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Line 189: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

185: CURSOR csr_rslt_dtl(c_person_id in number
186: ,c_ext_rslt_id in number
187: ,c_ext_dtl_rcd_id in number ) is
188: SELECT *
189: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
190: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
191: AND dtl.person_id = c_person_id
192: AND dtl.ext_rcd_id = c_ext_dtl_rcd_id;

Line 2504: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

2501: --Added by Gattu
2502: CURSOR csr_get_record_count(c_ext_rcd_id IN NUMBER) IS
2503: SELECT Count(dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id)
2504: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
2505: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
2506: AND dtl.ext_rcd_id NOT IN(c_ext_rcd_id);
2508: l_record_count Number := 0;

Line 2527: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl

2523: -- Loop through each detail record for the extract
2524: loop
2525: -- Delete all hidden detail records for the all persons
2526: delete
2527: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl
2528: where ext_rcd_id = csr_rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id
2529: and ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
2530: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
2531: end loop;

Line 2550: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

2546: ,p_benefit_action_id => l_ben_params.benefit_action_id
2547: ,p_flag_thread => 'Y');
2549: delete
2550: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
2551: where dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
2552: and dtl.person_id = err_rec.person_id
2553: and dtl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
2554: end loop;

Line 2585: UPDATE ben_ext_rslt_dtl set val_06 = LPAD(l_rc,8,'0')

2581: CLOSE csr_get_record_count;
2583: Hr_Utility.set_location('Header Record ID ' ||csr_header_rcd_id.ext_rcd_id, 5);
2584: l_rc :=l_record_count;
2585: UPDATE ben_ext_rslt_dtl set val_06 = LPAD(l_rc,8,'0')
2586: WHERE ext_rcd_id = csr_header_rcd_id.ext_rcd_id
2587: AND ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
2588: AND business_group_id= p_business_group_id;

Line 3751: ' from ben_ext_rslt_dtl

3748: begin
3749: Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 5);
3750: l_sel_stmt := 'select '||p_col_name ||
3751: ' from ben_ext_rslt_dtl
3752: where ext_rslt_id = :1
3753: and ext_rslt_dtl_id = :2
3754: and ext_rcd_id = :3
3755: and person_id = :4';

Line 3776: ,p_data_element_value in ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type

3772: -- =============================================================================
3773: procedure Update_Record_Values
3774: (p_ext_rcd_id in ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%type
3775: ,p_ext_data_element_name in ben_ext_data_elmt.name%type
3776: ,p_data_element_value in ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type
3777: ,p_data_ele_seqnum in number
3778: ,p_ext_dtl_rec in out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
3779: ) is
3780: cursor csr_seqnum (c_ext_rcd_id in ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%type

Line 3778: ,p_ext_dtl_rec in out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype

3774: (p_ext_rcd_id in ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%type
3775: ,p_ext_data_element_name in ben_ext_data_elmt.name%type
3776: ,p_data_element_value in ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type
3777: ,p_data_ele_seqnum in number
3778: ,p_ext_dtl_rec in out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
3779: ) is
3780: cursor csr_seqnum (c_ext_rcd_id in ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%type
3781: ,c_ext_data_element_name in ben_ext_data_elmt.name%type
3782: ) is

Line 3795: l_ext_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype;

3791: order by seq_num;
3793: l_seqnum_rec csr_seqnum%rowtype;
3794: l_proc_name varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'Update_Record_Values';
3795: l_ext_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype;
3796: begin
3797: Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc_name, 5);
3798: -- nocopy changes
3799: l_ext_dtl_rec_nc := p_ext_dtl_rec;

Line 4131: (p_rslt_rec in ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype

4127: -- =============================================================================
4128: -- Copy_Rec_Values :
4129: -- =============================================================================
4130: procedure Copy_Rec_Values
4131: (p_rslt_rec in ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
4132: ,p_val_tab in out NOCOPY ValTabTyp) is
4134: l_proc_name varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Copy_Rec_Values ';
4135: begin

Line 4654: (p_dtl_rec in out NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype

4650: -- =============================================================================
4651: -- ~ Ins_Rslt_Dtl : Inserts a record into the results detail record.
4652: -- =============================================================================
4653: procedure Ins_Rslt_Dtl
4654: (p_dtl_rec in out NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
4655: ,p_val_tab in ValTabTyp
4656: ,p_rslt_dtl_id out NOCOPY number
4657: ) is

Line 4660: l_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype;

4656: ,p_rslt_dtl_id out NOCOPY number
4657: ) is
4659: l_proc_name varchar2(150) := g_proc_name||'Ins_Rslt_Dtl';
4660: l_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype;
4662: begin -- ins_rslt_dtl
4663: Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc_name, 5);
4664: -- nocopy changes

