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1 PACKAGE Hr_General2 AS
2 /* $Header: hrgenrl2.pkh 120.4.12010000.2 2008/08/06 06:29:41 ubhat ship $ */
3 /*
4 +==========================================================================+
5 |                       Copyright (c) 1994 Oracle Corporation              |
6 |                          Redwood Shores, California, USA                 |
7 |                               All rights reserved.                       |
8 +==========================================================================+
9 Name
10         General2 HR Utilities
11 Purpose
12         To provide widely used functions in a single shared area
13         Other general purpose routines can be found in hr_utility and
14         hr_chkfmt.
16         See the package body for details of the functions.
18 Change History
19 stlocke  08-FEB-2001 115.00	Created.
20 ekim     20-JUN-2001 115.1      Added mask_characters function.
21 asahay   23-JUL-2001 115.2      Added is_person_type function.
22 wstallar 28-SEP-2001 115.3      Added functions to support duplicate
23                                 person checking.
24 wstallar 28-SEP-2001 115.4      Added funtion to derive full name
25                                 for display in duplicate person LoV
26 acowan   27-FEB-2002 115.6      Added functions to return
27                                 assignments status usages
28 dcasemor 19-MAR-2002 115.8      Added chk_utf8_col_length.
29 dcasemo  15-APR-2002 115.9      Removed chk_utf8_col_length.  This
30                                 now resides in a separate package
31                                 (hr_utf8_triggers).
32 acowan   16-MAY-2002 115.10     Added validate_upload procedure
33                                 for data checking entity uploads
34 skota    20-AUG-2002 115.11     GSCC changes
35 pkakar   15-OCT-2002 115.13     Added is_bg function for checking
36  				the business_group_id is valid for
37 				a specific legislation_code
38 				(same as 115.12)
39 pkakar	 16-OCT-2002 115.15     Added is_legislation_install for
40  				checking to see if a certain
41 				legislation has been installed
42 				(same as 115.14)
43 prsundar  28-NOV-2002 115.16    Added overloaded procedure for
44        				fnd_initload
45 gperry    10-DEC-2002 115.17    Added nocopy compiler directives.
46 dharris   06-Jan-2003 115.18    Added the PUBLIC
47                                 function get_oracle_db_version
48 pattwood  17-JAN-2003 115.19    Bug 2651140. Added set_ovn procedure
49                                 for populating the
50                                 object_version_number column value
51                                 when this column has been added to
52                                 an existing table. Code originally
53                                 located in hrsetovn.sql
54 fsheikh  30-JAN-2003 115.20     Bug 2706637. Added 3 JP legislation
55                                 specific parameter to retieve full
56                                 name as per JP format.
57 divicker 07-APR-2003 115.21     Default 3 JP leg parameters above to
58                                 make file back compatible for forms
59 divicker 07-APR-2003 115.22     Change from default to overload.
60                                 Forms compile but error at runtime
61 ASahay   09-SEP-2003 115.23     Added function is_location_legal_adr
62 sgudiwad 25-SEP-2003 115.24 3136986 Added function decode_vendor
63 njaladi  30-dec-2003 115.25 3257115  Added overloaded function for
64                                is_duplicate_person for jp legislation
65 dcasemor 01-Mar-2004 115.26     Bug 3346940.
66                                 Added supervisor_assignments_in_use.
67 sgelvi   31-May-2006 115.27     Added hrms_efc_column function
68 risgupta 27-NOV-2006 115.30     Added two overloaded function for is_duplicate_person
69                                 and also defined a global PL/SQL table to hold
70                                 duplicate records for the fix of enh duplicate person
71                                 #3988762
73 ktithy   17-APR-2008 115.31   6961892  Added new procedure
74                                        SERVER_SIDE_PROFILE_PUT
75 				       which assigns a value to a profile
76 				       at Server Side.
