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Line 40: gmaheswa 22-Jun-06 Bug 5189180: in process_institution_address, if igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row returns return_status as 'W' then set erro code E022.

36: d) Error code 'E162' is replaced with 'E049'
37: c) FND_FILE.PUT_LINE method calls replaced with
38: logging mechanism using FND_LOG package
39: gmaheswa 27-Jan-2006 Bug:4938278 : process_institution_address: Raise Address Change event at after processing address data of all persons.
40: gmaheswa 22-Jun-06 Bug 5189180: in process_institution_address, if igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row returns return_status as 'W' then set erro code E022.
41: ***************************************************************/
43: PROCEDURE process_institution_notes(
44: p_interface_id IN igs_or_inst_nts_int.interface_id%TYPE,

Line 1511: asbala 12-nov-03 3227107: address changes - signature of igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row changed

1507: ENH Bug No : 1872994
1508: ENH Desc : Modelling and Forcasting DLD- Institutions Build
1509: Who When What
1510: pkpatel 15-MAR-2002 Bug no.2238946 :Added the parameter p_status in the call to igs_pe_party_site_use_pkg
1511: asbala 12-nov-03 3227107: address changes - signature of igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row changed
1512: ***************************************************************/
1513: AS
1514: l_addr_usage igs_or_adrusge_int.site_use_code%TYPE;
1515: l_existing_usage igs_or_adrusge_int.site_use_code%TYPE;

Line 1792: igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row

1788: OPEN c_adr_val(int_addr_rec.country);
1789: FETCH c_adr_val into c_adr_val_rec;
1791: IF c_adr_val%FOUND THEN
1792: igs_pe_person_addr_pkg.insert_row
1793: (
1794: p_action => 'R',
1795: p_rowid => l_addr_row_id,
1796: p_location_id => l_location_id,