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2 /* $Header: EDRPEVTS.pls 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/18 05:54:33 appldev ship $*/
3 /*#
4  * These APIs raise an e-signature event or related events in deferred mode.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:metalink 268669.1 Oracle E-Records API User's Guide
7  * @rep:product EDR
8  * @rep:displayname E-records Evidence Store APIs
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
11  */
13 /* Global Constants */
14 G_PKG_NAME            CONSTANT            varchar2(30) := 'EDR_ERES_EVENT_PUB';
16 /* Global Types */
18 -- Table of erecord ids
21 -- Record type to represent an ERES event
23 --Bug 3136403: Start
24 --Change the definition of the record type to denormalize the payload parameters
25 /*
27 ( EVENT_NAME                              VARCHAR2(80)                       ,
28   EVENT_KEY                               VARCHAR2(240)                      ,
29   PAYLOAD                                 FND_WF_EVENT.PARAM_TABLE           ,
30   ERECORD_ID                              NUMBER                             ,
31   EVENT_STATUS                            VARCHAR2(20)
32 );
33 */
35 ( EVENT_NAME                              VARCHAR2(80)                       ,
36   EVENT_KEY                               VARCHAR2(240)                      ,
37   ERECORD_ID                              NUMBER                             ,
38   EVENT_STATUS                            VARCHAR2(20)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
39   --Bug 3893101: Start
40   --Include the EVENT XML as part of the record type
41   EVENT_XML                               CLOB            DEFAULT NULL       ,
42   --Bug 3893101: End
43   PARAM_NAME_1                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
44   PARAM_VALUE_1                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
45   PARAM_NAME_2                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
46   PARAM_VALUE_2                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
47   PARAM_NAME_3                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
48   PARAM_VALUE_3                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
49   PARAM_NAME_4                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
50   PARAM_VALUE_4                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
51   PARAM_NAME_5                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
52   PARAM_VALUE_5                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
53   PARAM_NAME_6                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
54   PARAM_VALUE_6                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
55   PARAM_NAME_7                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
56   PARAM_VALUE_7                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
57   PARAM_NAME_8                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
58   PARAM_VALUE_8                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
59   PARAM_NAME_9                            VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
60   PARAM_VALUE_9                           VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
61   PARAM_NAME_10                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
62   PARAM_VALUE_10                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
63   PARAM_NAME_11                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
64   PARAM_VALUE_11                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
65   PARAM_NAME_12                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
66   PARAM_VALUE_12                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
67   PARAM_NAME_13                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
68   PARAM_VALUE_13                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
69   PARAM_NAME_14                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
70   PARAM_VALUE_14                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
71   PARAM_NAME_15                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
72   PARAM_VALUE_15                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
73   PARAM_NAME_16                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
74   PARAM_VALUE_16                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
75   PARAM_NAME_17                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
76   PARAM_VALUE_17                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
77   PARAM_NAME_18                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
78   PARAM_VALUE_18                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
79   PARAM_NAME_19                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
80   PARAM_VALUE_19                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL       ,
81   PARAM_NAME_20                           VARCHAR2(30)    DEFAULT NULL       ,
82   PARAM_VALUE_20                          VARCHAR2(2000)  DEFAULT NULL
83 );
84 --Bug 3136403: End
86 -- A table of ERES Events
90 -- Start of comments
91 -- API name             : VALIDATE_ERECORD
92 -- Type                 : Public.
93 -- Function             : Determine if the erecord with the given id exists in
94 --                        the evidence store or not
95 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
96 -- Parameters           :
97 -- IN                   :p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
98 --                       p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
99 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
100 --                       p_erecord_id           IN NUMBER       Required
101 --                       The erecord id to be validated
102 --
103 -- OUT                  :x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2(1)
104 --                       x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
105 --                       x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2(2000)
106 --
107 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
108 --                       Initial version        1.0
109 --
110 -- Notes                :Checks the validity of the erecord id i.e. if it exists
111 --                       in the evidence store or not. A message is written in the
112 --                       message stack only in the case of an UNEXPECTED error.
113 --                       If the erecord id is valid or not no message is written in
114 --                       the stack only the return status would indicate the result.