77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 */
80 PROCEDURE init_fndload (p_resp_appl_id IN NUMBER);
82 PROCEDURE init_fndload(p_resp_appl_id IN NUMBER
83 		      ,p_user_id      IN NUMBER);
85 FUNCTION mask_characters(p_number IN VARCHAR2)
88 FUNCTION is_person_type(p_person_id 	IN NUMBER,
89 		  p_person_type		IN VARCHAR2,
90 		  p_effective_date 	IN DATE)
92 --
93 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- |---------------< is_duplicate_person( Legislation Specific>--------------|
95 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 -- {Start Of Comments}
97 --
98 -- Description:
99 --  This function checks for the person with same name or national identifier
100 --  exists in the system or not. if so then it returns true else false.
101 --
102 --
103 -- In Parameters:
104 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
105 --   p_first_name                   Y    varchar2  First name of the person
106 --   p_last_name                    Y    varchar2  Last name of the person
107 --   p_national_identifier          Y    varchar2  National identifier of the
108 --                                                 person
109 --   p_date_of birth                Y    Date      Date of birth of the person.
110 --   p_leg_code                     Y    Varchar2  Legislation code of the
111 --                                                 Business group to which
112 --                                                 Person being created.
113 --   p_last_name_phonetic           Y    varchar2  Phonetic Last name of the
114 --                                                 person used for JP
115 --                                                 legislation.
116 --   p_first_name_phonetic           Y    varchar2 Phonetic first name of the
117 --                                                 person used for JP
118 --                                                 legislation.
119 --
120 --
121 -- Access Status:
122 --   Internal Development Use Only.
123 --
124 -- {End Of Comments}
125 --
126 -- Added for the fix of #3257115
127 FUNCTION is_duplicate_person(p_first_name IN VARCHAR2
128                             ,p_last_name IN VARCHAR2
129                             ,p_national_identifier IN VARCHAR2
130                             ,p_date_of_birth IN DATE
131                             ,p_leg_code IN VARCHAR2
132                             ,p_first_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2
133                             ,p_last_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2)
135 -- Added for the fix of #3257115
136 FUNCTION is_duplicate_person(p_first_name IN VARCHAR2
137                             ,p_last_name IN VARCHAR2
138                             ,p_national_identifier IN VARCHAR2
139                             ,p_date_of_birth IN DATE)
142 -- START added for the fix of enh duplicate person #3988762
144 type party_id_rec is record
145    (
146      r_party_id      per_all_people_f.party_id%type
147     ,r_person_id     per_all_people_f.person_id%type
148     ,r_sec_status    varchar2(200)
149     ,r_global_name   per_all_people_f.global_name%type
150     ,r_BG_name       hr_all_organization_units.name%type
151     ,r_location_code hr_locations_all.location_code%type
152     ,r_org_name      hr_all_organization_units.name%type
153     ,r_postal_code   per_addresses.postal_code%type
154     ,r_national_identifier per_all_people_f.national_identifier%type
155     ,r_bg_id         per_all_people_f.business_group_id%type
156    );
158 type party_id_tbl is table of party_id_rec
159 index by binary_integer;
161 FUNCTION is_duplicate_person(p_first_name IN VARCHAR2
162                             ,p_last_name IN VARCHAR2
163                             ,p_national_identifier IN VARCHAR2
164                             ,p_date_of_birth IN DATE
165                             ,p_global_name IN VARCHAR2
166                             ,p_dup_tbl OUT nocopy hr_general2.party_id_tbl)
169 PROCEDURE is_duplicate_person(
170                              p_business_group_id in per_all_people_f.business_group_id%TYPE
171                             ,p_first_name IN VARCHAR2
172                             ,p_last_name IN VARCHAR2
173                             ,p_national_identifier IN VARCHAR2
174                             ,p_date_of_birth IN DATE
175                             ,p_per_information1 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
176                             ,p_per_information2 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
177                             ,p_per_information3 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
178                             ,p_per_information4 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
179                             ,p_per_information5 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
180                             ,p_per_information6 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
181                             ,p_per_information7 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
182                             ,p_per_information8 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
183                             ,p_per_information9 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
