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1 PACKAGE wma_move AS
2 /* $Header: wmapmovs.pls 120.1 2007/09/17 21:21:11 kboonyap ship $ */
4   /**
5    * This is the set of parameters that will be passed from the Mobile Apps
6    * Move form to the process procedure for processing the transaction.
7    * The list contains all displayed fields as well as hidden fields
8    * (derived from the LOV).  All fields will be initialized to
9    * FND_API initialization values.  For boolean values, they will be
10    * initailized to false. The lengths for the strings are derived from
11    * those defined in WIP_CONSTANTS package.
12    */
13   TYPE MoveParam IS RECORD
14   (
15     environment          wma_common.environment,
16     txnMode              NUMBER,
17     txnID                NUMBER,
18     childTxnID           NUMBER,
19     mtl_header_id        NUMBER,
20     wipEntityID          NUMBER,
21     wipEntityName        VARCHAR2(241),
22     itemID               NUMBER,
23     itemName             VARCHAR2(241),
24     fmOpSeqNum           NUMBER,
25     fmStepType           NUMBER,
26     toOpSeqNum           NUMBER,
27     toStepType           NUMBER,
28     overcompleteQty      NUMBER,
29     availableQty         NUMBER,
30     transactionQty       NUMBER,
31     transactionUOM       VARCHAR2(4),
32     minTransferQty       NUMBER,
33     qualityID            NUMBER,
34     reasonID             NUMBER,
35     projectID            NUMBER,
36     taskID               NUMBER,
37     -- new param added for scrap account and easy complete/return project
38     scrapAcctID          NUMBER,
39     txnType              NUMBER,
40     mtlTxnTypeID         NUMBER,
41     mtlTxnIntID          NUMBER,
42     cmpTxnID             NUMBER,
43     kanbanID             NUMBER,
44     locatorID            NUMBER,
45     locatorName          VARCHAR2(241),
46     subinv               VARCHAR2(11),
47     -- new param added for serial txns project
48     serial               VARCHAR2(30),
49     serialOp             NUMBER,
50     isFromSerializedPage NUMBER
51   );
53   /**
54    * This is the record type for the record to be inserted into
56    */
57   TYPE MoveTxnRec IS RECORD (row wip_move_txn_interface%ROWTYPE);
59   PROCEDURE process(parameters IN OUT NOCOPY MoveParam,
60                     status        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
61                     errMessage    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
63   /**
64    * This procedure is a wrapper on top of wip_bflProc_priv.processRequirements
65    * and wip_autoLotProc_priv.deriveLots. This procedure should be called to
66    * check whether we need to gather more lot/serial info from the user or not
67    *
68    * parameters
69    * p_childMoveID     pass -1 for regular txns, and pass value generated from
70    *                   wip_transactions_s for overmove/overcomplete
71    * p_ocQty           pass 0 for regular txns, and pass value for overmove
72    * p_cmpTxnID        pass value generated from mtl_material_transactions_s
73    *                   for EZ Complete/Return and processing mode is
74    *                   online. Otherwise pass -1.
75    * p_objectID        pass -1 for non-serialized txns, and pass gen_object_id
76    *                   for serialized txns.
77    */
78    PROCEDURE backflush(p_jobID         IN        NUMBER,
79                        p_orgID         IN        NUMBER,
80                        p_childMoveID   IN        NUMBER,
81                        p_moveID        IN        NUMBER,
82                        p_ocQty         IN        NUMBER,
83                        p_moveQty       IN        NUMBER,
84                        p_txnDate       IN        DATE,
85                        p_txnHdrID      IN        NUMBER,
86                        p_fm_op         IN        NUMBER,
87                        p_fm_step       IN        NUMBER,
88                        p_to_op         IN        NUMBER,
89                        p_to_step       IN        NUMBER,
90                        p_cmpTxnID      IN        NUMBER,
91                        p_txnType       IN        NUMBER,
92                        p_objectID      IN        NUMBER,
93                        x_lotEntryType OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
94                        x_compInfo     OUT NOCOPY system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
95                        x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
96                        x_errMessage   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
98  /**
99   * This function take fm_op, fm_step, to_op, to_step and check whether do we
100   * need to call backflush or not. If backflush required, this function will
101   * return the first_operation, last_operation, and backflush quantity that
102   * the user can pass to wip_bflProc_priv.processRequirements. The caller
103   * should check the original value of x_first_bf_op and compare with the one
104   * that this procedure return. If it is the same value, it mean no backflush
105   * require because this routine will only set the value when backflush is
106   * require. If the x_bf_qty is positive, it is component issue transaction.
