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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  PROCEDURE update_scl_from_ddf
    (errbuf                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    ,retcode                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    ,p_business_group_id IN NUMBER) IS

  l_acco_provided             VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 42

  l_ov_update                 NUMBER;
Line: 62

  SELECT org_information2 def_emp
                ,NVL(org_information3,'N') mig_indicator
  FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
  WHERE  hoi.organization_id = p_business_group_id
  AND    hoi.org_information_context = 'AE_BG_DETAILS';
Line: 72

  SELECT business_group_id
  FROM   per_business_groups
  WHERE  legislation_code = 'AE';
Line: 79

  SELECT person_id
         ,per_information14 acco_provided
         ,per_information15 trans_provided
  FROM   per_all_people_f ppf
         ,per_person_types ppt
  WHERE  ppf.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
  AND    ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
  AND    ppt.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
  AND    ppt.system_person_type LIKE 'EMP%'
  ORDER BY person_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date;
Line: 93

  /*Cursor for fetching the data for assignments of each employee selected by the above cursor.
 This cursor will be used for selecting the asignments for updating the scl segments. */
  CURSOR csr_get_assignment_det (p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_person_id NUMBER) IS
  SELECT assignment_id
         ,0 indicator
  FROM   per_all_assignments_f paa
         ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
  AND    hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id(+) = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  AND    ((paa.effective_start_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date ))
  SELECT assignment_id
         ,1 indicator
  FROM   per_all_assignments_f paa
         ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
  AND    hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id(+) = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  AND     ((paa.effective_start_date < p_start_date AND paa.effective_end_date >= p_end_date))
  ORDER BY effective_start_date;
Line: 185

        /*All assignments are updated with the details of the current person before the next person is fetched*/
        IF tab_rec_person.COUNT > 0 THEN
          j := tab_rec_person.COUNT;
Line: 191

            l_ov_update := 0;
Line: 209

              /*If the start date matches, update the asignment in 'CORRECTION' mode*/
              IF rec_get_assignment_det.effective_start_date = tab_rec_person(k-1).effective_start_date THEN
                l_datetrack_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 215

                /*If start date do not match, check if any assignment has already been updated for the person within the same period
                 If there has been an UPDATe, then the next record should be updated in 'COREECTION mode*/
                IF l_ov_update = 1 THEN
                  l_datetrack_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 222

                  /* If there exists future rows in assignment that are date tracked, UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT mode should be used*/
                  IF (rec_get_assignment_det.effective_end_date < TO_DATE('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
                     OR rec_get_assignment_det.effective_start_date > tab_rec_person(k-1).effective_start_date) THEN
                    l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 228

                    l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 241

                (p_validate                 => FALSE
                ,p_effective_date           => l_eff_date --tab_rec_person(k-1).effective_start_date
                ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => l_datetrack_mode
                ,p_assignment_id            => l_assignment_id
                ,p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
                ,p_title => 'AE_STATUTORY_INFO' --l_title
                ,p_segment1   => l_segment1
                ,p_segment2  => l_segment2
                ,p_segment3   => l_segment3
                ,p_segment4  => l_segment4
                ,p_segment5  => l_segment5
                ,p_segment7   => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information14 --l_acco_provided
                ,p_segment8  => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information15 --l_trans_provided
                ,p_comment_id               => l_comment_id
                ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id   => l_soft_key_flex_id
                ,p_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date
                ,p_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date
                ,p_concatenated_segments    => l_concatenated_segments
                ,p_no_managers_warning      => l_no_manager_warning
                ,p_other_manager_warning    => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 265

              /*If a record was updated with UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT mode, the next
              assignments within the same person ddf periods should be updated in CORRECTION mode*/
                IF l_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' THEN
                  l_comment_id := NULL;
Line: 277

                    (p_validate                 => FALSE
                    ,p_effective_date           => rec_get_assignment_det.effective_start_date
                    ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
                    ,p_assignment_id            => l_assignment_id
                    ,p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
                    ,p_title => 'AE_STATUTORY_INFO' --l_title
                    ,p_segment1   => l_segment1
                    ,p_segment2  => l_segment2
                    ,p_segment3   => l_segment3
                    ,p_segment4  => l_segment4
                    ,p_segment5  => l_segment5
                    ,p_segment7   => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information14 --l_acco_provided
                    ,p_segment8  => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information15 --l_trans_provided
                    ,p_comment_id               => l_comment_id
                    ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id   => l_soft_key_flex_id
                    ,p_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date
                    ,p_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date
                    ,p_concatenated_segments    => l_concatenated_segments
                    ,p_no_managers_warning      => l_no_manager_warning
                    ,p_other_manager_warning    => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 303

              l_ov_update := 1;
Line: 313

        /*Once the assignments of the previous person have been updated continue with the next person*/
        l_same_person := 0;
Line: 317

Line: 334

        l_ov_update := 0;
Line: 357

            IF l_ov_update = 1 THEN
              l_datetrack_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 364

                l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 367

                l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 380

            (p_validate                 => FALSE
            ,p_effective_date           => l_eff_date --tab_rec_person(k-1).effective_start_date
            ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => l_datetrack_mode
            ,p_assignment_id            => l_assignment_id
            ,p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
            ,p_title => 'AE_STATUTORY_INFO' --l_title
            ,p_segment1   => l_segment1
            ,p_segment2  => l_segment2
            ,p_segment3   => l_segment3
            ,p_segment4  => l_segment4
            ,p_segment5  => l_segment5
            ,p_segment7   => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information14 --l_acco_provided
            ,p_segment8  => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information15 --l_trans_provided
            ,p_comment_id               => l_comment_id
            ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id   => l_soft_key_flex_id
            ,p_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date
            ,p_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date
            ,p_concatenated_segments    => l_concatenated_segments
            ,p_no_managers_warning      => l_no_manager_warning
            ,p_other_manager_warning    => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 405

            IF l_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' THEN
              l_comment_id := NULL;
Line: 415

                (p_validate                 => FALSE
                ,p_effective_date           => rec_get_assignment_det.effective_start_date
                ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
                ,p_assignment_id            => l_assignment_id
                ,p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
                ,p_title => 'AE_STATUTORY_INFO' --l_title
                ,p_segment1   => l_segment1
                ,p_segment2  => l_segment2
                ,p_segment3   => l_segment3
                ,p_segment4  => l_segment4
                ,p_segment5  => l_segment5
                ,p_segment7   => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information14 --l_acco_provided
                ,p_segment8  => tab_rec_person(k-1).per_information15 --l_trans_provided
                ,p_comment_id               => l_comment_id
                ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id   => l_soft_key_flex_id
                ,p_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date
                ,p_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date
                ,p_concatenated_segments    => l_concatenated_segments
                ,p_no_managers_warning      => l_no_manager_warning
                ,p_other_manager_warning    => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 440

          l_ov_update := 1;
Line: 451

    /*Update the org_information to indicate the migration is complete*/
    UPDATE hr_organization_information
    SET    org_information3 = 'Y'
    WHERE  organization_id = p_business_group_id
    AND    org_information_context = 'AE_BG_DETAILS';
Line: 458

  END update_scl_from_ddf;