184                             ,p_per_information10 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
185                             ,p_per_information11 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
186                             ,p_per_information12 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
187                             ,p_per_information13 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
188                             ,p_per_information14 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
189                             ,p_per_information15 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
190                             ,p_per_information16 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
191                             ,p_per_information17 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
192                             ,p_per_information18 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
193                             ,p_per_information19 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
194                             ,p_per_information20 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
195                             ,p_per_information21 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
196                             ,p_per_information22 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
197                             ,p_per_information23 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
198                             ,p_per_information24 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
199                             ,p_per_information25 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
200                             ,p_per_information26 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
201                             ,p_per_information27 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
202                             ,p_per_information28 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
203                             ,p_per_information29 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
204                             ,p_per_information30 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
205                             ,p_duplicate_exists out nocopy integer
206                             ,p_dup_clob OUT nocopy CLOB
207                             );
209 -- END added for the fix of enh duplicate person #3988762
211 FUNCTION get_dup_external_name
214 FUNCTION get_dup_no_match
217 FUNCTION get_dup_no_security_char
220 FUNCTION get_dup_security_status(p_party_id IN NUMBER
221                                 ,p_business_group_id IN NUMBER)
224 FUNCTION get_dup_full_name(p_title IN VARCHAR2
225                           ,p_first_name in VARCHAR2
226                           ,p_middle_name in VARCHAR2
227                           ,p_last_name  in VARCHAR2
228                           ,p_suffix in VARCHAR2)
231 FUNCTION get_dup_full_name(p_title IN VARCHAR2
232                           ,p_first_name in VARCHAR2
233                           ,p_middle_name in VARCHAR2
234                           ,p_last_name  in VARCHAR2
235                           ,p_suffix in VARCHAR2
236                           ,p_leg_code in varchar2
237                           ,p_jp_fname varchar2
238                           ,p_jp_lname varchar2)
241 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 -- |-------------------------< show_status_type >---------------------------|
243 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 -- using the four flags.
245 -- this procedure is called from (but not limited to)
246 -- Assignments folder form
249 function show_status_type(p_status IN Varchar2
250                      ,p_show_emp_flag in varchar2
251                      ,p_show_apl_flag in varchar2
252                      ,p_show_cwk_flag in varchar2
253                      ,p_show_current_flag in varchar2)
254 RETURN Boolean;
256 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 -- |-------------------< return_status_assignment_type >--------------------|
258 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 --
260 --
261 -- This procedure returns various flags describing the valid usage of
262 -- a given assignment status type
263 -- e.g. TERM_ASSIGN refers to a non current employee assignment
264 -- so p_past_flag will be 'Y' and p_emp_flag will be 'Y'
266 procedure return_status_assignment_type
267                               (p_status   in varchar2
268                               ,p_Current_flag out nocopy varchar2
269                               ,p_past_flag out nocopy varchar2
270                               ,p_cwk_flag out nocopy varchar2
271                               ,p_emp_flag out nocopy varchar2
272                               ,p_apl_flag out nocopy varchar2);
274 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 -- |-----------------------< return_status_types >--------------------------|
276 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 --
278 -- This function returns a list in the format ('ITEM1','ITEM2')
279 -- for use in the record group of assignment folder forms.
280 -- The items returned are those items from per_assignment_status_types
281 -- which  show_status_type would return true for.