107   * Otherwise, it is component return transaction.
108   *
109   * NOTE:
110   * This routine support for both regulare move and scrap transaction. However,
111   * this routine only concern abot Operation Pull components. For scrap txns
112   * we need to backflush Assembly Pull components too. Please read assy_pull_bf
113   * procedure for more info
114   */
116   PROCEDURE bf_require(p_jobID         IN        NUMBER,
117                        p_fm_op         IN        NUMBER,
118                        p_fm_step       IN        NUMBER,
119                        p_to_op         IN        NUMBER,
120                        p_to_step       IN        NUMBER,
121                        p_moveQty       IN        NUMBER,
122                        x_first_bf_op  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
123                        x_last_bf_op   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
124                        x_bf_qty       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
125                        x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
126                        x_errMessage   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
128  /**
129   * This function is only use for scrap transaction. It takes fm_op, fm_step,
130   * to_op, to_step and check which operation that we need to issue/return
131   * assembly pull components to/from inventory. If the transaction is not
132   * scrap txn, this routine will not set anything.
133   * This function will return the first_operation, last_operation,
134   *  and backflush quantity that the user can pass to
135   * wip_bflProc_priv.processRequirements. The caller should check the
136   * original value of x_first_bf_op and compare with the one
137   * that this procedure return. If it is the same value, it mean no backflush
138   * require because this routine will only set the value when backflush is
139   * require.
140   *
141   * NOTE:
142   * This routine only concern abot Assembly Pull components for scrap txns.
143   * For Operation Pull component, please use bf_require procedure instead.
144   */
146   PROCEDURE assy_pull_bf(p_jobID         IN        NUMBER,
147                          p_fm_op         IN        NUMBER,
148                          p_fm_step       IN        NUMBER,
149                          p_to_op         IN        NUMBER,
150                          p_to_step       IN        NUMBER,
151                          p_moveQty       IN        NUMBER,
152                          x_first_bf_op  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
153                          x_last_bf_op   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
154                          x_bf_qty       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
155                          x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
156                          x_errMessage   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
158   /**
159    * This procedure validates the overcompletion tolerance, shop floor status
160    * , and do OSP validation
161    */
162   PROCEDURE validate(p_userID        IN        NUMBER,
163                      p_orgID         IN        NUMBER,
164                      p_jobID         IN        NUMBER,
165                      p_fmOp          IN        NUMBER,
166                      p_fmStep        IN        NUMBER,
167                      p_toOp          IN        NUMBER,
168                      p_toStep        IN        NUMBER,
169                      p_overcomplQty  IN        NUMBER,
170                      x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
171                      x_errMessage   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
173   /**
174    * This function derives and validates the values necessary for executing the
175    * move transaction. Given the form parameters, it populates moveRecord
176    * preparing it to be inserted into the interface table.
177    */
178   FUNCTION derive(moveRecord IN OUT NOCOPY MoveTxnRec,
179                   parameters     IN        MoveParam,
180                   errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
182   /**
183    * Inserts a populated MoveTxnRec into WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE
184    */
185   FUNCTION put(moveRecord     IN        MoveTxnRec,
186                errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
187   /**
188    * This function inserts into the WIP_SERIAL_MOVE_INTERFACE table with values
189    * selected from wip_move_txn_interface table
190    *
191    * Parameters:
192    *   groupID       The group_id in wip_move_txn_interface table
193    *   transactionID The transaction_id in wip_move_txn_interface table
194    *   serialNumber  The serial number
195    * Return:
196    *   boolean     A flag indicating whether update successful or not.
197    */
198   FUNCTION insertSerial(groupID        IN        NUMBER,
199                         transactionID  IN        NUMBER,
200                         serialNumber   IN        VARCHAR2,
201                         errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
203 END wma_move;