnd_user_pkg.isPasswordChangeable(p_user_name);
77   return (ret);
78 end;
80 --
81 -- ldap_wrapper_create_user
82 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_create_user()
83 procedure ldap_wrapper_create_user (p_user_name  in  varchar2,
84                                     p_unencrypted_password in varchar2,
85                                     p_start_date in date,
86                                     p_end_date in date,
87                                     p_description in varchar2,
88                                     p_email_address in varchar2,
89                                     p_fax in varchar2) is
90 begin
91   fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_create_user(p_user_name,p_unencrypted_password,
92             p_start_date, p_end_date, p_description, p_email_address, p_fax, 1);
93 end;
97 --
98 -- ldap_wrapper_update_user
99 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_update_user()
100 --
101 procedure ldap_wrapper_update_user (p_user_name  in  varchar2,
102                                     p_unencrypted_password in varchar2,
103                                     p_start_date in date,
104                                     p_end_date in date,
105                                     p_description in varchar2,
106                                     p_email_address in varchar2,
107                                     p_fax in varchar2,
108                                     p_out_pwd in out nocopy varchar2)
109 is
110 begin
111   fnd_user_pkg.form_ldap_wrapper_update_user(p_user_name,
112             p_unencrypted_password, p_start_date, p_end_date,
113             p_description, p_email_address, p_fax, p_out_pwd);
114 end;
117 --
118 -- ldap_wrapper_change_user_name
119 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_change_user_name()
120 -- IN
121 --   p_old_user_name
122 --   p_new_user_name
123 --
124 procedure ldap_wrapper_change_user_name (p_old_user_name in varchar2,
125                                          p_new_user_name in varchar2)
126 is
127 begin
128   fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_change_user_name(p_old_user_name, p_new_user_name);
129 end;
132 --Bug 5892249
133 -- This routine is for AOL INTERNAL USE ONLY !!!!!!!
134 --
135 -- forms_validate_password
136 --   Wrapper for fnd_web_sec.validate_password()
137 -- IN
138 --   p_username
139 --   p_new_password
140 --
141 function forms_validate_password (p_username in varchar2,
142                                   p_new_password in varchar2)
143 return VARCHAR2 is
144 begin
145   return fnd_web_sec.validate_password(p_username,p_new_password);
146 end;
149 -- This routine is for AOL INTERNAL USE ONLY !!!!!!!
150 --
151 -- forms_change_user_pwd
152 --   This function figures out what should be stored in the
153 --   fnd_user encrypted_user_password and encrypted_foundation_password
154 --   columns and passes this back to forms so forms can do the commit.
155 -- IN
156 --   p_username - user name
157 --   p_new_password - new user password
158 -- OUT
159 --   p_enc_user_pwd - encrypted user password/hash
160 --   p_enc_fnd_pwd - encrypted fnd password or password metadata
161 -- RETURNS
162 --   'Y' or 'N' for success or failure
163 --   On failure message is on message stack.
164 --
165 function forms_change_user_pwd(p_userid in NUMBER,
166                                p_username in VARCHAR2,
167                                p_new_password in VARCHAR2,
168                                p_enc_user_pwd out nocopy VARCHAR2,
169                                p_enc_fnd_pwd out nocopy VARCHAR2)
170 return VARCHAR2 is
171 begin
172   if (fnd_user_pkg.userExists(p_username)) then
173     if (fnd_web_sec.update_no_reuse_function(p_username,p_new_password)='N')then
174        --  update_no_reuse_function will load message stack
175        return 'N';
176     end if;
177   end if;
179   if ( p_userid is not null ) then
180     return fnd_web_sec.get_encrypted_passwords( p_username, p_userid,
181                          p_new_password, p_enc_fnd_pwd, p_enc_user_pwd );
182   else
183     fnd_message.set_name( 'FND','SECURITY_APPL_USERID_INVALID' );
184     return 'N';
185   end if;
187 end;