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Line 150: Ben_Plip_F Plip,

147: Cursor Dflt_grdldr is
148: Select Pgm.Pgm_Id
149: From Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
150: Ben_Plip_F Plip,
151: Ben_Pl_F Plan
152: where Pgm.Dflt_Pgm_Flag = 'Y'
153: and Pgm.Pgm_Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
154: and P_effective_date

Line 517: from ben_plip_f plip,ben_pl_f pl

513: and paa.primary_flag ='Y'
514: and Paa.Grade_ladder_Pgm_Id is null
515: and Paa.grade_id in
516: (select pl.mapping_table_pk_id
517: from ben_plip_f plip,ben_pl_f pl
518: where plip.pgm_id = p_grade_ladder_id
519: and plip.pl_id = pl.pl_id
520: and L_Effective_Date between
521: plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date

Line 742: Ben_Plip_f Plip

738: Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
740: from Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
741: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
742: Ben_Plip_f Plip
743: Where Pgm.Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
744: and P_Effective_Date
745: Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
746: and Pgm.Effective_End_Date

Line 927: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;

924: l_VOIDD_DT Date;
925: l_Step_Exists Varchar2(1) := 'N';
926: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
927: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;
928: L_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
929: L_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
930: L_Oipl_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
931: l_Pl_Typ_Id Ben_Pl_Typ_F.Pl_Typ_Id%TYPE;

Line 2257: Ben_PLip_F Plip,

2253: Asgt.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id, Asgt.Grade_Id, Asgt.Grade_Ladder_Pgm_Id
2254: From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Enrlmt,
2255: Ben_Per_in_ler PIL,
2256: Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
2257: Ben_PLip_F Plip,
2258: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
2259: Per_All_Assignments_F Asgt
2260: Where Enrlmt.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
2261: And Enrlmt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id

Line 2804: select plip_id from ben_plip_f

2800: and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
2801: and pl.pl_stat_cd = 'A';
2802: --
2803: Cursor csr_grade_plip(p_pl_id in number, p_pgm_id in number) is
2804: select plip_id from ben_plip_f
2805: where pl_id = p_pl_id
2806: and pgm_id = p_pgm_id
2807: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2808: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date

Line 2817: l_grade_plip ben_plip_f.plip_id%type := NULL;

2813: l_asg_grade per_all_assignments_f.grade_id%type := NULL;
2814: l_def_gl ben_pgm_f.pgm_id%type := NULL;
2815: l_dflt_step_cd ben_pgm_f.dflt_step_cd%type := NULL;
2816: l_grade_pl ben_pl_f.pl_id%type := NULL;
2817: l_grade_plip ben_plip_f.plip_id%type := NULL;
2818: --
2819: Begin
2820: --
2821: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering get_persons_gl_and_grade', 10);

Line 2948: Ben_Plip_f Plip

2944: Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
2946: from Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
2947: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
2948: Ben_Plip_f Plip
2949: Where Pgm.Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
2950: and P_Effective_Date
2951: Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
2952: and Pgm.Effective_End_Date

Line 3068: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;

3064: l_STRTD_DT DATE;
3065: l_VOIDD_DT Date;
3066: l_Step_Exists Varchar2(1) := 'N';
3067: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
3068: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;
3069: L_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
3070: L_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
3071: L_Oipl_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
3072: l_Pl_Typ_Id Ben_Pl_Typ_F.Pl_Typ_Id%TYPE;