115 --
116 -- End of comments
119 ( p_api_version         IN                NUMBER                          ,
120   p_init_msg_list       IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
121   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
122   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER                          ,
123   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
124   p_erecord_id          IN                NUMBER
125 );
127 -- Start of comments
128 -- API name             : VALIDATE_PAYLOAD
129 -- Type                 : Public
130 -- Function             : Determine if the payload of parameters to be passed
131 --                        to raise an ERES event is valid or not
132 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
133 -- Parameters           :
134 -- IN                   :p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
135 --                       p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
136 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
137 --                       p_event_name           IN VARCHAR2(80)	Optional
138 --                        The event name for which the payload has to be validated
139 --                       p_event_key           IN VARCHAR2(240)	Optional
140 --                        The event key for which the payload has to be validated
141 --                       p_payload              IN fnd_wf_event.param_table Required
142 --                        The name-value pair of parameters to be validated
143 --                       p_mode                 IN VARCHAR2(20) Optional
144 --                        The mode of validation. This can have two possible
145 --                        values 'STRICT' or null. This parameter is used
146 --                        only if the payload contains the parameters for
147 --                        interevent processing. In that case STRICT is used
148 --                        in the case where PARENT_ERECORD_ID NEEDS to be
149 --                        passed
150 --
151 -- OUT                  :x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2
152 --                        The return status S means the validation is OK
153 --                        E means validation failed
154 --                       x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
155 --                       x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2
156 --
157 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
158 --                       Initial version        1.0
159 --
160 -- Notes                 :If you use this API to test the payload, you should
161 --                        not require validation while raising the event
162 --
163 -- End of comments
166 ( p_api_version         IN                NUMBER                          ,
167   p_init_msg_list       IN                VARCHAR2 default NULL ,
168   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
169   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER                          ,
170   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
171   p_event_name		IN		  VARCHAR2 default NULL		  ,
172   p_event_key		IN		  VARCHAR2 default NULL		  ,
173   p_payload             IN                fnd_wf_event.param_table        ,
174   p_mode                IN                VARCHAR2 default NULL
175 );
177 -- Start of comments
178 -- API name             : VALIDATE_PAYLOAD_FORMS
179 -- Type                 : Public
180 -- Function             : Determine if the payload of parameters to be passed
181 --                        to raise an ERES event is valid or not. This API is used
182 --                        from FORMS.
183 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
184 -- Parameters           :
185 -- IN                    p_event_name           IN VARCHAR2(80)	Optional
186 --                        The event name for which the payload has to be validated
187 --                       p_event_key           IN VARCHAR2(240)	Optional
188 --                        The event key for which the payload has to be validated
189 --                       p_payload              IN fnd_wf_event.param_table Required
190 --                        The name-value pair of parameters to be validated
191 --
192 -- RETURN               :Boolean
193 --                       If the payload is valid it would return TRUE else it would
194 --                       raise an APPS_EXCEPTION, that should be handled in the
195 --                       calling code
196 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
197 --                       Initial version        1.0
198 --
199 -- Notes                 :If you use this API to test the payload, you should
200 --                        not require validation while raising the event
201 --
202 -- End of comments
205 ( p_event_name		IN 		VARCHAR2			,
206   p_event_key		IN 		VARCHAR2			,
207   p_payload 		IN 		fnd_wf_event.param_table
208 )
211 -- Start of comments
212 -- API name             : GET_EVENT_DETAILS
213 -- Type                 : Public.
214 -- Function             : Get the event name and event key from the evidence
215 --                        store for a given erecord id
216 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
217 -- Parameters           :
218 -- IN                   :p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
219 --                       p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
220 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
221 --                       p_erecord_id           IN NUMBER       Required
222 --                       The erecord id for which the event details are
223 --                       to be obtained
224 --
225 -- OUT                  :x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2
226 --                       x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
227 --                       x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2
228 --                       x_event_name           OUT VARCHAR2(80)
229 --                       Event name if erecord id valid, else null
230 --                       x_event_key            OUT VARCHAR2(240)
231 --                       Event keyif erecord id valid, else null
232 --
233 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
234 --                       Initial version        1.0
235 --
236 -- Notes                :Gets the event name and event key for a given
237 --                       erecord id from the evidence store. A message is written
238 --                       in the message stack only in the case of an UNEXPECTED error.
239 --                       If the erecord id is valid or not no message is written in
240 --                       the stack only the return status would indicate the result
241 --                       along with null return values.
242 --
243 -- End of comments
244 /*#
245  * This API is used to obtain the event name and event key from the evidence store for
246  * an e-record ID.
247  * @rep:scope public
248  * @rep:lifecycle active
249  * @rep:displayname Get event details
250  */
253 ( p_api_version         IN                NUMBER                          ,
254   p_init_msg_list       IN                VARCHAR2 default NULL ,
255   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
256   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER                          ,
257   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
258   p_erecord_id          IN                NUMBER                          ,
259   x_event_name          OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
260   x_event_key           OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2
261 );
263 -- Start of comments
264 -- API name             : RAISE_ERES_EVENT
265 -- Type                 : Public
266 -- Function             : Raise an ERES event and get the status and erecord id back.
267 --                        This API can be used to raise 'normal' as well as 'inter
268 --                        event' ERES events.
