5872: PROCEDURE default_rti_from_pll(
5873: rti IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE
5874: ) IS
5875: pll po_line_locations_all%ROWTYPE;
5876: x_quantity NUMBER;
5877: BEGIN
5878: IF (rti.po_line_location_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
5879: pll := rcv_table_functions.get_pll_row_from_id(rti.po_line_location_id);
5914: */
5916: select nvl(poll.price_override,pol.unit_price)
5917: into pll.price_override
5918: from po_line_locations_all poll,
5919: po_lines_all pol
5920: where poll.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
5921: and pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id;
5966: * for non-complex work POs.
5967: */
5968: select nvl(poll.description,pol.item_description)
5969: into pll.description
5970: from po_line_locations_all poll,
5971: po_lines_all pol
5972: where poll.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
5973: and pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id;