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2 /* $Header: gmfmesgs.pls 115.1 2002/11/11 00:40:19 rseshadr ship $ */
3     /*
4 	* This is used for the Form 2 of the procedures
5 	*/
6 	type SubstituteTabTyp is table of varchar2(64)
7 			index by binary_integer;
8 	/* Constants used by this package */
9 	C_GETMSG_SUCCESS		constant number :=      0;
10 	C_SY_OPCODENOTFOUND		constant number :=      1;
11 	C_SY_LANGCODE			constant number :=      2;
12 	C_MSG_NOT_FOUND			constant number :=    100;
13 	C_GETMSG_NO_OPCODE		constant number := -20000;
14 	C_DEFAULT_LANG			constant varchar2(4) := 'US';
15 	SY_OPCODENOTFOUND		constant varchar2(32) := 'SY_OPCODENOTFOUND';
16 	SY_LANGCODE				constant varchar2(32) := 'SY_LANGCODE';
17 	/**********************************************************************
18 	* Procedures:	get_msg_from_code
19 	* Purpose:		Retrieve message_id and message_text from sy_mesg_table
20 	*				for a given message_code and op_code.  The op_code is
21 	*				used to determine the current session's lang_code.
22 	* Form 1:	Call declaration for NO substitution vars.
23 	**********************************************************************/
24 	procedure get_msg_from_code
25 		(po_message_id    out NOCOPY number,
26 		 pi_message_code  in  varchar2,
27 		 po_message_text  out NOCOPY varchar2,
28 		 pi_op_code       in  varchar2,
29 		 po_error_status  out NOCOPY number);
30 	/**********************************************************************
31 	* Form 2:	Overload the proc with pi_svar array for substitution vars.
32 	**********************************************************************/
33 	 procedure get_msg_from_code
34 	  (po_message_id    out NOCOPY number,
35 	   pi_message_code  in  varchar2,
36 	   po_message_text  out NOCOPY varchar2,
37 	   pi_op_code       in  varchar2,
38 	   pi_svar          in  SubstituteTabTyp,
39 	   po_error_status  out NOCOPY number);
40 end;