269 --                        In case of normal event the p_child_erecords should be left
270 --                        null and payload should conform to guidelines set in the
271 --                        ERES cookbook.
272 --                        In case of 'inter event' context if the parent already exists
273 --                        then payload should contain additional parameters to set
274 --                        parent child relationship (look at cookbook)
275 --                        In case of 'inter event' context if the children already
276 --                        exists the p_child_erecords should contain the erecord
277 --                        ids of these children
278 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
279 -- Parameters           :
280 -- IN                   :p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
281 --                       p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
282 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
283 --                       p_validation_level     IN NUMBER       Optional
284 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
285 --                       p_child_erecords       IN ERECORD_ID_TBL_TYPE Required
286 --                        In case of inter-event when the children exists and
287 --                        parent is being raised this parameter contains the
288 --                        list of erecord ids of the children to establish
289 --                        parent child relationship
290 --
291 -- OUT                  :x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2(1)
292 --                       x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
293 --                       x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2(2000)
294 --                       x_event           	IN OUT ERES_EVENT_REC_TYPE
295 --                       Eres event structure with event name, event key
296 --                       and payload supplied by the caller. At end the
297 --                       erecord id and status would be populated
301 --                       Initial version        1.0
298 --                       Status can be: ERROR, PENDING, NOACTION
299 --
300 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
302 --
303 -- Notes                :Can be used to raise normal and inter-event ERES events.
304 --                       Please look at the ERES Cookbook for more details of
305 --                       the valid payload required to raise ERES Events from
306 --                       database.
307 --                       It is the responsibility of the calling code to commit
308 --                       or rollback according to the status of the API and/or
309 --                       the ERES event. The eRecords are created autonomously
310 --                       in the evidence store but thier relationships have to be
311 --                       committed and can also be rolledback
312 --
313 -- Additional Imp Note:   This API doesnt accept a p_commit status becuase a savepoint
314 --                        cannot be set inside due to the fact that the erecords are
315 --                        created in an autonomous manner. So if the API returns a status
316 --                        error or the overall status is error it is the responsibility
317 --                        of the product team to rollback the changes, it would rollback
318 --                        and 'partial' data inserted in the relationship table
319 --                        As a part of the transaction acknowledgement procedure
320 --                        the product teams can then send an ERROR acknowledgement
321 --                        to mark these erecords also as ERROR
322 -- End of comments
323 /*#
324  * This API raises normal as well as related events. For normal events, the
325  * p_child_erecords must be left null and the payload must conform to guidelines set in
326  * the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide.  For a related event, if the parent already
327  * exists, then payload must contain additional parameters to set the parent-child
328  * relationship. Also, if the children already exist, then the p_child_erecords must
329  * contain the e-record IDs for the children.
330  * @rep:scope public
331  * @rep:lifecycle active
332  * @rep:displayname Raise e-signature events
333  */
336 ( p_api_version         IN                NUMBER                          ,
337   p_init_msg_list       IN                VARCHAR2 default NULL ,
338   p_validation_level    IN                NUMBER   default NULL    ,
339   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
340   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER                          ,
341   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2                        ,
342   p_child_erecords      IN                ERECORD_ID_TBL_TYPE             ,
343   x_event               IN OUT NOCOPY     ERES_EVENT_REC_TYPE
344 );
346 -- Start of comments
347 -- API name             : RAISE_INTER_EVENT
348 -- Type                 : Public
349 -- Function             : Used to raise a number of ERES events at one time
350 --                        in the inter event context. It is expected that while
351 --                        using this API atleast one parent event would be raised
352 --                        along with one or more of its child events.
353 --                        A parent event is a 'normal' ERES event. And a child
354 --                        event is the one containing additional parameters in the
355 --                        payload. Please look at the ERES cookbook for more
356 --                        information on the payload structure.
357 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
358 -- Parameters           :
359 -- IN                   : p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
360 --                        p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
361 --                                         Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
362 --                        p_validation_level     IN NUMBER       Optional
363 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
364 --
365 -- OUT                  : x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2
366 --                        x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
367 --                        x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2
368 --                        x_events           	 IN OUT ERES_EVENT_TBL_TYPE
369 --                        Table of Eres event structure with event name,
370 --                        event key and payload supplied by the caller. At end
371 --                        the erecord id and status would be populated
372 --                        Status can be: ERROR, PENDING, NOACTION
373 --                        x_overall_status       OUT VARCHAR2(20)
374 --                        Overall status of the ERES processing. This can be used
375 --                        by the calling code in conjunction with the stndard
376 --                        x_return status parameter or by itself. The possible values
377 --                        are:
378 --                        ERROR: The process errored out (look at messages in stack)
379 --                        COMPLETE: All processing finished successfully and
380 --                                  the erecords were created in the case of
381 --                                  signatures not being required
382 --                        PENDING: All the erecords required signatures and offline
383 --                                 notifications have been sent out for them
384 --                        INDETERMINED: Some events required signatures for which
385 --                                      notifications have been sent out and some
389 --                                      to figure out individual statues.