Line 4667: select ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.nextval into p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id from dual;

4663: Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc_name, 5);
4664: -- nocopy changes
4665: l_dtl_rec_nc := p_dtl_rec;
4666: -- Get the next sequence NUMBER to insert a record into the table
4667: select ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.nextval into p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id from dual;
4668: insert into ben_ext_rslt_dtl
4669: (ext_rslt_dtl_id
4670: ,ext_rslt_id
4671: ,business_group_id

Line 4668: insert into ben_ext_rslt_dtl

4664: -- nocopy changes
4665: l_dtl_rec_nc := p_dtl_rec;
4666: -- Get the next sequence NUMBER to insert a record into the table
4667: select ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.nextval into p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id from dual;
4668: insert into ben_ext_rslt_dtl
4669: (ext_rslt_dtl_id
4670: ,ext_rslt_id
4671: ,business_group_id
4672: ,ext_rcd_id

Line 5025: (p_dtl_rec in ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype

5021: -- =============================================================================
5022: -- ~Upd_Rslt_Dtl : Updates the primary assignment record in results detail table
5023: -- =============================================================================
5024: procedure Upd_Rslt_Dtl
5025: (p_dtl_rec in ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
5026: ,p_val_tab in ValTabTyp ) is
5028: l_proc_name varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'upd_rslt_dtl';

Line 5031: update ben_ext_rslt_dtl

5028: l_proc_name varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'upd_rslt_dtl';
5030: begin -- Upd_Rslt_Dtl
5031: update ben_ext_rslt_dtl
5032: set val_01 = p_val_tab(1)
5033: ,val_02 = p_val_tab(2)
5034: ,val_03 = p_val_tab(3)
5035: ,val_04 = p_val_tab(4)

Line 5200: ,p_rslt_rec in out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype

5196: (p_assignment_id in number
5197: ,p_organization_id in number
5198: ,p_effective_date in date
5199: ,p_ext_rcd_id in number
5200: ,p_rslt_rec in out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%rowtype
5201: ,p_total_lines in out nocopy number
5202: ,p_error_code out nocopy varchar2
5203: ,p_error_message out nocopy varchar2) is

Line 5255: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;

5251: l_ben_params csr_ben%rowtype;
5252: l_proc_name varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Process_Ext_Rslt_Dtl_Rec';
5253: l_foumula_type_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type;
5254: l_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
5255: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;
5256: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;
5257: l_max_len number;
5258: l_rqd_elmt_is_present varchar2(2) := 'Y';
5259: l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;

Line 5256: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;

5252: l_proc_name varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Process_Ext_Rslt_Dtl_Rec';
5253: l_foumula_type_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type;
5254: l_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
5255: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;
5256: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%type;
5257: l_max_len number;
5258: l_rqd_elmt_is_present varchar2(2) := 'Y';
5259: l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
5260: --

Line 5455: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

5451: Hr_Utility.set_location('l_processed_rpa_id : '||l_processed_rpa_id, 9);
5453: if l_no_per_rpas = 0 then
5454: Hr_Utility.set_location('l_processed_rpa_id : '||l_processed_rpa_id, 9);
5455: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
5456: where dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_rslt_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id;
5458: elsif l_no_per_rpas > 1 then

Line 5534: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

5530: end if;
5531: --
5532: if l_no_add_rpas = 0 then
5534: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
5535: where dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_rslt_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id;
5537: end if;

Line 5585: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

5581: Hr_Utility.set_location(' l_processed_awd_id : '||l_processed_awd_id, 9);
5582: if l_no_per_awds = 0 then
5583: Hr_Utility.set_location(' l_processed_awd_id : '||l_processed_awd_id, 9);
5585: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
5586: where dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_rslt_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id;
5588: elsif l_no_per_awds > 1 then

Line 5682: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

5678: END IF;
5680: if (l_no_per_rpas = 0 AND l_no_awd_rpas= 0) or l_no_rpa_rems = 0 then
5681: Hr_Utility.set_location('l_processed_rpa_id : '||l_processed_rpa_id, 9);
5682: delete from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
5683: where dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_rslt_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id;
5684: elsif l_no_per_rpas >= 1 then
5685: l_total_lines := 1;
5686: i := p_assignment_id;

Line 5947: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

5943: (c_hide_flag => 'Y'
5944: ,c_rcd_type_cd => 'D')
5945: loop
5946: delete
5947: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
5948: where dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
5949: and dtl.ext_rcd_id = rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id
5950: and dtl.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
5951: end loop;