283 function return_status_types(p_show_emp_flag in varchar2
284                      ,p_show_apl_flag in varchar2
285                      ,p_show_cwk_flag in varchar2
286                      ,p_show_current_flag in varchar2)
287 return varchar2;
289 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 -- |----------------< return_assignment_type_text >-------------------------|
291 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 --
293 -- This function returns the applicable assignment types for a given status
295 function return_assignment_type_text(p_status in varchar2)
296 return varchar2;
297 --
298 --
299 function validate_upload (
300 p_Upload_mode           in varchar2,
301 p_Table_name            in varchar2,
302 p_new_row_updated_by    in varchar2,
303 p_new_row_update_date  in date,
304 p_Table_key_name        in varchar2,
305 p_table_key_value       in varchar2)
306 return boolean;
308 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 -- |----------------------< IS_BG FUNCTION >--------------------------------|
310 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 --
312 --
313 -- This function checks to see if the business_group_id given is a valid id
314 -- for the legislation code. If it is valid, then true is returned
317 FUNCTION is_bg(
318 p_business_group_id in number,
319 p_legislation_code in varchar2)
320 return boolean;
322 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 -- |---------------< IS_LEGISLATION_INTSALL FUNCTION >----------------------|
324 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 --
327 -- This function checks to see if the legislation_code given has been
328 -- installed on the application
329 --
331 FUNCTION is_legislation_install(
332 p_application_short_name in varchar2,
333 p_legislation_code in varchar2)
334 return boolean;
336 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 -- |-------------------< get_oracle_db_version >----------------------------|
338 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 -- This function returns the current (major) ORACLE version number in the
340 -- format x.x (where x is a number).
341 FUNCTION get_oracle_db_version RETURN NUMBER;
342 --
343 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 -- |---------------------------------< set_ovn >----------------------------|
345 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 -- {Start Of Comments}
347 --
348 -- Description:
349 --   When a non-mandatory OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER column is added to an
350 --   existing table this procedure should be called to populate the column
351 --   value for existing rows.
352 --
353 --   It is not necessary to call this procedure when the
354 --   OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER column has been included in a new table.
355 --
356 -- Prerequisites:
357 --   A non-mandatory OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER column, NUMBER datatype has been
358 --   added to a HRMS product table which could already contain data.
359 --
360 -- In Parameters:
361 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
362 --   p_account_owner                Y    varchar2 Name of the database
363 --                                                account which owns the
364 --                                                database table.
365 --   p_table_name                   Y    varchar2 'ALL' or the name of
366 --                                                one database table in
367 --                                                the owning account.
368 --
369 -- Post Success:
370 --   Where the OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER column is null then an initial value
371 --   will be populated.
372 --
373 -- Post Failure:
374 --   An Application or RDBMS error will be raised. If the table has an
375 --   _OVN database trigger this may be left in a disabled state.
376 --
377 -- Access Status:
378 --   Internal Development Use Only.
379 --
380 -- {End Of Comments}
381 --
382 procedure set_ovn
383   (p_account_owner                 in     varchar2
384   ,p_table_name                    in     varchar2
385   );
387 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 -- |---------------< IS_LOCATION_LEGAL_ADR FUNCTION >----------------------|
389 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 --
392 -- This function checks to see if the location is a legal address
393 --
394 function is_location_legal_adr(p_location_id  in NUMBER)
395 return BOOLEAN;
397 -- newly added vendor_id attribute decode function and fix for Bug#3136986
398 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
399 function DECODE_VENDOR ( p_vendor_id   number) return varchar2 ;
401 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 -- |---------------< SUPERVISOR_ASSIGNMENTS_IN_USE >------------------------|
403 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 --
406 -- This function determines whether the current setup uses
407 -- supervisor assignments.
408 --
409 function supervisor_assignments_in_use
410 return VARCHAR2;
411 --
412 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 -- |---------------< HRMS_EFC_COLUMN >------------------------|
414 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
415 --
416 -- This function determines whether the column sent as parameter
417 -- is a candidate for EFC
418 --
419 function hrms_efc_column(p_table_name in VARCHAR2, p_column_name in VARCHAR2)
420 return VARCHAR2;
421 --
424 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 -- |----------------------< SERVER_SIDE_PROFILE_PUT >-----------------------|
426 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 -- {Start Of Comments}
428 --
429 -- Description:
430 --   This procedure is used to assign a value to a profile at Server Side.
431 --
432 -- In Parameters:
433 --   Name                Reqd Type     Description
434 --   NAME                Y    varchar2 Profile Name
435 --                                     which needs to be assigned a value.
436 --
437 --   VAL                 Y    varchar2 Value for the Profile.
438 --
439 -- {End Of Comments}
440 --
442 procedure SERVER_SIDE_PROFILE_PUT(NAME in varchar2, VAL in varchar2);
445 END     Hr_General2;