386 --                                      of them required only erecords and they have
387 --                                      been completed. The calling code would have
388 --                                      look at individual event status' in the table
390 --
391 -- Version              : Current version        1.0
392 --                        Initial version        1.0
393 --
394 -- Notes                : Whenever an error occurs in one event at the time of
395 --                        validation the process is aborted. Whenever an error
396 --                        occurs at the time of raising an event, the process is
397 --                        aborted with the events in the list ahead of the 'error'
398 --                        event would have an erecord id generated for them.
399 --                        Whenever an error occurs during posting of relationship
400 --                        information in the database the process would abort
401 --                        and it would be upto the calling code to rollback
402 --                        uncommited relationship records, the erecords would have
403 --                        been commited autonomously by that time.
404 --                        The overall status along with the API return status can
405 --                        be used to fugure out further processing by the calling
406 --                        code.
407 --
408 -- Additional Imp Note:   This API doesnt accept a p_commit status becuase a savepoint
409 --                        cannot be set inside due to the fact that the erecords are
410 --                        created in an autonomous manner. So if the API returns a status
411 --                        error or the overall status is error it is the responsibility
412 --                        of the product team to rollback the changes, it would rollback
413 --                        and 'partial' data inserted in the relationship table
414 --                        As a part of the transaction acknowledgement procedure
415 --                        the product teams can then send an ERROR acknowledgement
416 --                        to mark these erecords also as ERROR
417 -- End of comments
419 /*#
420  * This API raises a number of e-signature related events at one time.
421  * It is expected that while using this API at least one parent event
422  * is raised along with one or more of the child events.
423  * payload must conform to guidelines set in the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide
424  * @rep:scope public
425  * @rep:lifecycle active
426  * @rep:displayname Raise related e-signature events
427  */
430 ( p_api_version          IN               NUMBER                          ,
431   p_init_msg_list        IN               VARCHAR2 default NULL ,
432   p_validation_level     IN               NUMBER   default NULL    ,
433   x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2                        ,
434   x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER                          ,
435   x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2                        ,
436   x_events               IN OUT NOCOPY    ERES_EVENT_TBL_TYPE             ,
437   x_overall_status 	 OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
438 );
440 -- Start of comments
441 -- API name             : GET_ERECORD_ID
442 -- Type                 : Public.
443 -- Function             : Get the erecord id for a combination of the event
444 --                        name and event key from a table of ERES events.
445 --                        This would return the 'latest' erecord id for
446 --                        and event name and key combination.
447 -- Pre-reqs             : None.
448 -- Parameters           :
449 -- IN                   :p_api_version          IN NUMBER       Required
450 --                       p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2     Optional
451 --                                        Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
452 --                       p_events               IN ERES_EVENT_TBL_TYPE Required
453 --                       Table of ERES events
454 --                       p_event_name           IN VARCHAR2(80) Required
455 --                       ERES Business Event Name
456 --                       p_event_key            IN VARCHAR2(240) Required
457 --                       Event Key for the ERES event
458 -- OUT                  :x_return_status        OUT VARCHAR2
459 --                       'S' in case of a hit and 'E' in case of a miss
460 --                       x_msg_count            OUT NUMBER
461 --                       x_msg_data             OUT VARCHAR2
462 --                       x_erecord_id           OUT NUMBER
463 --                       eRecord id for the input event name and event key.
464 --                       This would the latest entry in the table for
465 --                       the event name and key combination.
466 --                       If not found it would be null.
467 --
468 -- Version              :Current version        1.0
469 --                       Initial version        1.0
470 --
471 -- Notes                :This API can be used by the calling code to find out
472 --                       individual errecord ids instead of going through
473 --                       the table
474 --
475 -- End of comments
476 /*#
477  * This API obtains the e-record ID for an event name and event key combination
478  * from a table of ERES events. The updated e-record ID for the combination is
479  * returned. Use this API in conjunction with 'Raise related e-signature events' API only.
480  * @rep:scope public
481  * @rep:lifecycle active
482  * @rep:displayname Get e-record ID
483  */
486 ( p_api_version          IN               NUMBER                          ,
487   p_init_msg_list        IN               VARCHAR2 default NULL ,
488   x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2                        ,
489   x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER                          ,
490   x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2                        ,
491   p_events               IN               ERES_EVENT_TBL_TYPE             ,
492   p_event_name           IN               VARCHAR2                        ,
493   p_event_key            IN               VARCHAR2                        ,
494   x_erecord_id           OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
495 );